39 research outputs found

    Amphibian Metacommunity Responses to Agricultural Intensification in a Mediterranean Landscape

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    [EN] Agricultural intensification has been associated with biodiversity declines, habitat fragmentation and loss in a number of organisms. Given the prevalence of this process, there is a need for studies clarifying the effects of changes in agricultural practices on local biological communities; for instance, the transformation of traditional rainfed agriculture into intensively irrigated agriculture. We focused on pond-breeding amphibians as model organisms to assess the ecological effects of agricultural intensification because they are sensitive to changes in habitat quality at both local and landscape scales. We applied a metacommunity approach to characterize amphibian communities breeding in a network of ponds embedded in a terrestrial habitat matrix that was partly converted from rainfed crops to intensive irrigated agriculture in the 1990s. Specifically, we compared alpha and beta diversity, species occupancy and abundance, and metacommunity structure between irrigated and rainfed areas. We found strong differences in patterns of species occurrence, community structure and pairwise beta diversity between agricultural management groups, with a marked community structure in rainfed ponds associated with local features and the presence of some rare species that were nearly absent in the irrigated area, which was characterized by a random community structure. Natural vegetation cover at the landscape scale, significantly lower on the irrigated area, was an important predictor of species occurrences. Our results suggest that maintaining both local and landscape heterogeneity is key to preserving diverse amphibian communities in Mediterranean agricultural landscapesSIThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, project Metaponds, (ref: CGL2017-84176-R); and by Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (project BT-2019

    IL-10: A Multifunctional Cytokine in Viral Infections

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    The anti-inflammatory master regulator IL-10 is critical to protect the host from tissue damage during acute phases of immune responses. This regulatory mechanism, central to T cell homeostasis, can be hijacked by viruses to evade immunity. IL-10 can be produced by virtually all immune cells, and it can also modulate the function of these cells. Understanding the effects of this multifunctional cytokine is therefore a complex task. In the present review we discuss the factors driving IL-10 production and the cellular sources of the cytokine during antiviral immune responses. We particularly focus on the IL-10 regulatory mechanisms that impact antiviral immune responses and how viruses can use this central regulatory pathway to evade immunity and establish chronic/latent infections

    Estudio comparativo de la calidad de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas

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    This article summarizes the main results of a comparative study of the quality of the Spanish universitiy libraries, obtained through a research project directed by an interdisciplinary team making use of a new methodology, specific for comparative libraries network analysis. A set of indicators has been established from the analysis of the Spanish University Libraries Network (REBIUN) statistical data, which have been later synthesized in three key factors of quality. This has allowed us to analyse the evolution of the whole group of Spanish University Libraries, identifying the quality indicators’ main relationships and establishing an homogeneous procedure for the implementation of benchmarking processes focused on quality improvements.En el presente artículo se resumen los principales resultados derivados de un proyecto de investigación llevado a cabo por un equipo interdisciplinar que ha desarrollado una metodología novedosa para realizar análisis comparativos de la calidad entre redes bibliotecarias. Partiendo de los datos estadísticos de la Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Española (REBIUN) se han creado un conjunto de indicadores que posteriormente se sintetizan en tres factores claves de calidad. Ello ha permitido analizar la evolución del conjunto de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas identificando las principales relaciones entre los distintos factores de calidad y estableciendo un procedimiento homogéneo para la realización de procesos de benchmarking orientados a la mejora de la calidad

    The B. subtilis Rok protein is an atypical H-NS-like protein irresponsive to physico-chemical cues

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    Nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) play a central role in chromosome organization and environment-responsive transcription regulation. The Bacillus subtilis-encoded NAP Rok binds preferentially AT-rich regions of the genome, which often contain genes of foreign origin that are silenced by Rok binding. Additionally, Rok plays a role in chromosome architecture by binding in genomic clusters and promoting chromosomal loop formation. Based on this, Rok was proposed to be a functional homolog of E. coli H-NS. However, it is largely unclear how Rok binds DNA, how it represses transcription and whether Rok mediates environment-responsive gene regulation. Here, we investigated Rok's DNA binding properties and the effects of physico-chemical conditions thereon. We demonstrate that Rok is a DNA bridging protein similar to prototypical H-NS-like proteins. However, unlike these proteins, the DNA bridging ability of Rok is not affected by changes in physico-chemical conditions. The DNA binding properties of the Rok interaction partner sRok are affected by salt concentration. This suggests that in a minority of Bacillus strains Rok activity can be modulated by sRok, and thus respond indirectly to environmental stimuli. Despite several functional similarities, the absence of a direct response to physico-chemical changes establishes Rok as disparate member of the H-NS family.Macromolecular Biochemistr

    Distribución de los peces continentales de España asociada a las características físicas, metereológicas e hidrológicas de las cuencas hidrográficas

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    Se analizó la distribución espacial de los principales peces continentales de España y su relación con variables tales como: altitud, orden de los ríos, pendiente, precipitaciones, temperaturas medias mínima y máxima, de invierno y verano respectivamente. Se consideraron las cuencas hidrográficas del Norte, Duero, Tajo, Ebro, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Júcar, Segura, Sur e Internas de Cataluña. Las variables se analizaron bajo un enfoque espacial, utilizando un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). Las asociaciones de las variables antes mencionadas, tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas, se determinaron aplicando un Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples.Spatial distribution of the mainly continental fishes of Spain and its relation by such variables as: altitude, rivers orders, slope, rainfalls, average minimal and maximum temperatures, on winter and summer respectively, was analyzed. The hydrographical basins of the: North, Duero, Tajo, Ebro, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Júcar, Segura, South and Internal Catalonia were considered. The variables were analyzed under a spatial approach, using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The relationships of the variables mentioned before, both quantitative and qualitative, were determined applying a Multiple Correspondences Analysis

    Metodología en campo de la evaluación de recursos naturales en el norte de Palencia

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    Se han desarrollado las actividades previstas en el proyecto de la Práctica. En el apartado de Recursos Vegetales y estudio de la vegetación, se ha efectuado una prospección en diversas localidades representativas: ribera del río Carrión, Pinar de Peña Mayor, Hayedo de Besande, Sabinar de Peña Lampa, Hayedo de Panderrueda. Se ha identificado en material vegetal y se ha estudiado la vegetación utilizando la herramienta oficial para el estudio de los hábitats naturales y seminaturales a la Directiva 92/43/CEE, es decir la proximación fitosocilógica de la escuela de Zurich-Montpellier. Los resultados obtenidos se incluyen en la Memoria. En el apartado de Fauna, se ha llevado a cabo: metodología de inventario y censo de fauna en diversos tipos de hábitats naturales y seminaturales en las localidades anteriormente mencionadas. Se realizaron muestreos diurnos y nocturnos para la detección de aves, mamíferos, anfibios, réptiles, peces e invertebrados, empleando los métodos apropiados para cada caso: óptica, cantos y reclamos, visores nocturnos, trampas de vivo para mamíferos, detectores de ultrasonidos para murciélagos, redes para peces y anfibios.Junta de Castilla y León. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación. Monasterio Ntra. Sra. del Prado. Autovia Puente Colgante s/n. 47071 Valladolid. Teléfono: 983-41.18.87Castilla y LeónES

    Metodología en campo de la evaluación de recursos naturales en el norte de Palencia

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    Se han desarrollado las actividades previstas en el proyecto de la práctica. En el apartado de recursos vegetales y estudio de la vegetación, se ha efectuado una prospección en diversas localidades representativas: ribera del río Carrión, pinar del Peña Mayor, hayedo e Besande, sabinar de Peña Lampa, hayedo de Panderrueda. Se ha identificado el material vegetal y se ha estudiado la vegetación utilizando la herramienta oficial para el estudio de los habitats naturales y seminaturales de la directiva 92/43/CEE, es decir la aproximación fitosociológica de la escuela de Zürich-Montpellier. Los resultados obtenidos se incluyen en la memoria. En el apartado Fauna, se ha llevado a cabo: metodología de inventario y censo de fauna en diversos tipos de hábitats naturales y seminaturales en las zonas anteriormente mencionadas. Se realizaron muestreos diurnos y nocturnos para la detección de aves, mamíferos, anfibios, reptiles, peces e invertebrados; empleando los métodos apropiados para cada caso: óptica, cantos y reclamos, visores nocturnos, trampas de vivo para mamíferos, detectores de ultrasonidos para murciélagos, redes para peces y anfibios.Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Educación y CulturaCastilla y LeónES

    Inhibition of the IFN Response by Bluetongue Virus: The Story So Far

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    15 Pág. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)Bluetongue virus (BTV) is the prototypical orbivirus that belongs to the Reoviridae family. BTV infection produces a disease in ruminants, particularly in sheep, that results in economic losses through reduced productivity. BTV is transmitted by the bite of Culicoides spp. midges and is nowadays distributed globally throughout subtropical and even temperate regions. As most viruses, BTV is susceptible to the IFN response, the first line of defense employed by the immune system to combat viral infections. In turn, BTV has evolved strategies to counter the IFN response and promote its replication. The present review we will revise the works describing how BTV interferes with the IFN response.This work was funded by Grants AGL2015-64290R and RTI2018-094616-B-100 from the Ministerio de Ciencia (Spain) and Grant S2018/BAA-4370-PLATESA2 from Comunidad de Madrid (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER). MA was funded by an FPI Grant (BES-2013-066406).Peer reviewe

    IL-10: A Multifunctional Cytokine in Viral Infections

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    The anti-inflammatory master regulator IL-10 is critical to protect the host from tissue damage during acute phases of immune responses. This regulatory mechanism, central to T cell homeostasis, can be hijacked by viruses to evade immunity. IL-10 can be produced by virtually all immune cells, and it can also modulate the function of these cells. Understanding the effects of this multifunctional cytokine is therefore a complex task. In the present review we discuss the factors driving IL-10 production and the cellular sources of the cytokine during antiviral immune responses. We particularly focus on the IL-10 regulatory mechanisms that impact antiviral immune responses and how viruses can use this central regulatory pathway to evade immunity and establish chronic/latent infections