141 research outputs found

    Predictability of financial crises by KLR method: Turkey case (Period of 1990:01-2018:09)

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    Abstract. As a result of global integration and financial liberalization, financial crises have been experienced quite frequently in the world since the 1980s. The effects of the financial crises in the international arena are severe and rapidly spreading. For this reason, in the studies on the crisis, various methods for early warning models have been developed on the prediction of crises. The aim of this study was to estimate the financial crisis for Turkey case by "KLR Signal Approach" that was developed by Kaminsky and Reinhart Lizondo in 1998. In this study, 7 macroeconomic variables belong to the period of 1990:01 and 2018:9 were examined. The difference of this study from other studies is that a new crisis variable has been created. It was found at the end of the study that the selected variables were successful in catching the crisis signal.Keywords. Financial crisis, Signal approach, KLR signal approach, Early warning methods.JEL. G01, C10, C29, F30

    Ordu Bölgesi’nde Kullanılan İskorpit Ağlarının Ekosisteme Etkileri

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    In this study, the effect of trammel nets used for the scorpion-fish in the Black Sea Region on the other species is investigated. These nets are used on the rocky bottoms which are very important for the ecosystem. This study was carried in 2014 on the coasts of Ordu. In this research, commercial bottom trammel nets having a length of 50m with 44mm,50mm, 56mm and 60mm mesh sizes were used. A monthly sampling routine was performed. During this research a total of 22 species were caught by the scorpionfish nets. 43.38 % of the total catch by these nets is the target species (scorpionfish), 32.56 % are crab species, 18.79 %are other fishes and 5.28 % are Mollusca species. Crab species constitute a considerable amount of species having no economic importance. Within the period of scorpion-fish season (May-August), thedistribution of the total catch by nets is formed as; 48.63 % are crab species and 51.37 % are other species including the target one (scorpion-fish). As a result, it is shown that the by catch percentage ofscorpion-fish nets is considerably high and the commercial scorpion-fish nets has a negative impact on the crab populations.Keywords: Scorpion-fish nets, Decapods, Black SeaBu çalışmada, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde kıyı balıkçılığında iskorpit avcılığında kullanılan fanyalı uzatma ağlarının diğer türlere etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu ağlar ekosistem için çok önemli olan sert zeminler üzerine atılarak avcılık yapılmaktadır. Bu araştırma, 2014 yılı içerisinde Ordu ili kıyılarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada iskorpit avcılığında ticari olarak kullanılan 44mm, 50mm, 56mm ve 60mm göz açıklığındaki, her biri 50m uzunluğundaki fanyalı dip uzatma ağaları kullanılmıştır. Örnekleme aylık olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma süresi boyunca iskorpit ağlarında toplam 22 tür yakalanmıştır. Ağlarda yakalanan deniz canlılarının % 43.38’ni hedef tür olan iskorpit balığı, % 32.56’ni yengeç türleri, % 18.78’ni diğer balıklar ve % 5.28’sını Mollusca türleri oluşturmaktadır. Yakalanan tüm canlıların % 54.56’si ekonomik tür olup, % 45.44’ü ekonomik olmayan türlerdir. Ekonomik olmayan türlerin büyük bir kısmını da yengeç türleri oluşturmaktadır. İskorpit avlama sezonunda (Mayıs-Ağustos) ağda yakalanan toplam deniz canlılarının % 48.63 hedef tür olmayan yengeç, % 51.37’sini ise diğer türler oluşturmuştur. Sonuç olarak, bölgede kullanılan iskorpit ağlarının hedef dışı yakalama oranlarının yüksek olduğu ve özellikle yengeç popülasyonlarına olumsuz etkilerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar sözcükler: İskorpit Ağları, Ekosisteme Etkileri, Karadeni

    Identifizierung und Analyse deutsch-türkischer Innovationsnetzwerke : erste Ergebnisse des TGIN-Projektes

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    Dieses Paper fasst die ersten Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes ?Wissenstransfer in Deutsch-Türkischen Innovationsnetzwerke (TGIN) im Kontext der Europäischen Union? zusammen. TGIN eröffnet eine neue Perspektive auf die deutsch-türkische Beziehungen, indem es die ökonomischen Win-Win Situationen aufzeigt, welche durch Deutsch-Türkische Wissensmigration, transnationale Unternehmer und Innovationsnetzwerke entstehen. Im Zentrum der europäischen Wachstumsstrategie steht die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch Mobilität, Kooperation und Innovation. Internationale Unternehmer, Wissensmigration und kulturelle Vielfalt können ein wesentlicher Antreiber von Lernprozessen und Innovation sein. Aus innovations ökonomischer Sicht können die historisch gewachsenen Beziehungen zwischen Türkei, Deutschland und Europa viel besser genutzt werden. Die ersten Analysen zeigen, dass Deutsch-Türkische Innovationsnetzwerke zwar kein weit verbreitetes, aber dennoch existierendes und schnell wachsendes Phänomen mit großem Potential sind. Die Methoden der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse helfen, Strukturen, Stärken und Schwächen, Chancen und Herausforderungen aufzudecken. Angesichts des Fachkräfte- und Ingenieursmangels in Deutschland, des einseitigen Wachstums der Türkei sowie des zunehmenden globalen Wettbewerbes können Deutschland und die Türkei von der zunehmenden Vernetzung des Innovationsprozesses profitieren

    Political socialization processes of return migrants. The case of Turkish returnees from Germany

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    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la relación entre experiencia migratoria y formación de valores y actitudes politicos. Busca contribuir a la literatura desentrañando el proceso de socialización política migrante , con un estudio de casos en profundidad de migrantes turcos que habían regresado a Turquía desde Alemania. Su estructura básica se construye sobre cuatro argumentos centrales en diálogo con la literatura existente sobre socialización política: 1) la socialización política es, en sí, un proceso politico, 2) la agencia de migrantes en el proceso de socialización política está subestudiado, 3) las dinámicas transnacionales de socialización política de migrantes han sido pasadas por alto, 4) la dimension procesal de la socialización política no se ha abordado. Siguiendo estos puntos críticos, la tesis pretende examinar el papel de la agencia de migrantes en el contacto e interacción con los agentes de socialización alemanes; identificar el proceso de socialización política negativa como alternativa al modelo de socialización política migrante; y mostrar las trayectorias de socialización política transnacional de los migrantes. A diferencia de los habituales enfoques de la socialización política de migrantes, esta tesis se basa en una investigación en profundidad aplicando métodos orientados al proceso, como el abordaje relacional y la metodología de la teoría fundamentada al análisis de las entrevistas biográficas con migrantes turcos que regresaron desde Alemania. Centrada en estudiantes migrantes y trabajadores migrantes, así como migrantes de segunda y tercera generación, el diseño de la investigación contribuye a la literatura captando un amplio conjunto de complejidades de la experiencia de socialización política en un periodo de casi seis décadas , extendiéndose desde la pre-migración hasta el post- regreso. Muestra que clase, capital cultural y social, condiciones transnacionales y los contextos politicos de Turquía y Alemania correspondientes al tiempo de migración se encuentran entre los factores que explican las variaciones intra- e inter-grupos. El enfoque basado en grupos no solo cuestiona la vision del retorno del migrante como un fracaso, sino que también desafía la tendencia a tratar el grupo étnico como la unidad primaria de análisis en los estudios sobre migración y socialización política migrante. El abordaje cualitativo permite estudiar las propias narraciones de los migrantes sobre sus experiencias cotidianas, complementando la revisión de las encuestas, que trabaja con numerosas variables formales en las dinámicas pre- y post-proceso o en poblaciones de los migrantes que regresaron y no migrantes. El análisis muestra que, en muchos casos, a veces por razones más allá́ de su control, los migrantes que regresaron no tuvieron suficiente contacto con los agentes alemanes de socialización politica como para haberse sometido en Alemania a los procesos de socialización política convencionalmente aceptados. Cuando sí tuvieron contacto a menudo usaron estratégicamente su agencia para filtrar, ignorar y jugar con estos socializadores en función de sus necesidades y preocupaciones respecto a las desigualdades de poder en la sociedad alemana. Por otra parte, las narraciones de los migrantes que regresaron revelan un proceso alternativo de “socialización política negativa”. En contraste con la imagen convencional de asunción acrítica de los valores del país anfitrión por parte del migrante para “encajar” , la socialización politica negativa supone el aprendizaje de un papel de forastero en el estado alemán y su contribución a los difusos mecanismos del sistema de protección desde dicha posición de forastero. Por ultimo, el análisis aporta una respuesta al nacionalismo metodológico en los estudios de socialización política, que asumen que el proceso está circunscrito a los límites nacionales de los paises anfitrión y de origen. Revela que podemos diferenciar entre trayectorias directa e indirecta de socialización política transnacional, en que los vínculos trasnfronterizos, identidades y costumbres de los migrantes juegan un papel central.This doctoral thesis focuses on the relationship between migration experience and formation of political values and attitudes. It seeks to contribute to the literature by unpacking the process of migrant political socialization with an in-depth case study of the Turkish migrants returning from Germany. Its main structure is based on four central arguments in dialogue with the existing political socialization literature: 1) the political socialization is itself a political process, 2) migrant agency in the process of political socialization is understudied, 3) transnational dynamics of migrant political socialization are overlooked, 4) the processual dimension of political socialization is given limited attention. Following these critical points, the thesis seeks to examine the role of migrant agency in migrants’ contact and interaction with German agents of political socialization, identify the process of negative political socialization as an alternative migrant political socialization model, and reveal transnational political socialization trajectories of the migrants. Distinct from the common approaches to migrant political socialization, this thesis relies on an in-depth inquiry through the application of process-oriented methods such as the relational approach and grounded theory methodology to the analysis of the biographical interviews with Turkish returnees from Germany. Focusing on labor and student returnees, as well as the roots migrants, the research seeks to contribute to the literature by capturing a wide array of complexities of the political socialization experience in a time span of almost six decades, extending from pre-migration to post-return. It shows that class, social and cultural capital, transnational conditions, and the political contexts of Turkey and Germany that correspond to the time of migration are among the factors that account for group variations. The group-based approach also defies the tendency to treat the ethnic group as the primary unit of analysis in migration and migrant political socialization studies. Overall, the qualitative nature of the research permits studying the migrants’ own narratives about their everyday experiences. By doing so, it seeks to complement survey research, which works with a number of formal variables for pre-process and post-process dynamics or non-migrant and returnee populations. The analysis shows that in many cases the returnees have not been subject to the conventionally assumed processes of political socialization in Germany because, sometimes for reasons beyond their control, they did not have sufficient contact with the German agents of political socialization, such as the German media, political parties, and electoral campaigns. When there was contact, they often used their agency to strategically filter, ignore and play around these socializers based on their needs and concerns within the power inequalities of the German society. Furthermore, the narratives of the returnees reveal an alternative process of “negative political socialization”. In contrast to the conventional image of migrants’ uncritical embracement of host country values to “fit in”, negative political socialization refers to migrants learning their place as the outsiders of the German polity and their contribution to diffuse system support mechanisms from this position. Lastly, the analysis provides a response to methodological nationalism in political socialization studies, which assumes that the process is contained to the national boundaries of the host and home countries. It reveals that we can differentiate between direct and indirect trajectories of transnational political socialization, in which the migrants’ cross-border ties, identities and practices play a central role. Overall, the findings shed light on the political and processual nature of migrant political socialization, its transnational dynamics, as well as the role of the migrant agency in it

    Political socialization processes of return migrants. The case of Turkish returnees from Germany

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    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la relación entre experiencia migratoria y formación de valores y actitudes politicos. Busca contribuir a la literatura desentrañando el proceso de socialización política migrante , con un estudio de casos en profundidad de migrantes turcos que habían regresado a Turquía desde Alemania. Su estructura básica se construye sobre cuatro argumentos centrales en diálogo con la literatura existente sobre socialización política: 1) la socialización política es, en sí, un proceso politico, 2) la agencia de migrantes en el proceso de socialización política está subestudiado, 3) las dinámicas transnacionales de socialización política de migrantes han sido pasadas por alto, 4) la dimension procesal de la socialización política no se ha abordado. Siguiendo estos puntos críticos, la tesis pretende examinar el papel de la agencia de migrantes en el contacto e interacción con los agentes de socialización alemanes; identificar el proceso de socialización política negativa como alternativa al modelo de socialización política migrante; y mostrar las trayectorias de socialización política transnacional de los migrantes. A diferencia de los habituales enfoques de la socialización política de migrantes, esta tesis se basa en una investigación en profundidad aplicando métodos orientados al proceso, como el abordaje relacional y la metodología de la teoría fundamentada al análisis de las entrevistas biográficas con migrantes turcos que regresaron desde Alemania. Centrada en estudiantes migrantes y trabajadores migrantes, así como migrantes de segunda y tercera generación, el diseño de la investigación contribuye a la literatura captando un amplio conjunto de complejidades de la experiencia de socialización política en un periodo de casi seis décadas , extendiéndose desde la pre-migración hasta el post- regreso. Muestra que clase, capital cultural y social, condiciones transnacionales y los contextos politicos de Turquía y Alemania correspondientes al tiempo de migración se encuentran entre los factores que explican las variaciones intra- e inter-grupos. El enfoque basado en grupos no solo cuestiona la vision del retorno del migrante como un fracaso, sino que también desafía la tendencia a tratar el grupo étnico como la unidad primaria de análisis en los estudios sobre migración y socialización política migrante. El abordaje cualitativo permite estudiar las propias narraciones de los migrantes sobre sus experiencias cotidianas, complementando la revisión de las encuestas, que trabaja con numerosas variables formales en las dinámicas pre- y post-proceso o en poblaciones de los migrantes que regresaron y no migrantes. El análisis muestra que, en muchos casos, a veces por razones más allá́ de su control, los migrantes que regresaron no tuvieron suficiente contacto con los agentes alemanes de socialización politica como para haberse sometido en Alemania a los procesos de socialización política convencionalmente aceptados. Cuando sí tuvieron contacto a menudo usaron estratégicamente su agencia para filtrar, ignorar y jugar con estos socializadores en función de sus necesidades y preocupaciones respecto a las desigualdades de poder en la sociedad alemana. Por otra parte, las narraciones de los migrantes que regresaron revelan un proceso alternativo de “socialización política negativa”. En contraste con la imagen convencional de asunción acrítica de los valores del país anfitrión por parte del migrante para “encajar” , la socialización politica negativa supone el aprendizaje de un papel de forastero en el estado alemán y su contribución a los difusos mecanismos del sistema de protección desde dicha posición de forastero. Por ultimo, el análisis aporta una respuesta al nacionalismo metodológico en los estudios de socialización política, que asumen que el proceso está circunscrito a los límites nacionales de los paises anfitrión y de origen. Revela que podemos diferenciar entre trayectorias directa e indirecta de socialización política transnacional, en que los vínculos trasnfronterizos, identidades y costumbres de los migrantes juegan un papel central.This doctoral thesis focuses on the relationship between migration experience and formation of political values and attitudes. It seeks to contribute to the literature by unpacking the process of migrant political socialization with an in-depth case study of the Turkish migrants returning from Germany. Its main structure is based on four central arguments in dialogue with the existing political socialization literature: 1) the political socialization is itself a political process, 2) migrant agency in the process of political socialization is understudied, 3) transnational dynamics of migrant political socialization are overlooked, 4) the processual dimension of political socialization is given limited attention. Following these critical points, the thesis seeks to examine the role of migrant agency in migrants’ contact and interaction with German agents of political socialization, identify the process of negative political socialization as an alternative migrant political socialization model, and reveal transnational political socialization trajectories of the migrants. Distinct from the common approaches to migrant political socialization, this thesis relies on an in-depth inquiry through the application of process-oriented methods such as the relational approach and grounded theory methodology to the analysis of the biographical interviews with Turkish returnees from Germany. Focusing on labor and student returnees, as well as the roots migrants, the research seeks to contribute to the literature by capturing a wide array of complexities of the political socialization experience in a time span of almost six decades, extending from pre-migration to post-return. It shows that class, social and cultural capital, transnational conditions, and the political contexts of Turkey and Germany that correspond to the time of migration are among the factors that account for group variations. The group-based approach also defies the tendency to treat the ethnic group as the primary unit of analysis in migration and migrant political socialization studies. Overall, the qualitative nature of the research permits studying the migrants’ own narratives about their everyday experiences. By doing so, it seeks to complement survey research, which works with a number of formal variables for pre-process and post-process dynamics or non-migrant and returnee populations. The analysis shows that in many cases the returnees have not been subject to the conventionally assumed processes of political socialization in Germany because, sometimes for reasons beyond their control, they did not have sufficient contact with the German agents of political socialization, such as the German media, political parties, and electoral campaigns. When there was contact, they often used their agency to strategically filter, ignore and play around these socializers based on their needs and concerns within the power inequalities of the German society. Furthermore, the narratives of the returnees reveal an alternative process of “negative political socialization”. In contrast to the conventional image of migrants’ uncritical embracement of host country values to “fit in”, negative political socialization refers to migrants learning their place as the outsiders of the German polity and their contribution to diffuse system support mechanisms from this position. Lastly, the analysis provides a response to methodological nationalism in political socialization studies, which assumes that the process is contained to the national boundaries of the host and home countries. It reveals that we can differentiate between direct and indirect trajectories of transnational political socialization, in which the migrants’ cross-border ties, identities and practices play a central role. Overall, the findings shed light on the political and processual nature of migrant political socialization, its transnational dynamics, as well as the role of the migrant agency in it

    Biomimetic Nanocoating of Bone Plates

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    20th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting (BIYOMUT) -- NOV 03-05, 2016 -- Izmir, TURKEYWOS: 000404996800039Infection and nonunion following fracture fixation remain as unsolved problems of orthopaedic surgery. This condition may lead to implant failures and necessitate further surgical interventions, ending up with increased morbidity and treatment costs. In this study, 316L stainless steel bone plates were coated with stronsiyum containing bone like hydroxyapaptite (HA) (1. Layer) and silver enriched polylactic acid coating (2. Layer). Thus, firstly, 2.0 mm. routinely used fracture fixation plates were first coated by immersing strontium containing simulated body fluid (x10) in order to nanocoat with HA layer. Then, plates will be coated with Ag enriched PLA and their surface properties will were characterized

    Paving the way for increased e-health record use:elaborating intentions of Gen-Z

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    This paper presents the determinants of personal e-health records adoption by the Gen-Z population and reveals barriers to use. Gen-Z members are one of the most prominent users of digital health services that have an influence on older generations' technology adoption but have often been overlooked in scholarly research. A survey of 1,000 Gen-Z university students based on modified UTAUT was used to address this research gap. The analysis revealed the vital role of social influence in paving the way for higher adoption among Gen-Z. Moreover, significant influences of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and e-health literacy on behavioural intentions were detected. Effort expectancy was found to be insignificant in impacting Gen-Z's intentions to adopt electronic health record systems. Moreover, privacy concerns acted as a barrier to adoption, yet the offsetting effect of users' trust in health systems was shown to be instrumental in overcoming such privacy-related barriers