53 research outputs found

    The Land — An Unused Opportunity for the Return and Production Reactivization of External Migrants

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    Autor članka ukazuje da se povratnici s privremenog rada u inostranstvu nedovoljno uključuju u sektor individualne poljoprivrede gdje bi na sopstveekonomski institut, nom gazdinstvu razvili modernu i masovnu proizsarajevo, jugoslavija vodnju za potrebe tržišta. Ni aktuelni vanjski migranti, oni koji su još uvijek na radu u inostranstvu ne planiraju svoju reaktivizaciju u agraru, odnosno ne vežu svoj povratak za poljoprivredu iz koje su najvećim dijelom krenuli u tuđinu. Razloga za takvo njihovo ponašanje veoma je mnogo i oni su razliičite prirode. Autor identifikuje, kako one koji su eksterne, tako i one koji su interne naravi. Nakon identifikacije činilaca koji nepovoljno utiču na obim i intenzitet povratka u agrar daju se prijedlozi mjera i akcija koje bi pomogle i podstakle povratak migranata (njihovih znanja, vještina i, naravno njihovog novčanog kapitala) u agrar.The author of the article shows that returnees from temporary work abroad are not adequately included in the sector of private farming, where they would on their own farms develop modern, mass and market production. The current external migrants, those who are still at work abroad, do not plan reactivization on the land, i.e. they do not intend to return to farming, which most of them left to go abroad. There are many and very varied reasons for this. The author identifies both external reasons, and also those of an internal nature. After showing which factors influence unfavourably the volume and intensity of the return to farming, he proposes measures and actions that would aid and influence the return of the migrants (their knowledge, their skill and, of course, their capital) into farming

    The effect of warning signs on the presence of snare traps in a Ugandan rainforest

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    BCFS receives core funding from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. The Budongo Snare Removal Project is funded by Oakland Zoo. PF was funded by the European Research Council project grant to CC (grant agreement number: 679787). DPD was funded by the National Science Centre (grant number: 2020/04/X/NZ8/00865).Since chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) conservation often involves local human populations, conservation strategies must consider psychological factors that impact their behavior. In Budongo Forest, Uganda, for example, local communities commonly engage in snare trap (hereafter: snare) setting for wild meat. This illegal activity posits a substantial threat to wild chimpanzees, causing permanent wounds or death for those who are snared. Despite various schemes previously implemented to address snare setting?an activity that is fueled by poverty, the problem and its detrimental impact on chimpanzees persists. Here, we experimentally tested a novel intervention, a systematic display of specially designed warning signs aimed at local poachers. We monitored the presence of snares before and after introducing these signs over a total period of two years and compared it with that of a similar sized control area with no intervention. Results show that snares were less likely to be present during the ?sign? period than during the ?non-sign? period in the experimental but not in the control area. We discuss the potential of this cost-effective intervention for limiting illegal activities that pose a severe threat to chimpanzees and other species inhabiting tropical forests.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    First observation of a chimpanzee with albinism in the wild : social interactions and subsequent infanticide

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    Maël Leroux was funded via the Swiss National Science Foundation grant awarded to Simon W. Townsend (31003A_153065). Pawel Fedurek was funded via the European Research Council project grant awarded to Catherine Crockford (grant agreement number: 679787).Albinism- the congenital absence of pigmentation- is a very rare phenomenon in animals due to the significant costs to fitness of this condition. Both humans and non-human individuals with albinism face a number of challenges, such as reduced vision, increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, or compromised crypticity resulting in an elevated vulnerability to predation. However, while observations of social interactions involving individuals with albinism have been observed in wild non-primate animals, such interactions have not been described in detail in non-human primates (hereafter, primates). Here, we report, to our knowledge, the first sighting of an infant with albinism in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii), including social interactions between the infant, its mother, and group members. We also describe the subsequent killing of the infant by conspecifics as well as their behavior towards the corpse following the infanticide. Finally, we discuss our observations in relation to our understanding of chimpanzee behavior or attitudes towards individuals with very conspicuous appearances.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Intra‐community infanticide in wild, eastern chimpanzees: a 24‐year review

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    Infanticide is well documented in chimpanzees and various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this behavior. However, since infanticide by chimpanzees is relatively rare, it has thus far not been possible to thoroughly test these hypotheses. Here we present an analysis of the largest dataset of infanticides from a single community of chimpanzees, a full record of all intra- community infanticides and failed attempts at infanticide over a 24-year period for the Sonso community of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. We use these data to test four hypotheses for this behavior: the sexual selection hypothesis, male mating competition, resource competition, and meat acquisition. Our dataset consisted of 33 attacks on 30 victims, 11 of which were ‘definite’ infanticides, four of which ‘almost certain’, and nine were ‘suspected’, while nine were ‘attempted’ infanticides. The majority of attacks where the perpetrators were known (23) had only male attackers and victims were disproportionately young (two-thirds of victims with known ages were under 1 week old). Our data best support the sexual selection hypothesis for infanticide. Cannibalism was infrequent and partial, suggesting meat acquisition was a by-product of infanticide, and there was no evidence to suggest that infanticide was part of a male strategy to eliminate future competi- tors. Infanticide by females was rare, but we suggest sexual selection, operating through intra-sexual competition, may also be responsible for infanticide by females

    Selective deforestation and exposure of African wildlife to bat-borne viruses

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    Proposed mechanisms of zoonotic virus spillover often posit that wildlife transmission and amplification precede human outbreaks. Between 2006 and 2012, the palm Raphia farinifera, a rich source of dietary minerals for wildlife, was nearly extirpated from Budongo Forest, Uganda. Since then, chimpanzees, black-and-white colobus, and red duiker were observed feeding on bat guano, a behavior not previously observed. Here we show that guano consumption may be a response to dietary mineral scarcity and may expose wildlife to bat-borne viruses. Videos from 2017–2019 recorded 839 instances of guano consumption by the aforementioned species. Nutritional analysis of the guano revealed high concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Metagenomic analyses of the guano identified 27 eukaryotic viruses, including a novel betacoronavirus. Our findings illustrate how “upstream” drivers such as socioeconomics and resource extraction can initiate elaborate chains of causation, ultimately increasing virus spillover risk

    Selective deforestation and exposure of African wildlife to bat-borne viruses

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    Proposed mechanisms of zoonotic virus spillover often posit that wildlife transmission and amplification precede human outbreaks. Between 2006 and 2012, the palm Raphia farinifera, a rich source of dietary minerals for wildlife, was nearly extirpated from Budongo Forest, Uganda. Since then, chimpanzees, black-and-white colobus, and red duiker were observed feeding on bat guano, a behavior not previously observed. Here we show that guano consumption may be a response to dietary mineral scarcity and may expose wildlife to bat-borne viruses. Videos from 2017–2019 recorded 839 instances of guano consumption by the aforementioned species. Nutritional analysis of the guano revealed high concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Metagenomic analyses of the guano identified 27 eukaryotic viruses, including a novel betacoronavirus. Our findings illustrate how “upstream” drivers such as socioeconomics and resource extraction can initiate elaborate chains of causation, ultimately increasing virus spillover risk.Peer reviewe

    The ecology and epidemiology of malaria parasitism in wild chimpanzee reservoirs

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    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) harbor rich assemblages of malaria parasites, including three species closely related to P. falciparum (sub-genus Laverania), the most malignant human malaria parasite. Here, we characterize the ecology and epidemiology of malaria infection in wild chimpanzee reservoirs. We used molecular assays to screen chimpanzee fecal samples, collected longitudinally and cross-sectionally from wild populations, for malaria parasite mitochondrial DNA. We found that chimpanzee malaria parasitism has an early age of onset and varies seasonally in prevalence. A subset of samples revealed Hepatocystis mitochondrial DNA, with phylogenetic analyses suggesting that Hepatocystis appears to cross species barriers more easily than Laverania. Longitudinal and cross-sectional sampling independently support the hypothesis that mean ambient temperature drives spatiotemporal variation in chimpanzee Laverania infection. Infection probability peaked at similar to 24.5 degrees C, consistent with the empirical transmission optimum of P. falciparum in humans. Forest cover was also positively correlated with spatial variation in Laverania prevalence, consistent with the observation that forest-dwelling Anophelines are the primary vectors. Extrapolating these relationships across equatorial Africa, we map spatiotemporal variation in the suitability of chimpanzee habitat for Laverania transmission, offering a hypothetical baseline indicator of human exposure risk

    The ecology and epidemiology of malaria parasitism in wild chimpanzee reservoirs

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    This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health R01AI091595, R01AI120810, R01AI050529, and P30AI045008 (B.H.H.); R01HL139337 (M.T.D.), the National Geographic Society (E.J.S.), the International Primatological Society (E.J.S.), and the American Society of Primatologists (E.J.S.), as well as fellowships from Harvard University (E.J.S.) and the National Science Foundation (E.J.S.).Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) harbor rich assemblages of malaria parasites, including three species closely related to P. falciparum (sub-genus Laverania), the most malignant human malaria parasite. Here, we characterize the ecology and epidemiology of malaria infection in wild chimpanzee reservoirs. We used molecular assays to screen chimpanzee fecal samples, collected longitudinally and cross-sectionally from wild populations, for malaria parasite mitochondrial DNA. We found that chimpanzee malaria parasitism has an early age of onset and varies seasonally in prevalence. A subset of samples revealed Hepatocystis mitochondrial DNA, with phylogenetic analyses suggesting that Hepatocystis appears to cross species barriers more easily than Laverania. Longitudinal and cross-sectional sampling independently support the hypothesis that mean ambient temperature drives spatiotemporal variation in chimpanzee Laverania infection. Infection probability peaked at ~24.5 °C, consistent with the empirical transmission optimum of P. falciparum in humans. Forest cover was also positively correlated with spatial variation in Laverania prevalence, consistent with the observation that forest-dwelling Anophelines are the primary vectors. Extrapolating these relationships across equatorial Africa, we map spatiotemporal variation in the suitability of chimpanzee habitat for Laverania transmission, offering a hypothetical baseline indicator of human exposure risk.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Use of RDTs to improve malaria diagnosis and fever case management at primary health care facilities in Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early and accurate diagnosis of malaria followed by prompt treatment reduces the risk of severe disease in malaria endemic regions. Presumptive treatment of malaria is widely practised where microscopy or rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are not readily available. With the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for treatment of malaria in many low-resource settings, there is need to target treatment to patients with parasitologically confirmed malaria in order to improve quality of care, reduce over consumption of anti-malarials, reduce drug pressure and in turn delay development and spread of drug resistance. This study evaluated the effect of malaria RDTs on health workers' anti-malarial drug (AMD) prescriptions among outpatients at low level health care facilities (LLHCF) within different malaria epidemiological settings in Uganda.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All health workers (HWs) in 21 selected intervention (where RDTs were deployed) LLHF were invited for training on the use RDTs. All HWs were trained to use RDTs for parasitological diagnosis of all suspected malaria cases irrespective of age. Five LLHCFs with clinical diagnosis (CD only) were included for comparison. Subsequently AMD prescriptions were compared using both a 'pre - post' and 'intervention - control' analysis designs. In-depth interviews of the HWs were conducted to explore any factors that influence AMD prescription practices.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 166,131 out-patient attendances (OPD) were evaluated at 21 intervention LLHCFs. Overall use of RDTs resulted in a 38% point reduction in AMD prescriptions. There was a two-fold reduction (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.55-0.70) in AMD prescription with the greatest reduction in the hypo-endemic setting (RR 0.46 95% CI 0.51-0.53) but no significant change in the urban setting (RR1.01, p-value = 0.820). Over 90% of all eligible OPD patients were offered a test. An average of 30% (range 25%-35%) of the RDT-negative fever patients received AMD prescriptions. When the test result was negative, children under five years of age were two to three times more likely (OR 2.6 p-value <0.001) to receive anti-malarial prescriptions relative to older age group. Of the 63 HWs interviewed 92% believed that a positive RDT result confirmed malaria, while only 49% believed that a negative RDT result excluded malaria infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Use of RDTs resulted in a 2-fold reduction in anti-malarial drug prescription at LLHCFs. The study demonstrated that RDT use is feasible at LLHCFs, and can lead to better targetting of malaria treatment. Nationwide deployment of RDTs in a systematic manner should be prioritised in order to improve fever case management. The process should include plans to educate HWs about the utility of RDTs in order to maximize acceptance and uptake of the diagnostic tools and thereby leading to the benefits of parasitological diagnosis of malaria.</p

    Efficacy of Cipargamin (KAE609) in a Randomized, Phase II Dose-Escalation Study in Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa With Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria.

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    BACKGROUND: Cipargamin (KAE609) is a potent antimalarial in a phase II trial. Here we report efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and resistance marker analysis across a range of cipargamin doses. These were secondary endpoints from a study primarily conducted to assess the hepatic safety of cipargamin (hepatic safety data are reported elsewhere). METHODS: This phase II, multicenter, randomized, open-label, dose-escalation trial was conducted in sub-Saharan Africa in adults with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Cipargamin monotherapy was given as single doses up to 150 mg or up to 50 mg once daily for 3 days, with artemether-lumefantrine as control. Key efficacy endpoints were parasite clearance time (PCT), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-corrected and uncorrected adequate clinical and parasitological response (ACPR) at 14 and 28 days. Pharmacokinetics and molecular markers of drug resistance were also assessed. RESULTS: All single or multiple cipargamin doses ≥50 mg were associated with rapid parasite clearance, with median PCT of 8 hours versus 24 hours for artemether-lumefantrine. PCR-corrected ACPR at 14 and 28 days was >75% and 65%, respectively, for each cipargamin dose. A treatment-emerging mutation in the Pfatp4 gene, G358S, was detected in 65% of treatment failures. Pharmacokinetic parameters were consistent with previous data, and approximately dose proportional. CONCLUSIONS: Cipargamin, at single doses of 50 to 150 mg, was associated with very rapid parasite clearance, PCR-corrected ACPR at 28 days of >65% in adults with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria, and recrudescent parasites frequently harbored a treatment-emerging mutation. Cipargamin will be further developed with a suitable combination partner. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03334747)