334 research outputs found


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    A bibliography is presented of reports on the research and development and space and terrestrial applications of radioisotope-fueled power supplies. (C.E.S.

    Consistent reactive participation of group members and reduction of intergroup conflict

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68015/2/10.1177_002200275900300103.pd

    Control of acetylcholine receptor mobility and distribution in cultured muscle membranes. A fluorescence study

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    The molecular control of the distribution and motion of acetylcholine receptors in the plasma membrane of developing rat myotubes in primary cell culture was investigated by fluorescence techniques. Acetylcholine receptors were marked with tetramethylrhodamine-labeled [alpha]-bungarotoxin and lateral molecular motion in the membrane was measured by the fluorescence photobleaching recovery technique. Three types of experiments are discussed: (I) The effect of enzymatic cleavages, drugs, cross-linkers, and physiological alterations on the lateral motion of acetylcholine receptors and on the characteristic distribution of acetylcholine receptors into patch and diffuse areas. (II) Observation of the distribution and/or motion of fluorescence-labeled concanavalin A receptors, lipid probes, cell surface protein, and stained cholinesterase in acetylcholine receptor patch and diffuse areas. (III) The effect of a protein synthesis inhibitor and electrical stimulation on membrane incorporation of new acetylcholine receptors.Some of the main conclusions are: (a) acetylcholine receptor lateral motion is inhibited by concanavalin A plant lectin and by anti-[alpha]-bungarotoxin antibody, but marginally enhanced by treatment with a local anesthetic; (b) patches are stabilized by an immobile cellular structure consisting of molecules other than the acetylcholine receptors themselves; (c) this structure is highly selective for acetylcholine receptors and not for other cell membrane components; (d) acetylcholine receptor patch integrity and diffuse area motion are independent of direct metabolic energy requirements and are sensitive to electrical excitation of myotube; (e) lipid molecules can move laterally in both acetylcholine receptor patches and diffuse areas; and (f) acetylcholine receptor lateral motion in diffuse areas and immobility in patch areas are not altered by specific agents which are known to affect extrinsic cell surface proteins, or cytoplasmic microfilaments and microtubules.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22569/1/0000114.pd

    Cascading Globalization and Local Response: Indian Fishers’ Response to Export Market Liberalization

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    Scholars have long debated whether trade liberalization has positive or negative effects on resource use and ecosystems. This study examines the conditions under which resource use increases or decreases in response to reduced trade barriers, specifically after the 2008 World Trade Organization decision that led the United States to reduce anti-dumping duties on Indian shrimp. At the district level in South India, fishing fleet expansion was correlated with access to global market information via mobile phones. Model simulations indicate that increased mobile phone saturation could expand fish- ing effort sufficiently to deplete multiple marine species groups, while other species benefit from the loss of predators. However, scenario analysis suggests that regulatory interventions could mitigate these ecosystem pressures while still permitting fishers to benefit from increased access to global market information

    Analysis of Observables in Chern-Simons Perturbation Theory

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    Chern-Simons Theory with gauge group SU(N)SU(N) is analyzed from a perturbation theory point of view. The vacuum expectation value of the unknot is computed up to order g6g^6 and it is shown that agreement with the exact result by Witten implies no quantum correction at two loops for the two-point function. In addition, it is shown from a perturbation theory point of view that the framing dependence of the vacuum expectation value of an arbitrary knot factorizes in the form predicted by Witten.Comment: 42page

    SN 2009bb: a Peculiar Broad-Lined Type Ic Supernova

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    Ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared photometry and optical spectroscopy of the broad-lined Type Ic supernova (SN) 2009bb are presented, following the flux evolution from -10 to +285 days past B-band maximum. Thanks to the very early discovery, it is possible to place tight constraints on the SN explosion epoch. The expansion velocities measured from near maximum spectra are found to be only slightly smaller than those measured from spectra of the prototype broad-lined SN 1998bw associated with GRB 980425. Fitting an analytical model to the pseudo-bolometric light curve of SN 2009bb suggests that 4.1+-1.9 Msun of material was ejected with 0.22 +-0.06 Msun of it being 56Ni. The resulting kinetic energy is 1.8+-0.7x10^52 erg. This, together with an absolute peak magnitude of MB=-18.36+-0.44, places SN 2009bb on the energetic and luminous end of the broad-lined Type Ic (SN Ic) sequence. Detection of helium in the early time optical spectra accompanied with strong radio emission, and high metallicity of its environment makes SN 2009bb a peculiar object. Similar to the case for GRBs, we find that the bulk explosion parameters of SN 2009bb cannot account for the copious energy coupled to relativistic ejecta, and conclude that another energy reservoir (a central engine) is required to power the radio emission. Nevertheless, the analysis of the SN 2009bb nebular spectrum suggests that the failed GRB detection is not imputable to a large angle between the line-of-sight and the GRB beamed radiation. Therefore, if a GRB was produced during the SN 2009bb explosion, it was below the threshold of the current generation of gamma-ray instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Differential Regularization of Topologically Massive Yang-Mills Theory and Chern-Simons Theory

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    We apply differential renormalization method to the study of three-dimensional topologically massive Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons theories. The method is especially suitable for such theories as it avoids the need for dimensional continuation of three-dimensional antisymmetric tensor and the Feynman rules for three-dimensional theories in coordinate space are relatively simple. The calculus involved is still lengthy but not as difficult as other existing methods of calculation. We compute one-loop propagators and vertices and derive the one-loop local effective action for topologically massive Yang-Mills theory. We then consider Chern-Simons field theory as the large mass limit of topologically massive Yang-Mills theory and show that this leads to the famous shift in the parameter kk. Some useful formulas for the calculus of differential renormalization of three-dimensional field theories are given in an Appendix.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. Several typewritten errors and inappropriate arguments are corrected, especially the correct adresses of authors are give

    The UN in the lab

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    We consider two alternatives to inaction for governments combating terrorism, which we term Defense and Prevention. Defense consists of investing in resources that reduce the impact of an attack, and generates a negative externality to other governments, making their countries a more attractive objective for terrorists. In contrast, Prevention, which consists of investing in resources that reduce the ability of the terrorist organization to mount an attack, creates a positive externality by reducing the overall threat of terrorism for all. This interaction is captured using a simple 3×3 “Nested Prisoner’s Dilemma” game, with a single Nash equilibrium where both countries choose Defense. Due to the structure of this interaction, countries can benefit from coordination of policy choices, and international institutions (such as the UN) can be utilized to facilitate coordination by implementing agreements to share the burden of Prevention. We introduce an institution that implements a burden-sharing policy for Prevention, and investigate experimentally whether subjects coordinate on a cooperative strategy more frequently under different levels of cost sharing. In all treatments, burden sharing leaves the Prisoner’s Dilemma structure and Nash equilibrium of the game unchanged. We compare three levels of burden sharing to a baseline in a between-subjects design, and find that burden sharing generates a non-linear effect on the choice of the efficient Prevention strategy and overall performance. Only an institution supporting a high level of mandatory burden sharing generates a significant improvement in the use of the Prevention strategy

    Structure of the first representative of Pfam family PF04016 (DUF364) reveals enolase and Rossmann-like folds that combine to form a unique active site with a possible role in heavy-metal chelation.

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    The crystal structure of Dhaf4260 from Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2 was determined by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) to a resolution of 2.01 Å using the semi-automated high-throughput pipeline of the Joint Center for Structural Genomics (JCSG) as part of the NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative (PSI). This protein structure is the first representative of the PF04016 (DUF364) Pfam family and reveals a novel combination of two well known domains (an enolase N-terminal-like fold followed by a Rossmann-like domain). Structural and bioinformatic analyses reveal partial similarities to Rossmann-like methyltransferases, with residues from the enolase-like fold combining to form a unique active site that is likely to be involved in the condensation or hydrolysis of molecules implicated in the synthesis of flavins, pterins or other siderophores. The genome context of Dhaf4260 and homologs additionally supports a role in heavy-metal chelation

    Structure of a putative NTP pyrophosphohydrolase: YP_001813558.1 from Exiguobacterium sibiricum 255-15.

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    The crystal structure of a putative NTPase, YP_001813558.1 from Exiguobacterium sibiricum 255-15 (PF09934, DUF2166) was determined to 1.78 Å resolution. YP_001813558.1 and its homologs (dimeric dUTPases, MazG proteins and HisE-encoded phosphoribosyl ATP pyrophosphohydrolases) form a superfamily of all-α-helical NTP pyrophosphatases. In dimeric dUTPase-like proteins, a central four-helix bundle forms the active site. However, in YP_001813558.1, an unexpected intertwined swapping of two of the helices that compose the conserved helix bundle results in a `linked dimer' that has not previously been observed for this family. Interestingly, despite this novel mode of dimerization, the metal-binding site for divalent cations, such as magnesium, that are essential for NTPase activity is still conserved. Furthermore, the active-site residues that are involved in sugar binding of the NTPs are also conserved when compared with other α-helical NTPases, but those that recognize the nucleotide bases are not conserved, suggesting a different substrate specificity