15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of sexual functional status and consistency of scales in patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism before and after testosterone replacement therapy: a single-center experience

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    ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to investigate the frequency of sexual dysfunction and the effect of short-term testosterone replacement therapy on sexual functions in congenital hypogonadism patients. Furthermore, we sought to reveal the consistency of the self-report scales used for the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction and the relationship between biochemical parameters. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 47 young male patients aged above 18 years who were diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Short (IIEF-5) and long (IIEF-15) forms of the International Index of Erectile Function and Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX) were applied before treatment under the supervision of a physician. The patients’ blood pressure, height, and weight were measured, and their luteinizing hormone (LH), FSH, and total testosterone levels were recorded. Patients who started their treatments were called for a follow-up checkup after 6 months. Their blood pressure, height, and weight were measured by reapplying the ASEX, IIEF-5, and IIEF-15. In addition, their LH, FSH, and total testosterone levels in the biochemical tests were rerecorded. Results: In this study, the sexual dysfunction status of patients diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism before and after treatment was evaluated using the ASEX, IIEF-15, and IIEF-5 scales. A decrease in sexual dysfunction was observed in all three scales after treatment compared with that before treatment. The IIEF-5 and IIEF-15 scales were found to be uncorrelated in terms of the pretreatment values but were correlated in terms of the post-treatment values. Although a correlation was observed between ASEX and IIEF-5 before treatment, no correlation was detected between ASEX and IIEF-15. After the treatment, ASEX was found to be correlated with both IIEF-5 and IIEF-15. The results of the scales indicated the correlation in all categories, except the pretreatment results of the IIEF-15 scale. Conclusion: The results of the current study demonstrated a significant improvement in the sexual function of hypogonadism patients undergoing short-term testosterone therapy. The ASEX, IIEF-5, and IIEF-15 scales used in the diagnosis and follow-up of sexual dysfunction were useful for evaluating sexual functions in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism patients

    Wpływ testosteronowej terapii zastępczej na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 w hipogonadyzmie wrodzonym

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    Introduction: Patients with hypogonadism are at increased risk of cardiac and metabolic diseases and osteoporosis. Vitamin D and Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) play role in the regulation of bone mineral metabolism and endothelial functions. Low vitamin D levels are reported in hypogonadism, while there is no data about the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). We investigated the effect of TRT on vitamin D and FGF-23 levels along with endothelial functions and insulin resistance in hypogonadal patients. Material and methods: Patients with congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (CHH) (n=32, age 20.6 ±1.58 years) were enrolled. TRT was implemented in transdermal form. The demographic parameters, FGF-23, 25(OH)D3, Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels were measured both before and after TRT. Results: After a follow-up period of 3.63±1.33 months, ADMA and FGF-23 levels were significantly increased (p=0.03 and p=0.005 respectively), while the 25(OH)D3 and HOMA-IR index were not significantly changed. The body mass index and waist circumference levels of the patients were also increased (p<0.001 and p=0.02) along with a significant decrease in the HDL cholesterol levels (p=0.006). Conclusions: The results show that a short term TRT increases plasma FGF-23 and ADMA levels, in young, treatment naive patients with CHH. Whether this is an early implication of TRT related adverse effects in this very young and treatment naïve population of CHH is not clear. Future prospective studies are required to find out the long-term effects of TRT on cardio-metabolic morbidity and mortality in this specific population.  Wstęp: U chorych z hipogonadyzmem występuje zwiększone ryzyko chorób sercowych I metabolicznych oraz osteoporozy. Witamina D i czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów-23 (FGF-23) uczestniczą w regulacji metabolizmu kostnego i czynności śródbłonka. Istnieją doniesienia na temat niskiego stężenia witaminy D w hipogonadyzmie, natomiast brakuje danych dotyczących wpływu testosteronowej terapii zastępczej (TRT) na to stężenie. Autorzy zbadali wpływ TRT na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 oraz na czynność śródbłonka i poziom insulinooporności u chorych z hipogonadyzmem. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono chorych z wrodzonym hipogonadyzmem hipogonadotropowym (CHH) (n = 32, wiek 20,6 ± 1,58 roku). Chorzy otrzymywali TRT w postaci przezskórnej. Przez rozpoczęciem leczenia i po jego zakończeniu u chorych zebrano dane demograficzne, zmierzono stężenia FGF-23, 25(OH)D3 i asymetryczej dimetyloargininy (ADMA) oraz określono wskaźnik insulinooporności HOMA-IR. Wyniki: Po okresie obserwacji trwającym 3,63 ± 1,33 miesiąca stwierdzono istotne zwiększenie stężeń ADMA i FGF-23 (odpowiednio p = 0,03 i p = 0,005), natomiast stężenie 25(OH)D3 i wskaźnik HOMA-IR nie zmieniły się istotnie. Ponadto zaobserwowano u chorych zwiększenie wskaźnika masy ciała i obwodu pasa (p < 0,001 I p = 0,02) oraz istotne zmniejszenie stężenia cholesterol frakcji HDL (p = 0,006). Wnioski: Wyniki badania pokazują, że krótkotrwałe stosowanie TRT u młodych chorych z CHH, uprzednio nieleczonych, powoduje zwiększenie osoczowego stężenia FGF-23 i ADMA, lecz nie wpływa na stężenie witaminy D. Nie jest jasne, czy jest to wczesny efekt działań niepożądanych TRT w tej grupie bardzo młodych pacjentów z CHH. Konieczne są dalsze prospektywne badania w celu ustalenia długookresowego wpływu TRT na chorobowość i śmiertelność w związku z chorobami sercowymi i metabolicznymi w tej szczególnej populacji

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    The suitability of disabled friendly holiday accommodation in Turkey: The case of Kastamonu hotels

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the extent to which the hotels under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the center of the Turkish city Kastamonu are fit for the accommodation of the disabled. The author investigated six accommodation facilities located in the center of Kastamonu by utilizing various tools for data collection, including the Survey Method, face-to-face interviews with business managers, and the Drop-off and Pick-up (DOPU) method. Descriptive statistics were utilized to analyze the data. The results indicated that accommodation in these places is far from satisfying the special requirements for the disabled. This study contributes to the literature on barrier-free tourism by providing an original and comprehensive review of the theories, methods, discussion points, and implications of research in this field