122 research outputs found

    Paleo-environmental reconstruction of Karaburun coast: a geoarchaeological approach

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    Abstract: Located between Istros and Orgamè, Karaburun is one of the archaic Greek colonies in the southern Danube delta with an occupation period beginning in the mid-6 th c. BC. Nowadays, the remains of the ancient settlement are located close to the shores of lagoon Goloviţa within the Razelm-Sinoe lagoon system which forms the southern part of the Danube Delta. The archaeological and geomorphological data from the site indicates its co-existence with the neighboring ancient cities of Istros and Orgamè on the western Black Sea littoral. However, while research have been carried out in these two major cities, the case of Karaburun has been overlooked. Nothing has been done regarding questions of environmental evolution of the coast to explain the anthropogenic and natural processes that had impact on the settlement. The present study deals with the late Holocene coastal landscape transformation from a paleo-lake stage to the present-day lagoon system. It follows a geoarchaeological approach based on the multi-proxy analysis of 4 cores collected from the area surrounding the site. Sedimentology and fossil micro-fauna (mainly ostracods) methods coupled with 14C (AMS) dates were applied with the aim to resolve the following questions: coastal dynamism and its connection with Istros and Orgamè. Moreover, various other factors that led to geomorphological reform in the southern Danube deltas are incorporated to answer the hypothesis raised here


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    Suasana Pandemi Covid 19 tidak menghentikan kegiatan pengawasan secara total. Upaya-upaya praktis dan aman tetap harus dilakukan. Penggunaan fasilitas daring seperti Google Form merupakan salah satu cara untuk melakukan pembinaan. Selain itu ada aplikasi Zoom Meeting yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan tele conference atau video call secara kelompok dalam proses pembinaan. Selain menjadi isu terkini, yang tentunya menarik untuk dilakukan, penggunaan Google Form dan Zoom Meeting memungkinkan terjadi interaksi tatap maya antara pengawas dengan para guru binaannya. Meskipun prosesnya berpotensi diwarnai dengan trial and error tetapi penggunaan fasilitas dalam jaringan (daring) tersebut menjadi alternatif yang tepat. Selain menjadi isu terkini, yang tentunya menarik untuk dilakukan, penggunaan Google Form dan Zoom Meeting memungkinkan terjadi interaksi tatap maya antara pengawas dengan para guru binaannya. Meskipun prosesnya berpotensi diwarnai dengan trial and error tetapi penggunaan fasilitas dalam jaringan (daring) tersebut menjadi alternatif yang tepat. Namun penggunaan zoom meeting belum dilakukan secara optimal. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah para guru  SMAN 2 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Semester ganjil. Terdapat sebanyak 60 orang guru  di SMAN 2 Metro. Diawali dengan supervisi akademik sebagai pijakan awal menggunaan Google Form yang merupakan instrumen penilaian perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Memperkuat hasil diskusi temuan Google Form maka dilakukan tatap maya dengan Zoom meeting. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kinerja guru merencanakan dan melaksanaka pembelajaran HOTS daring meningkat melalui penggunaan Google Formdan Zoom Meet selama Pandemi Covid 2019. Kinerja supervisi pendidikan adalah pelaporan dan penilaian, untuk melihat keberhasilan-keberhasilan yang telah dicapai, juga akan memberikan gambaran bagi kinerja selanjutnya, baik bagi personal maupun institusional. Bagi personal, boleh jadi pelaporan dan penilaian merupakan motivasi yang sangat berarti. Perilaku dan kinerja guru semakin baik terjadi selama  pelaksanaan supervisi akademis dilaksanakan diikuti supervisi klinis. untuk meyakinkan bahwa setiap guru telah mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran yang diperlukan sesuai K13. Melalui tatap maya menggunakan Zoom Meeting, teknik kelompok diterapkan pada awal tindakan siklus I, kemudian teknik individual sebagai bagian dari klinis diterapkan pada siklus II. Pada siklus II, yang dibutuhkan oleh guru oleh adalah bimbingan individual dalam mengembangkan silabus dan merencanakan pembelajaran; Supervisi klinis dilakukan pada beberapa guru yang mengalami kesulitan kompleks untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Data kinerja guru merencanakan pembelajaran dilakukan menggunakan Google Classroom. Pada siklus II, persentase capaian komponen merencanakan pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa Identitas Mapel 92,94, Perumusan Tujuan 72,8, Menentukan KD dan IPK 75,4, Materi Pembelajaran 76,6, Metode Pembelajaran 74,4, Media Pembelajaran 77,6 Sumber Belajar 76,4, Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 74,6, Penilaian 78,6. Semua komponen mencapai persentase lebih dari 70. Menggunakan tangkapan video saat pembelajaran daring maka kinerja guru melaksanakan pembelajaran HOTS dapat dilakuakn. Pada Siklus II, capaian setiap aspek pelaksanaan pembelajaran adalah Pendahuluan  77, kemudian pada kegiatan Inti, Penguasaan Materi mencapai 76, Pelibatan Pesdik mencapai 80. Proses saintifik mencapai 78, Aktivitas HOTS mencapai 77, 4C mencapai 75. Pemanfaatan media/ sumber belajar mencapai  82, Pelaksanaan Penilaian mencapai 77, Penggunaan bahasa 76. Kegiatan penutup mencapai 76

    Mineral Composition of Grain and Straw of Tef (Eragrostis tef) Grown on Vertisols

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    አህፅሮትበኢትዮጵያ ጤፍ ሇሰው ምግብነት እና ሇእንስሳት መኖ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል፡፡ በመካከሇኛው እና ሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ ጤፍ በሚመረትባቸው አካባቢዎች የጤፍ እህል (ቅንጣት) እና ገሇባ ናሙና ተወስዶ የኬሚካል ምርመራ በኣውስትራልያ ተዯርጓል፡፡ ናሙና በተወሰዯባቸው በሶስቱም አካባቢዎች የተሇያየ የኬሚካላዊ ንጥረ ነገር ክምችት እንዳሇ ተረጋግጧል፡፡ የአየር ንብረት እና የኣፈር ንጥረ ነገር ክምችት መሇያየት ሇውጤቱ መሇያያት እንዯምክንያት መጥቀስ ይቻላል፡፡ ይህም ሆኖ ናሙና በተወሰዯባቸው ሶስቱም ኣካባቢዎች የተገኘው ውጤት ከሞላ ጎዯል ተመሳሳይነት ኣሇው ማሇት ይቻላል፡፡ ይህ ጥናት የጤፍ ቅንጣት እና ገሇባ የኬሚካላዊ ንጥረ-ነገር ክምችት ሇተመራማሪዎች እና ሞያተኞች እንዯ መሰረታዊ መረጃ ያገሇግላል፡፡ የተሻሻሇ እና ከፍተኛ የንጥረ ነገር ክምችት ያሇው የጤፍ ምርት እንዲኖረን ተጨማሪ ጥናቶች በተሇያዩ የጤፍ ዝርያዎች እና የኣፈር ኣይነቶች ሊሞከር ይገባል፡፡AbstractTef grain and straw are important food and feed resources, respectively, in Ethiopia. Chemical analysis was carried out on tef grain and straw grown on Vertisols of three areas of the central and northern districts in Ethiopia in 2008. The grain and straw samples were analyzed from nitric acid- hydrogen peroxide digest using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICPAES) in Australia. Variability among districts in trends and concentrations of different elements of tef grain and straw were observed. The variability could be due to the differences in agro-ecology and soil mineral composition in the different districts. Even though there were some inconsistencies, the chemical composition of tef grown in different agro-ecologies was similar. The current study serves to give basic information on the elemental concentration of tef grain and straw to researchers and professionals in tef mineral element composition and nutrition. Additional studies may require across soil types and using different varieties of tef to strengthen the quality of tef in terms of nutrient composition and to give indications for further research on nutrients that are deficient in soils and plants

    Die Darstellung Subsahara-Afrikas im deutschen Schulbuch: Gesellschaftslehre, Erdkunde, Geschichte und Politik der Sekundarstufe I (Gesamtschule) in Nordrhein-Westfalen

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    Schulbücher haben innerhalb der Schule eine große Bedeutung für die Gestaltung des Unterrichts. Das Thema Subsahara-Afrika spielt sowohl in der hiesigen Gesellschaft als auch in Schulbüchern eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Diese Erfahrung machte der aus Eritrea geflüchtete Autor in den 1980/90er Jahren als Lernender an einer Wuppertaler Gesamtschule. Im Rahmen seines Studiums der Sozialpädagogik stellte er fest, dass diese Problematik im universitären Kontext ebenfalls nur marginal behandelt wird. Auch außerhalb der Schule wird Subsahara-Afrika in der allgemeinen Medienberichterstattung als Krisen- und Katastrophenregion dargestellt, bei der insbesondere der Anteil europäischer bzw. westlicher Länder an dieser Situation weitgehend eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt und Initiativen aus Subsahara-Afrika zur Lösung von Problemen kaum Erwähnung finden

    A Cloud-based On-line Disaggregation Algorithm for Home Appliance Loads

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    In this work, we address the problem of providing fast and on-line households appliance load detection in a non-intrusive way from aggregate electric energy consumption data. Enabling on-line load detection is a relevant research problem as it can unlock new grid services such as demand-side management and raises interactivity in energy awareness possibly leading to more green behaviours. To this purpose, we propose an On-line-NILM (Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring) machine learning algorithm combining two methodologies: i) Unsupervised event-based profiling and ii) Markov chain appliance load modelling. The event-based part performs event detection through contiguous and transient data segments, events clustering and matching. The resulting features are used to build household-specific appliance models from generic appliance models. Disaggregation is then performed on-line using an Additive Factorial Hidden Markov Model from the generated appliance model parameters. Our solution is implemented on the cloud and tested with public benchmark datasets. Accuracy results are presented and compared with literature solutions, showing that the proposed solution achieves on-line detection with comparable detection performance with respect to non on-line approaches

    Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude towards Palliative Care and Associated Factors among Nurses Working in North Wollo Hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients facing a life-threatening illness. Nurses should improve their caregiving capacity. In Ethiopia, palliative care is underestimated. The availability of data regarding the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards palliative care is critically important. Thus, this study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and attitude of nurses towards palliative care.METHODS: Institution-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in North Wollo hospitals. A simple random sampling technique was used. The data was collected using structured selfadministered questionnaires from February to March 2019. The analysis was done using a binary logistic regression model. P-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.RESULTS: The result revealed that 59.7% of the respondents had good knowledge and 44.2% had a favorable attitude towards palliative care. Level of education, experience in caring for chronically ill patients, and experience in caring for dying family members within the last 6 months had a significant association with the knowledge of nurses. Monthly income, experience in caring for chronically ill patients, formal palliative care education, and knowledge were found statistically significant with the attitude of nurses towards palliative care.CONCLUSION: More than half of the nurses had good knowledge, but less than half of the respondents had a favorable attitude towards palliative care. Attention should be given towards palliative care by the health policy and needs to be incorporated into the national curriculum of nursing education

    What is the real estate agents role as a project broker and how should deficiency situations be handled?

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    Denne oppgaven omhandler prosjektmegling med fokus på mangler. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er fokuset som har vært rundt boligmangel og antakelsen om at det kommer til å bli satt opp flere prosjekter fremover. Dermed vil eiendomsmeglere mest sannsynligvis bli mer involvert i prosjektmegling. Formålet med oppgaven er å belyse og gi en forståelse for hvordan eiendomsmeglers rolle ser ut gjennom en nybyggprosess, og hvordan mangelsituasjoner blir håndtert. Oppgaven er løst med kvalitativ metode der det er blitt samlet inn data fra lengre intervjuer med prosjektmeglere fra ulike foretak, teori og lovverk. Oppgaven fokuseres mot hva som er eiendomsmeglers rolle som prosjektmegler og hvordan mangelsituasjoner håndteres. I analysen kommer resultatene fra datainnsamlingen fra foretatte intervjuer frem. Her presenteres prosjektmeglernes syn på hvordan de mener eiendomsmeglers rolle er ved nybygg og hvordan selve nybyggprosessen ser ut, altså hvordan deres opptreden er som prosjektmeglere. Hvordan de opplever mangelsituasjoner og hvordan disse er håndtert på bakgrunn av deres erfaring. Oppgavens problemstilling besvares i en avsluttende konklusjon der det kommer frem at eiendomsmegler i sin rolle som prosjektmegler ikke kan sørge for at mangler unngås, men hvordan de skal håndteres på best mulig vis når det oppstår. I denne sammenhengen å opprettholde rollen som mellommann og ivareta begge partenes interesser på best mulig vis. Etter konklusjonen presenteres ett alternativ til videre forskning og ett kritisk syn på hvordan oppgaven kunne vært vinklet annerledes.This thesis deals with project broker's focus on deficiencies. The reason for the task is the focus that has been around housing shortage and the assumption that it is going to be set up more projects to come. Thus, real estate agents are most likely to become more involved in project broking. The purpose of the study was to examine and give an understanding of how the real estate agents role looks through a new build process, and how the deficiency situations are handled. The thesis is solved with qualitative methodology where it has been collected data from longer interviews with project agencies from various enterprises, theory and laws. The mission is focused on what is the real estate agents role as a project broker and how deficiency situations are handled. In the results of the analysis are the data collections from dialed interviews presented. This presents the project brokers' views on how they think real estate agents role in new buildings projects are handled, and how the new building process looks like, ie how their behavior is like project brokers. How they experience deficiency situations and how these are handled on the basis of their experience. The research question is answered in a final conclusion where it appears that the real estate agent in his role as project broker cannot ensure that deficiencies are avoided, but how they should be handled in the best possible manner when it occurs. In this context, maintaining the role of middle man and protect both parties' interests in the best possible manner. After the conclusion it is presented one option for further research and one critical view on how the thesis could be angled differently

    Detection of Anomalies in Household Appliances from Disaggregated Load Consumption

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    The detection of anomalous power consumption in household appliances plays a key role for the optimization of grid operations and for reducing unwanted electrical absorptions in residential buildings. Smart Plugs, Smart Appliances and other appliance-level monitoring devices allow to continuously monitor the power consumption of individual appliances present in the house. This work is aimed at detecting electrical anomalies in household appliances by analyzing the disaggregated load consumption derived from appliance-level monitoring devices. For this purpose, we implemented an anomaly detection framework which monitors the hourly energy consumption of three common sources of power absorption: the baseline, the fridge and the electrical devices. Here, we focused our analysis on two kinds of anomalies: single-point deviations and anomalous trends. The analysis of single-point deviations allowed us to identify short-term power peaks due either to unexpected electrical faults or sudden variations in end-users routines. The analysis of anomalous trends revealed several cases in which the end-users gradually increased their ordinary power consumption profile towards more energy-intensive practices. In summary, the results of our work showed that the power consumption derived from appliance-level load monitoring can be used to detect several anomalous power consumption in household appliances

    Numeric simulation of steel twin disc system under rolling-sliding contact

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    Various mechanical parts come into high-load rolling and sliding contact at the contact surface. Even with technological advancements, mechanical failures still occur. Rolling-sliding mechanical contact issues are the primary cause of over 90 % of surface and subsurface metallic failures and they are only becoming worse. Using discretised continuum 2D finite element methods (FEM), this research investigates the parametric contact effect of a steel twin disc system subjected to rolling-sliding contact at varied surface friction and comprehensive load condition. The equivalent von Mises stress distribution, contact pressure distribution and shift position of maximum subsurface stress on the contour region are all influenced by changes in compressive load and coefficient of friction, according to a numerical surface-to-surface contact simulation performed with Abaqus at mean Hertzian pressure. The maximal equivalent stress, for a given load, reaches a peak in the subsurface and moves farther away from the surface when the coefficient of friction decreases and comes close to the contact surface when the coefficient of friction increases. Consistency is shown by the analytical and numerical results