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    Tujuan Proyek Akhir, yaitu dapat : 1) menghasilkan rancangan tata rias fantasi, tata rambut, body painting dan kostum tokoh gagak dalam dongeng Swan Lake pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) menerapkan tata rias fantasi, tata rambut, body painting dan kostum tokoh gagak. 3) menampilkan tata rias, tata rambut, body painting dan kostum tokoh gagak dalam dongeng Swan Lake pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu : 1) merancang dengan cara mengetahui alur dongeng Swan Lake dan mengkaji teori, mempelajari tokoh gagak, mencari sumber ide dan merancang sajian gambar. 2) menerapkan dengan cara tes rias dan tes penataan rambut, gladi kotor yang meliputi fitting kostum, penampilan panggung, dan musik agar tercipta kesatuan penampilan tokoh gagak di atas panggung serta penyesuaian tata cahaya. 3) menampilkan pada pergelaran dengan cara membentuk panitia, menentukan tempat dan waktu pergelaran, menentukan sanggar teater, menyusun anggaran, menyusun kegiatan (latihan, gladi kotor, gladi bersih dan menyelenggarakan pergelaran). Hasil Proyek Akhir, yaitu : 1) terciptanya tata rias fantasi, tata rambut, body painting dan kostum tokoh gagak dalam dongeng Swan Lake pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 2) terwujudnya rias wajah fantasi, tata rambut, body painting dan kostum tokoh gagak dalam dongeng Swan Lake pada pergelaran Fairy Tales of Fantasy. 3) terselenggaranya pergelaran Tata Rias dan Kecantikan dengan tema Fairy Tales of Fantasy pada hari Sabtu tanggal 17 Maret 2012 di Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta dengan menampilkan tokoh gagak dalam dongeng Swan Lake


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    This final project report was written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN Masaran I, Sragen. In teaching English, the writer applied game techniques as the techniques of teaching. The game technique applied by the teacher was matching pairs game. The teacher applied this game to make the students enjoy the English learning activities. The teaching process based on matching pairs game was divided into three steps. They were introduction, explanation and practice. In the first step as the introduction, the teacher made two pre-teaching activities called, reviewing the previous lesson and presenting the new material. Then, the teacher offered the students to play matching pairs game. The next step was explanation. Here, the teacher explained how to play this game and its rules. Last, the teacher asked them to p lay the game based on the teacher‟s guidance. During the job training activities, the writer got some useful exp eriences. There, the teacher can understand how to handle the students in the class by applying game technique. There are also some benefits got by the writer during the job training activities. The writer is able to control the class well and knows how to arrange the lesson plan appropriately

    The FRAND Ceremony and the Engagement of Article 102 TFEU in the Licensing of Standard Essential Patents

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    Al gorithma tryagain select dan selectien sampling untuk pemilihan sampel acak sederhana dengan bahasa basic

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    Sampling acak merupakan metode guna memilih sampel yang dapat mewakili populasi. Jika dalam pemilihan sampel semua anggota populasi diikut sertakan secara langsung, sampling acak yang digunakan untuk pemilihan sampel dinamakan sampling acak sederhana. Dalam sampling acak sederhana, pemilihan sampel secara undian merupakan permasalahan untuk populasi yang berukuran besar. Dengan menggunakan bantu komputer, pemilihan sampel secara undian tidak merupa¬kan masalah, balk untuk populasi berukuran besar atau kecil

    Aspek Hukum yang Menunjang Pengembangan Industri Kreatif di Indonesia

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    Industri kreatif adalah industri yang bermuara pada intelektualitas, ide, dan gagasan yang orisinil dan direalisasikan berdasarkan pemikiran dan tindakan nyata guna menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan dalam rangka peningkatan ekonomi.Industri kreatif dperkirakan dapat leblh mampu bertahan menghadapi krisis karena berbasis pada ide dan kreatifitas manusia yang tanpa batas. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka perlindungan hukum yang berkaitan dengan hak kekayaan intelektual, persoalan kontrak baik nasional maupun intemasional harus selalu ditingkatkan agar para pelaku perdagangan dapat saling memperoleh manfaat yang seimbang sehingga tercipta mekanisme pasar yang sehat

    The Situation Development of Timor Leste Refugees Post Election From The Social and Legal Aspect

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    As neighbouring countries not only based upon its geographical but also its historical, Indonesia and Timor Leste has developed a lot of effort to overcome residual issues that arose from Timor Leste separation from Indonesia such as the refugee problem. Protection of Refuges is a classical issue in International Law. Even though the right to seek asylum has been ensrined in The Indonesia constitution (UUD 1945, Law Number 999, Law Number 37/1999. Until now Indonesia has not ratified or acceded to any international instruments on refugees. In the cases of Timor Leste's Refugees. Indonesia and Timor Leste have to create a bilateral cooperation based on peaceful co existence principles, and good neighbour lines principles

    Under-Utilization of Community Health Centers in Purworejo Regency, Central Java

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    The basic strategy of the Ministry of Health to achieve Health For All In Indonesia 2010 is through health paradigm, decentralization, professionalism and health service management. Community health centers play an important role to achieve the goal. Unfortunately, underutilization of community health centers is still a problem in Purworejo. The purpose of this study was to know the utilization of community health centers using a sociological health approach. Qualitative research by observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion were done among different types of group. The study was done in Purworejo District on February and March 2000. The main problems related to under-utilization of community health centers are mostly on administration (less quality services, un-efficient, long hours waiting), strong bureaucratic system (physician has a dominant power, overlapping programs, poor coordination and integration with other divisions) and cultural behavior of the community (labeling/stigma, self-care dominant, lack of community participation). To overcome under-utilization of community health centers the administration and bureaucracy should be changed into more efficient, not bureaucratic management. In addition social changes of the community culture is needed. As a consequence through these changes the staff of the health centers will be more efficient and effective. &nbsp

    Harmonization of International and National Law in Managing the Marine and Fisheries Resources to Promote Sustainable Development

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    The theme of the international seminar is Sustainable Development and International Law.From this theme, the writer derived the specific topic regarding the management of marine and fisheries resources in its connection with the international law of the sea. Environmental management is undoubtedly an inseparable concept to be considered when discussing about the marine and fisheries resources. Managing environment must be done by giving an exact amount of attention to the environmental development. Moreover it also needed to seek dynamic balance between human, as individual and part of society, with its environment. Regarding this, global development should not only consider the cost and benefit ratio concept or market mechanism, but also the social cost in order to ensure the progress of sustainable development. Ecological sustainable development is one of the efforts to construct a safe, fair, peace and prosper Indonesia. This could be achieved if the government deigns to respond the strategic environmental management in global, regional as well as national framework. It means that the environmental management must be laid on the principal of sustainable use and conservation of resources to prevent ecological, economical and cultural loss. To meet this end, it needed a harmonization between national and international law instrument; and in this case is the National Law No. 45/2009 about fisheries which is the completion of Law No. 31/2004 and the UNCLOS 1982. The Law No. 45/2009 has both local and global dimension, since it accommodates the aspect of local autonomy, along with the provision stated in UNCLOS 1982. However, the implementation of this said Law could also generate problems, i.e. in substantial aspects, infrastructural and local culture which in one point might affect relation with another country. In this regards, the harmonization between international and national law is one possible solution


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    The development of language skills in children aged 4-5 years often experience obstacles in conversation, delivery or expression and talking to other people. The problem that occurs in children aged 4-5 years in the A6 group RA Muslimat NU Masyithoh 05 Banyurip Ageng Pekalongan City is that the development of children's language skills in terms of syntactic and semantic aspects of children is still not well developed. The purpose of simple storytelling activities is to determine the development of children's language skills, especially in the syntactic and semantic aspects. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research site is at RA Muslimat NU Masyithoh 05 Banyurip Ageng, Pekalongan City. The research period is from May 29 to June 11, 2021. The research subjects were 2 students in group A6 with an age range of 4-5 years with data sources from 15 students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of a study conducted for approximately 2 weeks with a sample of 2 children showed that through simple storytelling, children aged 4-5 years old could develop language skills.The development of language skills in children aged 4-5 years often experience obstacles in conversation, delivery or expression and talking to other people. The problem that occurs in children aged 4-5 years in the A6 group RA Muslimat NU Masyithoh 05 Banyurip Ageng Pekalongan City is that the development of children's language skills in terms of syntactic and semantic aspects of children is still not well developed. The purpose of simple storytelling activities is to determine the development of children's language skills, especially in the syntactic and semantic aspects. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research site is at RA Muslimat NU Masyithoh 05 Banyurip Ageng, Pekalongan City. The research period is from May 29 to June 11, 2021. The research subjects were 2 students in group A6 with an age range of 4-5 years with data sources from 15 students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of a study conducted for approximately 2 weeks with a sample of 2 children showed that through simple storytelling, children aged 4-5 years old could develop language skills

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja dan Dasolin pada Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) di Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2016 ABSTRAK Fitriah Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja dan Dasolin pada Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) di Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014 xvii+ 163 Halaman + 35 tabel + 3 Gambar + 12 Lampiran Salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan AKI (Angka Kematian Ibu) dengan melaksanakan Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) dalam wujud kegiatan tabulin dan dasolin yang difasilitasi bidan desa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan desa sebagai fasilitator dalam kegiatan dasolin dan tabulin pada program P4K di Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan design cross sectional.Variabel bebas(umur, status perkawinan, pendidikan, pengetahuan, pengalaman, motivasi dan supervisi), variabel terikat (kinerja bidan desa). Jumlah sampel 90bidan desa yang berada di 30 puskesmas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square dan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden memiliki kinerja kurang (30%), umur muda (31,1%), status perkawinan tidak menikah (24,4%), pendidikan kurang (42,2%), pengetahuan kurang (35,6%) pengalaman kurang (77,8%), motivasi kurang (26,7%), supervisi kurang (24,4%) pada pengelolaan kegiatan tabulin dan dasolin diwilayah kerjanya. Ada hubungan positif antara pengetahuan ( p = 0,019)dan supervisi (p = 0,037) terhadap kinerja bidan desa sebagai fasilitator dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tabulin dan dasolin pada program P4K.Ada pengaruh bersama – sama antara pengetahuan (p=0,07) dan Supervisi ( p= 0,013) terhadap kinerja bidan desa sebagai fasilitator dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tabulin dan dasolin pada program P4K. Disarankan kepada Dinas kesehatan beserta pihak puskesmas dan IBI untuk mengadakan pelatihan dan workshop atau sosialisasi kepada bidan desa mengenai program P4K khususnya kegiatan dasolin dan tabulin. Kata kunci : Kinerja, Bidan Desa, Kegiatan Tabulin dan Dasolin, Kabupaten Sumenep. Kepustakaan : 55 (1993-2012) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Maternal and Child Health 2016 ABSTRACT Fitriah Factors Relating to Performance and Social Fund for Delivery on a Delivery Planning and Complication Prevention Program (P4K) in District of Sumenep in 2014 xvii + 163 pages + 35 tables + 3 figures + 12 appendices One of the efforts to decrease maternal mortality rate (MMR) was an implementation of a delivery planning and complication prevention program (P4K) in activities of delivery mother’s saving and social fund for delivery conducted by village midwives. The aim of this study was to analyse factors relating to performance of a village midwife as a facilitator in the activities of delivery mother’s saving and social fund for delivery on the P4K in District of Sumenep in 2014. This was an analytic-observational study using a cross-sectional approach. Independent variables consisted of age, marital status, education, knowledge, experience, motivation, and supervision and a dependent variable was performance of village midwives. Number of samples were 90 village midwives working at 30 health centres. Data collection used a structured questionnaire that had been performed tests of validity and reliability. Furthermore, data were analysed using methods of bivariate (Chi-Square test) and multivariate (Logistic Regression test). The results of this research showed that respondents had low performance (30%), young age (31.1%), not married (24.4%), low education (42.2%), low knowledge (35.6%), low experience (77.8%), low motivation (26.7%), and low supervision (24.4%) in managing the activities of delivery mother’s saving and social fund for delivery at their work areas. Variables of knowledge (p=0.019) and supervision (p=0.037) statistically significantly related to the performance of village midwives. These two variables jointly influenced the performance of village midwives with p values= 0.07 and 0.013 respectively. District Health Office, Health Centre, and Indonesian Midwives Association need to conduct training, workshop, or socialisation to village midwives regarding the P4K particularly the activities of delivery mother’s saving and social fund for delivery. Keywords : Performance, Village Midwife, Activities of Delivery Mother’s Saving And Social Fund For Delivery, District Of Sumenep Bibliography: 55 (1993-2012
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