49 research outputs found

    Reply to the Comment by S. Harvey on “Entropy, Energy, and Bending of DNA in Viral Capsids”

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    AbstractThe comment by Stephen Harvey in this issue of the Biophysical Journal concludes with two statements regarding my recent letter about DNA packaging into viral capsids. Harvey agrees with my interpretation of the origin of the large confinement entropy predicted by the molecular-dynamics simulations of his group, and its sensitive dependence on the molecular parameters of their wormlike chain model of double-stranded DNA. On the other hand, he doubts my assertion that the confinement entropy is already included in the interstrand repulsion free energy derived from osmotic stress measurements, which constitutes the major contribution to the packaging free energy used in recent continuum theories of this process. Harvey suggests instead that the confinement entropy should be added to this free energy as a separate term (using, for instance, the method described in my letter). I will argue that this addition is redundant, and, in a brief discussion of continuum theories, will also discuss his comments as relates to the work of other researchers

    Viral RNAs are unusually compact.

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    A majority of viruses are composed of long single-stranded genomic RNA molecules encapsulated by protein shells with diameters of just a few tens of nanometers. We examine the extent to which these viral RNAs have evolved to be physically compact molecules to facilitate encapsulation. Measurements of equal-length viral, non-viral, coding and non-coding RNAs show viral RNAs to have among the smallest sizes in solution, i.e., the highest gel-electrophoretic mobilities and the smallest hydrodynamic radii. Using graph-theoretical analyses we demonstrate that their sizes correlate with the compactness of branching patterns in predicted secondary structure ensembles. The density of branching is determined by the number and relative positions of 3-helix junctions, and is highly sensitive to the presence of rare higher-order junctions with 4 or more helices. Compact branching arises from a preponderance of base pairing between nucleotides close to each other in the primary sequence. The density of branching represents a degree of freedom optimized by viral RNA genomes in response to the evolutionary pressure to be packaged reliably. Several families of viruses are analyzed to delineate the effects of capsid geometry, size and charge stabilization on the selective pressure for RNA compactness. Compact branching has important implications for RNA folding and viral assembly

    Arp2/3 Branched Actin Network Mediates Filopodia-Like Bundles Formation In Vitro

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    During cellular migration, regulated actin assembly takes place at the cell leading edge, with continuous disassembly deeper in the cell interior. Actin polymerization at the plasma membrane results in the extension of cellular protrusions in the form of lamellipodia and filopodia. To understand how cells regulate the transformation of lamellipodia into filopodia, and to determine the major factors that control their transition, we studied actin self-assembly in the presence of Arp2/3 complex, WASp-VCA and fascin, the major proteins participating in the assembly of lamellipodia and filopodia. We show that in the early stages of actin polymerization fascin is passive while Arp2/3 mediates the formation of dense and highly branched aster-like networks of actin. Once filaments in the periphery of an aster get long enough, fascin becomes active, linking the filaments into bundles which emanate radially from the aster's surface, resulting in the formation of star-like structures. We show that the number of bundles nucleated per star, as well as their thickness and length, is controlled by the initial concentration of Arp2/3 complex ([Arp2/3]). Specifically, we tested several values of [Arp2/3] and found that for given initial concentrations of actin and fascin, the number of bundles per star, as well as their length and thickness are larger when [Arp2/3] is lower. Our experimental findings can be interpreted and explained using a theoretical scheme which combines Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for aster growth, with a simple mechanistic model for bundles' formation and growth. According to this model, bundles emerge from the aster's (sparsely branched) surface layer. Bundles begin to form when the bending energy associated with bringing two filaments into contact is compensated by the energetic gain resulting from their fascin linking energy. As time evolves the initially thin and short bundles elongate, thus reducing their bending energy and allowing them to further associate and create thicker bundles, until all actin monomers are consumed. This process is essentially irreversible on the time scale of actin polymerization. Two structural parameters, L, which is proportional to the length of filament tips at the aster periphery and b, the spacing between their origins, dictate the onset of bundling; both depending on [Arp2/3]. Cells may use a similar mechanism to regulate filopodia formation along the cell leading edge. Such a mechanism may allow cells to have control over the localization of filopodia by recruiting specific proteins that regulate filaments length (e.g., Dia2) to specific sites along lamellipodia

    The ends of a large RNA molecule are necessarily close

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    We show on general theoretical grounds that the two ends of single-stranded (ss) RNA molecules (consisting of roughly equal proportions of A, C, G and U) are necessarily close together, largely independent of their length and sequence. This is demonstrated to be a direct consequence of two generic properties of the equilibrium secondary structures, namely that the average proportion of bases in pairs is ∼60% and that the average duplex length is ∼4. Based on mfold and Vienna computations on large numbers of ssRNAs of various lengths (1000–10 000 nt) and sequences (both random and biological), we find that the 5′–3′ distance—defined as the sum of H-bond and covalent (ss) links separating the ends of the RNA chain—is small, averaging 15–20 for each set of viral sequences tested. For random sequences this distance is ∼12, consistent with the theory. We discuss the relevance of these results to evolved sequence complementarity and specific protein binding effects that are known to be important for keeping the two ends of viral and messenger RNAs in close proximity. Finally we speculate on how our conclusions imply indistinguishability in size and shape of equilibrated forms of linear and covalently circularized ssRNA molecules

    Sizes of Long RNA Molecules Are Determined by the Branching Patterns of Their Secondary Structures

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    Long RNA molecules are at the core of gene regulation across all kingdoms of life, whilst also serving as genomes in RNA viruses. Few studies have addressed the basic physical properties of long single-stranded RNAs. Long RNAs with non-repeating sequences usually adopt highly ramified secondary structures and are better described as branched polymers. In order to test whether a branched polymer model can estimate the overall sizes of large RNAs we employed fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to examine the hydrodynamic radii of a broad spectrum of biologically important RNAs, ranging from viral genomes to long non-coding regulatory RNAs. The relative sizes of long RNAs measured at low ionic strength correspond well to those predicted by two theoretical approaches that treat the effective branching associated with secondary structure formation – one employing the Kramers theorem for calculating radii of gyration, and the other featuring the metric of “maximum ladder distance”. Upon addition of multivalent cations, most RNAs are found to be compacted as compared with their original, low-ionic-strength sizes. These results suggest that sizes of long RNAmolecules are determined by the branching pattern of their secondary structures. They also experimentally validate the proposed computational approaches for estimating hydrodynamic radii of single-stranded RNAs, which use generic RNA structure prediction tools and thus can be universally applied to a wide range of long RNAs

    On the presence of loops in linear self-assembling systems. Statistical methods and Brownian dynamics

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    Flexible Charged Macromolecules on Mixed Fluid Lipid Membranes: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Fluid membranes containing charged lipids enhance binding of oppositely charged proteins by mobilizing these lipids into the interaction zone, overcoming the concomitant entropic losses due to lipid segregation and lower conformational freedom upon macromolecule adsorption. We study this energetic-entropic interplay using Monte Carlo simulations and theory. Our model system consists of a flexible cationic polyelectrolyte, interacting, via Debye-Hückel and short-ranged repulsive potentials, with membranes containing neutral lipids, 1% tetravalent, and 10% (or 1%) monovalent anionic lipids. Adsorption onto a fluid membrane is invariably stronger than to an equally charged frozen or uniform membrane. Although monovalent lipids may suffice for binding rigid macromolecules, polyvalent counter-lipids (e.g., phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate), whose entropy loss upon localization is negligible, are crucial for binding flexible macromolecules, which lose conformational entropy upon adsorption. Extending Rosenbluth's Monte Carlo scheme we directly simulate polymer adsorption on fluid membranes. Yet, we argue that similar information could be derived from a biased superposition of quenched membrane simulations. Using a simple cell model we account for surface concentration effects, and show that the average adsorption probabilities on annealed and quenched membranes coincide at vanishing surface concentrations. We discuss the relevance of our model to the electrostatic-switch mechanism of, e.g., the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate protein

    On The Presence Of Loops In Linear Self-Assembling Systems. Statistical Methods And Brownian Dynamics

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    : In this note we present i) a microscopic model for the self-assembly of linear wormlike micelles for which loop formation is allowed, and ii) an analytical mesoscopic description of such systems. Both approaches predict the extent of loop formation under different conditions. As a matter of fact, even if loop formation is unfavorable under certain conditions, e.g., for stiff micelles and low end cap energies, they have to be treated correctly in any statistical approach to their behavior, since their presence can significantly affect the relaxation time spectrum, the rheological behavior and correlation function of various types. R esum e: Dans cette note nous presentons: i) un modele microscopique de l'auto-assemblage des micelles vermiculaires pour lequelles on permet la formation de cycles; ii) une description analytique de ces meme systemes a une echelle mesoscopique. Les deux approches permettent de predire le nombre de cycles formes dans des conditions donnees. La formation de..

    The “New” Science of “Complex Fluids”

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