276 research outputs found

    Efektivitas E-modul Getaran dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari pada Pembelajaran Daring Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa

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    Physics learning has a central role in developing the 21st century skills that learners must achieve. Physics aksis one of science learning can cultivate and develop 21st century skills through science literacy and science process skills. Science process skills can be trained in the learning of physics through processes in conducting scientific activities and scientific attitudes. But from the initial studies conducted, it was found that the ability of the student's science process in online learning has artistic variety of problems. One alternative to problem solving is to use electronic modules (e-modules) designed to improve students' science process skills in online learning. The methodology used in this study was a quasi-experiment with the design of theàposttestàonly control research design group. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of e-modules of vibration in everyday life on online learning to improve the science process skills of grade X high school students.àTheàeffectiveness of e-module use is determined by analyzing the science process skills of experimental classroom and control classes. The significance of the effectiveness of the use of e-modules on aspects of knowledge and skills of the science process is analyzed by tests of normality, homogeneity and t tests. From the analysis of data obtained by the results of the study, the use of vibrational e-modules in everyday life in online learning is effective to improve students' knowledge and skills of the science process

    Development of Ethnophysics-Based Augmented Reality Assisted Digital Teaching Material for 21st Century Learning

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    Twenty-first century learning includes 21st century skills, but the facts show that students' 21st century skills are still low. The solution to this problem is to develop digital teaching materials integrated with AR and ethnophysics. The purpose of this study was to determine the initial study, validity, and practicality of using ethnophysics-integrated digital AR teaching materials. The research method used is development research with the Plomp model. The research instruments used include needs analysis instruments, validation questionnaires and practicality. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. Based on the data that has been analyzed there are three research results. First, the results of the needs analysis obtained an average value of 63 with a good enough category. Second, product validation results obtained an average value of 90.5 with a very good category. Third, the product practicality results obtained an average value of 89.9 in the very good category. The implication of the research results is that teachers can construct student skills through digital teaching materials. The results of this study concluded that ethnophysics-based AR-assisted digital teaching materials are valid and practical for use in learningPembelajaran abad ke-21 mencakup pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa, konteks dunia nyata, terintegrasi dengan masyarakat, dan keterampilan abad ke-21. Keterampilan ini mencakup keterampilan berpikir kritis, kreatif, kolaborasi, dan komunikasi yang dapat memecahkan masalah dunia nyata. Fakta menunjukkan masih rendahnya keterampilan abad ke-21 siswa di sekolah. Solusi dari masalah tersebut  adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar digital berbantuan AR berbasis etnofisika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui studi awal, validitas, dan kepraktisan penggunaan bahan ajar digital AR terintegrasi etnofisika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model Plomp. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan meliputi instrumen analisis kebutuhan, angket validasi dan praktikalitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan data yang telah dianalisis terdapat tiga hasil penelitian. Pertama, hasil analisis kebutuhan diperoleh nilai rata-rata 63 dengan kategori cukup baik. Kedua, hasil validasi produk diperoleh nilai rata-rata 90,5 dengan kategori sangat baik. Ketiga, hasil kepraktisan produk diperoleh nilai rata-rata 89,9 dengan kategori sangat baik. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian adalah guru dapat mengkontruksi keterampilan siswa melalui bahan ajar digital. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar digital berbantuan AR berbasis etnofisika adalah valid dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    Design and Validity of STEM Integrated Physics Electronic Teaching Materials to Improve New Literacy of Class XI High School Students

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    The 21st century education demands the integration of STEM into learning to improve technology skills, and students' literacy skills can be increased. One of the ways teachers should guide students to face the challenges of the 21st century is by updating the learning resources used. However, in reality schools still use printed teaching materials, have not integrated STEM well, and students' knowledge and literacy are still low. One solution to this problem is to develop STEM-integrated electronic teaching materials (ETMS) to increase new literacy for class XI high school students. This research uses RD method with the Ploom development model. The research carried out is only limited to the development and prototype stages. The analytical technique used is the use of Aiken's V formula. The results of the first study were in the form of an ETMS design. The results of the second study are valid ETMS with an average value of 0.94. Based on the results of the study, two conclusions can be drawn. First, ETMS contains STEM development activities related to the facts of real world problems, technology and working principles, as well as mathematical concepts of physics. Second, the results of the prototype stage consist of self-evaluation and expert review. ETMS is valid based on five indicators of validity assessment, namely material substance, visual communication display, learning design, software utilization, and STEM assessment. This ETMS can be an alternative learning resource to improve students' new literacy

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Elektronik Energi dan Momentum Terintegrasi STEM Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA

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    Industrial revolution 4.0 makes a major contribution to life. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires human resources that can compete in the global economy. STEM education plays an important role in increasing students' creativity to compete in the future. The facts found in the field, activities that support student creativity in learning have not been carried out properly. The teaching materials used have not improved student learning outcomes optimally. The solution to overcome these problems was to develop STEM-integrated electronic teaching materials. This research method was Research and Development (R&D). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of STEM integrated electronic teaching materials. Test the effectiveness of teaching materials using experiments before-after conducted in one experimental class. The significance of the effectiveness of using electronic teaching materials on learning outcomes was analyzed by normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that STEM integrated electronic teaching materials were effectively used in physics learning to improve the learning outcomes of X grade students

    Meta analisis pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi informasi untuk mengembangkan keterampilan abad 21 peserta didik

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    Tantangan revolusi industri 4.0 menuntut peserta didik agar memiliki keterampilan 4C. Hal ini dapat diatasi apabila pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dan informasi diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian meta analisis yang dilakukan terhadap 20 buah artikel nasional yang dapat diakses secara online melalui google scholar Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh efek size pada keterampilan abad 21 dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan adalah meta analisis  yaitu dengan menganalisis dan mereview hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dipublikasikan. Hasil analisis efek size dilakukan berdasarkan jenjang pendidikan, penggunaan media, dan keterampilan abad 21 dan hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil analisis efek size diperoleh pengaruh pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi informasi lebih efektif jika digunakan pada jenjang pendidikan SMA yaitu 1,21 berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Apabila ditinjau dari media yang digunakan,pebih efektif apabila menggunakan komputer dengan analisis efek size sebesar 1,22 kategori tinggi. Dari hasil perhitungan efek size juga diperoleh pembelajaran sains berbasis teknologi informasi berpengaruh sangat tinggi terhadap aspek kognitif dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dibandingkan dengan keterampilan pemecahan masalah

    Developing STEM-Integrated Interactive Multimedia to Improve Students' Data Literacy and Technology Literacy

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    Facing industry 4.0 literacy requires a role of literacy. One of the literacies that are suitable for answering the challenges of this era is data and technology literacy. The STEM approach is the learning approach used to address the challenges of the Industry 4.0 revolution. However, the actual conditions in the field describing the application of interactive multimedia by integrating STEM and integrating data and technology literacy in learning still need to be improved. The solution is to develop interactive multimedia by integrating STEM. This research aims to produce valid and practical interactive multimedia by integrating STEM to improve the data and technology of students. The Research & Development stage was completed until limited product testing. The data in this research was obtained from experts' validity and practical results from the students of class 11 science. The data collection instrument consisted of the validity sheet given to the experts and the practicality sheet given to the students of class 11 science. The analysis results show that the STEM-integrated interactive multimedia produced is valid and practical according to students. The second value is included in the very good category. Experts rationally state that interactive multimedia integrating STEM is valid regarding material substance, visual communication display, learning design, software usage, and assessment of STEM components. Students stated that the interactive multimedia presentation integrating STEM was practical regarding usability, ease of use, attractiveness, and clarity.Facing industry 4.0 literacy requires a role of literacy. One of the literacies that are suitable for answering the challenges of this era is data and technology literacy. The STEM approach is the learning approach used to address the challenges of the Industry 4.0 revolution. However, the actual conditions in the field describing the application of interactive multimedia by integrating STEM and integrating data and technology literacy in learning still need to be improved. The solution is to develop interactive multimedia by integrating STEM. This research aims to produce valid and practical interactive multimedia by integrating STEM to improve the data and technology of students. The Research & Development stage was completed until limited product testing. The data in this research was obtained from experts' validity and practical results from the students of class 11 science. The data collection instrument consisted of the validity sheet given to the experts and the practicality sheet given to the students of class 11 science. The analysis results show that the STEM-integrated interactive multimedia produced is valid and practical according to students. The second value is included in the very good category. Experts rationally state that interactive multimedia integrating STEM is valid regarding material substance, visual communication display, learning design, software usage, and assessment of STEM components. Students stated that the interactive multimedia presentation integrating STEM was practical regarding usability, ease of use, attractiveness, and clarity

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI di SMAN 12 Sijunjung

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    Kurikulum merdeka merupakan salah satu transformasi pembelajaran fisika dari waktu ke waktu. Hakikat kurikulum merdeka adalah memberikan pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan dan minat siswa, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun data awal hasil belajar yang didapatkan masih rendah. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team game tournament (TGT). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi fluida statis, fluida dinamis, getaran harmonik dan jenis-jenis gelombang serta melihat aktivitas belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen. Metode penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan Quasi Exprerimental Design melalui bentuk Post-test-Only Control Grup Design. Hasilnya menyatakan adanya dampak dari diterapkannya model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI di SMAN 12 Sijunjung dan peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa pada kelas eksperimen. Hal tersebut ditandai melalui hasil uji hipotesis dan analisis lembar pengamatan aktivitas belajar siswa dimana pada uji hipotesis nilai post-test nilai sig (2-tailed) yaitu 0,000 < 0,05 dan presentase ativitas belajar siswa pada setiap pertemuan tergolong sangat baik yang berada pada rentang nilai 76-100%

    Analisis Ukuran Efek Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif Siswa

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    Industrial revolution 4.0 requires students to have 21st century skills. 21st century skills, is everyone who master the 4C which is the means to achieve success in people's lives in this 21st century. one of the 4Cs is creative thinking skills. The 2013 curriculum actually accommodates 21st century skills and demands that students be able to compete with the wider community. a teacher must prepare the teaching materials needed in the learning process before learning activities are carried out in order to achieve learning objectives. The research method used is a review article. There are 20 national and international journal articles This study aims to determine the effect of teaching materials on students 'creative thinking skills in terms of education level, subject matter, types of teaching materials, and students' creative thinking skills. From the data analysis conducted, four research results can be stated, namely: the use of effective teaching materials for students' creative thinking skills

    Meta Analisis Pengaruh Model Project based Learning dalam Variasi Bahan Ajar Fisika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA/SMK

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    Salah satu model pembelajaran aktif dalam pelajaran fisika yang sesuai dengan tuntutan K13 adalah Project based Learning. Model PjBL dapat diintegrasikan dalam suatu bahan ajar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah meta analisis yang mengukur pengaruh model PjBL dalam variasi bahan ajar fisika terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA/SMK. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh bahan ajar PjBL yang dikategorikan berdasarkan jenis bahan ajar, SMA atau SMK, jenjang kelas dan aspek hasil belajar. Data diperoleh dari 12 artikel terkait topik penelitian. Analisis besar pengaruh PjBL dalam variasi bahan ajar diukur berdasarkan effect size. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model PjBL paling efektif diintegrasikan dalam bahan ajar E-LKS di SMK pada jenjang kelas XI. Model PjBL dalam variasi bahan ajar efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa meliputi aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap.Kata kunci: Project based Learning, Bahan Ajar, Fisik


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    The goal of the research is to analyze the impact of Science,   Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) integrated Problem Based Learning methods on science learning. Research methods use meta-analysis. The research method using meta-analysis with the research flow is determining the research topic, developing data selection criteria, conducting library searches, classifying data information, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Databases are articles published in Scopus-indexed journals, Sinta accredited, and on Google Scholar. The articles analyzed are those published in the last 5 years, namely from 2017-2021. 22 articles meet the criteria for further analysis. Data analysis techniques use effect size. Effect size values are measured as a whole and grouped based on educational levels, subjects, and types of learning outcomes. The results of the study demonstrated that the use of STEM integrated PBL has a large impact, with an average effect size of 1.036. STEM integrated PBL has a high influence on the college level. Based on the type of subject, the highest effect size average is for biology. Depending on the sort of learning outcome, the highest average size for scientific literacy. It may be stated that the STEM integrated PBL approach is more effective for biology and chemistry, as well as scientific components, in high schools and colleges