90 research outputs found

    Підготовка майбутнього вчителя початкових класів до білінгвального навчання молодших школярів як методична проблема

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    (uk) В статті здійснено загальний аналіз проблеми професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя початкових класів до білінгвального навчання. Визначено основи білінгвальної освіти та умови їхньої реалізації майбутніми фахівцями.(en) In the article the problem of training future elementary school teachers for bilingual teaching is analyzed. The bases of bilingual education and terms of their implementation by future specialists are determined

    A közfoglalkoztatás térbeli egyenlőtlenségei

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    In the event of a disaster, telecommunication infrastructures can be severely damaged or overloaded. Hastily formed networks can provide communication services in an ad hoc manner. These networks are challenging due to the chaotic context where intermittent connection is the norm and the identity and number of participants cannot be assumed. In such environments malicious actors may try to disrupt the communications to create more chaos for their own benefit. This paper proposes a general security framework for monitoring and reacting to disruptive attacks. It includes a collection of functions to detect anomalies, diagnose them, and perform mitigation. The measures are deployed in each node in a fully distributed fashion, but their collective impact is a significant resilience to attacks, so the actors can disseminate information under adverse conditions. The approach is evaluated in the context of a simulated disaster area network with a many-cast dissemination protocol, Random Walk Gossip, with a store-and-forward mechanism. A challenging threat model where adversaries may 1) try to drain the resources both at node level (battery life) and network level (bandwidth), or 2) reduce message dissemination in their vicinity, without spending much of their own energy, is adopted. The results demonstrate that the approach diminishes the impact of the attacks considerably.funding agencies|Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)||national Graduate school in computer science (CUGS)||project Hastily Formed Networks|37|</p

    Spatial variation of surface soil carbon in a boreal forest – the role of historical fires, contemporary vegetation, and hydro-topography

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    Knowledge about the spatial variation of boreal forest soil carbon (C) stocks is limited, but crucial for establishing management practices that prevent losses of soil C. Here, we quantified the surface soil C stocks across small spatial scales, and aim to contribute to an improved understanding of the drivers involved in boreal forest soil C accumulation. Our study is based on C analyses of 192 soil cores, positioned and recorded systematically within a forest area of 11 ha. The study area is a south-central Norwegian boreal forest landscape, where the fire history for the past 650 years has been reconstructed. Soil C stocks ranged from 1.3 to 96.7 kg m−2 and were related to fire frequency, ecosystem productivity, vegetation attributes, and hydro-topography. Soil C stocks increased with soil nitrogen concentration, soil water content, Sphagnum- and litter-dominated forest floor vegetation, and proportion of silt in the mineral soil, and decreased with fire frequency in site 1, feathermoss- and lichen-dominated forest floor vegetation and increasing slope. Our results emphasize that boreal forest surface soil C stocks are highly variable in size across fine spatial scales, shaped by an interplay between historical forest fires, ecosystem productivity, forest floor vegetation, and hydro-topography.Spatial variation of surface soil carbon in a boreal forest – the role of historical fires, contemporary vegetation, and hydro-topographyacceptedVersio

    Fossil charcoal quantification using manual and image analysis approaches

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    Charcoal particles are evidence of past fire events and macro-charcoal particles have been shown to represent local fire events. There are several methods for the preparation and quantification of macro-charcoal particles, none of which have been universally accepted as standard. Very few studies compare methodological differences and no studies to date compare quantification by mass with quantification by volume using image analysis. Using three cores taken from a peatland located in SE Norway, we compare these two established methods using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) and a split-plot ANOVA test. We show that charcoal volume (image analysis method) was a better predictor of charcoal mass than charcoal particle number and the same size classes of charcoal as size class distributions were not spatially and temporally correlated. Although there is still a need for a common and unifying method, our results show that quantification of charcoal particles by image analysis including size (e.g. height in mm) and area (mm2)/volume (mm3) measurements provides more significant results in cross-site or multiple-site studies than quantifications based on particle number. This has implications for the interpretation of charcoal data from regional studies that are used to model drivers of wildfire activity and environmental change in boreal–temperate landscapes during the Holocene. </jats:p