306 research outputs found

    Local authorities\u27 and NGOs\u27 perceptions of tourism development and urbanization in Alanya

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    Tourism development and urbanization have economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts on host destinations. With the recognition of the importance of these impacts on host perceptions and attitudes, numerous studies have been conducted towards tourism development. However, resident’s perceptions studies of tourism development are superfluous; there are a few empirical studies on local authorities’ and non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) perceptions of tourism development. In this regard, this study aims to determine the local authorities’ and NGOs’ perceptions of tourism development and urbanization in Alanya with an empirical study. The major findings have shown that both local authorities and NGOs strongly agree that tourism certainly improves the quality of life in the region, the establishment of an integrated management approach is essential and that the tourism development should be promoted in qualitative perspective. The findings indicated that the planning of further tourism development and urbanization should be encouraged within the aim to offer a higher quality of life for hosts and guests

    Successful Coronary Stent Retrieval from the Saphenous Vein Graft to Right Coronary Artery

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    Stent dislodgement and migration is a rare but serious complication of stent usage. For extraction of unexpanded stents different techniques have been described previously. We describe a case which used small baloon catheter for retrieval of a stent from the SVG-RCA

    Rekreativni ribolov na turskim obalama srednjeg i istočnog Crnog mora: biološki, socijalni i ekonomski aspekti

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    This study investigated biological, social and mainly economic dimensions of recreational fishing (RF) in 8 coastal Middle and Eastern Black Sea provinces of Turkey. In all provinces, a total number of 874 shore-based recreational fishers were interviewed via on-site face-to-face interviews during the fishing activity or at access points being monthly from January to December in 2015. Market value with RF index of added value approaches were used to calculate economic gains and losses from RF. The consistency was observed with the high education levels, high expense and high market value for fishers in the Middle Black Sea provinces; Kastamonu, Samsun, Sinop and Ordu. In all provinces, the harvesting costs stayed far below the average market prices of target species. Also, positive values of RF index were observed in all provinces. The species catch composition in Western and Eastern provinces did not show great differences. Furthermore, even if the habitat type along the Black Sea coast of Turkey did not show great variations, in the Western provinces some certain species including T. trachurus, S. sarda, B. belone, P. saltatrix, M. cephalus were caught in higher amounts. To summarize, RF along the Black Sea coasts of Turkey is an industry creating high economic returns by expenditures, jobs, catch value and further increased indirect economic impact in services sector.U ovoj studiji se iznose istraživanja biološke, društvene i ekonomske dimenzije rekreacijskog ribolova (RF) u 8 srednje obalnih i istočnih pokrajina Crnog mora u Turskoj. U svim pokrajinama ukupno je 874 obalnih rekreativnih ribara anketirano izravnim intervjuima (razgovorom licem u lice), te tijekom ribolova ili pri pristupnim točkama mjesečno od siječnja do prosinca 2015. godine. Tržišna vrijednost prema indeksu rekreativnog ribolova i dodane vrijednosti korištena je za izračun ekonomskih dobitaka i gubitaka kod rekreativnog ribolova. Konzistencija je promatrana s obzirom na visoki stupanj obrazovanja, visoke troškove i visokom tržišnom vrijednošću za ribare u slijedećim pokrajinama srednjeg Crnog mora: Kastamonu, Samsun, Sinop i Ordu. U svim pokrajinama troškovi ribolova bili su daleko ispod prosječnih tržišnih cijena ciljanih vrsta. Također, u svim pokrajinama zabilježene su pozitivne vrijednosti indeksa rekreativnog ribolova. Sastav ulova u zapadnim i istočnim pokrajinama nije pokazao velike razlike. Nadalje, iako stanišne vrste duž crnomorske obale Turske nisu pokazivale velike varijacije, u zapadnim provincijama neke određene vrste, uključujući Trachurus trachurus, Sarda sarda, Belone belone, Pomatomus saltatrix, Mugil cephalus bile su uhvaćene u većim količinama. Ukratko, rekreativni ribolov na crnomorskim obalama Turske je industrija koja stvara visoki ekonomski povrat izdataka u vidu radnih mjesta, ulovne vrijednosti i daljnjeg povećanja neizravnog ekonomskog utjecaja u sektoru usluga

    Taxonomy and distribution of diatoms on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast, Dalyan (Muğla)

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    Diatoms are one of the components in the littoral zone and the most productive in terms of O2 production and primary production. Despite their importance in these coastal ecosystems, the diatoms of littoral zones of Turkish coastlines have been understudied.  In this report, we document the littoral diatoms from Dalyan Iztuzu Beach at the southeast coasts of Aegean Sea. Samples were collected from 6 stations in Dalyan Beach between 2012 and 2016. We report here on the occurrence of 9 genera including, Catenula Mereschkowsky, Cymatosira Grunow, Dimeregramma Ralfs, Diplomenora Blazé, Eunotogramma Weisse, Meloneis Louvrou, Danielidis & Economou-Amilli, Neohuttonia Kuntze, Plagiogramma Greville and Tetramphora Mereschkowsky, as well as 40 taxa as newly-recorded from Turkey. The newly-recorded diatoms are characterized in terms of their morphology and illustrated with light micrographs. For each species, their habitat and geographic distribution along the coasts are discussed

    Sixth, seventh and eighth year students' knowledge levels about greenhouse effect, ozone layer and acid rain

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    The aim of this study is to investigate second stage primary school (6th, 7th and 8th year) students’ knowledge levels about three important environmental topics, namely, the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer and acid rain. The study was carried out with 204 6th, 7th and 8th year students (11-14 year olds) in Turkey. A 25- item scale developed by Khalid (1999) was used as a data collection instrument. The instrument was adapted to the Turkish language and culture, was validated and its reliability co-efficiency was determined. The results of the study showed that 6th, 7th and 8th year students have a very low level of knowledge about the greenhouse effect, the ozone layer and acid rain. The results of this study can be used by experts of environmental education to focus on starting the teaching of environmental topics – like greenhouse effect, ozone layer and acid rain – thoroughly from the primary school to develop more environmentally sensitive citizens.peer-reviewe

    Atypical type of dual left anterior descending coronary artery

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    AbstractDual left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) is a rare coronary anomaly and is divided into six subgroups in the literature according to the origin and course of the short and long branches of the anomalous artery. We present two distinct cases of dual LAD which are distinguished by two branches of equal length from their counterparts in the literature.<Learning objective: In our cases a novel dual LAD variant is presented with two main branches of equal length and reaches the cardiac apex. Cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons should be aware of these variants to avoid misinterpretation of coronary angiography and intraoperative complications.

    The investigation of the depression levels of parents of children with autism

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the depression levels of parents of children with autism. The depression levels of mothers (N=35) and fathers (N=23) of autistic children educated in special education and rehabilitation centers were examined. In this study, socio-demographic features i.e., gender, age, education of mothers and fathers, occupation, were collected and the Beck Depression Inventory was applied to the parents to determine the risk factors of depression, symptom levels. The inventory includes 21 phrases of self-evaluation and possible scores range from 0 - 63. In the statistical analysis of the data, frequency values were applied to the evaluation of the demographic status. The mean and standard deviation were determined to evaluate the depression levels. T-tests were performed to compare the depression levels of mothers and fathers. An Anova test was performed to assess the relationships between the parameters. As a result, it was determined that mothers of autistic children have medium levels of depression (18,80±11,05), and fathers of autistic children have mild levels of depression. T-test analysis showed no significant differences between depression levels of mothers and fathers (p&lt;0,05). Additionally; when income rates, occupations and educational status parameters were taken into account there was no significant difference according to the Anova test (p&lt;0,05). In conclusion, mothers of autistic children have higher depression levels than the fathers

    The relationship of serum asymmetric dimethylarginine concentrations and lung involvement in patients with COVID-19 infection

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    Aim: COVID-19 infections the tissue through angiotensin converting enzyme 2 receptor, which is also expressed on endothelial cells. Endothelial dysfunction may be associated with lung involvement. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an indirect marker of endothelial dysfunction. The aim of our study was to evaluate ADMA concentrations and to identify its association with lung involvement in patients with COVID-19 disease. Methods: We included 42 patients with COVID-19 infection and lung involvement (Group 1). Forty-two age and sex matched patients without pneumonia acted as the control group (Group 2). All patients gave blood samples for ADMA at the 1st month control visit after discharge. We compared C-reactive protein (CRP) and ADMA concentrations in addition to routine biochemical parameters between groups. Results: Patients with lung involvement had higher admission glucose, CRP, and ADMA concentrations, and displayed lower hemoglobin concentration and lymphocyte count compared to patients without lung involvement. Although patients with lung involvement had higher ADMA concentrations with respect to those without; plasma ADMA levels were also higher than normal values in control group. Multivariate analysis identified log CRP concentration (OR= 3.047, 95% CI=1.881-5.023, p&lt;0.001) as the independent predictor for lung involvement. And, there was a correlation between ADMA and CRP (r: 0.318, p: 0.003). Conclusion: We revealed elevated ADMA concentrations as the surrogate of endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19 patients whether they have pneumonia or not

    The Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Interleukin-6 in Patients with Isolated Coronary Artery Ectasia

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    Background/Aim. Coronary artery ectasia (CAE) is considered as a variant of atherosclerosis. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are among the sensitive markers of systemic inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plasma levels of the cytokines; TNF-α and IL-6 in CAE patients. Methods. Plasma concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 were measured in 36 patients with CAE (28 males, mean age: 58.2 ± 12 years), and results were compared with age and sex-matched controls (n = 32) without coronary artery ectasia. TNF-α and IL-6 concentrations in blood were assesed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were similar. TNF-α and IL-6 levels were significantly higher in CAE group than controls (15.6 ± 11.2 pg/mL versus 7.8 ± 3.7 pg/mL, P < .001, and 17.2 ± 12.6 versus 7.6 ± 2.1 P < .0001, resp.). Conclusion. CAE patients showed increases in TNF-α and IL-6 levels compared to the controls. This study provides evidence for alterations in the proinflamatory cytokines which suggest the involvement of the immune system in the pathophysiology of CAE. Further placebo-controlled studies are needed to evaluate the clinical significance of this increase in TNF-α and IL-6 levels