392 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, renewable energy sources become a significant source of energy in the new millennium. The continuous penetration of dispersed resources of the reactive power into power systems is predicted to introduce new challenges. Power loss mitigation and voltage profile development are the major investigation challenges that recently attracted the attention of researchers in the field of power systems. Distributed generation (DG) is widely preferred because it is a highly effective solution that strengthens the performance of power system networks. This multiobjective function study aims to minimise power losses in the feeders, sustain voltage levels and reduce the application cost of DGs by adapting the atom search optimisation simulated on MATLAB software. Two different IEEE power test systems, namely, a 33 bus radial distribution system (RDS) and a 14-bus power system that hosts 1, 2 and 3 DGs in both systems, are demonstrated in this research. Correspondingly, backward–forward sweep and Newton–Raphson power flow methods are used for each system. The proposed technique is compared with the genetic algorithm particle swarm optimisation (GA-PSO) method. Results depict the effectiveness of the proposed method in minimising system power losses and in regulating the voltage profile where the power loss reduction is 25.38% in the 33 bus RDS using 2 DGs. By contrast, the power loss reduction percentages in the 14 bus system are 0.316% and 0.169% in systems with 1 and 2 DGs, respectively. The voltage profile has been enhanced compared with those in the original case and the results obtained from the GA-PSO method

    Taxonomic Studies on Family Euphorbiaceae Based on Some Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Characteristics

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    An informal group of scientists from multiple nations formed the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG), in which experts work together for the development of taxonomy of angiosperms.  The group took into account all new information about diverse plant species using a high steering phylogenetic investigation. The APG has developed four classification systems from 1998 through 2003 and 2009 up until 2016.  Since, the previously classified angiosperm species and their wild relatives were not fully based on monophyletic grouping, the classification has a lot of shortcoming and faults. According to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system, the Phyllanthaceae of order Malpighiales is most important with Euphorbiaceae sensu lato as a pantropical family comprised of hundreds of genera and thousands of species. It has several physical characteristics which are the same as Euphorbiaceae sensu stricto. The most important characteristics include unisexual flowers and a syncarpous ovary. Further, the flowers have an axile-apical placentation without pistillode (rudimentary pistil).  In the Middle East region, the critical taxonomic review of six important genera from 10 taxa of sub-families Phyllanthaceae and Euphorbiaceae were studied for various characteristics using the latest nomenclature, type citation,  and keys for each genus and species. Euphorbia are very rich in natural plant products which have an incredible chemical composition and functional diversity. Compounds were found highly significant and have been the subject of extensive research globally. Further, the genetic composition of Euphorbia is diverse, maturing in various growth forms, cyathial features, and habitats. The molecular characterization of the family Euphorbiaceae also showed a diverse species composition. The members of the family Euphorbiaceae exhibit a palisadal exotegmen with cellular bundles in association with vascular bundles on inner integument as synapomorphies for several major clades. Within current studies on phylogeny and classification of Euphorbia subg. Esula are burning topics comprised of diverse species that make the genus most significant in the kingdom plantae.

    The effects of plastic related phthalates (DEHP) upon ragworm, Hediste diversicolor

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    The exposure of the general public to phthalates is widespread as well as quite variable. Many human consumer products consist of a range of phthalates as ingredients of plastic materials. These include building materials, clothing, household furniture, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, dentures, nutritional supplements, food packaging materials, children toys, modeling clay, waxes, glow sticks, cleaning materials, lubricants, automobile parts and also some insecticides (Schettler, 2005).Animals are exposed in their natural habitats to a variety of human activities including those related to dissolved chemicals that are released into aquatic systems and may impact their fitness and survival. The responses of animals to stress, generated by these chemicals, determines their biochemical and behavioural fitness. Phthalate esters are example of such chemicals. Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and Hediste diversicolor were used for the purpose of this study. Hediste diversicolor were exposed to various low concentrations of 0.05, 2, and 10 μg/L of DEHP in long term exposures (3 months), and to high concentrations of 100, and 500 μg/L DEHP in short term exposure studies (7 days). The study aims to provide evidence that the accumulation of DEHP in H. diversicolor results in changes to their behaviours, specifically feeding and burrowing activity, as well as changes in their biochemical responses to phthalate driven oxidative stress via catalase and superoxide dismutase enzymes. DEHP showed different levels of persistence in seawater depending on concentrations. DEHP accumulated significantly more in H. diversicolor and persisted also in the sediment, while it degraded quickly in seawater. Exposure to DEHP generated behavioural impairments in H. diversicolor in the form of a decrease in the feeding time and an increase in the burrowing time, a typical predator escape behaviour. In addition to this stressed worm also showed an increase in two biomarkers of oxidative-stress, CAT enzymes and stability in SOD enzymes. Field samples showed fluctuations of DEHP over the year and significant differences in DEHP levels between various locations in the Humber Estuary, but generally DEHP levels are significantly higher in H. diversicolor followed by the sediment and seawater

    Analyzing the Users' Awareness of Data Privacy and Security on Online Social Network in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The rise of Online Social Networks has brought about numerous benefits, in particular in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has comes an inherent danger that cannot be ignored., the danger from both sides, the users themselves and the attackers. In the literature, we observed that there are various factors influencing the user's behavior regarding their information, privacy and security on OSN. Moreover, in Saudi Arabia, most studies focused only on one aspect of users' awareness which is privacy awareness to assessing the level of users' behavior within OSNs. In addressing this gap, we aim to systematically evaluate the literature on current research to provide a thorough understanding of the factors influencing the user's awareness behavior regarding their privacy and security on OSNs, whether world-wide or in Saudi Arabia studies. The results show interesting inferences e.g. we concentrate on empirical studies only to extract the privacy and security-related factors and determine the relationships between them and their impact on the users' awareness behavior on Online Social Networks. Further, our findings declared that most of the selected research studies adopt the quantitative approach for their investigation

    Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction from The Nurses' Perspective

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    Context: There is a debate in the literature on the value of organizational citizenship behavior and its relation to job satisfaction. No research in Saudi Arabia has been published investigating organizational citizenship behavior among nurses. In addition, job satisfaction has been identified as the main solution to the high turnover rate among nurses in Saudi Arabia and one of the factors that could affect organizational citizenship behavior. Aim: The current study aimed to determine the level of organizational citizenship behavior, assess the level of job satisfaction, and identify the relationship between organizational citizenship behaviors and job satisfaction from the nurses’ perspective.Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional correlational study was conducted at the two largest government hospitals in Medina City, Saudi Arabia. A convenience sampling technique was used to recruit 315 nurses. The study used an electronic self-reporting questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic characteristics, an organizational citizenship behavior scale, and a nurse job satisfaction scale. Results: In this study, the overall level of organizational citizenship behavior among nurses was high (3.86±0.35). The overall level of nurses' job satisfaction was medium (2.88±0.76). There was a statistically significant positive relationship between overall organizational citizenship behavior and overall job satisfaction among nurses (r = 0.354, p-value <0.01).Conclusion: This study provides evidence that increasing the level of job satisfaction among nurses will increase their levels of organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, healthcare organizations must focus on certain interventions that could increase nurses' jobs satisfaction, such as providing adequate remuneration, increasing the capacity of nursing schools, emphasizing psychological support and participative leadership, and improving the community’s perception of the nursing profession

    Essential Elements of Preoperative Information as Perceived by the Nurses in Surgical Units: Scoping Review

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    Context: Nurses worked as primary educators in perioperative teaching. The delivery of preoperative teaching may be affected by the nurses' perception of what information should be involved. Their perceptions possibly have a direct effect on their performance regarding the preoperative information. Understanding the nurses' point of view may help the nurses to increase their knowledge of the preoperative information details, to provide better nursing care, and to improve patient outcomes. Aim: To identify the relevant evidence on the nurses' perceptions regarding the essential elements of preoperative information in addition to the methods of information delivery and the factors that reduce or prevent information delivery.Methods: A scoping review method was used to allow for the mapping of the relevant evidence and the synthesis of the findings. CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PubMed databases were searched from inception until December 2019. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria with a sample size of 812 nurses involved in the review. Results: The results indicated that Anaesthesia information (69.55%) and details about the operation (62.1%) were the most crucial preoperative information as perceived by nurses. Oral explanations were the most essential actual and preferred method of information delivery. The top barriers to providing sufficient information were time availability (64.25%), the types of questions (64.17%), and language barriers (61.75%). The review also found that the Preoperative Teaching Questionnaire (PTQ) was the most assessment instrument used to assess nurses’ perception regarding the preoperative information. Conclusion: This scoping review has assessed the nurses' perceptions regarding the essential elements of preoperative information. Understanding nurses' view regarding preoperative information is important to determine the essential elements of preoperative teaching, ensure quality of care and better patient outcome. However, further studies are needed to assess the nurses' perception regarding essential preoperative information and to examine the different strategies and teaching modalities used to create an effective preoperative teaching program

    Reversible Multiple Image Secret Sharing Using Discrete Haar Wavelet Transform

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    Multiple Secret Image Sharing scheme is a protected approach to transmit more than one secret image over a communication channel. Conventionally, only single secret image is shared over a channel at a time. But as technology grew up, there is a need to share more than one secret image. A fast (r, n) multiple secret image sharing scheme based on discrete haar wavelet transform has been proposed to encrypt m secret images into n noisy images that are stored over different servers. To recover m secret images r noise images are required. Haar Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is employed as reduction process of each secret image to its quarter size (i.e., LL subband). The LL subbands for all secrets have been combined in one secret that will be split later into r subblocks randomly using proposed high pseudo random generator. Finally, a developed (r, n) threshold multiple image secret sharing based one linear system has been used to generate unrelated shares. The experimental results showed that the generated shares are more secure and unrelated. The size reductions of generated shares were 1:4r of the size of each of original image. Also, the randomness test shows a good degree of randomness and security

    Fast Iris Localization Based on Image Algebra and Morphological Operations

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    تحديد منطقة القزحية هي العملية الأكثر أهمية في نظام التعرف على القزحية التي تكون خاضعة وبشدة لتأثيرات البيئة,  وبالتالي، فقد تم اقتراح طريقة جديدة  لتحديد الحدود الداخلية والخارجية للقزحية. الفائدة الرئيسية من استخدام العمليات الحسابية للصور هي أنها طريقة بسيطة وسريعة وان هذه المميزات يتم استخدامها ودمجها مع العمليات المورفولوجية في تصميم الخوارزمية المقترحة. خوارزمية تحديد القزحية المقترحة قد صممت مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار الملامح الشكلية لصورة قزحية العين مثل منطقة الضوضاء الموجودة في أجزاء مختلفة من صورة العين (مثل الانعكاسات الضوئية والتركيز والقزحية المرئية بصورة جزئية). النتائج التجريبية لتحديد القزحية تم إجراؤها على مجموعة من صور قزحية العين تتكون من 756 صورة تنتمي إلى قاعدة بيانات معهد العلوم الأكاديمي الصيني للأتمتة (CASIA V-1)، و450 صورة تنتمي إلى قاعدة بيانات جامعة الوسائط المتعددة (MMU V-1), تشير النتائج إلى تحقيق مستوى عالٍ من الدقة باستخدام التقنية المقترحة. علاوة على ذلك، فإن نتائج المقارنة مع خوارزميات تحديد القزحية الحديثة تعزز من دقة عملية فصل القزحية بشكل كبير اضافة الى كونها أكثر كفاءة من الناحية الحسابية.The localization of the iris is the most significant factor in biometrics of the iris, which traditionally assumes strictly controlled environments. The proposed method includes the pupillary and limbic iris boundaries localization. A primary advantage of image arithmetic operations is that the process is straightforward and therefore fast, these characteristics are employed and combined with the morphological operators in the designing of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm takes into account the noise area which is found in various parts of the eye image such as light reflections, focus, and small visible iris. The experimental results are conducted on a collection of iris images consist of 756 images belong to Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation (CASIA V-1) and 450 images belong to Multi Media University (MMU V-1) databases.  The results indicate a high level of accuracy using the proposed technique. Moreover, the comparison results with the state-of-the-art iris localization algorithms expose considerable improvement in segmentation accuracy while being computationally more efficient

    Color image encryption based on chaotic shit keying with lossless compression

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    In order to protect valuable data from undesirable readers or against illegal reproduction and modifications, there have been various data encryption techniques. Many methods are developed to perform image encryption. The use of chaotic map for image encryption is very effective, since it increase the security, due to its random behavior. The most attractive feature of deterministic chaotic systems is he extremely unexpected and random-look nature of chaotic signals that may lead to novel applications. A novel image encryption algorithm based on compression and hyper chaotic map techniques is proposed. Firstly the image is decomposed into three subbands R, G, and B then each band is compressed using lossless technique. The generated chaotic sequences from the 3D chaotic system are employed to code the compressed results by employing the idea of chaotic shift encoding (CSK) modulation to encode the three bands to generate the encrypted image. The experiments show that the proposed method give good results in term of security, feasibility, and robustness

    Promoter Account Detection in Twitter

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    Twitter is an online social network and micro-blog that becomes an alternative media for sharing and getting information. In the political area, Twitter provides various features as a media to promote campaign and get a good imaging for political party or contestant. In order to get a good opinion from other users, the contestant can manipulate their success with a massive promotion. This promotion activity could lead to public opinion that is not consistent with the facts. So that, we need to determine whether this is promoter account or not. In this paper, we propose a new framework for promoter account detection. This framework based on twitter content to detect promoter account according to their existence in topic of promotion. This framework employs k-means approach in order to cluster topic of promotion based on twitter\u27s content. From each cluster, we evaluate the existence of promoter account. With very simple approach, the results obtained on experiment show that this framework is effective for promoter account detection