386 research outputs found


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    Reading is a fundamental ability for students to be able to follow learning at school. The ability to read is very necessary in learning in the classroom. But today there are still elementary school students who incidentally were already able to read the beginning, but in reality they are still not. It is feared that it will hinder the learning process in class. Based on the background of this problem, the researcher wanted to observe students with reading difficulties at the lower grade level at SDN Polokarto 01. Based on the teacher's report when the researcher attended the Teaching Campus program, the reason the researcher chose this location was because students were still found to have reading difficulties and the school was included in the 3t area. The purpose of this research is a. identified many students with reading difficulties at SDN Polokarto 01, b. knowing the factors that influence students having reading difficulties at SDN Polokarto 01, c. know the efforts to overcome reading difficulties in students at SDN Polokarto 01, and d. find out the teacher's difficulties in guiding students with reading difficulties. From the objectives above, the researcher will provide suggestions for solving the problem. The research method is descriptive qualitative with data collection through observation of students who have reading difficulties, interviews with class teachers and based on documentation of student assessment results. There were 9 students who had reading difficulties. The problems experienced by students are quite varied, students in grades 1, 2, 3. AbstrakMembaca merupakan kemampuan yang mendasar bagi peserta didik untuk dapat mengikuti pembelajaran di sekolah. Kemampuan membaca sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Namun dewasa ini masih ditemukan siswa Sekolah Dasar yang notabenenya sudah mampu membaca permulaan tetapi pada kenyataannya masih belum. Hal tersebut dikhawatirkan akan menghambat proses pembelajaran saat di kelas. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan tersebut peneliti hendak mengamati siswa berkesulitan membaca jenjang kelas rendah di SDN Polokarto 01. Berdasarkan laporan guru saat peneliti mengikuti program Kampus Mengajar, alasan peneliti mengambil lokasi tersebut karena masih ditemukan siswa yang mengalami berkesulitan membaca dan sekolah termasuk daerah 3t. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu a. mengindentifikasi banyak siswa berkesulitan membaca di SDN Polokarto 01, b. mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa mengalami berkesulitan membaca di SDN Polokarto 01, c. megetahui upaya untuk mengatasi berkesulitan membaca pada siswa di SDN Polokarto 01, dan d. mengetahui kesulitan guru dalam pembimbingan siswa berkesulitan membaca. Dari tujuan di atas peneliti akan memberikan saran pemecaham pada persoalan tersebut. Adapun metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi siswa yang mengalami berkesulitan membaca, wawancara dengan guru kelas dan berdasarkan dokumentasi hasil penilaian siswa. Diperoleh 9 siswa yang mengalami berkesulitan membaca. Masalah yang dialami oleh siswa cukup bervariasi, siswa kelas 1, 2, 3

    Designing Hydrogels that Transform their Shape in Response to Molecular Cues

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    There has been considerable interest in developing shape-changing soft materials for potential applications in drug delivery, microfluidics and biosensing. These shape- changing materials are inspired by the morphological changes exhibited by plants in nature, such as the Venus flytrap. One specific class of shape-change is that from a flat sheet to a folded structure (e.g., a tube). Such “self-folding” materials are usually composed of polymer hydrogels, and these typically fold in response to external stimuli such as pH and temperature. In order to develop these hydrogels for the previously described applications, it is necessary to expand the range of triggers. The focus of this dissertation is the advancement of shape-changing polymer hydrogels that are sensitive to uncommon cues such as specific biomolecules (enzymes), the substrates for such enzymes, or specific multivalent cations. First, we describe a hybrid gel that responds to the presence of low concentrations of a class of enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The hybrid gel was created by utilizing photolithographic techniques to combine two or more gels with distinct chemical composition into the same material. Certain portions of the hybrid gel are composed of a biopolymer derivative with crosslinkable groups. The hybrid gel is flat in water; however, in the presence of MMPs, the regions containing the biopolymer are degraded and the flat sheet folds to form a 3D structure. We demonstrate that hydrogels with different patterns can transform into different 3D structures such as tubes, helices and pancakes. Furthermore, this shape change can be made to occur at physiological concentrations of enzymes. Next, we report a gel with two layers that undergoes a shape change in the presence of glucose. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) is immobilized in one of the layers. GOx catalyzes the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid. The production of gluconic acid decreases the local pH. The decrease in local pH causes one of the layers to swell. As a result, the flat sheet folds to form a tube. The tube unfolds to form a flat sheet when it is transferred to a solution with no glucose present. Therefore, this biomolecule- triggered shape transformation is reversible, meaning the glucose sensing gel is reusable. Furthermore, this shape change only occurs in the presence of glucose and it does not occur in the presence of other small sugars such as fructose. In our final study, we report the shape change of a gel with two layers in the presence of multivalent ions such as Ca2+ and Sr2+. The gel consists of a passive layer and an active layer. The passive layer is composed of dimethylyacrylamide (DMAA), which does not interact with multivalent ions. The active layer consists of DMAA and the biopolymer alginate. In the presence of Ca2+ ions, the alginate chains crosslink and the active layer shrinks. As a result, the gel converts from a flat sheet to a folded tube. What is particularly unusual is the direction of folding. In most cases, when flat rectangular gels fold, they do so about their short-side. However, our gels typically fold about their long-side. We hypothesize that non-homogeneous swelling determines the folding axis

    Towards mission spirituality in the Presbyterian community of Kinshasa

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    The mission of the Church in the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa is understood in its narrow sense of evangelism and church planting. Moreover the institutional and doctrinal conservatism, the maintenance mindset of the Church and its inadaptability to the challenges of a changing world, are some of the characteristics of the lack of mission awareness and mission spirituality. This dissertation is an attempt to impart mission awareness and mission spirituality within the Presbyterian Community of Kinshasa. The study of mission Dei and mission spirituality helps in understanding the divine origins of missions, the nature and identity of the Church. In addition, it unveils the Christian lifestyle that stems from the relationship with Christ and from the mission consciousness, and that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Some strategies are proposed with the aim of updating and promoting a holistic, inclusive and integral understanding and practice of mission in the Church.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyM. Th. (Missiology

    Fine Grain Concurrent Computations

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    This thesis develops a computational model, a programming notation, and a set of programming principles to further and to demonstrate the practicality of programming fine grain concurrent computers. Programs are expressed in the computational model as a collection of definitions of autonomous computing agents called objects. In the execution of a program, the objects communicate data and synchronize their actions exclusively by message-passing. An object executes its definition only in response to receiving a message, and its actions may include sending messages, creating new objects, and modifying its own internal state. The number of actions that occur in response to a message is finite; Turing computability is achieved not within a single object, but through the interaction of objects. A new concurrent programming notation Cantor is used to demonstrate the cognitive process of writing programs using the object model. Programs for numerical sieves, sorting, the eight queens problem, and Gaussian elimination are fully described. Each of these programs involve up to thousands of objects in their execution. The general programming strategy is to first partition objects by their overall behavior and then to program the behaviors to be self-organizing. The semantics of Cantor are made precise through the definition of a formal semantics for Cantor and the object model. Objects are modelled as finite automata. The formal semantics is useful for proving program properties and for building frameworks to capture specific properties of object programs. The mathematical frameworks are constructed for building object graphs independently of program execution and for systematically removing objects that are irrelevant to program execution (garbage collection). The formal semantics are complemented by experiments that allow one to study the dynamics of the execution of Cantor programs on fine grain concurrent computers. The clean semantics of Cantor suggests simple metrics for evaluating the execution of concurrent programs for an ideal, abstract implementation. Program performance is also evaluated for environments where computing resources are limited. Prom the results of these experiments, hardware and software architectures for organizing fine grain message-passing computations is proposed, including support for fault tolerance and for garbage collection

    Franchopone churches in the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria (Tshwane) : a missiological perspective

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    This thesis is a missiological study of the francophone churches in the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria. Francophone churches may be classified as African Initiated Churches (AIC) that have been planted by migrants from the French speaking countries of central Africa. They are characterised by the use of French and English as languages of worship and communication. The planting and the presence of these churches have become a more visible and remarkable mission phenomenon drawing scientific attention and is worthy of studying. The main issue of this study is the missionality of the Francophone churches. The investigation concerns the ways in which Francophone churches understand the mission of God, known as missio Dei, and the ways in which they express it in the community. In practice the exploration of the missionality of the Francophone churches discloses their nature, raison d’être, and their purpose, as well as their ministries, and allows us to determine the relevancy of these churches in the community. For this reason, in the study I explore and describe also the concept of the missional church in order to apply it to the Francophone churches. To that end, “Patterns of missional church” are used to measure the extent to which Francophone churches are missional. The study suggests the parameters of the development of a missional culture in a Francophone congregation and highlights the importance of the missional leadership in this respect. Finally the study proposes some missional ministries or contextual ministries that may express practically the missionality and consequently the relevancy of Francophone churches in their context.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyD. Th. (Missiology

    A VLSI Combinator Reduction Engine

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    ABSTRAK. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan bentuk jaringan jalan dan bentukan ruang yang terjadi dalam skala kota Bandung. Secara khusus, studi transformasi ini akan digerakkan pada obyek pertumbuhan jaringan jalan di simpang lima kota Bandung sebagai salah satu penggal Grote Postweg serta pembentukan ruang yang terjadi sebagai akibat pertumbuhan pembangunan ruas jalan dan bangunan di tepiannya. Dengan multi-signifikansinya, ruas jalan ini mengalami berbagai perubahan karakter dan memerlukan strategi konservasi serta peninjauan kembali signifikansi tampak ruang jalan. Studi dimulai dengan paparan singkat tentang signifikansi kawasan Simpanglima Bandung dalam konteks penggal pertama dalam pembangunan Grote Postweg. Data fisik berupa catatan sejarah dan dokumentasi peta jalan serta bangunan di kawasan Simpanglima Bandung selama rentang waktu 1808 sampai dengan 1942 akan menjadi obyek analisis selanjutnya. Kerangka analisis pada studi ini bersumber dari teori transformasi N.J. Habraken yang menempatkan „bentuk‟ sebagai wujud keteraturan fisik. Tahap pertama analisis akan dilakukan terhadap data fisik Simpanglima Bandung untuk mensarikan elemen yang akan diamati perubahannya. Analisis kemudian dilanjutkan untuk merumuskan konfigurasi elemen tersebut beserta proses pertumbuhannya. Lebih mendalam lagi pada studi selanjutnya, rentang waktu dipilih untuk membatasi studi pada andil pemerintah kolonial Belanda sebagai agen transformasi dalam pembentukan morfologi simpang lima pada khususnya, dan kota Bandung secara umum dalam konteks kolonialisasi.Kata kunci: transformasi, morfologi, Simpanglima Bandung, keteraturan fisikABSTRACT. This study is aimed to analyze the deformation of the road network and the formation of the space in Bandung. In particular, the study of this transformation will be driven on the object of the growth of the road network in the Simpanglima Bandung as one piece of Grote Postweg as well as the formation of space occurs as a result of roads construction growth and buildings on its streetscape. With multi-significance, this road undergone various changes in character and require conservation strategies as well as a review of the significance of visible road space. The study has been begun with a brief description of the significance of Simpanglima Bandung region in the context of the first cut-off in the construction Grote Postweg. Physical data such as historical records and documentation as well as the road map Simpanglima Bandung buildings in the area during the time range between 1808 to 1942 will become an object for further analysis. Framework of analysis in this study comes from the theory of transformation N.J. Habraken who put the 'shape' as a form of physical regularity. The first stage of the analysis will be performed on the physical data Simpanglima Bandung to extract elements that will be observed. Analysis then proceeded to define the configuration of these elements along with the growth process. More deeply in subsequent studies, the time range has been chosen for the study limits the influence of the Dutch colonial government as an agent of transformation in the establishment of Simpanglima morphology in particular, and the city of Bandung in generally in the context of colonization.Keywords: transformation, morphology, Simpanglima Bandung, physical regularit

    Genetic Determinants of Feline Leukemia Virus-Induced Multicentric Lymphomas

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    AbstractThree discrete forms of feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-associated lymphoma have been described clinically: (1) thymic, (2) alimentary, and (3) multicentric. The most common and best-characterized lymphomas are of T-cell origin, generally occurring in the thymus. These tumors typically contain mature T-cells, involve the activation of a distinctive set of proto-oncogenes, and contain FeLV proviruses whose long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences contain tandemly repeated enhancers. Previous studies of a small group of extrathymic, multicentric lymphomas implicated a different set of genetic determinants. The present study expands those observations by examining the lineage of origin, the involvement of proto-oncogenes, and the structure of LTR andenvgene sequences in a set of 11 natural, extrathymic lymphomas of the multicentric type. A pattern of genetic events associated with FeLV-positive multicentric lymphomas emerges from this analysis that is clearly distinct from the pattern associated with thymic lymphomas. The tumors do not contain T-cells or B-cells, as evidenced by the germ line organization of TCRβ and IgH loci. Proto-oncogenes strongly implicated in T-cell lymphomagenesis are not involved in these tumors. Rather, a distinct set of proto-oncogenes may be involved. Most striking is the repeated occurrence of an FeLV isolate whose LTR andenvgene bear unique sequence elements
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