272 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan IPA sebagai salah satu contoh pendidikan secara utuh dan menyeluruh. Proses IPA berkaitan dengan keterampilan proses dan kegiatan ilmiah yang dapat berupa penelitian, percobaan atau praktikum. Pembelajaran IPA pada pokok pembahasan ekosistem sangat dibutuhkan suatu pendekatan keterampilan proses, dengan pendekatan tersebut siswa akan lebih paham dengan materi yang diajarkan karena dalam proses belajarnya siswa akan terjun langsung melakukan observasi, interprestasi, klasifikasi, berkomunikasi, dan berhipotesis. Tujuan dari skripsi ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan dan tidak menggunakan KPS, untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara yang menggunakan dan yang tidak menggunakan KPS, dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penerapan hasil observasi dari 5 aspek yaitu observasi, interpretasi, klasifikasi, berkomunikasi, dan berhipotesis. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dengan menerapkan pendekatan keterampilan proses sains dan kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan metode ceramah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII H dan VII G masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa, dan pengambilan sampelnya dengan teknik random sampling. Alat instrumennya berupa tes pilihan ganda dan lembar observasi. Setelah data diperoleh, data dianalisis dengan uji normalitas, homogenitas dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapat hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan keterampilan proses mengalami peningkatan yaitu dengan rata-rata N Gain 59,3 yang termasuk dalam kriteria sedang. Hasil belajar siswa yang tidak menggunakan keterampilan proses mengalami peningkatan yaitu dengan rata-rata N Gain 33,1 yang termasuk dalam kriteria sedang. Adanya perbedaan antara hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan keterampilan proses dan yang tidak menggunakan keterampilan proses dengan masing-masing rata-rata N Gain 59,3 dan 33,1. Penerapan KPS yang dinilai dengan lembar observasi diketahui nilai tertinggi terletak pada aspek observasi dengan nilai rata-rata 4 dan nilai terendah terdapat pada aspek hipotesis dengan nilai rata-rata 2,6. Kata kunci : keterampilan proses, hasil belajar dan ekosistem

    Struggle Values Analysis In Novel “Kami Bukan Sarjana Kertas” By J.S Khairen (2019)

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    The purpose of this study are (1) to describe the value of struggle in novel Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas by J.S. Khairen (2) describes the value benefits of internal struggle in novels Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas. The method in this research is using descriptive method analytic by reading, taking notes, and analyzing every sentence in the novel which contains elements of literary sociology. The data source of this research came from novel Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas by J.S.Khairen. The novel itself is produced from events social life of the community and the author himself. Therefore, the novel contains a variety the dynamics of life that occur in the community. This research is aimed at describes the sociological aspects of literature in the novel Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas J.S. Khairen. The form of data from this research is in the form of sentences in the novel that contain elements of the values of struggle. The results of this novel research are to describe (1) the value of the willing sacrifice (2) the value of cooperation (3) the value of patience and never give up (4) the value of unity (5) the value hard work. The benefits are (1) the value of self-sacrifice (2) the value of cooperation (3) the value of patience and never give up (4) the benefit of the value of unity (5) the benefit of the value of hard work

    On the Rebrightenings of Classical Novae during the Early Phase

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    We report on the spectral evolution of 6 classical novae, V1186 Sco, V2540 Oph, V4745 Sgr, V5113 Sgr, V458 Vul, and V378 Ser, based on the low-resolution spectra obtained at the Fujii-Bisei Observatory and the Bisei Astronomical Observatory, Japan. In the light curves, these 6 novae show several rebrightenings during the early phase lasting ~10 days after the first maximum in fast novae, and ~100 days in slow novae. The early spectra of all of these novae had emission lines with a P-Cygni profile at the maximum brightness. The absorption component of the P-Cygni profiles then disappeared after the maximum, and reappeared when the novae brightened to the next maximum. We suggest that the re-appearance of the absorption component at the rebrightening is attributable to re-expansion of the photosphere after it once shifts sufficiently inside. From the light curves, we found that the time intervals of the rebrightenings of these 6 novae show a similar systematic trend, which is applicable to all types of novae: fast and slow, and Fe II type and hybrid type. Moreover, we note the difference between the spectra at the rebrightenings during the early phase and at the rebrightening in V2362 Cyg, and at the oscillation during the transition phase in V1494 Aql, which means difference of the physical mechanism of the rebrightening during the early phase and the later oscillations.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Fast Freenet: Improving Freenet Performance by Preferential Partition Routing and File Mesh Propagation

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    The Freenet Peer-to-Peer network is doing a good job in providing anonymity to the users. But the performance of the network in terms of download speed and request hit ratio is not that good. We propose two modifications to Freenet in order to improve the download speed and request hit ratio for all participants. To improve download speed we propose Preferential Partition Routing, where nodes are grouped according to bandwidth and slow nodes are discriminated when routing. For improvements in request hit ratio we propose File Mesh propagation where each node sends fuzzy information about what documents it posesses to its neigbors. To verify our proposals we simulate the Freenet network and the bandwidth restrictions present between nodes as well as using observed distributions for user actions to show how it affects the network. Our results show an improvement of the request hit ratio by over 30 times and an increase of the average download speed with six times, compared to regular Freenet routing

    Spectral Evolution of the Unusual Slow Nova V5558 Sgr

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    We report on the spectral evolution of the enigmatic, very slow nova V5558 Sgr, based on the low-resolution spectra obtained at the Fujii-Bisei Observatory and the Bisei Astronomical Observatory, Japan during a period of 2007 April 6 to 2008 May 3. V5558 Sgr shows a pre-maximum halt and then several flare-like rebrightenings, which is similar to another very slow nova V723 Cas. In our observations, the spectral type of V5558 Sgr evolved from the He/N type toward the Fe II type during the pre-maximum halt, and then toward the He/N type again. This course of spectral transition was observed for the first time in the long history of the nova research. In the rebrightening stage after the initial brightness maximum, we could identify many emission lines accompanied by a stronger absorption component of the P-Cygni profile at the brightness maxima. We found that the velocity of the P-Cygni absorption component measured from the emission peak decreased at the brightness maxima. Furthermore, we compared the spectra of V5558 Sgr with V723 Cas, and other novae which exhibited several rebrightenings during the early phase.Comment: 8 pages, 7figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Studi Etnomatematika: Eksplorasi Konsep Teorema Phytagoras pada Budaya Palembang

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    Ethnomathematics is a study that combines mathematics and culture. Culture is a legacy passed down from ancestors that becomes a characteristic or characteristic of a particular region, one of the regions that has characteristics that are famous for its culture is the city of Palembang. Palembang city has various cultures that are in great demand by outsiders such as the Limas traditional house and jumputan cloth. Discussing about culture, this is certainly inseparable from learning concepts found in everyday life, one of which is the concept of learning mathematics. Where in this case the researcher takes the concept of mathematics on the phytagorean theorem associated with Limas houses and jumputan cloth. The type of research that researchers use is ethnographic qualitative research. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation. The data obtained was then analysed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions and verification. The result of this research is that Palembang culture, namely the Limas house roof, has the application of the phytagoras theorem concept. In the motifs of jumputan fabric patterns and the plan of the Limas house looking sideways contains the concept of proving the truth of the phytagoras theorem

    ISLAM POLITIK DALAM MEDIA MASSA Sebuah Telaah Kritis atas Pemberitaan Ideologi Politik dalam Kasus-kasus Keagamaan

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    Istilah Islam politik merupakan sebuah konsep yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan gejala sosial politik dikalangan aktivis atau sekelompok individu yang mendasarkan gerakan mereka dengan ideologi. Seiring dengan itu, dalam sorotan media massa, wacana Islam politik iu sudah ditentukan oleh hubungan antara; media, wacana Islam politik, serta audiensnya yang dipengaruhi oleh relasi-relasi dibaliknya seperti; kebijakan redaksional media. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menjawab relasi apa yang melatar belakangi wacana Islam politik dihadirkan di harian Kompas dan harian Republika tentang penyerangan warga Ahmadiyah di Cekeusik, Banten pada 06-02-2001, Penyerangan Gereja di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah 07-02-2011, penyerangan warga Syiah di Sampang, Jawa Timur 28-08-2012, berita partai-partai Islam setelah verifikasi komisi pemilihan umum (KPU) Januari 2013 08-01-2013. Berdasarkan analisis isi yang berparadigma analisis wacana kritis, kedua media nasional ini (harian Kompas dan harian Republika) samasama mampengaruhi pembaca. Bedanya, harian Kompas membingkai wacana ini kedalam dinamika ke-Indonesia-an dalam kerangka kebinekaan dan kesatuan bangsa sedangkan harian Republika membungkus wacana Islam politik kedalam dinamika keislaman. Walaupun demikian kedua media ini sama-sama menekankan arti penting peran pemerintah dalam penanganan kasus Islam politik di Indonesia. Tulisan ini juga bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan kritis dalam pembacaan atas wacana Islam politik di media massa, khususnya di Indonesia

    Seluk Beluk Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dan Pembiayaan Terorisme

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