73 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine the effect of overhand serves training with a gradual distance on the results of overhand serves in volleyball games on extracurricular students at SMP Negeri 40 Palembang. The sample of this research was 25 students who took volleyball extracurricular activities. Data collection techniques in this research were through structured observation guided by volleyball playing skills tests from the American Association for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) as the top serves test instrument. Hypothesis testing in this research uses Paired-Samples T Test or t-test with the help of SPSS application (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). The results obtained by tcount   (-20,527) < ttable (df /dk 24 = 1,711), which means that there is an influence of overhand serves with a gradual distance to the results of overhand serves in volleyball games on extracurricular students in SMP Negeri 40 Palembang

    The Impact of Training Methods and Leg Muscle Strength to the Long Jumping Squat Style Skills of SMA Pesantren Pancasila Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Training methods (Plyometrik and Weight Training ) and in terms the high strength of leg muscle and the low strength of leg muscle. Based on the problems, the design of this study was the treatment by the level of 2 x 2. Analysis of variance between the group at a significant level α = 0.05. This study also aims to determine the interaction between exercise and leg muscle strength against to the long jumping squat style skills.This study was done in SMA Pesantren Pancasila, Bengkulu. The sample was consisted of 24 athletes in this study, then divided into four groups, each group consisting of 6 athletes which as the object of this study.The data analysis technique was the analysis of variance of two lanes and then followed by Tukey test with significance level α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that (1) Overall, the results of long jumping skills to the group that trained with exercise methods of Plyometrik better than the group trained with the type of Weight  Training, (2) There are interactions between the Training methods with leg muscle strength to the results of Long Jumping Squat Style Skills, (3) For those athletes who have high leg muscle strength, the result of long jumping skills through the implementation of exercise methods Plyometrik better than the method of Weight  Training, (4) For those athletes who have low leg muscle strength, the result of long jumping skill through the implementation of Weight Training methods not better than the Training methods of Plyometrik


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    The purpose of this study was to find out the volleyball extracurricular development program in Tambun Utara sub-district using the CIPP eva-luation model (Context, Input, Process and Product). By using the CIPP method, which was presented by Daniel L. Stuflebeam, it is an evaluation of the Context discussion on the background of the program and the purpose of the coaching program. Input Evaluation is a discussion of the acceptance of athletes, coaches, funds, facilities and infrastructure. Process Evaluation, discussion on the implementation of training, consumption / nutrition, coordination and communication programs. Product evaluation, which is about the results of the guided program achievement which is obtained in the volleyball extracurricular program development. The results of this study were obtained from the results of interviews, observations and documentation studies obtained by the researchers that the volleyball extracurricular training program in Tambun North District Public Middle School had carried out the processes and procedures of sports achievement development programs in general. However, the implementation is constrained by funding, training facilities and infrastructure as well as other facilities that can support the training program. The importance of communication and coordination of sports stakeholders has not run as expected in seeking donors both local and private government


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    The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of training method and leg power toward dolyo chagi ability of taekwondo athletes.In this research factorial design 2 x 3 was applied. The sample of this research is 60 athletes and was chosen by purposive sampling technique. From the result of data analysis and interpretation,it can be concluded that: (1) There is difference influence between the plyometric training, saq and circuit toward dolyo chagi ability (2) There is difference influence between the strong leg power group and weak leg power group toward dolyo chagi ability (3) There was an interaction between training method and leg power toward dolyo chagi ability. (4) On strong leg power group, the ability of dolyo chagi with plyometric training method was better than saq training. (5) On strong leg power group, the ability of dolyo chagi with plyometric was better than circuit training. (6) On strong leg power group, the ability of dolyo chagi with saq training method was better than circuit training. (7) On weak leg power group, the ability of dolyo chagi with saq method was better than plyometric method. (8) On weak leg powergroup, the ability of dolyo chagi with circuit method was better than plyometric metho

    Development of Game Based basic Speed Running Movement Training for Children Age 7 - 9 Years

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    The aim of this research is to develop basic sprint movement training for 7-9 year olds, and to determine the effectiveness of the model developed. The method in this research is the Research & Development model approach from Borg and Gall. The aim of this research is to develop a game-based basic movement training model for sprinting for ages 7-9 years. The small group trial consisted of 20 people, while the large group trial consisted of 30 people. Data collection in this research is by reviewing various literature or literature studies related to the model concept that will be developed according to the product to be made and referring to the needs of analysis, expert reviews and field trials. To calculate effectiveness, the t-test procedure is used. The research results of the game-based basic movement training model for sprinting are appropriate to the characteristics of children aged 7-9 years and are effective for improving sprinting


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    The purpose of this research was determine the effect of free variables that the method of exercise and the moderator variable reaction time of the dependent variable of 100 meters. The research was done by using experimental method. Target population (research population) are male student of physical education, health and recreation islamic university of riau 2016/2017 123 people. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The hypothesis is 1) difference between group of interval training method (A1) with group of continuous training method (A2) equal to 0,0245 < 0,05, mean h0 rejected. 2) The difference between group of interval training method (A1) and group of mixed exercise method (A3), value = 0,0015 < 0,05, means h0 rejected. 3) The difference between the continuous training method group (A2) and the mixed exercise method group (A3), worth = 0.1345 > 0.05, means h0 received. 4) The interaction effect of fo (AB) worth = 0,000 < 0.05 means h0 is rejected. 5) Differences in 100 meters of skill results between interval training methods with high reaction time and continuous training method with high reaction time (A1B1 - A2B1) valued at 0.000 < 0.05 means h0 is rejected. 6) Differences in 100 meters of skill result between interval training method with high reaction time and mixed reaction method with high reaction time (A1B1 - A3B1). Value = 0,000 < 0,05 means h0 is rejected.    7) Differences in 100 meter running skills results between continuous training method with high reaction time and high mixed reaction method (A2B1 - A3B1) method = 0,000 < 0,05 means h0 is rejected. 8) Differences in the results of 100 meter running skills between interval training methods with low reaction time and continuous training method with low reaction time (A1B2 - A2B2) valued = 0.413 > 0.05 means h0 received. 9) Differences in the results of 100 meter running skills between interval training methods with low reaction time and mixed reaction method with low reaction time (A1B2 - A3B2) worth = 0.0155 < 0.05 means h0 is rejected.   10) The difference of 100 meter running skill result between continuous training method with low reaction time and mixed reaction method with low reaction time(A2B2 - A3B2) worth = 0,026 < 0,05 means h0 is rejected.   Keywords: Skills Sprint 100 Meters, Exercise Method And Reaction Tim


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    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of training program for warehouse manager candidates withinthe warehouse receipt system scheme conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Coftra) in Indonesia. This research is an evaluative research using the CIPP model of Stufflebeam (Context, Input, Process, Product), supported by questionnaires (closed and open statements / questions), observation, and interviews. Evaluation on context, input, and process, the results show that the program is in a good category for these three componets, with some elements needing improvement. While for product evaluation the results for this component are in a very good category, so it needs to be maintained. In terms of outcomes which are part of the product component, the results of the training provide a good impact of implementing warehouse management system, with warehouse operational license. In addition, to optimize outcomes, it is necessary to increase synergies among regional and central government levels, as well as empowering and involving stakeholders to jointly support and implement the warehouse receipt system.Keywords: CIPP model,evaluation program,training, warehouse receipt syste

    The effect of eye-hand coordination on self-confidence levels among indoor volleyball referees

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    This study was aimed to examine the effect of eye-hand coordination on the self-confidence level of indoor volleyball referees in West Java, Indonesia. It applied descriptive research to describe the characteristics of a particular population in this case referees being studied. This study took place in two sports tournaments named PORDA (Regional Sports Week Competition) XIII and Kejurda qualifying rounds among volleyball clubs in West Java in October 2017. To achieve the objective of this study, a survey method with measurement techniques and test were applied. The population involved in this study were 22 referees assigned to lead games in PORDA XIII and Kejurda qualifying round among clubs in west java in 2018 and 2017 respectively. To obtain a sample, this study applied the total sampling technique where all respondents were examined.. Referees’ self-confidence level was collected using questionnaire whereas eye-hand was measured using motor fitness test instrument. Motor fitness test required referees to throw the ball to the target or volleyball referee who acted as research respondent. When it came to data analysis, path analysis technique was used to both examine the relationship between research variables and measure the direct and indirect effect of one variable on another variable. The results show that referees’ self- confidence level in this study for each indicator fell into the excellent category. Their ability to perform motor test can be described as good. This study shows that there was a positive and significant effect of referees’ eye-hand coordination ability on the level of their self-confidence level in carrying out their duties in leading a match


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    Generally, this study aims to obtain a description of the difference between the influence of wall exercise model and machine exercise model, the interaction between forehand training model and achievement motivation, the difference between the influence of the wall exercise model and the machine exercise model for students who have high achievement motivation and the difference of the effect of the wall exercise model and the machine exercise model for students with low achievement motivation for tennis forehand skills. The method used in this research is experimental method with 2 x 2 factorial design, the population of all students of PJKR in 5th semester of FKIP Unsil Tasikmaya is 378 students, there are 115 samples with random sampling technique, while data collection technique is using test and measurement and the analytical technique is used by two-lane variance analysis (ANOVA) with 2 x 2 factorial design. There is a difference in learning outcomes of tennis forehand skills between machine exercise model and wall exercise model (Fo = 58,4820> Ft = 4.11). There is an interaction between the exercise model and the achievement motivation for the forehand tennis skills (Fo = 50, 5620> Ft = 4.11). There is a difference between forehand learning outcomes using machine exercise model and wall exercise model for highly motivated students (Qo = 5.9032> Qt = 3.79), there is a difference between forehand learning outcomes using machine model of exercise and wall exercise model towards low motivated student (Qo = 22,54> Qt = 3,79). It is suggested to teach groups of students who have high achievements by using the machine or wall exercise model to improve their tennis forehand skills. Meanwhile, to teach students who have low achievement motivation is expected to use the wall exercise model


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    Pembelajaran keterampilan gerak merupakan salah satu bagian dari pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di sekolah, yang kepadanya dibebankan tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran agar anak memiliki keterampilan gerak yang memadai. Keterampilan gerak merupakan kemampuan yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh siswa sebagai bekal dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari- hari. Apabila seorang anak mempunyai keterampilan gerak yang baik, maka dia mempunyai kesempatan yang besar untuk dapat menguasai kecakapan hidup yang dibutuhkan. Dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani guru diharapkan mengajarkan berbagai keterampilan gerak dasar, teknik dan strategi permainan/ olahraga, intemalisasi nilai-nilai (sportivitas, jujur, kerjasama), dan pembiasaan pola hidup sehat. Dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan jasmani melalui pengajaran yang konvensional di dalam kelas yang bersifat kajian teoritis, namun melibatkan unsur fisik, mental, intelektual, emosi dan sosial. Selain itu, aktivitas yang diberikan dalam pengajaran harus mendapatkan sentuhan didaktik-metodik, sehingga aktivitas yang dilakukan dapat mencapai tujuan pengajaran.
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