161 research outputs found

    Trabajo social en España. De los recortes sociales a la arena pública

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    Los derechos humanos están sufriendo severos recortes con la excusa de que las políticas internacionales exigen ajustes económicos. Hay un cambio drástico de política. Las universidades y trabajadores sociales profesionales junto con las organizaciones civiles, están participando en el debate público y denunciando la calidad de estas políticas o su inexistencia cuando no las hay.La investigación que lleva a estos resultados ha recibido financiación por el People programme (Marie Curie Actions) del European Union's seventh framework programme Fp7/2007-2013 bajo el acuerdo Rea de subvención n.318938

    Advocacy and policy influencing for social change: Responsibility of social workers and implications for training

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    La incidencia en las políticas sociales es una importante función profesional de las trabajadoras sociales que precisa ser integrada en la educación teórica y práctica en Trabajo Social. Este artículo indaga sobre los fundamentos de esta función de incidencia en los cambios sociales promoviendo políticas sociales que reconozcan los derechos humanos. Partiendo de los referentes internacionales del trabajo social, se analiza el caso de España teniendo en cuenta los códigos deontológicos, los planes de estudio en Trabajo Social, la práctica profesional y los nuevos Grados en Trabajo Social. Se concluye planteando interrogantes sobre el grado de responsabilidad y de implicación de las universidades y Colegios profesionales en coherencia con los principios y valores del Trabajo Social.Advocacy and social policy influencing is an important professional role of social workers that needs to be integrated into education and training on social work. This article explores the fundamentals of this advocacy role in social change through social policies that recognize human rights. Based on the international benchmarks of social work, the case of Spain is analyzed considering ethical codes, the curricula in social work, professional practice and the new Degree in Social Work. The article raises some questions about the degree of responsibility and involvement that universities and professional associations have, in coherence with the principles and values of social work.Este trabajo está financiado en parte, por el proyecto FP7 PEOPLE-2012-IRSES. Grant Agreement Number 318938. Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models (CIVIL-SW). PIRSES-GA-2012-318938

    Learning by getting to know service users

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    Se presentan tres experiencias de innovación docente realizadas en la asignatura de Iniciación a las Habilidades Profesionales, primer curso del Grado en Trabajo Social, Universidad de Alicante. Objetivos: 1) Implicar en la docencia a las personas usuarias de los servicios, considerándolos expertos por su experiencia personal con Trabajadores Sociales y con la sociedad en general. 2) Proporcionar un contexto de aprendizaje que permita conocer, comprender y aprender a comunicarse profesionalmente con personas usuarias de servicios. Metodología: Aprendizaje significativo basado en la interacción con personas usuarias de los servicios con tres modalidades: a) Diseño conjunto de actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje entre una entidad social y el profesorado de la asignatura Iniciación a las Habilidades Profesionales del Grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Alicante; b) Diseño con enfoque multidisciplinar (profesorado de Trabajo Social con el profesorado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte) y la entidad social; c) Diseño internacional con participación de las universidades Queen’s University, Belfast (Northern Ireland) (coordinadora del proyecto) junto con las universidades de Ljubljana (Slovenia) y Alicante. Los resultados proporcionan evidencias sobre la pertinencia de la colaboración docente de personas expertas por su experiencia y de la utilización de una metodología docente basada en el aprendizaje significativo para la adquisición de competencias.We present here three learning innovation experiences within the course “Initiation to Professional Skills”, a first year course of the Social Work undergraduate degree of the University of Alicante. Objectives: 1) Getting service users involved in teaching roles, considering them experts by their personal experience with Social Workers and society in general 2) Provide with a learning environment that promotes getting to know, understand and learn how to communicate with service users. Methodology: Meaningful learning based on the interaction with service users in three modalities: a) Collaborative design of teaching and learning activities between a social entity and the teaching staff of the course “Initiation to Professional Skills” of the Social Work undergraduate degree of the University of Alicante b) A multidisciplinary approach design including Social Work teaching staff, Physical Activity and Sport Science teaching staff, and the social entity c) International design with participation of Queen’s University, Belfast (Northern Ireland) (project leader), together with the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the University of Alicante. The results of these experiences provide with evidence supporting the relevance of the teaching role of experts by their experience, and also of the implementation of methodologies based on meaningful learning for acquiring competences

    Social Services in Times of Economic and Social Crisis: The case of Spain

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    The financial and economic crisis which originated in 2008 has had a severe impact on the population of the Southern European countries. The economic policies of austerity and public deficit control, as well as the neo-liberal and conservative social policies are redefining the public social protection systems, in particular the Social Services. In order to get to understand the current situation, we shall explain how the Social Services were developed in Spain and analyse the causes and consequences of the economic crisis. The working hypothesis is that the greater the increase on the population’s needs, the more developed the Social Services should be. We carried out a descriptive analysis of the situation as far as the social impacts of the crisis per region are concerned. We tested the hypothesis through a parametric model of analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) triangulating with the non-parametric Kruscal-Wallis test. The working hypothesis failed. The regions with better developed Social Services show a lower level of poverty and social exclusion. The challenges that the public Social Services system faces in times of crisis is three-fold: 1) re-modelling of local administration and transferring of the municipal Social Services responsibilities to the regional administration; 2) an increase of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion 3) impact on social policies.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES under grant agreement No 318938

    Vida Triste and Buen Vivir according to older adults in Otavalo, Ecuador

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    El presente trabajo se basa en el diagnóstico inicial previo de un proyecto de cooperación con una entidad social del Cantón de Otavalo (Ecuador), para incluir la actividad física y el juego en su programa de atención integral de Personas Adultas Mayores (PAM) en situación de indigencia. Para conocer el contexto de la población del servicio, sus experiencias previas y sus expectativas, se realizó una investigación basada en sus historias de vida. A su vez, se analizaron las políticas públicas del Buen Vivir y las políticas específicas para personas adultas mayores, analizando la legislación vigente y efectuando entrevistas en profundidad a informantes clave. Con enfoque interdisciplinar, se exponen reflexiones sobre elementos constitutivos de la Vida Triste y Buen Vivir, se destaca la importancia de la intervención integral en la promoción del Buen Vivir de PAM a partir de su pasado, sus puntos de vista y recursos de apoyo del territorio.This paper is based on a previous initial analysis of a cooperation project with a social entity in the Canton of Otavalo (Ecuador), aimed to include physical activity and games in the integral service for the elderly living in indigence. In order to gather information about the context of the target population, their previous experiences and expectations, a research was conducted based on the histories of life of the elderly. Furthermore, the policies of “Buen Vivir” Program (Good Living) for the elderly were analyzed, based on the current legislation and in-depth interviews with key informants. Using a multidisciplinary approach, reflections about constituent elements of “Buen vivir” are presented, and it is emphasized the importance of integral interventions for the promotion of the “Buen vivir” for older adults based on their past, their points of view, and the territorial resources of support and help available

    NGOs in Spain and South Africa: in the Line of Two Fires

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    Changes in the social and economic landscape for NGOs are distinctly recognised in Spain and South Africa as a result of comparable formative and historical social welfare provision. NGOs in both countries are under siege, operating in the line of two fires, namely the global financial crisis, and the implementation and advancement of a neoliberal agenda. The need for a renewal of identity, activism, collaboration and partnership as well as an alignment of their roles in civil society with their visions, missions and core values is suggested towards ensuring the survival of NGOs.This paper stems from an EU-funded research project: Marie Curie Action: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (Contract No. 318938: EU FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES, Grant Agreement Number: PIRSES-GA-2012), CIVIL_SW (Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models)

    ¿Viejos o nuevos?: orientaciones actuales de los servicios sociales en España

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     Some methods and results of psycho-physiological human functions investigation in mountain conditions are given. These results form the base of developed approaches for professional selection of special contingents for the work in extreme conditions. Mathematic model for reliability of human nervous system functioning in extreme conditions is suggested. Описаны некоторые методы и результаты исследования психофизиологических функций человека в условиях высокогорья, которые легли в основу разработанных подходов к профессиональному отбору контингентов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Представлены математическая модель надежности функционирования нервной системы человека в экстремальных условиях. Описано деякі методи та результати дослідження психофізіологічних функцій людини в умовах високогір’я, що лягли в основу розроблених підходів до професійного відбору контингентів для роботи в екстремальних умовах. Подано математичну модель надійності функціонування нервової системи людини в екстремальних умовах

    A case-based tool to assess college students’ perceptions about ethical competence

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    [EN] The main objective of this study was to design a new tool to explore the perception of professionally-related ethical values in Health Sciences undergraduate students. For this purpose, 24 conversational interviews, as well as an extensive literature review, were initially employed. Then, five ethical values were selected: respect for the patient, altruism, empathy, responsibility for my actions, and lifelong learning. Next, twenty cases with ethical dilemmas were created with protagonists pertaining to four degrees in the Health Sciences: Nursing, Dentistry, Physical Therapy, and Medicine. These cases were examined by professionals from these fields and presented to a sample of students to analyze their functioning. Our results indicate that the cases are easy to understand as most cases were identified correctly. Interestingly, students reported “respect for the patient” as the most important ethical value. The least important value was “altruism.” This new tool adds a practical perspective based on clinical cases with real-life dilemmas. Further studies are needed to continue exploring this topic.Gonzalez-Cuevas, G.; Lopez Del Hierro, M.; Martinez, N.; Hernando, MA. (2017). A case-based tool to assess college students’ perceptions about ethical competence. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1271-1277. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.55811271127

    Homeshare Europe: alojamiento compartido a cambio de ayuda en Europa

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     Ентальпії змішування сплавів системи Ni – O – M (M – IVb-, Vb,- VIb-метали) вивчені методом калометрії за Т = 1780 К. Показано, що порційні ентальпії змішування для всіх досліджених  систем є негативними величинами. D`Ні  цих сплавів підтверджуються даними, отриманими методом електрорушійної сили з твердим окисним електролітом.</p