97 research outputs found

    Relación entre el apego y la satisfacción en la pareja: una revisión aplicada

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    La definición del apego se conceptualiza como la capacidad que tienen los individuos para construir y mantener vínculos afectivos con otras personas a lo largo de su ciclo vital. Entre las principales funciones del apego encontramos la búsqueda de la seguridad y la protección, brindada por los cuidadores principales en la infancia, y luego en las relaciones sociales, principalmente por la pareja, durante la adultez. (Manning et al., 2017). La satisfacción en la pareja es la actitud favorable o desfavorable hacia la relación en un momento dado del tiempo. La presente investigación busca identificar la relación existente entre el apego y la satisfacción en la pareja en adultos. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda siguiendo los lineamientos PRISMA (Page et al., 2021) en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scielo, Scopus y Ebsco. Se seleccionaron diez artículos que relacionaban el apego con la satisfacción en la pareja, los cuales cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. Los hallazgos indican que existe una relación entre el apego y la satisfacción en la pareja. Asimismo, las personas con un estilo de apego seguro son las que reportan niveles de satisfacción más alto en su relación de pareja, mientras que, los estilos de apego inseguro (apego preocupado-ansioso, apego evitativo – independiente y apego desorganizado), reportaron niveles más bajos de satisfacción.The definition of attachment is conceptualized as the capacity of individuals to build and maintain affective bonds with other people throughout their life cycle. Among the main functions of attachment we find the search for security and protection, provided by primary caregivers in infancy, and then in social relationships, mainly by the couple, during adulthood (Manning et al., 2017). Couple satisfaction is the favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the relationship at a given point in time. The present research seeks to identify the relationship between attachment and couple satisfaction in adults. A search was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al., 2021) in the Web of Science, Scielo, Scopus and Ebsco databases. Ten articles relating attachment to couple satisfaction were selected and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The findings indicate that there is a relationship between attachment and couple satisfaction. Likewise, people with a secure attachment style are those who report higher levels of satisfaction in their couple relationship, whereas, insecure attachment styles (anxious-worried attachment, avoidant-independent attachment and disorganized attachment), reported lower levels of satisfaction

    Programa de orientación vocacional

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    La Orientación Vocacional es un proceso en el cual se busca guiar a una persona para definir su elección profesional. Para ello, debe contar con algunas sesiones de entrevista y evaluación con un orientador vocacional, en las cuales se le brinda el asesoramiento y herramientas necesarias para lograr identificar sus características personales, tales como: intereses, habilidades, fortalezas, debilidades, y personalidad, las cuales le permiten definir con mayor claridad sus opciones (Rodríguez, 2013)

    Características asociadas a los trastornos alimenticios y percepción de la función parental en adolescentes escolares

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue establecer la relación entre la percepción de la función parental de adolescentes escolares y la presencia de características tanto psicológicas como comportamentales asociadas al riesgo de desarrollar trastornos alimenticios. El universo de estudio fue conformado por estudiantes escolares, tanto hombres como mujeres que cursan de segundo a tercer grado de secundaria de un colegio particular de Lima. Se empleó el Inventario de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria EDI-2 (Garner, 1998), así como la prueba “Adolescent Family Process” (AFP), instrumento diseñado por Vazsonyi, Hibbert, y Snider en el 2003. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de asociaciones entre las dimensiones de la función parental y la presencia de características asociadas al riesgo de desarrollar trastornos alimenticios en adolescentes escolares, destacando la importancia de la comunicación con la madre y el padre. Además, se encontraron diferencias a partir de las variables sociodemográficas como el sexo y el IMC reportado.The main objective of the present investigation is to establish the relation between the perception of parenting in adolescent students and the presence of psychological characteristics, as well as behaviors associated with the risk of developing eating disorders. The sample was conformed by 111 scholar students, both boys and girls that were studying in second to third year of secondary in a private school of Lima. The Eating Disorder Inventory EDI-2 (Garner, 1998) was used, as well as, the test "Adolescent Family Process" (AFP), that was designed by Vazsonyi, Hibbert, and Snider in 2003. The results showed relations between parental function and specific characteristics associated to the risk of developing eating disorders. Some of them were the parents communication, support and friends approval from parents. Finally, there were also found diferences by sociodemographic data, for example, gender and body mass. Key words: Eating disorders, parenting, EDI-2, AFP.Tesi

    Estimulación ovárica en procedimientos de baja complejidad

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    En la actualidad sabemos qué aproximadamente el 10 a 15% de las parejas en edad reproductiva tendrán algún problema para concebir un hijo. Se ha demostrado que el factor edad, es el predictor más importante para valorar la reserva y función ovárica, además ayuda a obtener mejores resultados en los procedimientos de reproducción asistida. En la actualidad existen diferentes protocolos de estimulación ovárica con el objetivo de generar un optimo desarrollo folicular para utilizarse en procedimientos de baja y alta complejidad

    Loss of leptin-induced modulation of hippocampal synaptic trasmission and signal transduction in high-fat diet-fed mice

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    Hippocampal plasticity is triggered by a variety of stimuli including sensory inputs, neurotrophins and inflammation. Leptin, whose primary function is to regulate food intake and energy expenditure, has been recently shown to affect hippocampal neurogenesis and plasticity. Interestingly, mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) exhibit impaired hippocampal function, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. To address this issue, we compared leptin responsiveness of hippocampal neurons in control and HFD-fed mice by combining single-cell electrophysiology and biochemical assays. We found that leptin modulated spontaneous and evoked synaptic transmission in control, but not HFD, mice. This functional impairment was paralleled by blunted activation of STAT-3, one of the key signal transduction pathways controlled by the fully functional isoform of the leptin receptor, ObRb. In addition, SOCS-3 expression was non-responsive to leptin, indicating that modulation of negative feedback impinging on ObRb was also altered. Our results advance the understanding of leptin action on hippocampal plasticity and, more importantly, suggest that leptin resistance is a key determinant of hippocampal dysfunction associated with hypercaloric diet

    La relación entre el desarrollo financiero y la desigualdad de ingresos en el Perú

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    La investigación se planteó como objetivo principal analizar la relación entre la desigualdad de los ingresos y desarrollo financiero desde el año 2007 al 2019 en el Perú. Para ello, y con el fin de evitar problemas de mala especificación del modelo se adicionaron variables como el PBI, la inflación y el gasto de gobierno; así como, el desarrollo financiero al cuadrado. El modelo para estimar es uno de tipo Autorregresivo de Retardos Distribuidos (ARDL). A partir de ello, se obtiene que hay una relación no lineal entre el desarrollo financiero y la desigualdad de los ingresos a largo plazo, lo cual lleva a que la relación entre dichas variables sea en forma de una U invertida. Por otro lado, se encuentra que el resto de las variables son estadísticamente significativas a largo plazo.The aim of this paper was to analyze the relationship between income inequality and financial development in Peru from 2007 to 2019. To avoid problems of model misspecification, variables such as GDP, inflation, government spending, and financial development squared were added. The model to be estimated was an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The results show that there is a non-linear relationship between financial development and income inequality in the long term, which leads to a relationship between these variables in the form of an inverted U. On the other hand, the rest of the variables are statistically significant in the long ter

    SGLT2-inhibitors effects on the coronary fibrous cap thickness and MACEs in diabetic patients with inducible myocardial ischemia and multi vessels non-obstructive coronary artery stenosis

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    Background: Sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2-I) could modulate atherosclerotic plaque progression, via down-regulation of inflammatory burden, and lead to reduction of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). T2DM patients with multivessel non-obstructive coronary stenosis (Mv-NOCS) have over-inflammation and over-lipids' plaque accumulation. This could reduce fibrous cap thickness (FCT), favoring plaque rupture and MACEs. Despite this, there is not conclusive data about the effects of SGLT2-I on atherosclerotic plaque phenotype and MACEs in Mv-NOCS patients with T2DM. Thus, in the current study, we evaluated SGLT2-I effects on Mv-NOCS patients with T2DM in terms of FCT increase, reduction of systemic and coronary plaque inflammation, and MACEs at 1 year of follow-up. Methods: In a multi-center study, we evaluated 369 T2DM patients with Mv-NOCS divided in 258 (69.9%) patients that did not receive the SGLT2-I therapy (Non-SGLT2-I users), and 111 (30.1%) patients that were treated with SGLT2-I therapy (SGLT2-I users) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) evaluation. As the primary study endpoint, we evaluated the effects of SGLT2-I on FCT changes at 1 year of follow-up. As secondary endpoints, we evaluated at baseline and at 12 months follow-up the inflammatory systemic and plaque burden and rate of MACEs, and predictors of MACE through multivariable analysis. Results: At 6 and 12 months of follow-up, SGLT2-I users vs. Non-SGLT2-I users showed lower body mass index (BMI), glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, B-type natriuretic peptide, and inflammatory cells/molecules values (p < 0.05). SGLT2-I users vs. Non-SGLT2-I users, as evaluated by OCT, evidenced the highest values of minimum FCT, and lowest values of lipid arc degree and macrophage grade (p < 0.05). At the follow-up end, SGLT2-I users vs. Non-SGLT2-I users had a lower rate of MACEs [n 12 (10.8%) vs. n 57 (22.1%); p < 0.05]. Finally, Hb1Ac values (1.930, [CI 95%: 1.149-2.176]), macrophage grade (1.188, [CI 95%: 1.073-1.315]), and SGLT2-I therapy (0.342, [CI 95%: 0.180-0.651]) were independent predictors of MACEs at 1 year of follow-up. Conclusions: SGLT2-I therapy may reduce about 65% the risk to have MACEs at 1 year of follow-up, via ameliorative effects on glucose homeostasis, and by the reduction of systemic inflammatory burden, and local effects on the atherosclerotic plaque inflammation, lipids' deposit, and FCT in Mv-NOCS patients with T2DM

    Determinantes de la brecha inflacionaria: El caso de Perú

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    La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar cuáles variables son la que influyen en la brecha Inflacionaria para el caso del Perú. En base a ello, se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple bajo el Método de Mínimos Cuadrados (MCO). Los resultados obtenidos indican que la brecha inflacionaria es más sensible a cambios en las expectativas de inflación y la inflación rezagada en un periodo. La importancia de esta investigación se encuentra en que al establecer los factores que influyen en la brecha inflacionaria se pueda realizar las políticas monetarias respectivas para mantener dicho fenómeno en valores estables que no perjudique el poder adquisitivo de las personas

    Outcomes of Elderly Patients with ST-Elevation or Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    Introduction: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have been classified according to the finding of ST-segment elevation on the presenting electrocardiogram, with different treatment strategies and practice guidelines. However, a comparative description of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome elderly patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention during index admission has not been published so far. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of patients enrolled in the Elderly ACS-2 multicenter randomized trial. Main outcome measures were crude cumulative incidence and cause-specific hazard ratio (cHR) of cardiovascular death, noncardiovascular death, reinfarction, and stroke. Results: Of 1443 ACS patients aged >75 years (median age 80 years, interquartile range 77-84), 41% were classified as ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), and 59% had non-ST-elevation ACS (NSTEACS) (48% NSTEMI and 11% unstable angina). As compared with those with NSTEACS, STEMI patients had more favorable baseline risk factors, fewer prior cardiovascular events, and less severe coronary disease, but lower ejection fraction (45% vs 50%, P <.001). At a median follow-up of 12 months, 51 (8.6%) STEMI patients had died, vs 39 (4.6%) NSTEACS patients. After adjusting for sex, age, and previous myocardial infarction, the hazard among the STEMI group was significantly higher for cardiovascular death (cHR 1.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02-3.36), noncardiovascular death (cHR 2.10; 95% CI, 1.01-4.38), and stroke (cHR 4.8; 95% CI, 1.7-13.7). Conclusions: Despite more favorable baseline characteristics, elderly STEMI patients have worse survival and a higher risk of stroke compared with NSTEACS patients after percutaneous coronary intervention