380 research outputs found

    Vegetación acuática, halófila y halonitrófila de la provincia de Málaga

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    In the present work a synthesis of the aquatic,halophytic and halo-nitrofilous vegetation of the province of Málaga (Spain) is presented.The existence of 17 associations and 2 conmunities concerning to 8 fitosociological class (LEMNETEA, CHARETEA, RUPPIETEA, POTAMETEA, PHRACMITETEA, FRANKENIETEA PULVERULENTAE, ARTHROCNEMETEA y MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA) is announced.It is described for first time the subass. halopeplidetosum amplexicaulis, of Parapholi-Frankenietum-pulveruZentae.At last the profiles of the vegetation and the dynamism of the communities are exposed,Se presenta una síntesis de la vegetación acuática,halófila y halonitrófila de la provincia de Málaga,dándose a conocer la existencia de 17 asociaciones y dos comunidades pertenecientes a 8 clases fitosociológicas (LEMNETEA, CHARETEA, RUPPIETEA, POTAMETEA PHRAGMITETEA, FRANKENIETEA PULVERULENTAE, ARTHROCNEMETEA y MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA). Se describe la subas. halopeplidetosum amplexicaulis subas, nova de Parapholi -Frankenietw pulverutentae. Por ultimo se exponen las catenas de vegetación y el dinamismo de las comunidades

    Bases para la confección del atlas florístico de la provincia de Málaga

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    Se examinan los atlas florísticos hechos últimamente en Europa, especialmente los que siguen la cuadrícula UTM, y se comentan las características de cada uno de ellos. A continuación se señalan los criterios que se han seguido para la elaboración del plano matriz, en cuadrícula UTM, para la provincia de Málaga, y los trabajos que se siguen, a fin de hacer el correspondiente atlas florístico

    Estructuras de algunas comunidades vegetales de dunas en el litoral de Marbella (Málaga)

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    In this work, is described the structure of the vegetation of dunes of the seashore of Marbella (Málaga), and are made several samples of the main plant communities. Those communities are placed in their phytocoenological entities, following a synoptic form. For the first time, are described two new phytosociological associations: Malcolmio-Vulpietum alopecuri and Sporobolo-Centaureetum sphaerocephalae. Is presented a block scheme of the different communities and their structural relationships.

    Assessment of oxidative damage to proteins and DNA in urine of newborn infants by a validated UPLC-MS/MS approach

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    The assessment of oxidative stress is highly relevant in clinical Perinatology as it is associated to adverse outcomes in newborn infants. This study summarizes results from the validation of an Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantification of the urinary concentrations of a set of endogenous biomarkers, capable to provide a valid snapshot of the oxidative stress status applicable in human clinical trials, especially in the field of Perinatology. The set of analytes included are phenylalanine (Phe), para-tyrosine (p-Tyr), ortho-tyrosine (o-Tyr), meta-tyrosine (m-Tyr), 3-NO2-tyrosine (3NO 2-Tyr), 3-Cl-tyrosine (3Cl-Tyr), 2′-deoxyguanosine (2dG) and 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG). Following the FDA-based guidelines, appropriate levels of accuracy and precision, as well as adequate levels of sensitivity with limits of detection (LODs) in the low nanomolar (nmol/L) range were confirmed after method validation. The validity of the proposed UPLC-MS/MS method was assessed by analysing urine samples from a clinical trial in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants randomized to be resuscitated with two different initial inspiratory fractions of oxygen

    Development of novel low-mass module concepts based on MALTA monolithic pixel sensors

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    The MALTA CMOS monolithic silicon pixel sensors has been developed in the Tower 180 nm CMOS imaging process. It includes an asynchronous readout scheme and complies with the ATLAS inner tracker requirements for the HL-LHC. Several 4-chip MALTA modules have been built using Al wedge wire bonding to demonstrate the direct transfer of data from chip-to-chip and to read out the data of the entire module via one chip only. Novel technologies such as Anisotropic Conductive Films (ACF) and nanowires have been investigated to build a compact module. A lightweight flex with 17 {\mu}m trace spacing has been designed, allowing compact packaging with a direct attachment of the chip connection pads to the flex using these interconnection technologies. This contribution shows the current state of our work towards a flexible, low material, dense and reliable packaging and modularization of pixel detectors.Comment: 5 pages + 1 page references,8 figure

    Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector

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    CR-39 nuclear track material is frequently used for the detection of protons accelerated in laser-plasma interactions. The measurement of track densities allows for determination of particle angular distributions, and information on the kinetic energy can be obtained by the use of passive absorbers. We present a precise method of measuring spectral distributions of laser-accelerated protons in a single etching and analysis process. We make use of a one-to-one relation between proton energy and track size and present a precise calibration based on monoenergetic particle beams. While this relation is limited to proton energies below 1 MeV, we show that the range of spectral measurements can be significantly extended by simultaneous use of absorbers of suitable thicknesses. Examples from laser-plasma interactions are presented, and quantitative results on proton energies and particle numbers are compared to those obtained from a time-of-flight detector. The spectrum end points of continuous energy distributions have been determined with both detector types and coincide within 50-100 keV

    MALTA monolithic pixel sensors in TowerJazz 180 nm technology

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    Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors are of highest interest at the HL-LHC and beyond for the replacement of the Pixel trackers in the outermost layers of experiments where the requirement on total area and cost effectiveness is much bigger. They aim to provide high granularity and low material budget over large surfaces with ease of integration. Our research focuses on MALTA, a radiation hard DMAPS with small collection electrode designed in TowerJazz 180 nm CMOS imaging technology and asynchronous read-out. Latest prototypes are radiation hard up to 2 × 1015 1 MeV neq/cm2 with a time resolution better than 2 ns

    Hodgkin's lymphoma masquerading as vertebral osteomyelitis in a man with diabetes: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Infection and malignancy often have common characteristics which render the differential diagnosis for a prolonged fever difficult. Imaging and tissue biopsy are crucial in making a correct diagnosis, though differentiating between chronic osteomyelitis and malignancy is not always straightforward as they possess many overlapping features.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A 52-year-old Caucasian man was treated with antibiotics for his diabetic foot infection after a superficial culture showed <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>. He had persistent fevers for several weeks and later developed acute onset of back pain which was treated with several courses of antibiotics. Radiographic and pathological findings were atypical, and a diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma was made 12 weeks later.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Clinicians should maintain a suspicion for Hodgkin's lymphoma or other occult malignancy when features of presumed osteomyelitis are atypical. Chronic vertebral osteomyelitis in particular often lacks features common to acute infectious disease processes, and the chronic lymphocytic infiltrates seen on histopathology have very similar features to Hodgkin's lymphoma, highlighting a similar inflammatory microenvironment sustained by both processes.</p