322 research outputs found

    Analisis Rugi Daya Akibat Partial Discharge pada Generator Turbin Gas di North Duri Cogeneration Plant

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    The function of the generator is to produce electrical energy from the mechanical energy that rotates it. However, in a system for the generation of electrical energy, there are possibilities for interference with the generator which can cause the generator to suffer damage. One of the disturbances that often occurs in generators is short circuit faults. Short circuit disturbances in generators can be caused by various things, which is an example of an insulation failure in the stator winding is called Partial Discharge. The failure of the insulation that occurs in the stator winding is the most dominant cause of damage to the generator. However, in operation, many factors cause a decrease in the quality of the insulation of the stator winding, including pressure factors that are electrical, mechanical and thermal. Partial discharge in the generator stator winding can also cause power losses in the generator. Power loss occurs due to the control of electric charge within a certain time frame during the partial discharge activity. By using the formula calculation, the value of the power loss that occurs due to partial discharge can be identified and analyzed to determine the condition of the generator. Partial discharge measurements were carried out using the IRIS POWER TGA-BTM Portale Partial Discharge (PD) Monitoring tool and the PDLitePro software. The object of study is the North Duri Cogeneration Generator Unit 1. Based on the results of comparative analysis, the measured PD magnitude was 160 mV in the isolation of the generator stator winding Unit-1 Phase A, 134 mV in the isolation of the generator stator winding Unit-2 Phase B and 124 mV in the isolation of the generator stator winding Unit-3 Phase C entered into Typical PD category level (<75 % Summary of Statistics). In addition, the generator Unit-1 has the highest magnitude when compared to Unit-2 (134 mV) and Unit-3 (124 mV). However, in general, PD activity in Unit-1 winding isolation is still within safe limits up to 160 mV. The value of the power loss due to a significant partial discharge that occurred in the North Duri Cogeneration Plant generator was in phase A of all phases that occurred and occurred on March 25 2019 with a power loss value of 8.70 mW

    Perencanaan dan Simulasi Sistem Pendistribusian Kelistrikan Tegangan Rendah Kawasan Kampus III Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

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    The Campus III area of Imam Bonjol State Islamic University Padang is located in the Bangek River area, Balai Gadang Kec. Koto Tangah, Padang-West Sumatra, with an area of 39,000 m2. The Campus III area of Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Padang consists of 8 lecture buildings which are divided into 2 electricity distribution zones. PLN (Persero), 20 kV medium voltage system. Each building has a panel that is supplied with electricity from a low voltage panel (PUTR). The distribution of the load for each building has different distances, some are near and far from the power source. The total power in the Campus III area of Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Padang is 3,069.1 kVA with a TDL of PT. PLN (Persero) 3.465 kVA voltage 20 kV. The ground cable used is NYFGbY type with sizes 4x150mm2, 4x185mm2 and 4x240mm2. From the results of the calculation of the voltage drop from the existing data, the largest voltage drop was obtained at 155.13 volts or 40.82% and the smallest voltage drop was obtained at 2.58 volts or 0.67%. the largest voltage was obtained at 9.16 volts or 2.41% and the smallest voltage drop was obtained at 2.58 volts or 0.67%. From the results of the calculation of power losses with the data obtained, the results of power losses at 32,905.58 Watts (0.9%). While the calculation of power losses analysis results in 21,642.11 Watts (0.59%). From the simulation results of losses and voltage drop at ETAP 12.6, the highest voltage drop is on MDP 1-SDP L with a percentage of 4.34% and the value of losses is 10.7 kW and the lowest voltage drop is on MDP 1-SDP J with a percentage of 0.60% and the value of losses is 1.0 kW

    Simulasi Inverter Tiga Fasa Dengan Teknik Pengontrolan Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Aplikasi Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya

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    The need for electrical energy has increased from time to time in accordance with the increase in population and industrial development. However, the current availability of electrical energy comes from fossil energy and this makes the availability of fossil energy in the world dwindling. Therefore, renewable energy is needed to meet future electrical energy needs. In Indonesia, there is a lot of availability of renewable energy such as wind energy, solar energy, water energy and others. This research will focus on solar energy using a photovoltaic inverter with switching control techniques using sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM). The results of SPWM design for inverter switching control have been simulated using Mathlab Simulink. The results of this simulation have resulted in the inverter output waveform approaching a perfect sinusoid. The content of voltage harmonics in the output waveform of this inverter is already below the standard set with a THDv of 2.69%. Meanwhile, the inverter output current harmonic is THDi 15.09%. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the inverter output using the SPWM control technique has been successfully implemented with harmonics below the specifie

    Studi Analisis Pengoperasian Cos Phi Generator PLTM Gunung Wugul 2 x 1,5 MW Terhadap Jaringan 20 kV

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    PLTM Gunung Wugul is a power plant that utilizes the type of river flow "run of river" which operates with Commercial on Date (COD) on December 3rd, 2021, by PLN Central Java & DIY Distribution Controlling Unit (UP2D). PLTM Gunung Wugul uses a French turbine type with a net head of 68.5m and uses a synchronous generator type with a capacity of 2100 kVA with a cos phi generator capability of 0.8. The generator for the Gunung Wugul PLTM is currently operating with a power factor of 0.95, which PT PLN has asked the PLTM Gunung Wugul to run at a power factor of 0.9. PT PLN assesses that the reactive power production of the PT Indonesia Power plant is still lacking, so a reactive power plant support clause is added with a minimum cos phi 0.9. This results in changes to the operating parameters of the generator. This writing method contains the steps taken by the author in compiling this final project. This writing method is structured to provide clear directions and ways for writers so that the preparation of this thesis can run smoothly. Based on the analysis of operational data for the Gunung Wugul PLTM, the recommended cos phi setting is 0.95. In these conditions, the operating parameters of the unit are in the normal operating conditions and range. Based on the technical specifications of the equipment, the PLTM Gunung Wugul can be operate with a cos phi setting of 0.9. However, these conditions must also see the operating parameters, apart from that the network voltage condition on the MRA03 is currently stable at 20 kV, with operation at cos phi 0.9 it will make the network voltage very high at MRA03-337, with a maximum voltage of 21 k

    Managing marine mollusc diseases in the context of regional and international commerce: policy issues and emerging concerns

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    Marine mollusc production contributes to food and economic security worldwide and provides valuable ecological services, yet diseases threaten these industries and wild populations. Although the infrastructure for mollusc aquaculture health management is well characterized, its foundations are not without flaws. Use of notifiable pathogen lists can leave blind spots with regard to detection of unlisted and emerging pathogens. Increased reliance on molecular tools has come without similar attention to diagnostic validation, raising questions about assay performance, and has been accompanied by a reduced emphasis on microscopic diagnostic expertise that could weaken pathogen detection capabilities. Persistent questions concerning pathogen biology and ecology promote regulatory paralysis that impedes trade and which could weaken biosecurity by driving commerce to surreptitious channels. Solutions that might be pursued to improve shellfish aquaculture health management include the establishment of more broad-based surveillance programmes, wider training and use of general methods like histopathology to ensure alertness to emerging diseases, an increased focus on assay assessment and validation as fundamental to assay development, investment in basic research, and application of risk analyses to improve regulation. A continual sharpening of diagnostic tools and approaches and deepening of scientific knowledge is necessary to manage diseases and promote sustainable molluscan shellfish industries


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    ABSTRACT Without realizing, the development of science and technology has changed the world fundamentally. Starting from communication and the means of transportation has eliminated cultural boundaries unnoticed by many people. Cultural contact needs no longer through direct physical contact. This phenomenon occurs because contact through media is highly possible. This condition more or less has influenced Indonesia traditional arts that live and develop in the middle of their supporting people.            Traditional art does not just suddenly appear but it is born from a creativity of its supporting people. Seeing the greatest influence of this media globalization, is it possible that at the same time it brings traditional art that its existence is the answer for the people’s anxiety of identity loss? While the second one is the existence of new tradition in order to answer the today and present challenge. Keywords: Tradition, Globalization, Dance, and Ar

    Characterization of actin genes in Bonamia ostreae and their application to phylogeny of the Haplosporidia

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    Bonamia ostreae is a protozoan parasite that infects the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis, causing systemic infections and resulting in massive mortalities in populations of this valuable bivalve species. In this work, we have characterized B. ostreae actin genes and used their sequences for a phylogenetic analysis. Design of different primer sets was necessary to amplify the central coding region of actin genes of B. ostreae. Characterization of the sequences and their amplification in different samples demonstrated the presence of 2 intragenomic actin genes in B. ostreae, without any intron. The phylogenetic analysis placed B. ostreae in a clade with Minchinia tapetis, Minchinia teredinis and Haplosporidium costale as its closest relatives, and demonstrated that the paralogous actin genes found in Bonamia resulted from a duplication of the original actin gene after the Bonamia origi

    Peranan Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Perindustrian dalam Meningkatkan Kesempatan Kerja Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the role of the Department of Labor and Industry in Padang City in increasing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive methods. Data in this study were obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The validity test of the data in this study is the method of triangulation method. Based on the results of research and discussion, it was found that the role of the Department of Labor and Industry in Padang City in increasing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in policy management was still limited to providing skills training and recommending persons with disabilities to companies. employment, in financial management is budgeting in accordance with the RAB, in information management in the form of submission of information on job vacancies, and in the management of external relations has not been implemented properly because there has been no collaboration with providers of employment

    A literature review as an aid to identify strategies for mitigating ostreid herpesvirus 1 in Crassostrea gigas hatchery and nursery systems

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    An understanding of husbandry strategies and any associated risk factors is important for designing management control measures that can reduce mortality in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, caused by ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV‐1). The type of culture facility can be considered in relation to the potential pathways that could lead to the entry of a pathogen and its survival. In addition, the animal host (e.g. age, physiological state, selective breeding programmes), husbandry procedures (e.g. stocking density), the pathogen itself (e.g. pathogenicity, virulence) and environmental effects (e.g. temperature) represent other relevant interconnected factors. However, all these factors provide valuable background information for outlining the mitigation strategies needed by the industry, as well as in the context of surveillance and biosecurity programmes. These control mechanisms for hatchery or nursery areas are related to movement restrictions, water treatment, virus inactivation, the production calendar and practical farm management decisions. This comprehensive literature review compiles information related to such approaches and also includes the different existing guidelines suggested for control of OsHV‐1. Therefore, the review represents a solid foundation for a more critical appraisal currently being developed to support recommendations for disease management strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preliminary Characterization of Extracellular Allelochemicals of the Toxic Marine Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Using a Rhodomonas salina Bioassay

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    Members of the marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium are known to exude allelochemicals, unrelated to well-known neurotoxins (PSP-toxins, spirolides), with negative effects on other phytoplankton and marine grazers. Physico/chemical characterization of extracellular lytic compounds of A. tamarense, quantified by Rhodomonas salina bioassay, showed that the lytic activity, and hence presumably the compounds were stable over wide ranges of temperatures and pH and were refractory to bacterial degradation. Two distinct lytic fractions were collected by reversed-phase solid-phase extraction. The more hydrophilic fraction accounted for about 2% of the whole lytic activity of the A. tamarense culture supernatant, while the less hydrophilic one accounted for about 98% of activity. Although temporal stability of the compounds is high, substantial losses were evident during purification. Lytic activity was best removed from aqueous phase with chloroform-methanol (3:1). A “pseudo-loss” of lytic activity in undisturbed and low-concentrated samples and high activity of an emulsion between aqueous and n-hexane phase after liquid-liquid partition are strong evidence for the presence of amphipathic compounds. Lytic activity in the early fraction of gel permeation chromatography and lack of activity after 5 kD ultrafiltration indicate that the lytic agents form large aggregates or macromolecular complexes