530 research outputs found

    Jazz by the Sea: KRML and the Radio Presence of ‘America’s Classical Music’

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    The last for-profit radio station with an all-jazz format was located not in a major city or center of jazz activity, but in Carmel, California. KRML-AM 1410 broadcasted jazz almost exclusively for three decades, before changing to an eclectic rock format in October 2012. This article attempts to explain the conditions that enabled this small but affluent community to sustain a presence for jazz on the airwaves for so long. Moreover, it takes a microhistorical approach that examines the ways that KRML’s history reflects the broader national trends in jazz programming. As jazz has accrued “cultural nobility,” a fancy for the music has become a social indicator of one’s level of cultural sophistication. Canonized as a quintessentially American expressive form and repackaged as a non-intrusive, unthreatening vehicle for tranquil repose and nostalgia, jazz thus complements the aura of refinement and serenity that Carmel residents have sought to create and have fought to maintain for over a century. Its jazz programming informed by such discursive shifts, KRML sought to sway listeners to accept jazz as the ideal accompaniment to the placid, laid-back Carmel lifestyle

    Sacred Swing: The Sacralization of Jazz in the American Bahá'í Community

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    Much modern jazz performance is imbued with religious significance or “sacred intentionality”, as revealed in the Bahá’í conceptions of jazz as a vehicle for worship and spiritual transcendence. Although earlier generations of believers objected to jazz because of its presumed moral and aesthetic poverty, jazz has become a staple in Bahá’í public culture and proclamation activities, partially due to the influence of prominent jazz musicians who became Bahá’ís, such as Dizzy Gillespie, James Moody, Flora Purim, and Tierney Sutton. Oral history and textual research are used to explore the dialectic between jazz and Bahá’í spiritual teachings and practices, the impact of the Faith’s theological and social doctrines on the creation of jazz music by its adherents, and conversely the effects of jazz on worship activities and religious identity in the American Bahá’í community. Musicians detect synergy between improvisation and spiritual searching, group interaction and selfless consultation, and jazz’s multicultural roots and Bahá’í emphasis on unity-in-diversity. The ambiguous aesthetic stature of jazz challenged individual believers and Bahá’í institutions to reconsider and expand their notions of what types of music are suitable for reverent worship, thus contributing to the maturation of this spiritual community’s inclusive ethos

    Inventing Jazztowns and Internationalizing Local Identities in Japan

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    Describes the respective claims of port cities Yokohama and Kobe to be the points of entry for jazz in Japan

    The dietary impact of the Norman Conquest: A multiproxy archaeological investigation of Oxford, UK

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    Archaeology has yet to capitalise on the opportunities offered by bioarchaeological approaches to examine the impact of the 11th-century AD Norman Conquest of England. This study utilises an integrated multiproxy analytical approach to identify and explain changes and continuities in diet and foodways between the 10th and 13th centuries in the city of Oxford, UK. The integration of organic residue analysis of ceramics, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analysis of human and animal bones, incremental analysis of δ13C and δ15N from human tooth dentine and palaeopathological analysis of human skeletal remains has revealed a broad pattern of increasing intensification and marketisation across various areas of economic practice, with a much lesser and more short-term impact of the Conquest on everyday lifestyles than is suggested by documentary sources. Nonetheless, isotope data indicate short-term periods of instability, particularly food insecurity, did impact individuals. Evidence of preferences for certain foodstuffs and cooking techniques documented among the elite classes were also observed among lower-status townspeople, suggesting that Anglo-Norman fashions could be adopted across the social spectrum. This study demonstrates the potential for future archaeological research to generate more nuanced understanding of the cultural impact of the Norman Conquest of England, while showcasing a method which can be used to elucidate the undocumented, everyday implications of other large-scale political events on non-elites

    Translation initiation from conserved non-AUG codons provides additional layers of regulation and coding capacity

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    Neurospora crassa cpc-1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN4 are homologs specifying transcription activators that drive the transcriptional response to amino acid limitation. The cpc-1 mRNA contains two upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in its >700-nucleotide (nt) 5' leader, and its expression is controlled at the level of translation in response to amino acid starvation. We used N. crassa cell extracts and obtained data indicating that cpc-1 uORF1 and uORF2 are functionally analogous to GCN4 uORF1 and uORF4, respectively, in controlling translation. We also found that the 5' region upstream of the main coding sequence of the cpc-1 mRNA extends for more than 700 nucleotides without any in-frame stop codon. For 100 cpc-1 homologs from Pezizomycotina and from selected Basidiomycota, 5' conserved extensions of the CPC1 reading frame are also observed. Multiple non-AUG near-cognate codons (NCCs) in the CPC1 reading frame upstream of uORF2, some deeply conserved, could potentially initiate translation. At least four NCCs initiated translation in vitro. In vivo data were consistent with initiation at NCCs to produce N-terminally extended N. crassa CPC1 isoforms. The pivotal role played by CPC1, combined with its translational regulation by uORFs and NCC utilization, underscores the emerging significance of noncanonical initiation events in controlling gene expression. IMPORTANCE There is a deepening and widening appreciation of the diverse roles of translation in controlling gene expression. A central fungal transcription factor, the best-studied example of which is Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN4, is crucial for the response to amino acid limitation. Two upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in the GCN4 mRNA are critical for controlling GCN4 synthesis. We observed that two uORFs in the corresponding Neurospora crassa cpc-1 mRNA appear functionally analogous to the GCN4 uORFs. We also discovered that, surprisingly, unlike GCN4, the CPC1 coding sequence extends far upstream from the presumed AUG start codon with no other in-frame AUG codons. Similar extensions were seen in homologs from many filamentous fungi. We observed that multiple non-AUG near-cognate codons (NCCs) in this extended reading frame, some conserved, initiated translation to produce longer forms of CPC1, underscoring the significance of noncanonical initiation in controlling gene expression

    Biomechanical predictors of ball velocity during punt kicking in elite rugby league kickers

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    Punt kicking is integral to the attacking and defensive elements of rugby league and the ability to kick the ball with high velocity is desirable. This study aimed to identify important technical aspects of kicking linked to the generation of ball velocity. Maximal punt kicks were obtained from six elite rugby league kickers using a 10-camera motion capture system. Three-dimensional kinematics of the lower extremities was obtained. Regression analysis with ball velocity as criterion was used to identify the kinematic parameters associated with the development of ball velocity. The regression model yielded an adj R2¼0.76, p�0.01. Two parameters were identified: knee extension angular velocity of the kicking limb at impact (R2¼0.50) and peak flexion angular velocity of the kicking hip (R2¼0.26, p�0.01). It is conceivable that players may benefit from exposure to coaching and strength techniques geared toward the modification of kicking mechanics specific to this stud

    The Erotic and the Vulgar: Visual Culture and Organized Labor's Critique of U.S. Hegemony in Occupied Japan

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    This essay engages the colonial legacy of postwar Japan by arguing that the political cartoons produced as part of the postwar Japanese labor movement’s critique of U.S. cultural hegemony illustrate how gendered discourses underpinned, and sometimes undermined, the ideologies formally represented by visual artists and the organizations that funded them. A significant component of organized labor’s propaganda rested on a corpus of visual media that depicted women as icons of Japanese national culture. Japan’s most militant labor unions were propagating anti-imperialist discourses that invoked an engendered/endangered nation that accentuated the importance of union roles for men by subordinating, then eliminating, union roles for women

    Understanding Business Travel Time and Its Place in the Working Day

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    This article argues that there is a need to understand business travel time in the context of the wider organization of work time. It considers why travel time use is potentially changing with the use of mobile technologies by the increasing number of individuals engaged in ‘knowledge work’, and examines existing evidence that indicates that travel time use is part of a wider work-related ‘taskscape’. However, it not only considers material productive output, but suggests that travel time as ‘time out’ from work-related activities also plays a vital role for employees. It also suggests that business travel time use that is not of benefit to the employer may not be at the employer's expense. This is contrasted with the assumptions used in UK transport appraisal. Data gathered from the autumn 2004 wave of the National Rail Passenger Survey (GB) is used to illustrate some key issues concerning productivity and ‘anti-activity’. A case study of an individual business traveller then points towards the need for a new approach to exploring the role played by travel time in the organization of work practices to be considered. © 2008, Sage Publications. All rights reserved

    Observational Constraints on the Angular and Spectral Distributions of Photons in Gamma-Ray Burst Sources

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    The typical spectra of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are discussed in the context of the compactness problem for GRB sources and how it is resolved in the popular fireball model. In particular, observational (model-independent) constraints on the collimation of the gamma-rays and the dependence of the collimation angle on the photon energy are considered. The fact that the threshold for the creation of ee+e^{-}e^{+} pairs depends on the angle between the momenta of the annihilating photons in the GRB source provides an alternative solution to the compactness problem. A new approach to explaining GRBs, taking into account the angular dependence for pair creation, is proposed, and the main features of a scenario describing a GRB source with a total (photon) energy smaller or of the order of 104910^{49} erg are laid out. Thus, we are dealing with an alternative to an ultra-relativistic fireball, if it turns out (as follows from observations) that all "long" GRBs are associated with normal (not peculiar) core-collapse supernovae. The effects of radiation pressure and the formation of jets as a consequence of even a small amount of anisotropy in the total radiation field in a (compact) GRB source are examined in this alternative model. Possible energy release mechanisms acting in regions smaller or of the order of 10810^{8} cm in size (a compact model for a GRB) are discussed. New observational evidence for such compact energy release in the burst source is considered.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, no table