587 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Penataan Interior Rumah Betang Suku Dayak Ditinjau dari Sudut Budaya (Studi Kasus Rumah Tradisional Palangkaraya di Kalimantan Tengah)

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    The development of the old Betang house design to the new one can be observed from the cultural point of view covering several aspects such as the architectural shape of the house, space patterns, site and interior arrangements, and the placement of columns, decorative elements and conditional systems. The cultural background of the society becomes the parameter of this research in order to reveal any development which may have taken place by observing how the religious system influences the rituals, culturs and the society\u27s way of thinking,, the community organization system that manages social interactions among the community, the working system as the source to fulfill daily needs, the technology used as supporting systems to fulfill the needs of life, and art as a medium to express themselves. The results show that there is a development from a simple lifestyle into a much complex one, which can be seen from the changes in the size and shape of the house, the raw materials used on both the building and the furniture, as well as the supporting equipments used for daily life by the Dayak ethnic group in central Kalimantan

    A Structural Error Analysis of Abstracts of Undergraduate Research Reports

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    The competence level of language users can be analysed through error analysis. This study sought to understand the level at which undergraduate students at the Moshi Co-operative University in Tanzania have attained English language competence through error analysis. The study collected 60 abstracts from three bachelor degree programs pursued at the University. The study used qualitative research design and error analysis theory to identify, group and describe errors. The findings revealed that students are prone to errors. The most problematic ones include fragment and dangling modifier errors, wrong usage of definite and indefinite errors and fused sentence errors. Some of the apparent errors that students made were punctuation errors; these were made of negligence since the learners could have minimised them through their tutors' interventions. This study urges the tutors of these students to help correct these obvious errors as there could be long-term negligence among these learners, negatively impacting their English language competence. This study urges teachers to devise teaching strategies to minimise errors students commit when learning a second language


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    Many problems in learning English included in writing a text are faced by some of the second year students of SMPN 1 Tambang. It can be seen from the unsatisfactory writing score and some problems that the students confront in writing. The students get difficulty in sharing their ideas into a writing form. They do not know how to use the appropriate grammar in their writing, and they have lack of vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducted this research. The research was conducted for the purpose of finding out the students’ ability in writing recount text taught by using genre-based approach, finding out the students’ ability in writing recount text taught by using conventional technique and also finding out whether or not there is significant difference on students’ ability in writing recount text between those who are taught by using genre-based approach and those who are not at the second year of SMPN 1 Tambang. The subject of the research was second year students of SMPN 1 Tambang and the object of the research was the effect of using genre-based approach toward students’ ability in writing recount text. The population of the research was all of the second year students of SMPN 1 Tambang, the total number of the population was 60 students. The technique used in taking the sample was cluster random sampling technique. This research is quasi experimental research. The instrument of the research was test, consist of pre-test and post-test, for both experimental and control class. The writing test was scored using ESL composition profile. In analyzing the data the researcher used independent sample T-test. The researcher used the SPSS version 16.0 to analyze the data. Finally, this research found that after analyzed data by using independent sample T-test, the value is 3.922, which is greater than t-table at 5% (2.02) and 1% (2.72) grade of significance. Its means, there is significant difference on students’ ability in writing recount text between those who are taught by using genre-based approach and those who are not at the second year of SMPN 1 Tambang district of Kampar Regency The researcher concluded that using genre-based approach is suitable used as one of way in teaching writing in order to increase students’ ability to write a text effectively


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    The purpose of this study examined influence to know the role of accounting public sector in the financial planning budget at Sidoarjo. Where the role of accounting public sector which the most major is as a planning tool. While goverrment financial accounting describing about financial condition of an organization that include on revenues state and expenditures. The result of the study indicated that’s financial planning budget at Sidoarjo  effective. Keywords: Accounting Public Sector, Government Financial Accounting

    Determinan Faktor Struktur Modal Perusahaan Tambang yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the influence of Current Ratio (CR), Asset Structure (SA), Profitability (ROE) and Company Size (SIZE) partially and simultaneously to the capital structure of mining companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2016. The type of research data is secondary data in the form of financial statement data, published by Indonesia Stock Exchange. Technique is using purposive sampling. The data used is panel data. There are 14 companies as cross section data and time series for 4 years from year 2013-2016. Research samples are 56. Method analyze data use multiple regression with program of SPSS. The result of the research shows that: 1) Current Ratio (CR) has significant effect to Capital Structure (CS) of Mining Company listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013-2016, 2) Asset Structure (SA) has no significant effect to Capital Structure CS) Mining Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2016, 3) Company size (SIZE) significantly influence the Capital Structure (CS) of Mining Companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2016, 4) Return On Equity (ROE) has no significant effect on Capital Structure (CS) of Mining Companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2016 and 5) Current Ratio (CR), Asset Structure (SA), Profitability (ROE) and Company Size (RO) SIZE) simultaneously have a significant effect on the company\u27s capital structure (CS)

    Analisis Tindak Tutur Menyatakan Pendapat dalam Drama Seri “1 Rittoru No Namida”

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    Expressing opinion is a speech act that can be considered unpolite if delivered in a direct speech. Therefore, when expressing their opinions Japanese people often use various speech act constructions so that their opinions are not too straight to the point. This is done in order to respect and maintain the interlocutor’s feeling. In this study, the author examines speech acts expressing opinions in everyday conversation by looking at the construction used and its meaning. This research is limited to speech acts expressing opinions or facts in conversations on 1 Rittoru no Namida drama series. The method that used in this reseach is descriptive method. From the results of the study it was found that when expressing opinions or facts, speakers in the drama series 1 Rittoru no Namida used various constructions. The most widely used construction is guess construction. In addition, the construction of approval requests construction, avoidance construction, considerations construction, and elliptical construction are also used on the conversations.


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    The course of Physical Education (PE) plays an important role in the education and training of children with or without disabilities. In this work, the Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to investigate attitudes and perceptions of teachers Physical Education and Parallel Support of Primary Education, regarding non-visible disabilities. The purpose of the work was to investigate the intentions and attitudes of teachers and more specifically, their demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, educational level, and fields of study. The factors of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, which includes concepts such as attitudes, intention, perceived control, and actual behaviour, were studied through 120 participants, who answered a specially constructed questionnaire which, in addition to demographic data, included questions from the Planned Behaviour Questionnaire, to investigate teachers attitudes and intentions, as well as to establish whether the above factors are influenced by both work experience and educational qualifications. The findings of the study show that the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behaviour were high. In addition, it becomes obvious that the previous work experience and academic education of teachers are not related to the intention, perceived control, and actual behaviour of the participants. This thesis can contribute to a fuller understanding of the needs that currently exist in Greek schools for the subject of Physical Education for all students with or without disabilities. In addition, it is possible to help conclude if there is a positive correlation between the aim of shaping academic programs with different content and organization, compared to those that are currently preparing physical education teachers.  Article visualizations

    Pengaruh Variasi Kadar Molase dan Limbah Jamu (Beras Kencur dan Daun Pepaya) terhadap Penghasilan Biogas oleh Bakteri Metanogen

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    Pembuatan biogas dengan memanfaatkan limbah jamu beras kencur dan daun pepaya merupakan salah satu alternatif pemanfaatan limbah organik untuk menggali potensi bioenergi di Indonesia. Selain itu, melihat kandungan karbohidrat yang terkandung dalam limbah jamu yang cukup tinggi (11,9 gram pada daun pepaya, 4,14 g pada kencur, dan 78,9 gram pada beras) dapat dikonversi menjadi energi alternatif berupa gas metana. Molase adalah hasil samping pembuatan gula tebu, memiliki kandungan gula yang cukup tinggi (sukrosa 30-40%, glukosa 4-9%, dan fruktosa 5-12%) dapat digunakan sebagai nutrisi tambahan dalam proses fermentasi anaerobik, harganya yang murah dan mudah didapatkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui nisbah volume limbah jamu daun pepaya dan beras kencur dengan molase untuk menghasilkan volume biogas terbanyak, serta untuk mengetahui volume gas metana tertinggi. Produksi biogas menggunakan pralon diameter 4 inch dengan panjang 15 cm yang dibawah dan diatasnya ditutup rapat, serta pada bagian atas alat diberi kran. Variasi penambahan molase sebesar 10, 20, 30, dan 40%. Fermentasi bahan-bahan dilakukan selama empat hari. Parameter yang diamati yaitu banyaknya gas metan yang dihasilkan. Kontrol positif berupa penambahan bakteri metanogen yang diisolasi dari rumen sapi dan bakteri selulolitik yang diisolasi dari probiotik starbio, sedangkan kontrol negatif berupa penambahan bakteri selulolitik. Tahapan percobaan yang dilakukan, isolasi bakteri metanogen dari rumen sapi, fermentasi limbah jamu, dan analisis gas metana yang diproduksi. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANAVA menggunakan SPSS versi 20.0 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil yang didapat, persentase gas metan tertinggi pada kontrol positif dengan rata-rata gas metan sebesar 67,337%, sedangkan produksi gas metan tertinggi antarperlakuan pada penambahan molase sebesar 30%, yaitu sebesar 19,026%. Gas metan paling rendah pada kontrol negatif dengan nilai 0% atau dapat dikatan tidak terbentuk gas metana sama sekali


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan metode cooperative script dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu di kelas VIII  SMP Negeri 1 Sekadau Hulu. Variabel penelitian adalah aktivitas belajar siswa dan metode cooperative script. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa VIII C. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas dan bentuk penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kolaboratif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi langsung dan dokumenter. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode cooperative script dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa. Aktivitas belajar siswa pada pra siklus menunjukkan siswa aktif sebesar 43,76% dan siswa tidak aktif sebesar 56,2%, pada skilus I siswa aktif sebesar 57,66% dan siswa tidak aktif sebesar 33,63%, sedangkan siklus II siswa aktif sebesar 74,22%, siswa tidak aktif sebesar 25,78%. Kata Kunci: cooperative script, aktivitas belajar
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