507 research outputs found

    Formation de disciples dans un contexte de nouvelle évangélisation : élaboration d'un modÚle d'intervention en coaching d'apprentissage

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    Dans un contexte de nouvelle Ă©vangĂ©lisation, convertis et recommençants frappent Ă  la porte de l’Église pour recevoir une formation. L’intervenant-chercheur a pris acte de ce besoin de formation en milieu paroissial. C’est pourquoi il s’est engagĂ© dans une pratique de formation peu connue dans l’Église catholique appelĂ©e « formation de disciples ». Les formateurs protestants Ă©vangĂ©liques misent sur la relation d’apprentissage, sachant que « tout disciple bien formĂ© sera comme son maĂźtre » (Luc 6, 40), c’est-Ă -dire apte Ă  former des disciples Ă  son tour. VoilĂ  pourquoi ceux-ci parlent de multiplication en actualisant le passage de 2 TimothĂ©e 2, 2 : « Ce que tu as appris de moi en prĂ©sence de nombreux tĂ©moins, confie-le Ă  des hommes fidĂšles qui seront eux-mĂȘmes capables de l’enseigner encore Ă  d’autres ». Sur cette base, l’intervenant-chercheur a rĂ©pondu Ă  la question suivante : « Quelles sont les compĂ©tences du formateur de disciples qui favorisent la multiplication? ». Une revue de la littĂ©rature Ă©vangĂ©lique a permis de constater que peu de praticiens ont dĂ©fini ces compĂ©tences. Traditionnellement, la relation pĂ©dagogique est conçue de maniĂšre unilatĂ©rale, de formateur Ă  disciple. Au terme d’une recherche-action, l’intervenant-chercheur a dĂ©couvert que la relation pĂ©dagogique avait intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  se concevoir de maniĂšre bilatĂ©rale, comme une relation partenariale. Une analyse praxĂ©ologique a mis au jour les lacunes de la pratique de l’intervenant-chercheur en termes de compĂ©tences relationnelles. De telles compĂ©tences sont assimilables Ă  celles exercĂ©es en coaching. L’interprĂ©tation thĂ©ologique a conduit Ă  les mettre en corrĂ©lation avec les compĂ©tences exercĂ©es par JĂ©sus dans l’Évangile selon Matthieu. Une relecture critique avec l’énoncĂ© de compĂ©tences de la FĂ©dĂ©ration internationale de coaching a permis de formuler douze compĂ©tences relationnelles. Des applications pastorales ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©gagĂ©es pour chacune d’elles. Ces compĂ©tences ont permis d’élaborer un modĂšle d’intervention comprenant un modĂšle de formation qui pave la voie Ă  un nouveau modĂšle d’Église. Le modĂšle de formation axĂ© sur l’apprentissage s’appuie sur une relecture des Évangiles Ă  l’aide de la thĂ©orie du leadership situationnel de Hersey et Blanchard. Le modĂšle de l’Église communautĂ© de disciples s’inspire des travaux de la ConfĂ©rence des Ă©vĂȘques latino-amĂ©ricains Ă  Aparecida (2007)

    L'influence de la psychologie de la forme et de l'idéalisme transcendantal sur l'interprétation du noÚme perceptif par A. Gurwitsch

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    Ce projet de recherche entend présenter les enjeux entourant un débat relatif à l'interprétation du noÚme perceptif dans la phénoménologie husserlienne. Sans prétendre épuiser les tenants et aboutissants d'un tel débat, l'objectif poursuivi dans le contexte actuel consiste plutÎt à exposer l'opposition qui se dessine entre deux courants qui ont marqué l'orientation des commentaires portant sur cette notion centrale de la théorie de l'intentionnalité phénoménologique. Cette opposition relÚve de la confrontation entre les interprétations de A. Gurwitsch et de D. FÞllesdal. Tandis que le premier s'inspire de l'idéalisme transcendantal des Idées directrices, le second prend appui sur le réalisme exposé dans les Recherches logiques. Cette confrontation a donné lieu à de vives réactions et l'état actuel de la situation semble avoir donné raison à l'interprétation de FÞllesdal. Néanmoins, certains commentateurs reconnaissent que quelques rapprochements sont possibles entre ces deux lectures, en dépit de leurs postulats fondamentaux qui restent irréconciliables. Parmi ces commentateurs ayant dicté en grande partie la direction des discussions subséquentes, il importe de mentionner H. Dreyfus et D. Woodruff Smith. Dans cette optique, ce projet de recherche aura pour tùche de présenter en un premier temps les principales thÚses mises de l'avant par Gurwitsch et FÞllesdal vers la fin des années 1960 afin de bien saisir la nature du rapport ambigu entre leurs postulats respectifs. Il sera ensuite question de la maniÚre dont le débat s'est cristallisé à compter des années 1970 suite à la présentation qu'en font Dreyfus et W. Smith. Compte tenu de l'issue de cette confrontation, qui favorise maintenant la lecture défendue par FÞllesdal, le dernier chapitre tùchera de repositionner la lecture de Gurwitsch dans son contexte d'origine afin de saisir à la fois les sources de son interprétation et les raisons suivant lesquelles cette lecture possÚde encore aujourd'hui une certaine valeur heuristique pour l'interprétation de ce concept central de la phénoménologie husserlienne qu'est le noÚme et, plus précisément, le noÚme perceptif.\ud _____________________________________________________________________________

    Étude de la pathogenĂšse de l’infection et de l’inflammation causĂ©es par des souches de Streptococcus suis de diffĂ©rentes origines

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    Streptococcus suis est l’un des plus importants pathogĂšnes bactĂ©riens du porc, causant des pertes Ă©conomiques substantielles Ă  l’industrie porcine. De plus, c’est un agent zoonotique reprĂ©sentant de sĂ©rieux risques pour la santĂ© humaine. Cette bactĂ©rie cause diverses pathologies, dont la mĂ©ningite, la mort subite et le choc septique sont les plus frĂ©quentes. Ces pathologies sont la consĂ©quence d’une inflammation exacerbĂ©e caractĂ©ristique de l’infection systĂ©mique et du systĂšme nerveux central (SNC). Des diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de classification, le sĂ©rotypage et le « multilocus sequence typing » sont les plus utilisĂ©s pour S. suis. Bien qu’il existe 35 sĂ©rotypes, la quasi-totalitĂ© des Ă©tudes a utilisĂ© des souches "classiques" europĂ©ennes et/ou asiatiques appartenant aux types allĂ©liques (STs) 1 ou 7 du sĂ©rotype 2, et ce en dĂ©pit du fait que S. suis est une bactĂ©rie hautement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne gĂ©nĂ©tiquement et phĂ©notypiquement. Nos connaissances sont donc basĂ©es presque exclusivement sur celles-ci, mais ont Ă©tĂ© extrapolĂ©es Ă  l’ensemble des souches de S. suis. Par consĂ©quent, il y a un manque critique d’information sur le rĂŽle des composants de S. suis de diffĂ©rentes origines dans la virulence et la pathogenĂšse, de mĂȘme que sur la rĂ©ponse inflammatoire induite. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de mieux comprendre la pathogenĂšse de l’infection et l’inflammation causĂ©es par S. suis Ă  l’aide de souches diffĂ©rentes et d’évaluer l’impact de ces diffĂ©rences sur celles-ci. Dans un premier temps, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que les composants de surface, dont la capsule polysaccharidique, l’antigĂšne I/II et les acides lipotĂ©ichoĂŻques, ainsi que leurs rĂŽles et leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s, peuvent diffĂ©rer selon l’origine de la souche (le sĂ©rotype, le ST ou le lieu gĂ©ographique) en raison de leur bagage gĂ©nĂ©tique et de leurs caractĂ©ristiques phĂ©notypiques. De plus, le choix de la souche et du modĂšle expĂ©rimental peut crĂ©er un biais important dans les Ă©tudes de virulence et de pathogenĂšse et affecter les conclusions qui en dĂ©coulent. D’autre part, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que les cellules de l’hĂŽte du compartiment systĂ©mique reconnaissent des composants conservĂ©s de S. suis Ă  l‘aide de la voie des « Toll-like receptors » et de la signalisation MyD88-dĂ©pendante en aval, menant Ă  l’induction d’une rĂ©ponse inflammatoire, Ă  laquelle participe les monocytes et les neutrophiles sanguins. Toutefois, l’amplitude de cette rĂ©ponse est modulĂ©e par le bagage gĂ©nĂ©tique et les caractĂ©ristiques phĂ©notypiques de la souche. Bien que bĂ©nĂ©fique pour l’hĂŽte, l’inflammation induite doit ĂȘtre contrĂŽlĂ©e, car trop peu d’inflammation permet Ă  la bactĂ©rie de se rĂ©pliquer, tandis qu’une inflammation exacerbĂ©e cause des dommages tissulaires, Ă©volutions qui peuvent toutes deux ĂȘtre mortelles pour l’hĂŽte. Enfin, le SNC est trĂšs sensible Ă  l’infection par S. suis et rĂ©pond rapidement et agressivement Ă  sa prĂ©sence par l’entremise d’une rĂ©ponse inflammatoire exacerbĂ©e localisĂ©e, qui est, plus souvent qu’autrement, nĂ©faste pour l’hĂŽte. Cependant, la reconnaissance de S. suis dans le SNC ne nĂ©cessite pas la signalisation MyD88-dĂ©pendante. De plus, l’infiltration des monocytes et des neutrophiles est une consĂ©quence de l’inflammation induite, ce qui indique que ce sont les cellules rĂ©sidentes qui en sont responsables, bien que les leptomĂ©ninges n’y participent peu.Streptococcus suis is one of the most important porcine bacterial pathogens and is responsible for substantial economic losses to the swine industry. Moreover, it is also a zoonotic agent representing serious risks to human health. This bacterium causes a variety of pathologies, of which meningitis, sudden death, and septic shock are the most frequent, and which are the consequence of an exacerbated inflammation that characterizes the systemic and central nervous system (CNS) infections. Of the different classification systems, serotyping and multilocus sequence typing are the two most commonly used for S. suis. Though 35 serotypes exist, nearly all studies have used "classical" European and/or Asian serotype 2 sequence type (ST) 1 or 7 strains, regardless of the fact that S. suis is a highly heterogenous bacterium, both genetically and phenotypically. As such, our knowledge is based almost exclusively on these strains, yet it has been extrapolated to the entire S. suis population. This demonstrates the clear lack of information on the role of S. suis components from different origins in its virulence and pathogenesis, as well as in the induced inflammatory response. Consequently, the main objective of this thesis was to better understand the pathogenesis of the infection and the inflammation caused by S. suis using different strains and to evaluate the impact of these differences on pathogenesis and inflammation. Firstly, we demonstrated that surface components, including the capsular polysaccharide, antigen I/II, and lipoteichoic acids, as well as their roles and properties, may vary according to the origin of the strain used (serotype, ST, geographical isolation) due to differences in genetic background and phenotypic characteristics. Furthermore, the choice of strain and experimental model can introduce an important bias in virulence and pathogenesis studies that can affect the conclusions reached. Alongside, we demonstrated that systemic compartment host cells recognize conserved components of S. suis via the Toll-like receptor pathway and downstream MyD88-dependent signaling, which leads to the induction of an inflammatory response in which blood monocytes and neutrophils participate. However, the magnitude of this response is modulated by the genetic background and phenotypic characteristics of the strain. Though beneficial for the host, the induced inflammation must be controlled, as too little inflammation allows the bacteria to replicate, while exacerbated inflammation causes tissue and organ damage. Indeed, these two outcomes may result in host death. Finally, the CNS is extremely sensitive to S. suis infection and quickly and aggressively responds to its presence via an exacerbated inflammatory response that will remain localized and that is, more often than not, detrimental to the host. However, recognition of S. suis in the CNS does not necessarily require MyD88-dependent signaling. Moreover, infiltration of blood monocytes and neutrophils is a consequence of the induced inflammation, which indicates that resident cells are responsible for this response, though the leptomeninges do not appear to greatly participate therein

    Test of Colonisation Scenarios Reveals Complex Invasion History of the Red Tomato Spider Mite Tetranychus evansi

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    The spider mite Tetranychus evansi is an emerging pest of solanaceous crops worldwide. Like many other emerging pests, its small size, confusing taxonomy, complex history of associations with humans, and propensity to start new populations from small inocula, make the study of its invasion biology difficult. Here, we use recent developments in Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and variation in multi-locus genetic markers to reconstruct the complex historical demography of this cryptic invasive pest. By distinguishing among multiple pathways and timing of introductions, we find evidence for the “bridgehead effect”, in which one invasion serves as source for subsequent invasions. Tetranychus evansi populations in Europe and Africa resulted from at least three independent introductions from South America and involved mites from two distinct sources in Brazil, corresponding to highly divergent mitochondrial DNA lineages. Mites from southwest Brazil (BR-SW) colonized the African continent, and from there Europe through two pathways in a “bridgehead” type pattern. One pathway resulted in a widespread invasion, not only to Europe, but also to other regions in Africa, southern Europe and eastern Asia. The second pathway involved the mixture with a second introduction from BR-SW leading to an admixed population in southern Spain. Admixture was also detected between invasive populations in Portugal. A third introduction from the Brazilian Atlantic region resulted in only a limited invasion in Europe. This study illustrates that ABC methods can provide insights into, and distinguish among, complex invasion scenarios. These processes are critical not only in understanding the biology of invasions, but also in refining management strategies for invasive species. For example, while reported observations of the mite and outbreaks in the invaded areas were largely consistent with estimates of geographical expansion from the ABC approach, historical observations failed to recognize the complex pathways involved and the corresponding effects on genetic diversity

    Interleukin-1 signaling induced by Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is strain-dependent and contributes to bacterial clearance and inflammation during systemic disease in a mouse model of infection

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    International audienceAbstractStreptococcus suis serotype 2 is an important porcine pathogen and zoonotic agent causing sudden death, septic shock and meningitis, with exacerbated inflammation being a hallmark of the infection. A rapid, effective and balanced innate immune response against S. suis is critical to control bacterial growth without causing excessive inflammation. Even though interleukin (IL)-1 is one of the most potent and earliest pro-inflammatory mediators produced, its role in the S. suis pathogenesis has not been studied. We demonstrated that a classical virulent European sequence type (ST) 1 strain and the highly virulent ST7 strain induce important levels of IL-1 in systemic organs. Moreover, bone marrow-derived dendritic cells and macrophages contribute to its production, with the ST7 strain inducing higher levels. To better understand the underlying mechanisms involved, different cellular pathways were studied. Independently of the strain, IL-1ÎČ production required MyD88 and involved recognition via TLR2 and possibly TLR7 and TLR9. This suggests that the recognized bacterial components are similar and conserved between strains. However, very high levels of the pore-forming toxin suilysin, produced only by the ST7 strain, are required for efficient maturation of pro-IL-1ÎČ via activation of different inflammasomes resulting from pore formation and ion efflux. Using IL-1R−/− mice, we demonstrated that IL-1 signaling plays a beneficial role during S. suis systemic infection by modulating the inflammation required to control and clear bacterial burden, thus promoting host survival. Beyond a certain threshold, however, S. suis-induced inflammation cannot be counterbalanced by this signaling, making it difficult to discriminate its role

    Streptococcus suis serotype 2 strains isolated in Argentina (South America) are different from those recovered in North America and present a higher risk for humans

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    Introduction: Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is an important swine pathogen and emerging zoonotic agent causing meningitis and septicemia/septic shock. Strains are usually virulent (Eurasia) or of intermediate/low virulence (North America). Very few data regarding human and swine isolates from South America are available. Case presentation: Seventeen new human S. suis cases in Argentina (16 serotype 2 strains and a serotype 5 strain) are reported. Alongside, 14 isolates from pigs are analyzed: 12 from systemic disease, one from lungs and one from tonsils of a healthy animal. All human serotype 2 strains and most swine isolates are sequence type (ST) 1, as determined by multilocus sequence typing and present a mrp+/epf+/sly + genotype typical of virulent Eurasian ST1 strains. The remaining two strains (recovered from swine lungs and tonsils) are ST28 and possess a mrp+/epf − /sly− genotype typical of low virulence North American strains. Representative human ST1 strains as well as one swine ST28 strain were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing and compared with genomes from GenBank. ST1 strains clustered together with three strains from Vietnam and this cluster is close to another one composed of 11 strains from the United Kingdom. Conclusion: Close contact with pigs/pork products, a good surveillance system, and the presence of potentially virulent Eurasian-like serotype 2 strains in Argentina may be an important factor contributing to the higher number of human cases observed. In fact, Argentina is now fifth among Western countries regarding the number of reported human cases after the Netherlands, France, the UK and Poland.EEA Marcos JuárezFil: Callejo, Raquel. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas; ArgentinaFil: Han, Zheng. National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention. Chinese Center for Disease Control. State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases; ChinaFil: Pengcheng, Du. Beijing Ditan Hospital. Institute of Infectious Diseases.Capital Medical University. Beijing Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases; ChinaFil: Prieto, Monica. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas; ArgentinaFil: Jianguo, Xu. National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention. Chinese Center for Disease Control. State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases; ChinaFil: Zielinski, Gustavo Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Marcos Juárez; ArgentinaFil: Auger, Jean-Philippe. University of Montreal. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Swine and Poultry Infectious Disease Center (CRIPA); CanadaFil: Gottschalk, Marcelo. University of Montreal. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Swine and Poultry Infectious Disease Center (CRIPA); Canad

    Antigen I/II Participates in the Interactions of Streptococcus suis Serotype 9 With Phagocytes and the Development of Systemic Disease

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    Streptococcus suis is an important porcine bacterial pathogen and a zoonotic agent causing a variety of pathologies including sudden death, septic shock, and meningitis. Though serotype 2 is the most studied serotype due to its presence worldwide, serotype 9 is responsible for the greatest number of porcine cases in Spain, the Netherlands, and Germany. Regardless of its increasing importance, very few studies have investigated S. suis serotype 9 virulence factors and pathogenesis. Antigens I/II (AgI/II) are multimodal adhesion proteins implicated in host respiratory tract and oral cavity persistence of various pathogenic human streptococci. It was recently demonstrated that AgI/II is involved in various bacterial functions for serotype 9, participating in the initial steps of the pathogenesis of the infection. However, its contribution to the systemic infection remains unknown. As such, we evaluated herein the role of the S. suis serotype 9 AgI/II in the interactions with phagocytes and the development of systemic disease in a mouse model of infection. Results demonstrated that the presence of AgI/II is important for the development of clinical systemic disease by promoting bacterial survival in blood possibly due to its effect on S. suis phagocytosis, as shown with macrophages and dendritic cells. Furthermore, AgI/II directly participates in dendritic cell activation and pro-inflammatory mediator production following recognition by the Toll-like receptor pathway, which may contribute to the exacerbated systemic inflammation responsible for host death. Taken together, this study demonstrates that the S. suis serotype 9 AgI/II is important for virulence during systemic infection and development of disease. In fact, this is the first study to describe a role of an AgI/II family member in systemic bacterial disease

    Influence of social and material individual and area deprivation on suicide mortality among 2.7 million Canadians: a prospective study

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    Abstract Background: Few studies have investigated how area-level deprivation influences the relationship between individual disadvantage and suicide mortality. The aim of this study was to examine individual measures of material and social disadvantage in relation to suicide mortality in Canada and to determine whether these relationships were modified by area deprivation. Methods: Using the 1991-2001 Canadian Census Mortality Follow-up Study cohort (N = 2,685,400), measures of individual social (civil status, family structure, living alone) and material (education, income, employment) disadvantage were entered into Cox proportional hazard models to calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for male and female suicide mortality. Two indices of area deprivation were computedone capturing social, and the other material, dimensions -and models were run separately for high versus low deprivation. Results: After accounting for individual and area characteristics, individual social and material disadvantage were associated with higher suicide mortality, especially for individuals not employed, not married, with low education and low income. Associations between social and material area deprivation and suicide mortality largely disappeared upon adjustment for individual-level disadvantage. In stratified analyses, suicide risk was greater for low income females in socially deprived areas and males living alone in materially deprived areas, and there was no evidence of other modifying effects of area deprivation. Conclusions: Individual disadvantage was associated with suicide mortality, particularly for males. With some exceptions, there was little evidence that area deprivation modified the influence of individual disadvantage on suicide risk. Prevention strategies should primarily focus on individuals who are unemployed or out of the labour force, and have low education or income. Individuals with low income or who are living alone in deprived areas should also be targeted

    Hydroxyapatite-coated SPIONs and their influence on cytokine release

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    Hydroxyapatite- or calcium phosphate-coated iron oxide nanoparticles have a high potential for use in many biomedical applications. In this study, a co-precipitation method for the synthesis of hydroxyapatite-coated nanoparticles (SPIONHAp), was used. The produced nanoparticles have been characterized by dynamic light scattering, X-ray diffraction, vibrating sample magnetometry, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, atomic emission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, selected area diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed a successful synthesis of 190 nm sized particles and their stable coating, resulting in SPIONHAp. Potential cytotoxic effects of SPIONHAp on EL4, THP-1, and Jurkat cells were tested, showing only a minor effect on cell viability at the highest tested concentration (400 [my]g Fe/mL). The results further showed that hydroxyapatite-coated SPIONs can induce minor TNF-α and IL-6 release by murine macrophages at a concentration of 100 [my]g Fe/mL. To investigate if and how such particles interact with other substances that modulate the immune response, SPIONHAp-treated macrophages were incubated with LPS (lipopolysaccharides) and dexamethasone. We found that cytokine release in response to these potent pro- and anti-inflammatory agents was modulated in the presence of SPIONHAp. Knowledge of this behavior is important for the management of inflammatory processes following in vivo applications of this type of SPIONs

    Electric potential across epidermis and its role during wound healing can be studied by using an in vitro reconstructed human skin

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    Background : After human epidermis wounding, transepithelial potential (TEP) present in nonlesional epidermis decreases and induces an endogenous direct current epithelial electric field (EEF) that could be implicated in the wound re-epithelialization. Some studies suggest that exogenous electric stimulation of wounds can stimulate healing, although the mechanisms remain to be determined. The Problem : Little is known concerning the exact action of the EEF during healing. The mechanism responsible for TEP and EEF is unknown due to the lack of an in vitro model to study this phenomenon. Basic Science Advances : We carried out studies by using a wound created in a human tissue-engineered skin and determined that TEP undergoes ascending and decreasing phases during the epithelium formation. The in vitro TEP measurements over time in the wound were corroborated with histological changes and with in vivo TEP variations during porcine skin wound healing. The expression of a crucial element implicated in Na+ transport, Na+/K+ ATPase pumps, was also evaluated at the same time points during the re-epithelialization process. The ascending and decreasing TEP values were correlated with changes in the expression of these pumps. The distribution of Na+/K+ ATPase pumps also varied according to epidermal differentiation. Further, inhibition of the pump activity induced a significant decrease of the TEP and of the re-epithelization rate. Clinical Care Relevance : A better comprehension of the role of EEF could have important future medical applications regarding the treatment of chronic wound healing. Conclusion : This study brings a new perspective to understand the formation and restoration of TEP during the cutaneous wound healing process
