185 research outputs found

    M & L Jaargang 23/1

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    Anna Bergmans Wilt gij wel zijn wilt gij rusten, zoek het niet op vreemde kusten. De woning met atelier van Oscar Algoet (1862-1937), decoratieschilder in Leuven. [Oscar Algoet.]Zijn levenswandel in de schaduw van de grootmeesters van de neogotiek getrouw, ging decoratieschilder Oscar Algoet na overlijden op in anonimiteit. Doordrongen van de leerstellingen van de Sint-Lucasscholen en zich lavend aan de modellen in hun tijdschriften, zou hij deze toepassen op zijn eigen woning met atelier, op de grondvesten van het Leuvense Augustijnenklooster: niet deze van een kunstenaar maar van een begenadigd ambachtsman waar, getuige Anna Bergmans, het gezinsleven centraal bleef staan.Jean-Marc Basyn (vertaling H.-J. Van Den Bossche) De architecten Brunfaut, een sociaal bewogen oeuvre. [The architects Brunfaut and their socially conscious oeuvre.]Als een hechte dynastie zouden de architecten Fernand, Gaston en Maxime Brunfaut vanuit hun -progressief socialistische overtuiging theoretisch, politiek en stedenbouwkundig de krijtlijnen uitzetten van de moderne metropool: een Groot-Brussel waar transport, openbare voorzieningen en behuizing het welzijn zouden dienen van de collectiviteit.Vormelijk aanleunend bij het modernisme is hun oeuvre dat van kantoorgebouwen, een Modelwijk, spoor- en luchtvaartinfrastructuren, maar niet in het minst hospitalen en het roemruchte sanatoriumcomplex in Tombeek.Françoise Aubry (vertaling Marcel M. Celis) Het Herenhuis Aubecq. [The Aubecq mansion.]In 1948 bleek het flamboyante herenhuis van industrieel Octave Aubecq, waarvoor Victor Horta carte blanche verkregen had, een luttele maanden te jong om wettelijke bescherming als monument te kunnen overwegen. Sloping was onafwendbaar, maar een eeuw na oplevering blijven granieten onderdelen van de gevels ontredderd wachten op hun hypothetische anastylose ooit en ergens.Bij de gratie van heropgedoken interieurfotos blikt Françoise Aubry terug op dit verdwenen meesterwerk, waarvan haar eigen grootvader in een niet zo ver verleden althans de inboedel voor oorlogsgeweld wist te vrijwaren.Summar

    Approche pluridisciplinaire de la sûreté des systèmes

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture.Nous présentons un sous-ensemble des travaux développés dans le cadre d'un Programme Fédérateur de Recherches sur la sûreté des systèmes industriels. Ils se placent dans le cadre du cycle spécification conception développement de systèmes de commande. l'objectif de ce programme est de rapprocher les équipes de différents laboratoires travaillant sur certains étapes de ce cycle afin d'intégrer au mieux la sûreté de fonctionnement du système

    Effects of sodium nitrite reduction, removal or replacement on cured and cooked meat for microbiological growth, food safety, colon ecosystem, and colorectal carcinogenesis in Fischer 344 rats

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    Epidemiological and experimental evidence indicated that processed meat consumption is associated with colorectal cancer risks. Several studies suggest the involvement of nitrite or nitrate additives via N-nitroso-compound formation (NOCs). Compared to the reference level (120 mg/kg of ham), sodium nitrite removal and reduction (90 mg/kg) similarly decreased preneoplastic lesions in F344 rats, but only reduction had an inhibitory effect on Listeria monocytogenes growth comparable to that obtained using the reference nitrite level and an effective lipid peroxidation control. Among the three nitrite salt alternatives tested, none of them led to a significant gain when compared to the reference level: vegetable stock, due to nitrate presence, was very similar to this reference nitrite level, yeast extract induced a strong luminal peroxidation and no decrease in preneoplastic lesions in rats despite the absence of NOCs, and polyphenol rich extract induced the clearest downward trend on preneoplastic lesions in rats but the concomitant presence of nitrosyl iron in feces. Except the vegetable stock, other alternatives were less efficient than sodium nitrite in reducing L. monocytogenes growth

    Protection against Mycobacterium ulcerans Lesion Development by Exposure to Aquatic Insect Saliva

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    BACKGROUND: Buruli ulcer is a severe human skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. This disease is primarily diagnosed in West Africa with increasing incidence. Antimycobacterial drug therapy is relatively effective during the preulcerative stage of the disease, but surgical excision of lesions with skin grafting is often the ultimate treatment. The mode of transmission of this Mycobacterium species remains a matter of debate, and relevant interventions to prevent this disease lack (i) the proper understanding of the M. ulcerans life history traits in its natural aquatic ecosystem and (ii) immune signatures that could be correlates of protection. We previously set up a laboratory ecosystem with predatory aquatic insects of the family Naucoridae and laboratory mice and showed that (i) M. ulcerans-carrying aquatic insects can transmit the mycobacterium through bites and (ii) that their salivary glands are the only tissues hosting replicative M. ulcerans. Further investigation in natural settings revealed that 5%–10% of these aquatic insects captured in endemic areas have M. ulcerans–loaded salivary glands. In search of novel epidemiological features we noticed that individuals working close to aquatic environments inhabited by insect predators were less prone to developing Buruli ulcers than their relatives. Thus we set out to investigate whether those individuals might display any immune signatures of exposure to M. ulcerans-free insect predator bites, and whether those could correlate with protection. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We took a two-pronged approach in this study, first investigating whether the insect bites are protective in a mouse model, and subsequently looking for possibly protective immune signatures in humans. We found that, in contrast to control BALB/c mice, BALB/c mice exposed to Naucoris aquatic insect bites or sensitized to Naucoris salivary gland homogenates (SGHs) displayed no lesion at the site of inoculation of M. ulcerans coated with Naucoris SGH components. Then using human serum samples collected in a Buruli ulcer–endemic area (in the Republic of Benin, West Africa), we assayed sera collected from either ulcer-free individuals or patients with Buruli ulcers for the titre of IgGs that bind to insect predator SGH, focusing on those molecules otherwise shown to be retained by M. ulcerans colonies. IgG titres were lower in the Buruli ulcer patient group than in the ulcer-free group. CONCLUSIONS: These data will help structure future investigations in Buruli ulcer–endemic areas, providing a rationale for research into human immune signatures of exposure to predatory aquatic insects, with special attention to those insect saliva molecules that bind to M. ulcerans

    Phenotypic spectrum of fetal Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.

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    International audienceThe Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive multiple congenital malformation syndrome caused by dehydrocholesterol reductase deficiency. The diagnosis is confirmed by high 7- and secondarily 8-dehydrocholesterol levels in plasma and tissues and/or by detection of biallelic mutations in the DHCR7 gene. The phenotypic spectrum of SLOS is broad, ranging from a mild phenotype combining subtle physical anomalies with behavioral and learning problems, to a perinatally lethal multiple malformations syndrome. The fetal phenotype of SLOS has been poorly described in the literature. We report a series of 10 fetuses with molecularly proven SLOS. Even in young fetuses, the facial dysmorphism appears characteristic. Genital abnormalities are rare in 46,XX subjects. Gonadal differentiation appears histologically normal and in agreement with the chromosomal sex, contrary to what has been previously stated. We observed some previously unreported anomalies: ulnar hypoplasia, vertebral segmentation anomalies, congenital pulmonary adenomatoid malformation, fused lungs, gastroschisis, holomyelia and hypothalamic hamartoma. This latter malformation proves that SLOS phenotypically overlaps with Pallister-Hall syndrome which remains clinically a major differential diagnosis of SLOS

    the Brussels of Horta

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    Genicot (Luc-Fr.). Architecture contemporaine.

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    Dierkens-Aubry Françoise. Genicot (Luc-Fr.). Architecture contemporaine.. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 65, fasc. 4, 1987. Histoire - Geschiedenis. pp. 983-984

    Colman (Pierre), Bekaert (Geert), Buren Daniel), Debre (Olivier), Wuidar (Léon), Folville (Jacques). Architecture pour architecture : Hôtel Torrentius. Lambert Lombard 1565 — Charles Vandenhove 1981

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    Dierkens-Aubry Françoise. Colman (Pierre), Bekaert (Geert), Buren Daniel), Debre (Olivier), Wuidar (Léon), Folville (Jacques). Architecture pour architecture : Hôtel Torrentius. Lambert Lombard 1565 — Charles Vandenhove 1981. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 64, fasc. 2, 1986. Histoire - Geschiedenis. p. 451