46 research outputs found

    Epistemik und Korpuspragmatik : Korpusgestützte empirische Analyse des epistemischen Hintergrundes im Diskurs

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine Forschungsmethode dargestellt, mit der ausgehend von der quantitativen und qualitativen Analyse epistemischer Ausdrücke und ihrer Kombinationen in Texten die Positionen der Diskursakteure relativ zum gemeinsamen epistemischen Hintergrund sowie die dynamische Entwicklung dieses Hintergrundes erschlossen werden können. Durch die quantitative Analyse werden die epistemischen Ausdrücke in zwei Subkategorien (Faktizität behauptende und Faktizität relativierende Ausdrücke) geteilt. Anschließend wird gezeigt, wie die beiden Subkategorien innerhalb eines Textes verwendet werden und die Position unterschiedlicher Diskursakteure charakterisieren

    Agglutination und Flexion

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    The Hungarian imperative particle hadd

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    This study is devoted to the Hungarian sentence mood particle hadd, which developed into a particle from the imperatival form of the verb hagy ‘let’. It primarily functions in non-addressee-oriented directives, i.e., it marks speech acts meant by the speaker to instigate actions of the speaker him- or herself or of third parties rather than actions of the interlocutor. The interlocutor is meant to play a—mediating, supporting, or tolerating—“secondary” role in this. Based on corpus research, the syntax and pragmatics of the particle hadd will be illustrated. The syntactic position of hadd differs from that of modal particles in being considerably more fixed. Concerning its pragmatic function, uses leading away from the function of a particle indicating sentence mood can be discerned. Similar developments can be illustrated for other European languages. In some languages (e.g., the Slavic languages), the word meaning ‘let’ develops into a particle, in other languages it turns into an auxiliary verb

    Epistemik und Common Ground.: Quantitative und qualitative Untersuchung epistemischer Ausdrücke im Korpus

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    In the present article it is hypothesized that epistemic markers are combined in texts and together constitute an epistemic background. To verify this an automatic corpus based co-occurrence analysis was performed. Based on the quantitative results, subcategories of epistemic markers were defined. These were later established theoretically using the common-ground model of Stalnaker. The constitution of common ground was then qualitatively analyzed on the basis of selected texts