40 research outputs found

    A importância da usabilidade e da ergonomia no processo de navegação e compra on-line

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    Apresentação do estudo sobre uma Internet pensada no usuário, tendo como objeto de análise a usabilidade e a ergonomia no site da companhia aérea GOL. Após uma análise de navegação nesse site, foi comprovada a importância de uma boa interface que satisfaça o usuário. Ao navegar por páginas de empresas importantes o usuário encontra dificuldades na busca pelo que precisa. A ergonomia fará com que o usuário sinta-se confortável, enquanto a usabilidade faz o papel de tornar a navegação mais rápida e prática. Um dos principais focos desta monografia será a análise da relação estética como forma de auxílio à usabilidade. Com o crescimento e a independência do usuário em relação aos meios de comunicação, os sites de empresas que fazem vendas on-line necessitam de uma atenção especial. Para o usuário conseguir efetuar uma compra pela Internet, ele passará por um processo gradual de confiança em relação ao site no qual tem o interesse em efetivar a compra. Para a empresa conseguir conquistar a confiança do usuário, um dos pontos principais será a facilidade de utilização do site. O estudo abrangerá questões relacionadas a esse aspecto, mostrando como a usabilidade aplicada à interface pode facilitar o processo de navegação. E como a ergonomia poderá fazer com que o usuário sinta-se à vontade e ganhe confiança na empresa

    Tensions of colonial punishment: perspectives on recent developments in the study of coercive networks in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean

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    The study of penal practices in colonised parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean has recently witnessed a significant shift. The first generation of research into the coercive measures of colonial states tended to focus rather narrowly on imprisonment. The second generation, which has emerged only in the last five years, has significantly widened their field of vision to incorporate much more than the prison. The most recent literature considers capital and corporal punishment, as well as the larger functioning of police and courts. It also explores in more depth the ways in which indigenous peoples experienced and interpreted their punishments. Finally, this new research is sensitive to the paradoxes and tensions of colonial punishment, which often frustrated its purposes. This article reflects upon these historiographical shifts, and argues that, in light of these developments, a new framework for the study of colonial punishment is now called for. It suggests that an approach which views colonial coercive techniques as part of imperial ‘coercive networks’ encapsulates this new thinking

    Torture Approval in Comparative Perspective

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    Torture is (almost) universally condemned as barbaric and ineffective, yet it persists in the modern world. What factors influence levels of support for torture? Public opinion data from 31 countries in 2006 and 2008 (a total of 44 country-years) are used to test three hypotheses related to the acceptability of torture. The findings, first, show that outright majorities in 31 country-years reject the use of torture. Multiple regression results show that countries with high per capita income and low domestic repression are less likely to support torture. Constraints on the executive have no significant effect on public opinion on torture

    L'auteur du Strategicon

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    Aussaresses François. L'auteur du Strategicon. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 8, 1906, n°1. pp. 23-39

    The Byzantine Army at the End of the 6th Century (According to Maurice's Strategicon)

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    Издаваемая впервые на русском языке книга известного французского военного историка Ф. Осареса посвящена детальной реконструкции облика византийской армии конца VI в. Ученый строит свое исследование в основном на анализе текста "Стратегикона" — знаменитого военного трактата, авторство которого приписывается императору Маврикию (582-602 гг.). Книга адресована как специалистам, так и всем интересующимся историей и военным делом ранней Византии

    Fonctionnement des électrodes poreuses soufre-nickel

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    On prépare une électrode poreuse par compression de poudres de soufre et de nickel. On utilise cette électrode comme cathode dans une solution de potasse normale; le soufre est réduit électrochimiquement à la température ordinaire. Pendant l’électrolyse à intensité constante, le potentiel de la face antérieure de l’électrode est enregistré en fonction du temps. La courbe présente une partie rectiligne. La pente des parties rectilignes des courbes de décharge donne directement le rapport du facteur de tortuosité à la conductivité de la phase électrolytique de l’électrode. En mesurant par ailleurs le facteur de tortuosité on atteint la conductivité de la phase électrolytique

    Tensions of colonial punishment: perspectives on recent developments in the study of coercive networks in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean

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    The study of penal practices in colonised parts of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean has recently witnessed a significant shift. The first generation of research into the coercive measures of colonial states tended to focus rather narrowly on imprisonment. The second generation, which has emerged only in the last five years, has significantly widened their field of vision to incorporate much more than the prison. The most recent literature considers capital and corporal punishment, as well as the larger functioning of police and courts. It also explores in more depth the ways in which indigenous peoples experienced and interpreted their punishments. Finally, this new research is sensitive to the paradoxes and tensions of colonial punishment, which often frustrated its purposes. This article reflects upon these historiographical shifts, and argues that, in light of these developments, a new framework for the study of colonial punishment is now called for. It suggests that an approach which views colonial coercive techniques as part of imperial ‘coercive networks’ encapsulates this new thinking