185 research outputs found

    Orientalism, Total War and the Production of Settler Colonial Existence: The United States, Australia, Apartheid South Africa and the Zionist Case

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    Picking up on current research about settler colonialism, this study uses a modified version of a model explaining modern-state formation to explain settler-colonial formation. Charles Tilly identified two simultaneous processes at work – war-making and state-making which produced modern states in Western Europe. Settler-colonial systems engage(d) in a particular type of war to produce their existence: total war. Hence, a modified version of total-war-making and settler-colonial-existence-making (production) occuring in the settler-colonial-creation phase is proposed. However, before this conceptual analytical framework could be developed, it was necessary to examine the meanings of terms such as 'nation' and ‘nation-state’ as well as concepts such as settler-colonialism and total war. The sample of relevant literature analyzed revealed inconsistencies in the meanings of the terms when applying W.H. Newton-Smith’s theory of meaning, suggesting the influence of what Edward Said identified as the workings of orientalism. This has conceptual implications on terms such as settler-colonialism and the meaning of the type of war it wages upon the indigenous nations. It also has implications on developing a conceptual analytical tool to understand the dynamics of the production of the settler-colonial existence. Thus, the terms and concepts needed to be de-orientalized before using them in the modified model which was then used to examine initially three settler-colonial cases: the United States, Australia and Apartheid South Africa. The modified analytical model was able to highlight particular dynamics relevant to settler-colonial systems and was then used – with the incremental and imbricate research done in the first three chapters – to examine the Zionist case. It illustrated that while the cases of the United States and Australia were able pass their creation phases, the Apartheid case could not and subsequently collapsed. The Zionist case seems to be still in its settler-colonial-creation phase. This has implications on current analysis concerning the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

    Comparison of Protein Concentration in Red and White Muscles in Two Species of Bony Fish

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    تتناول الدراسة الحالية تقدير تركيز البروتين ودراسة تأثير زيادة وزن الأسماك على تركيز البروتين في العضلات الحمر والبيض في منطقتين مختلفتين (R1: المنطقة الأمامية وتبعد 2 سم خلف الرأس و R2: المنطقة الخلفية وتبعد 2 سم عن الزعنفة الذيلية ) في نوعين من الأسماك العظمية ، وهما الكارب الشائع (Cyprinus carpio) والبلطي النيلي (Oreochromis niloticus) ، تم جمع العينات من نهر كرمة علي شمال البصرة في الفترة ما بين أكتوبر 2019 وفبراير 2020, وتم استخلاص البروتين بأستخدام Protein extraction buffer ، أظهرت الدراسة الحالية  أن متوسط ​​تركيز البروتين في العضلات  الحمر للبلطي النيلي كان يتراوح بين( 7.74-7.4 )ملغم / مل و (6.8 -8.85 ملغم / مل) في منطقة R1 و R2 على التوالي ، بينما تراوح بين ( 173 -334 ملغم / مل ) و( 127-253 ملغم / مل ) في العضلات البيض  في منطقة R1 و R2  على التوالي. اما في الكارب  كان تركيز البروتين للعضلات الحمر بين ( 7.19-9.10 ملغم / مل و 6.87-8.41 ملغم / مل ) في منطقتي R1 و R2 على التوالي.  بينما تراوح تركيز البروتين في العضلات البيض بين 98.7-250.2 ملغم / مل )و( 61.5-214.1 ملغم / مل) في منطقتي R1 و R2 على التوالي. أشارت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي لتركيز البروتين في العضلات الحمر والبيض في مناطق الجسم إلى وجود فروقاً معنوية (P <0.05) وفروقاً غير معنوية (P> 0.05) بين تركيز البروتين في العضلات الحمر والبيض في الأنواع المدروسة واستنتجت الدراسة الحالية أن العضلات البيض تحتوي على تركيز بروتيني أعلى من العضلات الحمر وأن زيادة الوزن لها تأثير معنوي على تركيز البروتين في العضلات البيض.The current study deals with estimating the protein concentration and the effect of fish weight on protein concentration values in red and white muscles in two different regions ( R1 : Anterior region lies 2 cm behind the head and R2: posterior region lies 2cm from caudal fin  (in  two types of bony fish, namely common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Samples were collected from Karmat Ali river- north of Basrah between October 2019 and February 2020. The protein was extracted using protein extraction buffer, the current study show that the average of  protein concentration in red muscles of Nile tilapia ranged between  7.74-7.4 mg / ml  and ( 6.8-8.85 mg / ml) in R1 and R2 region respectively, while it ranged between 173-334 mg / ml and 127-253 mg / ml  in R1and R2 region in white muscles, respectively. In Carp, protein concentration for red muscles was 7.19-9.10 mg / ml and  6.87-8.41 mg / ml  in R1 and R2 regions, respectively. On the other hand,  protein concentration in white muscles ranged between 98.7-250.2 mg / ml and 61.5-214.1 mg / ml  in both  R1 and R2 regions respectively. The statistical analysis results of the protein concentration in the red and white muscles in the body regions indicated that there was a significant difference(P<0.05) and non- significant difference (P>0.05) between the protein concentration in red and white muscles in the studied species ,The current study concluded that white muscles contain a higher protein concentration than red muscles and that weight gain has a significant effect on protein concentration in white muscles

    Effect of Foot Refelexology on Preeclampsia

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of foot reflexology on mean arterial blood pressure, Serum Cortisol level, proteinuria and quality of life in pregnant women suffering from mild preeclampsia. Subjects and Methods: Sixty mild preeclamptic pregnant women were selected randomly from Out Patient Clinic of Obstetrics Department in Minia University Hospital in Minia to participate in this study. Their ages were between 20-36 years old. Their body mass index less than 35 kg/m2. They were divided randomly into two equal groups (A & B); Group A (control group): It comprised thirty pregnant women with mild preeclampsia who were treated by antihypertensive drugs only while group B (study group): It comprised thirty pregnant women with mild preeclampsia who were treated by antihypertensive drugs and foot reflexology sessions (25 minutes, 2 sessions weekly for 8 weeks). Assessment: Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), Serum Cortisol level and proteinuria were assessed before and after treatment for all patients in both groups (A&B), as well as quality of life was evaluated through World Health Organization quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL). Results: revealed that, between groups; pretreatment, there was insignificant difference between both groups A & B in MABP, serum cortisol level, proteinuria and WHOQOL questionnaire scores. While post treatment, there was significant difference between both groups A &B in MABP, serum cortisol level, proteinuria and WHOQOL questionnaire scores [in favor of group B (more decrease in MABP, serum cortisol level and proteinuria; and more increase in WHOQOL questionnaire scores)]. Conclusion: Foot reflexology is an effective modality in decreasing MABP, serum cortisol level and proteinuria, as well as enhancing the quality of life of mild preeclamptic pregnant women

    A one-pot Synthesis of Some New Heterocyclic Compounds Derived from Chalcones and Study of their Antitumor and Antimicrobial Activities

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    The aim of the present work is to efficiently synthesize promising novel antitumor and antimicrobial active heterocyclic compounds from chalcones 1a and 1b as a precursor which contain naphthalene moiety and indole or piperonal moiety, respectively, using conventional, ultrasonic and microwave irradiation techniques. The best yields and purity were afforded with the microwave irradiation technique. Reaction of 1a and 1b with the appropriate reagent gave the corresponding pyrazolines 2a, 2b, pyrimidine-2-thioneses 3a, 3b, oxazepines 4a, 4b, diazepines 5a, 5b, triazolo-pyrimidines 6a, 6b, and pyrimidine-2-thiols 7a, 7b derivatives. Compounds 7a, 7b were used to produce 8a, 8b. Moreover, pyrimidine-2-thione 3a was used to synthesize pyrimidin-2-ylthioacetic acid 9a, and 2-hydrazinylpyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivative 10a which has been used as a functionalizing agent to produce compounds 11a-14a. The structural formulas of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by their spectral data; FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and MS. Compounds 3a, 5a, 7a, 13a showed a very high activity as antitumor, whereas compounds 4a, 6a, and 13a showed high activity as antibacterial and antifungal agents

    The Impact of Branding in Building and Enhancing Customer Loyalty for Banking Services: an Applied Study of Commercial Bank Customers in Jordan

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    Purpose:  The aim of this study is to examine the impact of branding in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services.   Theoretical framework: branding dimensions are the first factors, which affect a customer’s opinion of the quality and features a particular product, including brand recognition, mental image, trust, satisfaction, market value, and perceived quality. A large number of studies indicate that customer loyalty influences brand value (Janghyeon & Yuksel, 2011).   Design/methodology/approach:  The research reports on field study that operationalizes a theoretical framework to examine the impact of branding in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services.   Findings:  Evidence from the study indicates that the dimensions of branding have a statistically significant impact in building and enhancing customer loyalty for banking services in Jordan   Research, Practical & Social implications: the study suggests improving customer trust in their brand and banking services, because such trust is one of the most important dimensions that enhances customer satisfaction, and persuades them to have the desired level of loyalty for these services.   Originality/value:  The results indicate the role of the branding can build and enhance customer loyalty for banking services in commercial bank in Jordan.Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el impacto de la marca en la construcción y mejora de la lealtad del cliente para los servicios bancarios. La muestra del estudio consta de 400 encuestados que fueron seleccionados al azar entre clientes de bancos comerciales en Jordania durante el período de estudio. Se desarrolló un cuestionario para recopilar datos de los encuestados. Se utilizaron métodos descriptivos para analizar los datos y la hipótesis se probó mediante un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. La evidencia del estudio indica que las dimensiones de la marca tienen un impacto estadísticamente significativo en la construcción y mejora de la lealtad del cliente para los servicios bancarios en Jordania.A la luz de los resultados, el estudio presenta una serie de recomendaciones, la más destacada de las cuales es que los bancos comerciales de Jordania deberían aumentar la confianza de los clientes en sus servicios bancarios aumentando el conocimiento de la marca. La confianza es una de las dimensiones más importantes de la marca que aumenta la satisfacción del cliente y, como resultado, aumenta la lealtad. Además, los bancos deben reconocer la importancia de las dimensiones de la marca, ya que todas contribuyen a construir y mejorar la lealtad del cliente.Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar o impacto do branding na construção e fidelização de clientes para serviços bancários. A amostra do estudo consiste em 400 entrevistados que foram selecionados aleatoriamente entre clientes de bancos comerciais na Jordânia durante o período do estudo. Um questionário foi desenvolvido para coletar dados dos entrevistados. Métodos descritivos foram usados para analisar os dados, e a hipótese foi testada por meio de análise de regressão linear múltipla. As evidências do estudo indicam que as dimensões da marca têm um impacto estatisticamente significativo na construção e aumento da fidelidade do cliente para serviços bancários na Jordânia.À luz dos resultados, o estudo apresenta uma série de recomendações, a mais importante das quais é que os bancos comerciais na Jordânia devem aumentar a confiança do cliente em seus serviços bancários, aumentando o conhecimento da marca. A confiança é uma das dimensões mais importantes da marca que aumenta a satisfação do cliente e, como resultado, aumenta a lealdade. Além disso, os bancos devem reconhecer a importância das dimensões da marca, pois todas elas contribuem para construir e aumentar a fidelidade do cliente

    Unidirectional barbed sutures vs. interrupted intracorporeal knots in thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in pediatrics

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    BackgroundIntracorporeal suturing knots continue to be one of the most challenging and time-consuming steps in the thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Barbed unidirectional knotless sutures are designed to shorten surgical procedures by eliminating the need to tie knots. This work aimed to compare unidirectional barbed sutures and interrupted intracorporeal knots in the thoracoscopic repair of CDH in pediatrics regarding the time required to suture, operative time and complications.MethodsThis retrospective study included 139 patients presented with Bochdalek CDH. Patients were classified into early (neonatal) and late presentations. The hernia defect was repaired by unidirectional Barbed sutures (V-LocTM and StratafixTM sutures) in group B or by Conventional interrupted intracorporeal knots in group C.ResultsIn both early and delayed presentations, the time required to suture (15 and 13 min in group B, 33 and 28 min in group C for neonatal and delayed presentation respectively) was significantly shorter in group B. Complications (visceral perforation, wound infection, and recurrence) insignificantly differed between group B and group C of early presentation. No patients suffered from major complications in both groups.ConclusionsBoth unidirectional barbed sutures and intracorporeal knots were safe and effective. However, unidirectional barbed sutures are a time-saving choices for CDH thoracoscopic repair in early and late presentations


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    Background: Stevioside has been used as a medication for reducing glucose levels in diabetic patients. The exact mode of action is still unclear. Therefore, the current study outlines the molecular and biological roles of stevioside in treatment of diabetes. Materials and Methods: induced diabetic male wistar rats treated with stivioside and metformin as therapy for diabetic rats. Biochemical, molecular and histopathological studies have been done to evaluate the therapeutic effect of stevioside on minimizing levels of glucose in diabetic rats. Results: Stevioside administration normalized kidney and liver biomarkers, restored alterations in antioxidants activity and lipid profiles. Moreover, stevioside increased insulin and leptin secretion that are decreased in diabetic rats to the normal levels.For mRNA expression, stevioside up-regulated the expressions of PK and IRS-1 genes which are down-regulated in diabetic rats, and was very effective in down-regulation of CPT-1 mRNA expression. At the cellular levels; stevioside normalized the histopathological changes induced in pancreas. Conclusion: Stevioside has insulin like effects and it is useful for diabetic patient’s therapy

    Level of anxiety and depression among healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic places a high demand on frontline healthcare workers. Healthcare workers are at high-risk of contracting the virus and are subjected to its consequential emotional and psychological effects. This study aimed to measure the level of depression and anxiety among healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods This was a cross-sectional study; data were collected from healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia using a survey that included the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7. A total of 326 participants took part in the study by completing and submitting the survey. Results The vast majority of the participating healthcare workers were Saudi nationals (98.8%) working in a public healthcare facility (89.9%). The results indicated that most of the participants had mild levels of anxiety and depression. A total of 72.5% of the respondents had anxiety, ranging from mild (44.1%) to moderate (16.2%) and severe (12.2%). Moreover, 24.4% of the respondents had depression ranging from mild (21.7%) to moderate (2.1%) and severe (0.6%). The generalized linear models showed that the <30 age group (Beta = 0.556, p = 0.037) and the 30–39-year age group (Beta = 0.623, p = 0.019) were predicted to have anxiety. The analysis revealed that females were more anxious (Beta = 0.241, p = 0.005) than males. Healthcare providers working in primary healthcare centers (Beta = −0.315, p = 0.008) and labs (Beta = −0.845. p = 0.0001 were predicted to be less anxious than those working in other healthcare facilities. The data analysis showed that participants with good economic status had more depression than the participants in the other economic status groups (Beta = 0.067, p = 0.003). Conclusion This study found that the level of anxiety and depression in healthcare workers was mild. The factors that may contribute to anxiety in healthcare workers included being female, being younger than 30 or between the ages of 31 and 39, working in a specialized hospital facility, and the number of COVID-19 cases the workers dealt with. Economic status was associated with depression. A longitudinal study design is needed to understand the pattern of anxiety levels among healthcare workers over time during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Derivative spectrophotometric analysis of benzophenone (as an impurity) in phenytoin

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    Three simple and rapid spectrophotometric methods were developed for detection and trace determination of benzophenone (the main impurity) in phenytoin bulk powder and pharmaceutical formulations. The first method, zero-crossing first derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the first derivative trough values at 257.6 nm for benzophenone. The second method, zero-crossing third derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the third derivative peak values at 263.2 nm. The third method, ratio first derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the peak amplitudes of the first derivative of the ratio spectra (the spectra of benzophenone divided by the spectrum of 5.0 μg/mL phenytoin solution) at 272 nm. The calibration graphs were linear over the range of 1-10 μg/mL. The detection limits of the first and the third derivative methods were found to be 0.04 μg/mL and 0.11 μg/mL and the quantitation limits were 0.13 μg/mL and 0.34 μg/mL, respectively, while for the ratio derivative method, the detection limit was 0.06 μg/mL and the quantitation limit was 0.18 μg/mL. The proposed methods were applied successfully to the assay of the studied drug in phenytoin bulk powder and certain pharmaceutical preparations. The results were statistically compared to those obtained using a polarographic method and were found to be in good agreement

    Context-led capacity building in time of crisis: fostering non-communicable diseases (NCD) research skills in the Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: This paper examines one EC-funded multinational project (RESCAP-MED), with a focus on research capacity building (RCB) concerning non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa. By the project's end (2015), the entire region was engulfed in crisis. OBJECTIVE: Designed before this crisis developed in 2011, the primary purpose of RESCAP-MED was to foster methodological skills needed to conduct multi-disciplinary research on NCDs and their social determinants. RESCAP-MED also sought to consolidate regional networks for future collaboration, and to boost existing regional policy engagement in the region on the NCD challenge. This analysis examines the scope and sustainability of RCB conducted in a context of intensifying political turmoil. METHODS: RESCAP-MED linked two sets of activities. The first was a framework for training early- and mid-career researchers through discipline-based and writing workshops, plus short fellowships for sustained mentoring. The second integrated public-facing activities designed to raise the profile of the NCD burden in the region, and its implications for policymakers at national level. Key to this were two conferences to showcase regional research on NCDs, and the development of an e-learning resource (NETPH). RESULTS: Seven discipline-based workshops (with 113 participants) and 6 workshops to develop writing skills (84 participants) were held, with 18 fellowship visits. The 2 symposia in Istanbul and Beirut attracted 280 participants. Yet the developing political crisis tagged each activity with a series of logistical challenges, none of which was initially envisaged. The immediacy of the crisis inevitably deflected from policy attention to the challenges of NCDs. CONCLUSIONS: This programme to strengthen research capacity for one priority area of global public health took place as a narrow window of political opportunity was closing. The key lessons concern issues of sustainability and the paramount importance of responsively shaping a context-driven RCB