95 research outputs found

    Evaluating the impact of intracortical microstimulation on distant cortical brain regions for neuroprosthetic applications

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    Enhancing functional motor recovery after localized brain injury is a widely recognized priority in healthcare as disorders of the nervous system that cause motor impairment, such as stroke, are among the most common causes of adult-onset disability. Restoring physiological function in a dysfunctional brain to improve quality of life is a primary challenge in scientific and clinical research and could be driven by innovative therapeutic approaches. Recently, techniques using brain stimulation methodologies have been employed to promote post-injury neuroplasticity for the restitution of motor function. One type of closed-loop stimulation, i.e., activity-dependent stimulation (ADS), has been shown to modify existing functional connectivity within either healthy or injured cerebral cortices and used to increase behavioral recovery following cortical injury. The aim of this PhD thesis is to characterize the electrophysiological correlates of such behavioral recovery in both healthy and injured cortical networks using in vivo animal models. We tested the ability of two different intracortical micro-stimulation protocols, i.e., ADS and its randomized open-loop version (RS), to potentiate cortico-cortical connections between two distant cortical locations in both anaesthetized and awake behaving rats. Thus, this dissertation has the following three main goals: 1) to investigate the ability of ADS to induce changes in intra-cortical activity in healthy anesthetized rats, 2) to characterize the electrophysiological signs of brain injury and evaluate the capability of ADS to promote electrophysiological changes in the damaged network, and 3) to investigate the long-term effects of stimulation by repeating the treatment for 21 consecutive days in healthy awake behaving animals. The results of this study indicate that closed-loop activity-dependent stimulation induced greater changes than open-loop random stimulation, further strengthening the idea that Hebbian-inspired protocols might potentiate cortico-cortical connections between distant brain areas. The implications of these results have the potential to lead to novel treatments for various neurological diseases and disorders and inspire new neurorehabilitation therapies

    Amplitude and frequency modulation of subthalamic beta oscillations jointly encode the dopaminergic state in Parkinson's disease.

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    Brain states in health and disease are classically defined by the power or the spontaneous amplitude modulation (AM) of neuronal oscillations in specific frequency bands. Conversely, the possible role of the spontaneous frequency modulation (FM) in defining pathophysiological brain states remains unclear. As a paradigmatic example of pathophysiological resting states, here we assessed the spontaneous AM and FM dynamics of subthalamic beta oscillations recorded in patients with Parkinson's disease before and after levodopa administration. Even though AM and FM are mathematically independent, they displayed negatively correlated dynamics. First, AM decreased while FM increased with levodopa. Second, instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous frequency were negatively cross-correlated within dopaminergic states, with FM following AM by approximately one beta cycle. Third, AM and FM changes were also negatively correlated between dopaminergic states. Both the slow component of the FM and the fast component (i.e. the phase slips) increased after levodopa, but they differently contributed to the AM-FM correlations within and between states. Finally, AM and FM provided information about whether the patients were OFF vs. ON levodopa, with partial redundancy and with FM being more informative than AM. AM and FM of spontaneous beta oscillations can thus both separately and jointly encode the dopaminergic state in patients with Parkinson's disease. These results suggest that resting brain states are defined not only by AM dynamics but also, and possibly more prominently, by FM dynamics of neuronal oscillations

    Entropy and fractal analysis of brain-related neurophysiological signals in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

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    Brain-related neuronal recordings, such as local field potential, electroencephalogram and magnetoencephalogram, offer the opportunity to study the complexity of the human brain at different spatial and temporal scales. The complex properties of neuronal signals are intrinsically related to the concept of 'scale-free' behavior and irregular dynamic, which cannot be fully described through standard linear methods, but can be measured by nonlinear indexes. A remarkable application of these analysis methods on electrophysiological recordings is the deep comprehension of the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, that has been shown to be associated to changes in brain activity complexity. In particular, a decrease of global complexity has been associated to Alzheimer's disease, while a local increase of brain signals complexity characterizes Parkinson's disease. Despite the recent proliferation of studies using fractal and entropy-based analysis, the application of these techniques is still far from clinical practice, due to the lack of an agreement about their correct estimation and a conclusive and shared interpretation. Along with the aim of helping towards the realization of a multidisciplinary audience to approach nonlinear methods based on the concepts of fractality and irregularity, this survey describes the implementation and proper employment of the mostly known and applied indexes in the context of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

    Differential effects of open- and closed-loop intracortical microstimulation on firing patterns of neurons in distant cortical areas

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    Intracortical microstimulation can be used successfully to modulate neuronal activity. Activity dependent stimulation (ADS), in which action potentials recorded extracellularly from a single neuron are used to trigger stimulation at another cortical location (closed-loop), is an effective treatment for behavioral recovery after brain lesion, but the related neurophysiological changes are still not clear. Here we investigated the ability of ADS and random stimulation (RS) to alter firing patterns of distant cortical locations. We recorded 591 neuronal units from 23 Long-Evan healthy anesthetized rats. Stimulation was delivered to either forelimb or barrel field somatosensory cortex, using either RS or ADS triggered from spikes recorded in the rostral forelimb area (RFA). Both RS and ADS stimulation protocols rapidly altered spike firing within RFA compared with no stimulation. We observed increase in firing rates and change of spike patterns. ADS was more effective than RS in increasing evoked spikes during the stimulation periods, by producing a reliable, progressive increase in stimulus-related activity over time and an increased coupling of the trigger channel with the network. These results are critical for understanding the efficacy of closed-loop electrical microstimulation protocols in altering activity patterns in interconnected brain networks, thus modulating cortical state and functional connectivity

    LFP Analysis of Brain Injured Anesthetized Animals Undergoing Closed-Loop Intracortical Stimulation.

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    Activity dependent stimulation (ADS) is a closed loop stimulation technique whose neurophysiological effects have not been deeply investigated. Here we explored how Local field Potentials (LFP) are impacted by a focal ischemic lesion and, subsequently, by ADS treatment. Intracortical microelectrode arrays were implanted in the rostral forelimb area (RFA) and in the primary somatosensory area (S1) of anaesthetized rats. An ischemic injury was induced in the caudal forelimb area through microinjections of Endothelin-1. The lesion induced an acute depressive trend in LFP power in RFA (evaluated in 6 bands of interest: Delta (1-4Hz), Theta (4-8Hz), Alpha (8-11Hz), Beta (11-30Hz), LowGamma (30-55Hz) and HighGamma (55-80)) followed by a noticeable significant rebound in both areas. Applying ADS induced an overall decrease of power. The lesion impacted the connectivity in a frequency specific manner, resulting in widespread increase in connectivity in Delta both between and within areas. Two hours after the lesion, without stimulation, correlated activity between areas increased in Beta and Gamma. After stimulation, inter-area connectivity increased in Delta, Theta and Alpha, while considerably dropping within RFA in highGamma. By computing phase-amplitude coupling, we found that the lesion produced an incremental increase in the coupling between (Theta) Alpha phase and (lowGamma) highGamma amplitude within RFA, while S1 had a more generalized increase. Likewise, coupling between Theta phase and lowGamma/highGamma amplitudes increased between areas after lesion. ADS induced a similar increase, but greater in magnitude both within and between RFA and S1. These results have important implications on the emerging field of closed-loop adaptive stimulation promoting ADS as an innovative tool for the treatment of neurological disorders

    Spectral Topography of the Subthalamic Nucleus to Inform Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.

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    BACKGROUND The landscape of neurophysiological symptoms and behavioral biomarkers in basal ganglia signals for movement disorders is expanding. The clinical translation of sensing-based deep brain stimulation (DBS) also requires a thorough understanding of the anatomical organization of spectral biomarkers within the subthalamic nucleus (STN). OBJECTIVES The aims were to systematically investigate the spectral topography, including a wide range of sub-bands in STN local field potentials (LFP) of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, and to evaluate its predictive performance for clinical response to DBS. METHODS STN-LFPs were recorded from 70 PD patients (130 hemispheres) awake and at rest using multicontact DBS electrodes. A comprehensive spatial characterization, including hot spot localization and focality estimation, was performed for multiple sub-bands (delta, theta, alpha, low-beta, high-beta, low-gamma, high-gamma, and fast-gamma (FG) as well as low- and fast high-frequency oscillations [HFO]) and compared to the clinical hot spot for rigidity response to DBS. A spectral biomarker map was established and used to predict the clinical response to DBS. RESULTS The STN shows a heterogeneous topographic distribution of different spectral biomarkers, with the strongest segregation in the inferior-superior axis. Relative to the superiorly localized beta hot spot, HFOs (FG, slow HFO) were localized up to 2 mm more inferiorly. Beta oscillations are spatially more spread compared to other sub-bands. Both the spatial proximity of contacts to the beta hot spot and the distance to higher-frequency hot spots were predictive for the best rigidity response to DBS. CONCLUSIONS The spatial segregation and properties of spectral biomarkers within the DBS target structure can additionally be informative for the implementation of next-generation sensing-based DBS. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Neuromorphic-Based Neuroprostheses for Brain Rewiring: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives in Neuroengineering.

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    Neuroprostheses are neuroengineering devices that have an interface with the nervous system and supplement or substitute functionality in people with disabilities. In the collective imagination, neuroprostheses are mostly used to restore sensory or motor capabilities, but in recent years, new devices directly acting at the brain level have been proposed. In order to design the next-generation of neuroprosthetic devices for brain repair, we foresee the increasing exploitation of closed-loop systems enabled with neuromorphic elements due to their intrinsic energy efficiency, their capability to perform real-time data processing, and of mimicking neurobiological computation for an improved synergy between the technological and biological counterparts. In this manuscript, after providing definitions of key concepts, we reviewed the first exploitation of a real-time hardware neuromorphic prosthesis to restore the bidirectional communication between two neuronal populations in vitro. Starting from that 'case-study', we provide perspectives on the technological improvements for real-time interfacing and processing of neural signals and their potential usage for novel in vitro and in vivo experimental designs. The development of innovative neuroprosthetics for translational purposes is also presented and discussed. In our understanding, the pursuit of neuromorphic-based closed-loop neuroprostheses may spur the development of novel powerful technologies, such as 'brain-prostheses', capable of rewiring and/or substituting the injured nervous system

    Zoneamento agroecológico para a região de Ribeirão Preto utilizando um sistema de informações geográficas.

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    Objetivando contribuir com a metodologia de identificação de potencialidades de uso das terras, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de zoneamento agroecológico da quadrícula de Ribeirão Preto, SP, localizada entre as coordenadas de 21o00'S a 21o30'S e 47o30'W a 48o00'W, com base em características de solo, relevo e clima, utilizando-se de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas. Para caracterizar o regime térmico-hídrico da área utilizou-se os dados de temperatura do ar e de chuva, de 22 localidades, referentes ao período de 1967 a 1996. De acordo com os critérios adotados, quanto a capacidade de uso das terras, o zoneamento identificou seis unidades de utilização da área: agricultura (I); agricultura (II); agricultura (III); pecuária; agrossilvicultura e preservação. As principais conclusões referentes à área de estudo foram: o regime térmico-hídrico é praticamente homogêneo, a vocação dominante é para agricultura (I) representando aproximadamente 191.118 hectares, correspondentes a 66,3% da área e cerca de 82,5% das terras possuem vocação para agropecuária e 10,4% devem ser preservadas ou utilizadas seguindo técnicas conservacionistas

    A Neuromorphic Prosthesis to Restore Communication in Neuronal Networks

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    Recent advances in bioelectronics and neural engineering allowed the development of brain machine interfaces and neuroprostheses, capable of facilitating or recovering functionality in people with neurological disability. To realize energy-efficient and real-time capable devices, neuromorphic computing systems are envisaged as the core of next-generation systems for brain repair. We demonstrate here a real-time hardware neuromorphic prosthesis to restore bidirectional interactions between two neuronal populations, even when one is damaged or missing. We used in vitro modular cell cultures to mimic the mutual interaction between neuronal assemblies and created a focal lesion to functionally disconnect the two populations. Then, we employed our neuromorphic prosthesis for bidirectional bridging to artificially reconnect two disconnected neuronal modules and for hybrid bidirectional bridging to replace the activity of one module with a real-time hardware neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network. Our neuroprosthetic system opens avenues for the exploitation of neuromorphic-based devices in bioelectrical therapeutics for health care

    Spectrum of mutations in Italian patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: New results from the LIPIGEN study

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    Background Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by elevated plasma levels of LDL-cholesterol that confers an increased risk of premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Early identification and treatment of FH patients can improve prognosis and reduce the burden of cardiovascular mortality. Aim of this study was to perform the mutational analysis of FH patients identified through a collaboration of 20 Lipid Clinics in Italy (LIPIGEN Study). Methods We recruited 1592 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of definite or probable FH according to the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria. We performed a parallel sequencing of the major candidate genes for monogenic hypercholesterolemia (LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, APOE, LDLRAP1, STAP1). Results A total of 213 variants were detected in 1076 subjects. About 90% of them had a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants. More than 94% of patients carried pathogenic variants in LDLR gene, 27 of which were novel. Pathogenic variants in APOB and PCSK9 were exceedingly rare. We found 4 true homozygotes and 5 putative compound heterozygotes for pathogenic variants in LDLR gene, as well as 5 double heterozygotes for LDLR/APOB pathogenic variants. Two patients were homozygous for pathogenic variants in LDLRAP1 gene resulting in autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia. One patient was found to be heterozygous for the ApoE variant p.(Leu167del), known to confer an FH phenotype. Conclusions This study shows the molecular characteristics of the FH patients identified in Italy over the last two years. Full phenotypic characterization of these patients and cascade screening of family members is now in progress