2,484 research outputs found

    Transparency in monetary policy and management of inflationary expectations

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    Son yıllarda pek çok merkez bankası para politikasının şeffaf olması konusuna büyük bir önem vermiştir. Merkez bankasının amacındaki netlik ve bu amaca nasıl ulaşılacağı konusundaki şeffaflık, belirsizliği ortadan kaldırarak ekonomik birimlerin gelecekle ilgili doğru kararlar almasını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Enflasyon düzeyini belirleyen önemli faktörlerden biri olan enflasyonist beklentiler para politikasında şeffaflık sağlanması sonucu azaltılabilmekte ve merkez bankasının enflasyon hedefiyle uyumlu bir seviyeye getirilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, para politikasında şeffaflık sağlanarak enflasyonist beklentilerin yönlendirilebildiği ve bu politikanın enflasyonla mücadelede etkili sonuçlar doğurduğu gösterilmektedir.In recent years, central banks paid a great attention to the transparency of monetary policy. The clarity in central bank's target and the transparency how it achieves this target enable economic units to make correct decisions by eliminating the uncertainty. Thus, inflationary expectations, which are one of the important factors impacting the inflation level, can be reduced and brought to a level in line with the central bank's target. This study demonstrates that inflationary expectations can be managed by the provision of transparency in the monetary policy and this type of monetary policy bears effective outcomes in fighting with inflation

    Kütüphanecilik ve sorunları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 111-Kütüphanelerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Modeling and model-aware signal processing methods for enhancement of optical systems

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    Theoretical and numerical modeling of optical systems are increasingly being utilized in a wide range of areas in physics and engineering for characterizing and improving existing systems or developing new methods. This dissertation focuses on determining and improving the performance of imaging and non-imaging optical systems through modeling and developing model-aware enhancement methods. We evaluate the performance, demonstrate enhancements in terms of resolution and light collection efficiency, and improve the capabilities of the systems through changes to the system design and through post-processing techniques. We consider application areas in integrated circuit (IC) imaging for fault analysis and malicious circuitry detection, and free-form lens design for creating prescribed illumination patterns. The first part of this dissertation focuses on sub-surface imaging of ICs for fault analysis using a solid immersion lens (SIL) microscope. We first derive the Green's function of the microscope and use it to determine its resolution limits for bulk silicon and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) chips. We then propose an optimization framework for designing super-resolving apodization masks that utilizes the developed model and demonstrate the trade-offs in designing such masks. Finally, we derive the full electromagnetic model of the SIL microscope that models the image of an arbitrary sub-surface structure. With the rapidly shrinking dimensions of ICs, we are increasingly limited in resolving the features and identifying potential modifications despite the resolution improvements provided by the state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and enhancement methods described here. In the second part of this dissertation, we shift our focus away from improving the resolution and consider an optical framework that does not require high resolution imaging for detecting malicious circuitry. We develop a classification-based high-throughput gate identification method that utilizes the physical model of the optical system. We then propose a lower-throughput system to increase the detection accuracy, based on higher resolution imaging to supplement the former method. Finally, we consider the problem of free-form lens design for forming prescribed illumination patterns as a non-imaging application. Common methods that design free-form lenses for forming patterns consider the input light source to be a point source, however using extended light sources with such lenses lead to significant blurring in the resulting pattern. We propose a deconvolution-based framework that utilizes the lens geometry to model the blurring effects and eliminates this degradation, resulting in sharper patterns

    A parametric envision of portuguese and Azerbaijan islamic geometric motifs

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.Portugal e o Azerbaijão tiveram uma forte influência islâmica no passado. Mesmo hoje em dia, podemos experimentar sinais desse património cultural e do impacto tangível e intangível em ambos os países. É perceptível em muitas áreas da mesma forma na arquitetura. Em Portugal, apesar de muitos exemplos de influência da herança islâmica terem sido perdidos ou destruídos, ainda existem em algumas cidades em particular um notável legado de arquitectura e ornamentação. Por outro lado, a situação no Azerbaijão é ligeiramente diferente devido ao fato de que a maioria da população do Azerbaijão é muçulmana. Portanto, ainda existem muitos exemplos vivos de motivos geométricos islâmicos na arquitetura e, eventualmente, uma tradição viva. A presente dissertação é parte de um projeto de pesquisa em andamento intitulado “Biomédica e Morfogênese Digital”, inscrito no Centro de Pesquisa CIAUD da Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa. O foco principal deste trabalho será dado a girih - um padrão geométrico específico utilizado na decoração islâmica, que pode ser encontrado em uma ampla área de Portugal para o Azerbaijão. Os padrões geométricos em Portugal foram usados ​​principalmente em azulejos, alfarge e algumas obras de estuque, enquanto no Azerbaijão, eles são empregados em diferentes maneiras de projetar principalmente decorações de pedra e decorações de vidro em "shebeke" (uma arte de criar janelas consistindo de de vidro colorido e pequenos detalhes de madeira presos sem cola ou unhas usando). No entanto, todos os elementos decorativos utilizados utilizam uma gama de simetrias que agora foram classificadas como pertencentes a grupos matemáticos distintos. Mas a sutileza e a beleza dos designs são incomparáveis ​​no pensamento e design matemáticos modernos. Assim, o nosso objetivo é tentar estabelecer uma relação entre os exemplos de pesquisa de padrões geométricos islâmicos em Portugal e no Azerbaijão; montar um paralelo entre esses elementos decorativos em ambos os países; e tentar estabelecer se existem algumas conexões, semelhanças e os níveis de correspondência.ABSTRACT: Portugal and Azerbaijan had a strong Islamic influence in the past. Even nowadays, we can experience signs of this cultural heritage, and the tangible and intangible impact in both countries. It is noticeable in many areas likewise in architecture. In Portugal, despite many examples of Islamic heritage influence have been lost or destroyed, there still are in some particular cities a remarkable architecture and ornamentation legacy. On the other hand, the situation in Azerbaijan is slightly different due to the fact that the majority of Azerbaijan’s population is Muslim. Therefore, there are still many living examples of Islamic geometric motifs in architecture and eventually, a living tradition.The present dissertation is part of an ongoing research project entitled “Biomimetics and Digital Morphogenesis” enrolled at the CIAUD Research Centre of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. The main focus of this work will be given to girih - a particular geometric pattern used in Islamic decoration, which can be found in a wide area from Portugal to Azerbaijan. The geometric patterns in Portugal were used mainly in “azulejos”, "alfarge" and some stucco works, while in Azerbaijan, they are employed in different manners of designing mainly stone decorations and glass decorations on "shebeke" (an art of creating windows consisting of colorful glass and small wooden details attached without glue or nail using). Nevertheless, all of the decorative elements deployed use a range of symmetries that have now been classified as belonging to distinct mathematical groups. But the subtlety and beauty of the designs are unparalleled in modern mathematical thinking and design. Thus, our goal is to try to establish a relationship between the survey examples of Islamic geometric patterns in Portugal and Azerbaijan; to assemble a parallel between those decorative elements in both countries; and try to establish if there are some connections, similarities and the levels of correspondence.N/

    A comparison of the alexithymia, self-compassion and humour characteristics of the parents with mentally disabled and autistic children

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    In this research study, the scores of parents with mentally disabled and autistic children in the alexithymia, self-compassion and humour styles scales are compared and their scores are investigated focusing on the diagnosis of their children variable. Based on the relational screening model, this research study involves 120 mothers and fathers having children diagnosed with alexithymia and autism. As a result of the study, it was found that the comparison of the fathers-mothers' total scores in the alexithymia, self-compassion and humour styles scales and their sub-scale scores revealed that the only difference is in the over-identification sub-dimension of the self-compassion scale; moreover, regarding the question whether the scale scores vary depending on the variable of the diagnosis of their children, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the scale scores considering this variable. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Investment specific technology shocks and emerging market business cycle dynamics

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    This article explores the role played by investment-specific technology (IST) shocks in emerging market business cycle fluctuations. The analysis is motivated by two key empirical facts; the presence of IST change in the post-war US economy combined with the importance of US investment goods in the emerging market imports. The goal is to quantify the contribution of US IST change for the business cycles of an emerging country in the context of a two-country, two-sector international real business cycle framework with investment and consumption goods sectors. Specifically, I estimate the model using Mexican and US data and find that a permanent US-originating IST shock is important in explaining Mexican business cycle dynamics. Shocks to investment sector technology explain around 60% of the investment, 44% of the consumption and 52% of the output variability. I argue that both a shock that captures financial frictions and a permanent US-originating IST shock are necessary to account for the key business cycle features in the data

    İngilizce Öğretiminde İçsel Güdülenme

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    Human beings are bom with an intense need to explore, interact with, and make sense of their environment. However, with formal schooling, they seem to lose their enthusiasm and passion for learning. This fact implies that the school and its elements such as teachers, subjects, materials, have an important responsibility for increasing student motivation to learn. The aim of this article is to stress the importance of having an intrinsic motivation in English language teaching (ELT). Hence, this article attempts to define motivation, discuss its sources, display its criteria, present ways of increasing motivation and finally suggest some activities.Bireyler, keşfetmek, iletişim kurmak ve çevrelerini anlamak için yoğun bir istek ve ihtiyaçla doğarlar. Ancak, okuldaki eğitimleri başladığında öğrenmeye karşı duydukları bu istek ve arzuyu kaybederler. Bu, okulun ve okuldaki öğelerin (öğretmenler, dersler, materyaller) öğrenmeye karşı duyulan güdünün korunmasında hatla arttırılmasında büyük sorumluluklar taşıdığını göstermektedir. Bu makalenin amacı, içsel güdülenmenin İngilizce öğrenimindeki önemini vurgulamaktır. Bu nedenle, bu makale güdüyü tanımlamayı, güdünün kaynaklarını belirtmeyi, kriterlerini açıklamayı, güdüyü arttırma yollarını sunmayı ve son olarak da İngilizce öğretiminde güdüyü arttırıcı bazı örnek alıştırmalar önermeyi hedeflemektedir

    LGBTQ plus asylum and transformative accommodations between religion, faith and sexuality in the UK

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    The right to asylum on grounds of sexuality and/or gender-based persecution is frequently seen as synonymous with the right to “exit” one’s oppressive religious community. This article aims to critique this assumption through a focus on LGBTQ+ asylum claimants, refugees and support providers everyday negotiations with and between faith, religion, sexuality and gender identity in the UK. Drawing on critical scholarship on religion, gender, sexuality, difference, and asylum, as well as empirical research with asylum claimants and secular and religious support organizations in the UK, this article shows how LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum claimants respond to experiences of marginalization through processes of “transformative accommodation” between faith traditions and liberal LGBTQ+ rights. Such accommodations highlight the instability of assumptions that view LGBTQ+ rights in conflict with faith and religious belief, in turn contesting the basis on which racialized, secular and gendered differences that pervade contexts of LGBTQ+ asylum are maintained

    Generating semantically enriched diagnostics for radiological images using machine learning

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    Development of Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) tools to aid radiologists in pathology detection and decision making relies considerably on manually annotated images. With the advancement of deep learning techniques for CAD development, these expert annotations no longer need to be hand-crafted, however, deep learning algorithms require large amounts of data in order to generalise well. One way in which to access large volumes of expert-annotated data is through radiological exams consisting of images and reports. Using past radiological exams obtained from hospital archiving systems has many advantages: they are expert annotations available in large quantities, covering a population-representative variety of pathologies, and they provide additional context to pathology diagnoses, such as anatomical location and severity. Learning to auto-generate such reports from images presents many challenges such as the difficulty in representing and generating long, unstructured textual information, accounting for spelling errors and repetition or redundancy, and the inconsistency across different annotators. In this thesis, the problem of learning to automate disease detection from radiological exams is approached from three directions. Firstly, a report generation model is developed such that it is conditioned on radiological image features. Secondly, a number of approaches are explored aimed at extracting diagnostic information from free-text reports. Finally, an alternative approach to image latent space learning from current state-of-the-art is developed that can be applied to accelerated image acquisition.Open Acces


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    This qualitative research study was conducted to illustrate the relationships between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and non-tech businesses. AI is a broad branch of computer science. In information technology, the intelligent machine is a compliant and logical agent that recognizes its environment and takes full advantage of opportunities to achieve something. This paper provides detailed examples using AI outside of IT. The main method which is used for this research is literary analysis. The article consists of explanations about artificial intelligence in general, its impacts on logistics and transportation, agriculture and healthcare industries. Moreover, in this article, the methods used to leverage the developments of aforementioned industries are also mentioned and discussed.