16 research outputs found

    Gamelan Koromong dalam Konteks Ritual 14 Mulud pada Masyarakat Cikubang Sumedang Jawa Barat

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    This research is about the social transformation process in gamelan Koromong performance in Cikubang Village area, Sumedang Regency, West Java. The fundamental objective of this research is to analyze the structural changes resulting social changes in the ritual of gamelan Koromong in Cikubang. The villagers still carry out this ritual activity as an annual activity which has a predetermined time accorded to the local calendar (Sundanese calendar) exactly on 14th of Mulud. This ritual is carried out by Cikubang community as a manifestation of a form of devotion and gratitude expression to God for everything that has been received and perceived during life. This disclosure is carried out with full rules based on what has been passed down by the ancestors in this region as a guide or management of ritual customs which then develops and adapts as time changes. The results of the study reveal that there are various structures that undergo a process of transformation, both textually and contextually. In the old structure that is ritualistic as well as in the context of the performance, it is the local wisdom that has high philosophical values. These are highly attractive to analyze. However, the values of this local wisdom have been degraded resulting changes in values. This phenomena is an interesting cultural transformation process which becomes the background for this research. The research method applied was qualitative approach. The data collection techniques implemented by the author were observation, interview, and document studies. The results show that the initial context of Koromong art as a ritual slowly experiences transformation process over time becoming a performing art that is not only ritualistic, but also popular.Artikel ini mengenai proses perubahan sosial pada masyarakat pelaku ritual seni gamelan koromong yang berada di wilayah Kampung Cikubang Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat. Dasar pemikiran penting artikel ini adalah menganalisis perubahan struktur yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan sosial pada ritual seni gamelan koromong Cikubang. Masyarakat di kampung ini masih melaksanakan kegiatan ritual ini sebagai rutinitas tahunan yang sudah ditentukan waktu pelaksanaannya pada penanggalan kalender lokal (kalender Sunda) yaitu pada tanggal 14 Mulud. Kegiatan ritual ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Cikubang sebagai manifestasi dari bentuk pengabdian dan pengungkapan rasa bersyukur terhadap Tuhan atas segala yang telah diterima dan dirasakan selama menjalani kehidupan. Pengungkapan ini dijalankan dengan penuh aturan berdasarkan apa yang pernah diwariskan oleh para leluhur di wilayah ini sebagai panduan atau tata kelola adat ritual yang kemudian berkembang dan menyesuaikan terhadap perkembangan jaman. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan terdapatnya berbagai struktur yang mengalami proses transformasi baik secara tekstual maupun kontekstual. Pada struktur yang bersifat ritual, dalam konteks pertunjukannya merupakan sebuah kearifan lokal yang mempunyai nilai filosofi tinggi yang menarik untuk dianalisis. Namun, nilai kearifan lokal ini mengalami degradasi yang mengakibatkan berubahnya nilai. Perubahan nilai tersebut merupakan sebuah proses perubahan sosial yang menarik untuk dikaji dan menjadi latar belakang pembahasan artikel ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konteks awal seni koromong dipakai oleh masyarakatnya sebagai seni ritual, perlahan-lahan mengalami proses perubahan seiring berubahnya waktu menjadi sebuah seni pertunjukan yang tidak hanya bersifat ritual saja namun bisa bersifat kekinian

    Identifikasi Jenis Tanaman Di Beberapa Jalur Hijau Jalan Kota Medan1 (Identification of Plant Species at a Few Street Green Belt of Medan City)

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    One of the green open space that enough effective to reduce carbon emission at around the street in town is a green belt. Plants that planting in green belt was good to absorb carbon emission. So its important to knowing the kind of plants there. The aim of this research is to know what kind of plants that planting in green belt. This research have done at 21 green belt in 21 district in Medan city. The sample of belt and plants in belt had taken by purposive sampling and sensus method. And the method of data analysis was doing by identification species. The results showed that finding 33 of species plants at green belt choosen with the species was dominated is Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus)

    A rule-based question answering system on relevant documents of Indonesian Quran translation

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    This paper presents work in development of a question answering (QA) system by using a combination of two different architectures i.e. the one used relevant documents and another used rule-based method, which those two contribute for answer extraction. Base on previous researches testing result, it could be inferred that each of the methods could be a complement for another method in order to increase system performance. This QA was purposed to gather information from Indonesian Quran Translation. The new architecture was designed to gather relevant documents toward the keywords and be used subsequentially to gather answer candidates by using rule-based method. The initial results indicate that system still restricted with retrieved relevant documents, and caused delivering only 60% correct answers. This achievement is not better than the previous one that used rule-based method only

    Peran tokoh sosial politik agama di Indonesia

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    ENGLISH: In the early 2000s, a liberal Islamic network organization emerged that pitched the idea of liberalizing Islamic religious thought. This idea becamea big controversy in society, so that there was resistance from Islamic leaders at that time, one of which was Hamid Fahmy Zarkasy. Hamid FahmiZarkasy's way of fighting the idea of liberalizing Islamic thought was one of them by establishing an insist institution. Criticism of liberal Islamic ideas. The purpose of this study was to find out how Hamid Fahmy Zarkasy's role in fighting Islamic liberalization in Indonesia from 2000 to 2020. This study used a historical research method consisting of four stages, namely, heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. The results showed that Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi was firm in his opposition to Islamic liberalization in Indonesia. INDONESIA: Pada awal tahun 2000-an muncul organisasi jaringan islam liberal yang melempar gagasan tentang liberalisasi pemikiran keagamaan islam. Gagasan ini menjadi kontroversi besar di masyarakat, sehingga muncul perlawanan dari tokoh tokoh islam saat itu. Salah satunya adalah hamid fahmy zarkasy. Cara Hamid Fahmi Zarkasy melawan gagasan liberalisasi pemikiran islam salah satunya dengan mendirikan lembaga insist. Melalui buletin yang di terbitkan insist beliau menyalurkan kritikkritiknya terhadap gagasan islam liberal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kiprah hamid fahmy zarkasy dalam melawan liberalisasi islam di indonesia dari tahun 2000 sampai tahun 2020.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu, heuristik,verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap tegas hamid fahmy zarkasyi dalam menentang liberalisasi islam di indonesia

    Evaluasi tata letak ruang pemeriksaan CT-SCAN Di instalasi Rad.RSUD Kab.Kudus.

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    Environmental service is a potential resource that can be utilized in areas of national parks and becomes very important with climate change today. In relation to the carbon sequestration, TNBG as one of the tropical forest protection management in Indonesia will play a big role in controlling the concentration of carbon. The purpose of this study focused on the jungle zone of upland forest ecosystems in TNBG, which meant to identify the species composition of vegetation of forest ecosystem