Generating semantically enriched diagnostics for radiological images using machine learning


Development of Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) tools to aid radiologists in pathology detection and decision making relies considerably on manually annotated images. With the advancement of deep learning techniques for CAD development, these expert annotations no longer need to be hand-crafted, however, deep learning algorithms require large amounts of data in order to generalise well. One way in which to access large volumes of expert-annotated data is through radiological exams consisting of images and reports. Using past radiological exams obtained from hospital archiving systems has many advantages: they are expert annotations available in large quantities, covering a population-representative variety of pathologies, and they provide additional context to pathology diagnoses, such as anatomical location and severity. Learning to auto-generate such reports from images presents many challenges such as the difficulty in representing and generating long, unstructured textual information, accounting for spelling errors and repetition or redundancy, and the inconsistency across different annotators. In this thesis, the problem of learning to automate disease detection from radiological exams is approached from three directions. Firstly, a report generation model is developed such that it is conditioned on radiological image features. Secondly, a number of approaches are explored aimed at extracting diagnostic information from free-text reports. Finally, an alternative approach to image latent space learning from current state-of-the-art is developed that can be applied to accelerated image acquisition.Open Acces

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