143 research outputs found

    Career Pathway of Women in Higher Education Leadership: A Qualitative Transcendental Phenomenological Study

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    This qualitative transcendental phenomenological study aimed to explore the real-life experiences of women serving in senior-level higher education leadership positions in higher education institutions. The theory guiding this study was the Self-Efficacy Theory, as presented by theorist Albert Bandura, was used as a theoretical guide, identifying if participant\u27s self-efficacy could be or was affected by whether or not they were successful in the studied environment, along with how others within the environment contributed to that perception as imposed by their experiences. This research employed a qualitative method, with the design being a transcendental phenomenological study. Purposeful and snowball sampling identified participants as senior-level administrative leaders in higher education institutions. It relied upon the belief that discovery, understanding, and obtaining insight from participants would provide the most significant information based on their expertise in the researched area. Participants completed a demographic questionnaire, a work self-efficacy inventory, individual interviews, and a focus group. Data collected were analyzed using a thematic approach and identified recurrent themes derived from participants\u27 experiences, and deductive and inductive approaches were implemented. The findings of this research addressed and answered the research questions of the stated purpose and theoretical framework of this study and resulted in three key themes (a) development of interpersonal practices for women in higher education leadership, (b) women in higher education leadership and the role of self-efficacy, and (c) barriers for women in higher education leadership

    A handbook for the teaching of play production in the secondary schools.

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    HUBUNGAN WORK FAMILY CONFLICT DENGAN KEPUASAN KERJA PADA GURU WANITA HONORER SEKOLAH MENEGAH ATAS (SMA) DI KOTA RENGAT Oleh : Devi Avel Yandri [email protected] - 081268118013 Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau ABSTRAK Guru merupakan tenaga pendidik yang bertugas dan berkewajiban dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Apabila kewajiban pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan belum selesai di sekolah, maka guru akan membawanya pulang ke rumah. Ketika berada di rumah, guru wanita memiliki peran ganda yakni sebagai guru dan istri atau ibu. Tuntutan peran bertentangan antara peran pekerjaan dan keluarga disebabkan karena wanita sudah menikah memiliki tugas utama yang harus dipenuhi sebagai istri, ibu, dan penggerak rumah tangga. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh seseorang yang memiliki peran ganda dimana terjadi ketidak meratanya antara pembagian waktu dan tugas dalam pekerjaan dan keluarga disebut dengan work-family conflict. Work-family conflict memiliki banyak hubungan dengan banyak faktor, baik dari keluarga maupun pekerjaan. Faktor dari keluarga seperti kepuasan dalam hubungan rumah tangga, dan keharmonisan anggota keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara ilmiah hubungan antara work family conflict dengan kepuasan kerja pada guru wanita honorer SMA di Kota Rengat. Subjek penelitian adalah guru wanita honorer SMA di Kota Rengat yang berjumlah 119 guru dengan teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan proposive sampling. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan skala kepuasan kerja dari Okta (2020) dan skala work family conflict dari skala Asmi (2020). Hasil analisis korelasi product momment pearson ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif antara work family conflict dengan kepuasan kerja yang menunjukkan nilai korelasi sebesar -0.394 dan siknifikan 0.000 (p<0,01), dangan demikian hipotesis penelitian diterima. Artinya, semakin tinggi work family conflict maka semakin rendah kepuasan kerja begitupun sebaliknya semakin rendah work family conflict maka semakin tinggi kepuasan kerja pada guru wanita honorer SMA di Kota Rengat. Kata Kunci: Work Family Conflict dan Kepuasan Kerj


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    Sounditoorium oli 22. märtsil 2017 Viljandis aset leidev eksperimentaalne kontsertprojekt, kus 54 noort muusikut erinevatest tuntud ja vähemtuntud ansamblitest ja muusikaõppeasutustest üle Eesti andsid Koidu Seltsimajas noore artisti Kaarel Kuuse heliloomingule üles ehitatud live-kontserdi, mis jõudis publikuni Viljandi Pärismusmuusika aida suures saalis live -videoülekande vahendusel. Ette kanti kaasaegne kombinatsioon jazzist, jazz fusionist, funkist, maailmamuusikast, soulist, popist, synthwaveist ja eesti pärimusmuusikast. Esimeses peatükis käsitlen ettevalmistusaega - millal ja kuidas projekt sündis ning kuidas sai kontsertpaigaks Koidu Seltsimaja. Teises osas kirjeldan kontserdi käiku ja probleeme, mis ette tulid ning kuidas nendega jooksvalt toime tulime. Viimases peatükis toon välja kontserdile järgnevad tööd, nagu näiteks heli järeltöötluse, mis oli tähtajaks vaja esitada ETV 2-le ning üldiselt lõpukoosolekust ja muljetest mis jäid projektist.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5145889*es

    Voolusöövituse õppematerjal traditsioonilise graafika taustaga inimestele

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli koostada eestikeelne voolusöövituse õppematerjal graafika taustaga inimestele, mida saab graafika meister või kursuse läbinud juhendaja kasutada voolusöövituse õpetamisel kunstiakadeemias, kunstikoolides või huvikoolis ning parendada seda toetudes ekspertide ettepanekutele. Lähtuvalt magistritöö eesmärgist püstitati kaks uurimisküsimust, millele vastuste leidmiseks viidi läbi kaks elektroonilist tagasiside küsitlust, saamaks õppematerjalile eksperthinnangut. Magistritöö raames uuriti: kas autori tehtud õppematerjal on arusaadav ja kasutatav; kas eksperdid kasutaksid voolusöövitust oma praktikashttps://www.ester.ee/record=b556384

    Síndrome de burnout y clima organizacional en el personal policial de una comisaría del departamento de Lambayeque, 2019

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    Esta investigación es un estudio correlacional tipo transversal, siendo el objetivo principal definir la relación entre síndrome de burnout y clima organizacional del personal policial de una comisaría del departamento de Lambayeque, 2019. La muestra se conformó por 50 efectivos policiales con edades entre 20 a 45 años. Se empleó el inventario Maslach Burnout Inventory de Cristina Maslach y Susana Jackson (1997) y la Escala de Clima Laboral de Sonia Palma (2004), ambos reactivos con un adecuado nivel de validez y confiabilidad. Al finalizar la investigación se halló una relación negativa y altamente significativa de las dimensiones de agotamiento emocional del síndrome de burnout con las dimensiones del clima organizacional, en lo que atañe, a la dimensión de realización personal del síndrome de burnout con las dimensiones del clima organizacional, no se evidenció relación significativa entre ambas, esto último pudiendo deberse a la formación recibida por el personal policial en sus años de servicio en la institución.TesisComunicación y desarrollo human

    Lire un texte documentaire scientifique : quels obstacles, quelles aides à la compréhension ?

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    Cette recherche analyse les difficultés de compréhension d’un texte scientifique et évalue l’effet de trois types d’aides chez des élèves de CM2. Ces aides consistent respectivement en i) ajouts d’informations explicitant le contenu du texte, ii) ajouts d’informations facilitant l’activité inférentielle et permettant la construction de la cohérence de la signification globale du texte, iii) ou simplification lexicale et syntaxique du texte. Elles visent à développer, chez les élèves, la compétence à inférer et donc à élaborer les relations de causalité entre les informations, indispensables à la construction de la signification globale et cohérente du contenu du texte.The research presented analyses some difficulties in the understanding of a scientific text and evaluates the effect of three types of aids to understanding for pupils in the fourth year at elementary school. These aids consist respectively of i) additional information clarifying the contents of the text, ii) additional information facilitating the development of inferences allowing a coherent and complete understanding of the text, iii) or lexical and syntactic simplification of the text. They aim to develop, in students at the end of elementary school and the beginning of college, competence in inferring and thus building the relationships of causality between information, essential to the construction of the total and coherent significance of the contents of the text.Esta investigación analiza las dificultades de comprensión de un texto científico y evalua el efecto de tres tipos de ayudas en alumnos de CM2. Estas ayudas consisten respectivamente en 1) añadidos de informaciones que explicitan el contenido del texto, 2) añadidos de informaciones que facilitan la actividad de deducción y que permiten la construcción de la coherencia de la significación global del texto, 3) simplificación léxica y sintáxica del texto. Pretenden desarrollar en los alumnos la competencia a inferir y por lo tanto a elaborar las relaciones de causalidad entre las informaciones, indispensables para la construcción del significado global y coherente del contenido del texto.Diese Forschungsarbeit analysiert die Verständnisschwierigkeiten eines wissenschaftlichen Textes und überprüft die Auswirkung dreier Hilfstypen bei Fünftklässlern. Diese Hilfen bestehen darin, i) Informationen hinzuzufügen, die den Inhalt des Textes erläutern; ii) Informationen hinzuzufügen, die das Folgern und somit den Zugang zur Kohärenz der globalen Bedeutung des Textes erleichtern; iii) oder den Text lexikalisch und syntaktisch zu vereinfachen. Ihr Ziel ist es, bei den Schülern die Folgerungsfertigkeit zu fördern und somit die kausalen Zusammenhänge zwischen den Informationen zu rekonstruieren, die unentbehrlich sind, um die globale und kohärente Bedeutung des Textinhalts zu konstruieren


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    Abstract. Coffee bean is one of the superior agricultural products in Indonesia. One of the factors that affect the productivity is the cropping pattern of coffee plants. A well organized cropping pattern will make a well organized air circulation which affects the productivity of coffee beans. In this research, a model of air circulation is built based on prism graph for the cropping pattern and solved by using Finite Volume Method (FVM). The model simulation process is done by using MATLAB and FLUENT software. The model is built according to the slope of stem and the temperature of coffee plantation. The temporary result of the research shows that prism graph cropping pattern results good air circulation and also gives good effect to the air circulation around the coffee plantation. The same thing happens to the effect of the slope of stem, the more upright the coffee plant is, the better air circulation and vice versa. Key Words : Coffee plants, air circulation, prism graph, Finite Volume Method (FVM

    Incision wound healing test ethanolic extract gel from Ekor Naga (Rhaphidophora pinnata (L.f) Schott) leaves in white male rats

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    Ekor naga (Rhaphidophora pinnata (L.f) Schott) leaves have been researched and tested. So, it was known that the chemical content of secondary metabolites effect wound healing. This study aimed to determine the gel effect of ekor naga leaves extracts as a wound healing medicine. The research method evaluated organoleptic, pH, spreadability, and adhesion of gel preparations which were measured every week for four weeks. The testing of gel effect on the wound healing medicine was being performed. In 5 treatment groups namely positive control: Bioplasenton, Formula 0: negative control, Formula 1: 10% extract concentration, Formula 2: 15% extract concentration, and Formula 3: 20% extract concentration. The result obtained were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and continued by the Duncan test with a level of 95% confidence. The research results showed that formula 3 has the best wound healing effect, followed by formulas 2 and 1. The statistical results have a significant difference (p<0,05), but the results of stability observations of the formula two preparation have a stable. Evaluation value for four weeks of observation with a care effect of 95.3%. So, formula 2 is the best formula for stability and testing wound healing effectiveness