16 research outputs found

    Internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya religius anggota PAR IPNU-IPPNU Dusun Pandaan Desa Pandanajeng Kecamatan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang

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    INDONESIA: Penginternalisasian Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam kedalam diri anak diperlukan guna mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Dengan adanya penginternalisasian tersebut pasti akan tumbuh budaya religius dalam diri anak. Usaha penginternalisasian nilai tidak hanya dilaksanakan dalam pendidikan formal, melainkan dapat dilakukan dalam pendidikan non formal seperti organisasi. Organisasi PAR IPNU-IPPNU Dusun Pandaan merupakan organisasi pemuda yang aktif. Akan tetapi para anggota masih belum menghasilkan budaya religius yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan internalisasi nilai PAI dengan berbagai metode dan analisis faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya, serta solusi yang perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: untuk mendeskripsikan 1) pelaksanaan kegiatan internalisasi nilai pendidikan agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya religius yang dilakukan oleh PAR IPNU-IPPNU Dusun Pandaan, 2) faktor pendukung, penghambat, dan solusi proses internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya religius anggota PAR IPNU-IPPNU Dusun Pandaan, dan 3) hasil internalisasi nilai pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan budaya religius yang dilakukan oleh PAR IPNU-IPPNU Dusun Pandaan. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data dilakukan beberapa tahapan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Penginternalisasian nilai PAI dalam meningkatkan budaya religius anggota dilakukan dengan tiga tahap, yaitu tahap transformasi, internalisasi, dan transinternalisasi nilai,. Adapun strategi yang digunakan adalah melalui power strategy, persuasive strategy, dan normative re-educative. Sedangkan nilai yang diinternalisasikan, meliputi nilai aqidah, ibadah, dan akhlak. 2) Faktor pendukungnya adalah adanya lingkungan yang mendukung, kerjasama anggota yang baik, dan tersedianya sarana prasarana yang memadai, adapun faktor penghambatnya adalah kurangnya motivasi dalam diri anggota, faktor keluarga, dan faktor kurangnya dana kegiatan, untuk itu diperlukan solusi berupa ajakan yang halus kepada anggota, dan peningkatan pendekatan kepada keluarga serta masyarakat. 3) Hasil dari internalisasi nilai PAI dalam meningkatkan budaya religius anggota adalah meningkatnya ketakwaan, tanggung jawab, kepedulian sosial dan lingkungan, toleransi, kreativitas, dan sikap komunikatif anggota. ENGLISH: Internalizing Islamic Education Values into students is essential to achieve the objectives of education through instilling good morals and eliminating bad morals. This internalization will stimulate/prompt/reinforce religious culture in students, which will lead them to happiness in the world and the hereafter. The efforts to internalize values are certainly not only carried out for formal education, but can also be carried out in non-formal education like organizations. The PAR IPNU-IPPNU organization in Pandaan Hamlet is the only active youth organization in Pandaan Hamlet, Tumpang District. However, the members are still lack of guidance in terms of behavior, and still cannot form the expected religious culture. Therefore, it is necessary to internalize Islamic Education Values with various methods and analysis, supporting and inhibiting factors, as well as solutions that need to be accomplished. This study aims to: to describe 1) the activities implementation of internalizing Islamic education values in improving religious culture carried out by PAR IPNU-IPPNU of Pandaan Hamlet, 2) the supporting factors, obstacles, and solutions to the process of internalizing Islamic education values in improving the religious culture of the members of PAR IPNU-IPPNU of Pandaan Hamlet, and 3) the results of internalizing the value of Islamic education in improving religious culture carried out by PAR IPNU-IPPNU of Pandaan Hamlet. A qualitative approach with a case study type is used in this study. The data collection is carried out through observation, interview, and documentation methods. Credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests are carried out to check the validity of the data. The data analysis is carried out in several stages, including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study are: 1) The internalization of PAI values in improving the members' religious culture is carried out in three stages comprising the stage of transformation, internalization, and transinternalization of values. The strategies used are power, persuasive, and normative re-educative strategy. Meanwhile, the internalized values include the value of aqeedah, worship, and morals. 2) The supporting factors are the existence of a supportive environment, good member cooperation, and the availability of adequate infrastructure. The inhibiting factors are lack of motivation in the members, family-related factors, and lack of activity funds. Thus, solutions are needed in the form of subtle invitations to members, and increased approaches to the family and community. 3) The results of internalizing PAI values in improving members' religious culture are increased piety, responsibility, social and environmental care, tolerance, creativity, and communicative attitudes of member. ARABIC: هناك حاجة إلى غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في الأطفال لتحقيق الغرض من التعليم، وهو غرس الأخلاق الحميدة والقضاء على الأخلاق السيئة. مع هذا الغرس، ستنمو بالتأكيد ثقافة دينية لدى الأطفال، مما سيقودهم إلى السعادة في العالم والآخرة. بالطبع، لا يتم تنفيذ الجهود المبذولة لغرس القيم في التعليم الرسمي فحسب، بل يمكن تنفيذها في التعليم غير الرسمي مثل المنظمات. منظمة اتحاد الطلبة النهضيين في المكتب الفرعي فاندان هي المنظمة الشبابية الوحيدة النشطة فيها، مقاطعة تومبانج. ومع ذلك، لا يزال الأعضاء يفتقرون إلى التوجيه فيما يتعلق بسلوكهم، وما زالوا لا ينتجون الثقافة الدينية المتوقعة. لذلك، من الضروري غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية بطرق مختلفة وتحليل العوامل المدعمة والمعوقة، وكذلك الحلول التي يجب القيام بها. الهدف من هذا البحث هو: وصف ١) تنفيذ عملية غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في تحسين الثقافة الدينية التي تقوم بها منظمة اتحاد الطلبة النهضيين في المكتب الفرعي فاندان، ٢) العوامل المدعمة والمعوقة والحلول لعملية غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في تحسين الثقافة الدينية لأعضاء المكتب الفرعي لمنظمة اتحاد الطلبة النهضيين في فاندان، و ٣) نتائج غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في تحسين الثقافة الدينية التي تقوم بها منظمة اتحاد الطلبة النهضيين في المكتب الفرعي فاندان. تم استخدام منهج نوعي بنوع دراسة الحالة في هذا البحث. وتم جمع البيانات عن طريق الملاحظة والمقابلة والوثائق. للتحقق من صحة البيانات، يتم إجراء اختبار المصداقية والتنقلية والاعتمادية والتأكدية. يتم تحليل البيانات على عدة مراحل؛ وهي تحديد البيانات وعرضها والاستنتاج منها. نتائج هذا البحث هي: ١) تم غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في تحسين الثقافة الدينية للأعضاء على ثلاث مراحل؛ وهي مرحلة التحول، والغرس، واستيعاب القيم. الاستراتيجيات المستخدمة هي من خلال استراتيجية القوة، واستراتيجية الإقناع، وإعادة التثقيف المعياري. مع غرس القيم، بما في ذلك قيمة العقيدة والعبادة والأخلاق. ٢) العوامل المدعمة هي وجود بيئة داعمة، وتعاون جيد للأعضاء، وتوافر بنية تحتية كافية، في حين أن العوامل المعوقة هي نقص الحافز لدى الأعضاء، والعوامل الأسرية، وعوامل نقص أموال النشاط، لأن هناك حاجة إلى حلول في شكل دعوات خفية للأعضاء، وزيادة القرب للأسرة والمجتمع. ٣) نتيجة غرس قيم التربية الإسلامية في تحسين الثقافة الدينية للأعضاء هي زيادة في التقوى والمسؤولية والرعاية الاجتماعية والبيئية والتسامح والإبداع والموقف التواصلي للأعضاء

    Asymptomatic Bacteremia in Children Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Calabar, South-South, Nigeria

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    Background: Asymptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infected children are prone to serious bacterial infection as a result of poor immunity.Objective: This was to determine the common pathogenic organisms responsible for bacteremia among asymptomatic HIV infected children attending the outpatient clinics at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.Subjects and Methods: This prospective non randomized cross-sectional study was conducted over 6months from January 1st to 30th June 2014 among cohorts of HIV infected Anti-retroviral (ARV) naive and experienced children attending the clinic. Ethical approval was obtained from the ethical committee of the institution. Blood culture specimens were collected from all HIV infected patients who met the criteria for enrollment. All specimens with isolated bacteria organisms were treated with antibiotics according to the sensitivity pattern, in addition to administered Anti-retroviral drugs.Results: Out of the total of 109 patients recruited, 38(34.9%) had bacteremia. There were more males (57.9%), and most of them (63.2%) had Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) for more than 24weeks. Bacteremia was inversely proportional to the CD4 count. The commonest organism isolated was unclassified Coliforms (47.3%) followed by Staphyloccocus aureus (39.5%).Conclusions: HIV infected children are prone to bacteremia especially among those with low CD4 count. Coliform was the commonest organism isolated. We recommend that HIV infected children be routinely investigated for bacteremia

    Antimicrobial activity of three different endodontic sealers on the enterococcus faecalis and lactobacillus (in vitro)

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    Introduction: Growth and proliferation of the remaining microorganisms within the root canals may destroy the surrounding tissue of the root and leads to periapical lesion. Consequently, the complete elimination of microorganisms from the root canal is an important goal of endodontic therapy. Endodontic sealers do not provide complete seal in root canal system, and micro spaces have always remained between the material and canal walls that lead to penetration of these spaces, so, an antibacterial activity is essential for sealers. The aim of the present study was the in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of the three endodontic sealers on two microorganisms. Methods: To study the effect of each sealer; AH26, MTA Fillapex and ADseal on Enterococcus Faecalis and Lactobacillus bacteria 10 samples were considered. In this experimental study, 60 plates were exposed to bacteria and 10 plates were considered for control group. Sealer antibacterial effect on bacterial growth was studied after 48 hours. Firstly, the freshly prepared sealers were poured inside the micro tube and diffused in the wall of the micro tube. Then solution of nutrient broth was poured into a micro tube and the determined volume of solution of bacterial suspension was added into a microtube and was kept 24 hours in the incubator to grow the bacteria. Then, it was poured in the plates of blood agar and cultured after 24 hours and then the colonies grown on the plates were counted in sufficient light. The data were analyzed with MANOVA statistical test and SPSS Version 18. Results: Most bacteria grew in the plates of ADseal sealer and MTA fillapex sealer with means of 5113.00CFU and 3077.00CFU respectively, while the lowest number of bacteria grew in the plates of AH26 sealer with a mean of 1345.15CFU. Conclusions: Most antibacterial activities of each enterococcus faecalis and lactobacillus bacteria sample was for AH26 sealer and MTA fillapex sealer. The lowest antibacterial activity was for ADseal sealer


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    Os ratos pertencem ao grupo dos mamíferos de pequeno tamanho, de rápida reprodução e que apresentam uma grande capacidade de adaptação e facilidade de ocupar diferentes tipos ecológicos. No biotério da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc) de Xanxerê, alguns ratos apresentavam lesões de pele e intenso prurido.  Entretanto, dois ratos vieram a óbito e então foi realizada uma necropsia, na qual foi constatado que o fígado do animal apresentava um pequeno cisto, o qual foi posteriormente analisado em estereoscópio. Na estrutura foi observada uma vesícula translúcida, com tamanho aproximado de 1 cm. Na vesícula foi realizada uma pequena incisão, na qual foi detectada a presença da forma larval do cestoda Taenia taeniformis, o Cysticercus fasciolaris. Os roedores são os hospedeiros intermediários desse parasito, são considerados clinicamente assintomáticos, infectam-se quando entram em contato com as fezes eliminadas pelos gatos que contêm as proglotes da Tênia taenia,  desenvolvendo a forma larval no fígado; o gato se infecta quando ingere o roedor com Cysticercus fasciolaris. A presença do parasito nos roedores do biotério da Unoesc poderia ser atribuída à utilização de maravalha de madeira contaminada com fezes de felinos sem a esterilização necessária para a utilização nas gaiolas dos roedores. Para combater a infecção foi utilizado o antiparasitário ivermectina 1% por via oral na água durante cinco dias.Palavras-chave: Taenia Taeniaeformis. Roedores. Cestoda

    Identifying the research, advocacy, policy and implementation needs for the prevention and management of respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection in low- and middle-income countries

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    Introduction: The high burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in young children disproportionately occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The PROUD (Preventing RespiratOry syncytial virUs in unDerdeveloped countries) Taskforce of 24 RSV worldwide experts assessed key needs for RSV prevention in LMICs, including vaccine and newer preventive measures. Methods: A global, survey-based study was undertaken in 2021. An online questionnaire was developed following three meetings of the Taskforce panellists wherein factors related to RSV infection, its prevention and management were identified using iterative questioning. Each factor was scored, by non-panellists interested in RSV, on a scale of zero (very-low-relevance) to 100 (very-high-relevance) within two scenarios: (1) Current and (2) Future expectations for RSV management. Results: Ninety questionnaires were completed: 70 by respondents (71.4% physicians; 27.1% researchers/scientists) from 16 LMICs and 20 from nine high-income (HI) countries (90.0% physicians; 5.0% researchers/scientists), as a reference group. Within LMICs, RSV awareness was perceived to be low, and management was not prioritised. Of the 100 factors scored, those related to improved diagnosis particularly access to affordable point-of-care diagnostics, disease burden data generation, clinical and general education, prompt access to new interventions, and engagement with policymakers/payers were identified of paramount importance. There was a strong need for clinical education and local data generation in the lowest economies, whereas upper-middle income countries were more closely aligned with HI countries in terms of current RSV service provision. Conclusion: Seven key actions for improving RSV prevention and management in LMICs are proposed

    Terapi dzikir shalaawat naariyah untuk menurunkan kenakalan siswa : studi kasus di MA Madarijul Huda Kembang Dukuhseti Kabupaten Pati

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    Kenakalan Remaja Yang di Latar Belakangi Broken Home banyak di alami peserta didik. Terutama di MA Madarijul Huda. Siswa dengan Kondisi tersebut sangat mengganggu proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Penanganan bisa dilakukan dengan pendekatan secara lahir maupun batin. Pendekatan secara lahir batin bisa dilakukan salah satunya dengan terapi dzikir shalawat nariyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami, mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan (1) Bagaimana Kenakalan Siswa yang Di Latar Belakangi Keluarga Broken Home? (2) Apakah Terapi Shalawat Nariyah dapat Mengatasi Kenakalan Siswa? Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan Participation Action Reserch, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan di lapangan dan pendekatan langsung peneliti terhadap subjek. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Untuk teknik analisa data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan conclusion atau kesimpulan. Shalawat nariyah menjadi jawaban dari bagian pencapaian kepribadian baik, dan meningkatkan kualitas siswa dari tingkat spiritualitas. Shalawat nariyah dibaca setiap hari guna menetralkan dan menenangkan kondisi otak dari ketegangan suatu kejadian sebelum berangkat sekolah dan keadaan di dalam kelas yang penuh dengan tugas mandiri maupun kelompok. Mengamalkan makna yang terkandung dalam shalawat nariyah ke dalam keseharian siswa dalam proses belajar. Dan menjadi konseling terapi dalam menyelesaikan sebuah permasalahan. Agar hati dan pikiran kembali tenang. Efek terapi shalawat nariyah mampu menggerakkan kondisi dimana siswa yang enggan berkomunikasi menjadi berani berkomunikasi, mengeluarkan pendapat dan berani mengakui kesalahan serta bangkit dari kenakalan yang selama ini dilakukannya

    المرأة في العلوم الاجتماعية: من متغيّر الجنس إلى سؤال النوع (فوزي بوخريص)

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    صدر عن دار نشر "أفريقيا الشرق"، في سنة 2016، مؤلَّف بعنوان "المرأة في خطاب العلوم الاجتماعية: من متغيِّر الجنس إلى سؤال النوع" للباحث المغربي فوزي بوخريص، ويعدّ هذا الإصدار المكون من 157 صفحة من بين أهم الأعمال التي تسعى إلى وضع أرضية معرفية للدرس السوسيولوجي في المغرب من وجهة نظر النوع الاجتماعي، محاولًا رصد تناول موضوع المرأة في ظل التغيرات الاجتماعية والمعرفية التي يعرفها الحقل السوسيولوجي بنفسه. جاء الكتاب مقسَّمًا على خمسة فصول أساسية، على الشكل التالي؛ أولًا: المرأة والجنس في الخطاب الديني؛ ثانيًا: المرأة في الخطاب الفلسفي، في مديح الاختلاف الجنسي؛ ثالثًا: صورة المرأة في الخطاب الشعبي؛ رابعًا: المرأة في الخطاب القانوني، الوضعية الاقتصادية للمرأة وفق مدونة الأسرة؛ خامسًا: المرأة وتحوُّلات الخطاب السوسيولوجي بالمغرب، من متغيِّر الجنس إلى سؤال النوع؛ وفي الأخير خاتمة بقلم المفكر المغربي مصطفى محسن.                                       تكمن القيمة الاجتماعية والمعرفية لهذا العمل في نظرنا، بأنه جاء على شكل دراسة مخصوصة في سوسيولوجيا النوع، إذ عُيِّن كل فصل فيهه بزاوية اجتماعية أو فكرية محددة لدراسة مسألة النساء بالمغرب، وهذا ما يسمح لقارئ هذا العمل بالربط بين ثلاثة مواضيع مهمة؛ أولها: بداية قضية المرأة عالميًّا وعربيًّا ومغربيًّا، وثانيها: نشأة علم الاجتماع بالمغرب، وثالثها: أهم مراحل تطور الدرس السوسيولوجي بالمغرب، في تعاطيه مع سؤال النوع الاجتماع


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    Abstrak: Hubungan Perilaku Menyusui Berkaitan dengan Kejadian Feeding Difficulty pada Anak Usia 24-36 Bulan di Kelurahan Kedungmundu Kota Semarang. Feeding difficulty merupakan suatu keadaan diamana anak tidak mampu untuk menolak makanan tertentu dengan macam dan jumlah yang berdasarkan usia anak secara fisiologis. Kesulitan makan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain faktor organik, faktor nutrisi, faktor feeding skills, dan faktor psikososial. Perilaku menyusui ibu berkaitan dengan pemberian ASI, lama menyusui, pemberian ASI eksklusif, dan metode menyusui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan perilaku menyusui dengan kejadian feeding difficulty pada anak usia 24-36 bulan di Kelurahan Kedungmundu Kota Semarang. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel yang digunakan sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi sebanyak 68 responden di kelurahan Kedungmundu menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Uji yang digunakan yaitu Chi Square dan Mann Whitney dengan bantuan software komputer.Mayoritas anak mengalami kesulitan makan (86,8%). Hasil uji Chi Square didapatkan ada hubungan antara pemberian ASI hingga 2 tahun (p value 0,034), pemberian ASI eksklusif (P Value 0,034), dan metode menyusui (p value 0,028) dengan kejadian feeding difficulty.  Berdasarkan uji man whitney didapatkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara lama menyusui (P Value 0,011) dengan kejadian feeding difficulty di Kelurahan Kedungmudu Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara perilaku menyusui ibu dengan kejadian feeding difficulty di Kelurahan Kedungmudu Kota Semarang

    Continuance Use of Cloud Computing in Higher Education Institutions: A Conceptual Model

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    Resource optimization is a key concern for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Cloud Computing, as the recent generation in computing technology of the fourth industrial revolution, has emerged as the main standard of service and resource delivery. As cloud computing has grown into a mature technology and is being rapidly adopted in many HEIs across the world, retaining customers of this innovative technology has become a challenge to the cloud service providers. Current research trends on cloud computing have sought to study the acceptance or adoption of technology; however, little research has been devoted to the continuance use in an organizational setting. To address this gap, this study aims to investigate the antecedents of cloud computing continuance use in HEIs. Hence, drawing on the prior literature in organizational-level continuance, this research established a conceptual model that extends and contextualizes the IS continuance model through the lens of the TOE framework (i.e., technological, organizational, and environmental influences). The results of a pilot study, conducted through a survey with information and communications technology (ICT) decision makers, and based on the proposed conceptual model, indicate that the instrument is both reliable and valid, and so point the way towards further research. The paper closes with a discussion of the research limitations, contribution, and future directions


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    Os ratos pertencem ao grupo dos mamíferos de pequeno tamanho, de rápida reprodução e que apresentam uma grande capacidade de adaptação e facilidade de ocupar diferentes tipos ecológicos. No biotério da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc) de Xanxerê, alguns ratos apresentavam lesões de pele e intenso prurido.  Entretanto, dois ratos vieram a óbito e então foi realizada uma necropsia, na qual foi constatado que o fígado do animal apresentava um pequeno cisto, o qual foi posteriormente analisado em estereoscópio. Na estrutura foi observada uma vesícula translúcida, com tamanho aproximado de 1 cm. Na vesícula foi realizada uma pequena incisão, na qual foi detectada a presença da forma larval do cestoda Taenia taeniformis, o Cysticercus fasciolaris. Os roedores são os hospedeiros intermediários desse parasito, são considerados clinicamente assintomáticos, infectam-se quando entram em contato com as fezes eliminadas pelos gatos que contêm as proglotes da Tênia taenia,  desenvolvendo a forma larval no fígado; o gato se infecta quando ingere o roedor com Cysticercus fasciolaris. A presença do parasito nos roedores do biotério da Unoesc poderia ser atribuída à utilização de maravalha de madeira contaminada com fezes de felinos sem a esterilização necessária para a utilização nas gaiolas dos roedores. Para combater a infecção foi utilizado o antiparasitário ivermectina 1% por via oral na água durante cinco dias.Palavras-chave: Taenia Taeniaeformis. Roedores. Cestoda