149 research outputs found

    Pedagogía Del Agua Compilación, Sistematización Y Reelaboración De Experiencias En Educación Ambiental

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    En la actualidad se sabe con certeza que la mayoría de las problemáticas ambientales están asociadas o son consecuencia de las actividades humanas, entre estas se encuentran: la sobre explotación del suelo y su compactación, la pérdida de capa vegetal o suelo orgánico, la pérdida de coberturas boscosas, de conectividad ecológica entre cuerpos hídricos, que en ocasiones conllevan a su desaparición y la pérdida de áreas inundables; estas pérdidas han producido la consunción de los servicios ecosistémicos y el debilitamiento de la capacidad de adaptación de los ecosistemas reguladores. La pedagogía del agua es producto de la construcción colectiva de conocimiento que parte del encuentro interdisciplinario con comunidades rurales y urbanas, en el cual las y los participantes son protagonistas de lo que se enseña y se aprende. En este tiempo en el que urgen medidas para la adaptación y la mitigación de la crisis climática, si hay solución y un futuro posible, será basado en la solidaridad y la colaboración entre los seres humanos.At present it is known with certainty that most of the environmental problems are associated or are a consequence of human activities, among these are: the over-exploitation of the soil and its compaction, the loss of vegetal layer or organic soil, the loss of forest covers, ecological connectivity between bodies of water, which sometimes lead to their disappearance and the loss of flooded areas; These losses have led to the depletion of ecosystem services and the weakening of the adaptive capacity of regulatory ecosystems. The pedagogy of water is the product of the collective construction of knowledge that starts from the interdisciplinary encounter with rural and urban communities, in which the participants are protagonists of what is taught and learned. At this time when measures are urgently needed for adaptation and mitigation of the climate crisis, if there is a solution and a possible future, it will be based on solidarity and collaboration among human beings

    Hábitos lectores en niños de preescolar, implementación de un proyecto de aula

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    87 páginasThe objective of this research report was to show the results of the classroom project execution, identifying and analyzing their benefit in the acquisition of reading habits in the students of Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala School . The research was carried out with 18 children of the transition level who participated for two months in the implementation of the classroom project and in which actions were also carried out that involved their families. The activities were based on reading animation techniques, supported by the implementation of different children's books. The present study is qualitative, it was faced under an educational action research. Data and results collection strategies were used such as: observation, surveys, checklists and audiovisual records. The findings of this research showed that the activities proposed in the classroom project promoted the acquisition of reading habits, despite the fact that the children and their parents make sorne reading, it doesn't have established times, or schedules. The suggested activities achieved the children establish individual routines, and others that aroused interest in performing actions that would allow them to read.El presente informe de investigación tuvo como objetivo mostrar los resultados de la ejecución del proyecto de aula, identificando y analizando su beneficio en la adquisición de hábitos lectores en los estudiantes del Colegio Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala. La investigación se realizó con 18 niños del nivel transición quienes participaron durante dos meses en la implementación del proyecto de aula y en el cual también se realizaron acciones que involucraron a sus familias. Las actividades se basaron en técnicas de animación a la lectura, apoyadas en la implementación de diferentes libros infantiles. El presente estudio es cualitativo fue orientado bajo una acción educativa. Se utilizaron estrategias de recolección de datos y resultados como: observación, encuestas, listas de chequeo y registros audiovisuales. Los hallazgos de la presente investigación evidenciaron que las actividades planteadas en el proyecto de aula favorecieron la adquisición de los hábitos lectores, ya que pese a que los niños y sus padres realizaban alguna lectura esta no tenía tiempos, ni horarios establecidos. Con las actividades sugeridas se logró que los niños establecieran rutinas individuales y otras familiares las cuales despertaron el interés por realizar acciones que les permitiera leer.Magíster en Educación (Modalidad de Profundización)Maestrí


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    Masyarakat Aceh pada umumnya sering mengonsumsi makanan khas yang bersifat asam seperti kuah masam keueng. Makanan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi keadaan seluruh material yang terpapar olehnya seperti gigi tiruan resin akrilik heat cured. Bahan ini mampu menyerap kuah masam keueng sehingga menyebabkan perubahan kekasaran permukaan resin akrilik heat cured. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman kuah masam keueng terhadap kekasaran permukaan basis gigi tiruan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratoriks mengunakan analisis16 spesimen resin akrilik heat cured berbentuk persegi panjang (65x10x3mm). Spesimen direndam selama 24 jam di dalam akuades, kemudian diukur kekasaran permukaan awal (Ra1) menggunakan surface roughness tester. Setelah pengukuran awal, spesimen direndam dalam kuah masam keueng selama 2 hari kemudian spesimen dicuci dan diukur kembali kekasaran permukaannya (Ra2). Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t berpasangan (p<0,05). Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang bermakna kekasaran permukaaan sebelum dan sesudah terpapar kuah masam keung. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kuah masam keueng dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kekasaran permukaan resin akrilik heat cured

    Informal healthcare provision in Lebanon: an adaptive mechanism among displaced Syrian health professionals in a protracted crisis

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    Abstract: Background: Syrian healthcare workers (HCWs) are among those who fled the Syrian conflict only to face further social and economic challenges in host countries. In Lebanon, this population group cannot formally practice, yet many are believed to be operating informally. These activities remain poorly documented and misunderstood by the academic, policy and humanitarian communities. This study aims to understand mechanisms of informal provision of services, the facilitators and barriers for such practices and to present policy recommendations for building on this adaptive mechanism. Method: A qualitative descriptive study based on an in-depth interview approach with a sample of Syrian informal healthcare workers (IHCWs) residing in Lebanon was adopted. Known sponsor networks followed by snowball sampling approaches were used to recruit participants. Data collection occurred between September and December 2017. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and translated into English. An inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: Twenty-two participants were recruited. Motivational factors that led HCWs to practice informally were personal (e.g. source of income/livelihood), societal (cultural competency), and need to fulfill a gap in the formal health service sector. Being connected to a network of IHCWs facilitated initiation of the informal practice until eventually becoming part of a community of informal practice. The central challenge was the informal nature of their practice and its negative consequences. Most IHCWs were afraid of arrest by the government upon identification. Most interviewees indicated being discriminated against by host communities in the form of differential wages and tense interpersonal relationships. Almost all recommended a change in policy allowing them to practice formally under a temporary registration until their return to Syria. Conclusion: Our study confirmed the presence of IHCWs operating in Lebanon. Despite its informal nature, participants perceived that this practice was filling a gap in the formal health system and was helping to alleviate the burden of IHCWs and refugee health needs. In line with interviewees’ views, we recommend that policy decision makers within humanitarian agencies and the Government of Lebanon explore the possibilities for allowing temporary registration of displaced Syrian IHCW to benefit local host communities and refugee populations

    Microflora subgingival en periodontitis crónica y agresiva en Bogotá, Colombia: un acercamiento epidemiológico

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    Introduction. Periodontitis-associated microbiotas differ in regions around the world and vary with a variety of factors. This suggests that each country must establish its own dental microbiobiotic profile in order to formulate adequate prevention measures and more specific treatments.Objective. The prevalence and proportions of the following microorganisms were investigated: Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia/Prevotella nigrescens, Eikenella corrodens, Campylobacter rectus, Micromonas micros, Fusobacterium spp, Dialister pneumosintes and enteric rods. The patients selected had been diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis from clinical populations in Bogotá, Colombia. The variables of age, gender and socioeconomic level were included in the comparisons.Materials and methods. 183 patients were classified in two groups, chronic periodontitis (n=84) and aggressive periodontitis (n=59); 40 healthy subjects were selected for comparison. A pooled subgingival plaque sample was obtained from the 6 deepest periodontal pockets in every patient and processed by culture for the isolation and identification of bacteria. Results. In chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis, P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus, Fusobacterium spp and E. corrodens showed high and similar prevalence, whereas M. micros, A. actinomycetemcomitans, D. pneumosintes and enteric rods (commonly from the tribe Klebsielleae) showed less and similar prevalence. In the healthy group, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus and Fusobacterium spp showed high frequency whereas M. micros and E. corrodens showed moderate frequency.Conclusions. Porphyromonas gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus, Fusobacterium spp. and E. corrodens are important constituents of the microbiologic profile of the periodontitis in Colombian populations. Porphyromonas gingivalis was found more frequently than A. actinomycetemcomitans in aggressive periodontitis.Introducción. Los microorganismos involucrados en la periodontitis varían en cada región dependiendo de diferentes factores. Por ello cada país debe establecer su propio perfil microbiológico con el objeto de proponer esquemas adecuados de prevención y tratamiento. Objetivo. Investigar la presencia y concentración subgingival de Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia/Prevotella nigrescens, Eikenella corrodens, Campylobacter rectus, Micromonas micros, Fusobacterium spp, Dialister pneumosintes y bacilos entéricos en pacientes con periodontitis en una población colombiana considerando edad, género y nivel socioeconómico. Materiales y métodos. Participaron 183 pacientes: 84 con periodontitis crónica, 59 con periodontitis agresiva y 40 individuos sanos. De cada paciente se obtuvo un grupo de muestras de los seis sitios con mayor profundidad de bolsa que se procesaron por cultivo para el aislamiento e identificación de las bacterias.Resultados. En periodontitis crónica y agresiva se detectaron con alta y similar frecuencia P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus, Fusobacterium spp y E. corrodens y con menor y similar frecuencia, M. micros, A. actinomycetemcomitans, D. pneumosintes y bacilos entéricos, principalmente de la tribu Klebsielleae. En los sujetos sanos se encontraron con frecuencia elevada P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus y Fusobacterium spp y con frecuencia moderada, M. micros y E. corrodens.Conclusión. Los resultados indican que P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus, Fusobacterium spp y E. corrodens constituyen parte importante del perfil microbiológicode las periodontitis en la población colombiana. En la periodontitis agresiva, P. gingivalis se encontró más frecuentemente que A. actinomycetemcomitans

    Modelling the potential effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment strategies during pregnancy in Egypt and Ukraine

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Hepatitis C (HCV) test and treat campaigns currently excludes pregnant women. Pregnancy offers a unique opportunity for HCV screening and to potentially initiate direct-acting-antiviral treatment. We explored HCV screening and treatment strategies in two lower middle-income countries with high HCV prevalence, Egypt and Ukraine. METHODS: Country-specific probabilistic decision models were developed to simulate a cohort of pregnant women. We compared five strategies: S0, targeted risk-based screening and deferred treatment (DT) to after pregnancy/breastfeeding; S1, WHO risk-based screening and DT; S2, WHO risk-based screening and targeted treatment (treat women with risk factors for HCV vertical transmission (VT)); S3, universal screening and targeted treatment during pregnancy; S4, universal screening and treatment. Maternal and infant HCV outcomes were projected. RESULTS: S0 resulted in the highest proportion of women undiagnosed:59% and 20% in Egypt and Ukraine, respectively, with 0% maternal cure by delivery and VT estimated at 6.5% and 7.9%, respectively. WHO risk-based screening and DT (S1) increased the proportion of women diagnosed with no change in maternal cure or VT. Universal screening and treatment during pregnancy (S4) resulted in the highest proportion of women diagnosed and cured by delivery (65% and 70% respectively), and lower levels of VT (3.4% and 3.6% respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the first models to explore HCV screening and treatment strategies in pregnancy, which will be critical in informing future care and policy as more safety/efficacy data emerge. Universal screening and treatment in pregnancy could potentially improve both maternal and infant outcomes. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS: In the context of two lower middle-income countries with high HCV burden (Egypt and Ukraine), we designed a decision analytic model to explore five different HCV testing and treatment strategies for pregnant women, with the assumption that treatment was safe and efficacious for use in pregnancy. Assuming DAAs in pregnancy reduced vertical transmission, model findings indicate optimal maternal and infant benefits with provision of universal (rather than risk-based targeted) screening and treatment during pregnancy: the proportion of women diagnosed and cured by delivery would be 65% in Egypt and 70% in Ukraine (versus 0% with standard of care), and the proportion of infants that would be infected at the age of 6 months would decrease from 6.5% to 3.4% in Egypt, and from 7.9% to 3.6% in Ukraine, compared to standard of care. While future trials are needed to assess safety and efficacy of DAA treatment in pregnancy and impact on VT, there is increasing recognition that the elimination of HCV cannot leave entire subpopulations of pregnant women and young children behind. Our findings will be critical in informing policymakers in improving screening and treatment recommendations for pregnant women

    Proyecto para ejecutar totalmente el sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo

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    Desarrollar el plan de acción con las actividades que garantizan la implementación del 30% restante para el Sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo de agencia Alemana de Colombia, bajo los parámetros establecidos en el capítulo 6 del Decreto 1072 de 2015 y en cumplimiento del Decreto 1111 de 2017, identificando el ciclo de gestión de conocimiento que contribuye al beneficio de la compañía y al bienestar laboral de los trabajadores en pro de su estrategia organizacional.Develop the action plan with the activities that guarantees the implementation of the remaining 30% for the Occupational Health and Safety System of the German Agency of Colombia, under the parameters established in Chapter 6 of Decree 1072 of 2015 and in compliance with the Decree 1111 of 2017, identifying the cycle of knowledge management that contributes to the benefit of the company and the workers' welfare in favor of its organizational strategy

    Farmacovigilancia en Colombia

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    Se puede decir que la farmacovigilancia es indispensable en la identificación, evaluación, prevención y detección de problemas relacionados con los medicamentos, y es responsabilidad de todos los agentes implicados (pacientes, familiares, clínicas y hospitales, laboratorios farmacéuticos y secretarias de salud) la notificación de dichos reportes. Para la recolección de dicha información la farmacovigilancia cuenta con diferentes métodos, gracias a dichos métodos se puede detectar y notificar: reacciones adversas a los medicamentos (RAM), errores de medicación (EM), problemas relacionados con los medicamentos (PRM) y los problemas relacionados con el uso de los medicamentos (PRUM). Esa información es enviada a la entidad de vigilancia de medicamentos y alimentos INVIMA, con el ánimo de determinar realmente el perfil de seguridad de los medicamentos que son comercializados, generando lineamientos y directrices nacionales que faciliten realizar vigilancia a los medicamentos en la etapa de post- comercialización y sirve para intercambiar y transferir información conocimientos sobre riesgo de sufrir algún evento adverso o cualquier problema relacionado con medicamentos. Es así, nosotros como regentes de Farmacia desempeñamos un papel muy importante en el campo de la Farmacovigilancia, desde el desarrollo de las actividades y procesos del servicio Farmacéutico.It can be said that pharmacovigilance is essential in the identification, evaluation, prevention and detection of problems related to medications, and it is the responsibility of all the agents involved (patients, relatives, clinics and hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories and health secretaries) to notify of said reports. For the collection of said information, the pharmacovigilance has different methods such as active and passive notification and by epidemiological studies, thanks to these methods it is possible to detect and report: adverse drug reactions (RAM), medication errors (EM), problems drug-related (PRM) and drug- related problems (PRUM). This information is sent to the entity for the surveillance of medicines and foods INVIMA, with the aim of really determining the safety profile of the medicines that are marketed, generating national guidelines and guidelines that facilitate surveillance of medicines at the post-stage. marketing and serves to exchange and transfer knowledge information about the risk of suffering an adverse event or any problem related to medications. This is how we as Pharmacy regents play a very important role in the field of Pharmacovigilance, from the development of the activities and processes of the Pharmaceutical service