329 research outputs found

    New advancements in titanium technology and their cost and weight benefits

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    A process that combines both the superplastic and diffusion bonding properties of metal into one concurrent operation is being developed. Estimates using this technology have indicated that this combined process will result in cost savings up to 70 percent when compared to conventional construction methods, while also saving weight. Many structural forms are possible including sandwich structures made by expanding face sheets and core against die forms. The classic difficulties normally associated with fabricating sandwich structures, such as parts fit-up, close tolerances, adhesive or braze alloy strength, do not exist with this technique. The total potential of Rockwell's patented new processes is limited only by the ingenuity of the designer and is expected to affect significantly future airplane concepts and criteria

    De sermone figurato quaestio rhetorica : Per un' ipotesi di pragmatica linguistica antica

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    In ancient time the art of disguising intention in the absence of parrhesia became the subject of a singular theory, the theory of figured speech. We all know by experience that often outright, direct expression is not only more dangerous than 'indirect' or simulated speech, but usually less effective. Ancient rhetoricians were so aware of this aspect of the reality of language that in the 4th century B.C. elaborated a specific theory on it. They explored the language possibility of doubling the meaning of an utterance at the time it is spoken, so that a discourse that directly and apparently communicates something, may indirectly and secretly communicate something else. This indirect or covert meaning is carried out by the specific pragmatic context where the (figured) discourse is performed, and not by the discourse in itself. Therefore figured speech lies on purely pragmatic factors: real intentions of the speaker, the social and psychological dynamics between speaker and audience, pragmatic context, pragmatic effect on the audience etc. For this very reason our phenomenon created so much difficulty from a theoretical view. The rhetorical theory of figured speech is one of the most controversial theories since ancient times. The main idea developed in this thesis is that the original notion of figured speech highlighted and emphasized a purely pragmatic phenomenon, the indirect speech act in the illocutionary force. For this reason it introduced a new perspective to the language and the determination of speech meaning, a purely pragmatic one. This new perspective inevitably entered into contrast with the traditional semantic perspective, upon which the entire system was structured.Boter, G.J. [Promotor]Schenkeveld, D.M. [Copromotor

    A practical algorithmic approach to mature aggressive B cell lymphoma diagnosis in the double/triple hit era. Selecting cases, matching clinical benefit. A position paper from the Italian Group of Haematopathology (G.I.E.)

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    An accurate diagnosis of clinically distinct subgroups of aggressive mature B cell lymphomas is crucial for the choice of proper treatment. Presently, precise recognition of these disorders relies on the combination of morphological, immunophenotypical, and cytogenetic/molecular features. The diagnostic workup in such situations implies the application of costly and time-consuming analyses, which are not always required, since an intensified treatment option is reasonably reserved to fit patients. The Italian Group of Haematopathology proposes herein a practical algorithm for the diagnosis of aggressive mature B cell lymphomas based on a stepwise approach, aimed to select cases deserving molecular analysis, in order to optimize time and resources still assuring the optimal management for any patient

    The material basis of modern technologies. A case study on rare metals

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    The unique properties of a wide range of Rare Metals (RMs) are crucial to achieve the functionality of modern technologies. By text mining 5,146,615 USPTO patents during the period 1976-2015, this paper systematically studies the technological dependence of new inventions on 13 key RMs, with the aim of exploring the link between critical raw materials and frontier technological innovation. We find that RMs play an increasing role as the material basis for modern technologies: the dependence varies significantly across technological areas and metal types, and it is particularly high for some emerging technologies such as semiconductors, nanotechnology, and green energy technologies. Further, we use a panel of technology-RM pairs over four decades to assess the impact of RM supply on innovation dynamics. The results show that increases in the supply of an RM significantly improve the patent output of technology areas based on it, contributing to the understanding of how innovation dynamics are shaped by the availability of natural resources with technological criticality

    Influence of rainfall on E. coli concentrations in clams: results of collaboration between competent health authority and producers’ association in the Province of Fermo (Italy)

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    The Area Vasta di Fermo (the competent health authority of the Marche Region), in collaboration with the local Producers’ Association conducted a series of studies on the presence of E. coli as an indicator of faecal contamination in the environment, in shellfish and in fishery waters, and on the factors that can affect their presence. These studies, carried out from 2008 to 2011, included an assessment of the currents along the coast, of the precipitations, and data from the monitoring of E. coli on shellfish harvested in the collection areas were examined. The results showed that in most cases, small concentrations of microorganisms in shellfish corresponded to little or no precipitations, while an increase in the levels of E. coli was preceded by more or less abundant rainfalls. The conclusions suggest that it is advisable to carry out a more detailed risk analysis which should take into account the above-mentioned factors. Furthermore, monitoring alone based on the determination of indicator organisms, especially when carried out as a single analysis or with a small number of E. coli determinations, does not provide a satisfactory indication of safety. The regional surveillance plans should be applied timely and rigorously, together with on-site investigations aimed at identifying changes that can affect the presence of E. coli in shellfish. Food business operators themselves could implement good manufacturing practices to verify whether the microbiological parameters are within the prescribed limits after rainfalls, especially if heavy

    A procedure to estimate the origins and the insertions of the knee ligaments from computed tomography images

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    The estimation of the origin and insertion of the four knee ligaments is crucial for individualised dynamic modelling of the knee. Commonly this information is obtained ex vivo or from high resolution MRI, which is not always available. Aim of this work is to devise a method to estimate the origins and insertions from computed tomography (CT) images. A reference registration atlas was created using a set of 16 bone landmarks visible in CT and eight origins and insertions estimated from MRI and in vitro data available in the literature for three knees. This atlas can be registered to the set of bone landmarks palpated on any given CT using an affine transformation. The resulting orientation and translation matrices and scaling factors can be used to find also the ligament origin and insertions. This procedure was validated on seven pathological knees for which both CT and MRI of the knee region were available, using a proprietary software tool (NMSBuilder, SCS srl, Italy). To assess the procedure reproducibility and repeatability, four different operators performed the landmarks palpation on all seven patients. The average difference between the values predicted by registration on the CT scan and those estimated on the MRI was 2.1±1.2 mm for the femur and 2.7±1.0 mm for the tibia, respectively. The procedure is highly repeatable, with no significant differences observed within or between the operators (p>0.1) and allows to estimate origins and insertions of the knee ligaments from a CT scan with the same level of accuracy obtainable with MRI

    Reproducibility of the WHO histological criteria for the diagnosis of Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms.

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    This study, performed on behalf of the Italian Registry of Thrombocythaemias (Registro Italiano Trombocitemie), aimed to test the inter-observer reproducibility of the histological parameters proposed by the WHO classification for the diagnosis of the Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. A series of 103 bone marrow biopsy samples of Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms consecutively collected in 2004 were classified according to the WHO criteria as follows: essential thrombocythaemia (n=34), primary myelofibrosis (n=44) and polycythaemia vera (n=25). Two independent groups of pathologists reviewed the bone marrow biopsies. The first group was asked to reach a collegial 'consensus' diagnosis. The second group reviewed individually all the cases to recognize the main morphological parameters indicated by the WHO classification and report their results in a database. They were subsequently instructed to individually build a 'personal' diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms subtype just assembling the parameters collected in the database. Our results indicate that high levels of agreement ( 6570%) have been reached for about all of the morphological features. Moreover, among the 18 evaluated histological features, 11 resulted statistically more useful for the differential diagnosis among the different Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms. Finally, we found a high percentage of agreement (76%) between the 'personal' and 'consensus' diagnosis (Cohen's kappa statistic >0.40). In conclusion, our results support the use of the histological criteria proposed by the WHO classification for the Philadelphia chromosome-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms to ensure a more precise and early diagnosis for these patients

    Hodgkin's lymphoma: The pathologist's viewpoint

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    Despite its well known histological and clinical features, Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) has recently been the object of intense research activity, leading to a better understanding of its phenotype, molecular characteristics, histogenesis, and possible mechanisms of lymphomagenesis. There is complete consensus on the B cell derivation of the tumour in most cases, and on the relevance of Epstein-Barr virus infection and defective cytokinesis in at least a proportion of patients. The REAL/WHO classification recognises a basic distinction between lymphocyte predominance HL (LP-HL) and classic HL (CHL), reflecting the differences in clinical presentation and behaviour, morphology, phenotype, and molecular features. CHL has been classified into four subtypes: lymphocyte rich, nodular sclerosing, with mixed cellularity, and lymphocyte depleted. The borders between CHL and anaplastic large cell lymphoma have become sharper, whereas those between LP-HL and T cell rich B cell lymphoma remain ill defined. Treatments adjusted to the pathobiological characteristics of the tumour in at risk patients have been proposed and are on the way to being applied
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