20 research outputs found

    DiME: Maximizing Mutual Information by a Difference of Matrix-Based Entropies

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    We introduce an information-theoretic quantity with similar properties to mutual information that can be estimated from data without making explicit assumptions on the underlying distribution. This quantity is based on a recently proposed matrix-based entropy that uses the eigenvalues of a normalized Gram matrix to compute an estimate of the eigenvalues of an uncentered covariance operator in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We show that a difference of matrix-based entropies (DiME) is well suited for problems involving the maximization of mutual information between random variables. While many methods for such tasks can lead to trivial solutions, DiME naturally penalizes such outcomes. We compare DiME to several baseline estimators of mutual information on a toy Gaussian dataset. We provide examples of use cases for DiME, such as latent factor disentanglement and a multiview representation learning problem where DiME is used to learn a shared representation among views with high mutual information


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    A web 2.0 propicia aos sujeitos sociais a possibilidade de contar suas histórias assim como de vê-las discutidas em novas formas de interação. Este artigo almeja apresentar os posicionamentos interacionais que constroem a performance narrativa de co-construção de raça de uma mulher negra no blog "Eu, Mulher Preta". O estudo se ampara nos aportes teóricos dos novos letramentos digitais, na concepção de raça proposta pelas Teorias Queer e na teorização de narrativa como performance. Para analisar a narrativa da blogueira como performance, o quadro analítico se ancora no construto de posicionamento interacional e nas pistas que marcam tal posicionamento na encenação da performance. Os resultados indicam que a narradora se posiciona interacionalmente como mulher preta. Identificamos, porém, um posicionamento interacional anterior ao renascimento como negra: o de mulher "branc[a] meio suj[a]". Observamos ainda que tais posicionamentos refletem duas performances discursivas conflitantes, uma que se aproxima e valoriza a negritude e outra que se distancia de sua origem. Esta investigação, baseando-se nas Teorias Queer, possibilita, também, tratar a questão racial como um traço performativo, colocando-a ao lado de gênero e sexualidade


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    Various tensor decompositions use different arrangements of factors to explain multi-way data. Components from different decompositions can vary in the number of parameters. Allowing a model to contain components from different decompositions results in a combinatoric number of possible models. We consider model selection to balance approximation error with the number of parameters, but due to the number of possibilities post-hoc model selection is infeasible. Instead, we incrementally build a model. This approach is analogous to sparse coding with a union of dictionaries. The proposed greedy approach can estimate a model consisting of a combination of tensor decompositions. Index Terms — tensor decompositions, greedy algorithm, model selection 1

    The Representation Jensen-R\'enyi Divergence

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    We introduce a divergence measure between data distributions based on operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces defined by kernels. The empirical estimator of the divergence is computed using the eigenvalues of positive definite Gram matrices that are obtained by evaluating the kernel over pairs of data points. The new measure shares similar properties to Jensen-Shannon divergence. Convergence of the proposed estimators follows from concentration results based on the difference between the ordered spectrum of the Gram matrices and the integral operators associated with the population quantities. The proposed measure of divergence avoids the estimation of the probability distribution underlying the data. Numerical experiments involving comparing distributions and applications to sampling unbalanced data for classification show that the proposed divergence can achieve state of the art results.Comment: We added acknowledgment