1,350 research outputs found

    Perehdyttämisopas Kouvolan hovioikeuden hallintokanslian työtehtäviin

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    Tämä on työelämälähtöinen toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö, jonka toimeksiantajana oli Kouvolan hovioikeus. Opinnäytetyö on perehdyttämisopas Kouvolan hovioikeuden hallintokanslian työtehtäviin. Tavoitteena on ollut tehdä kattava ja käyttökelpoinen perehdyttämisopas, jota voidaan hyödyntää uuden henkilön perehdyttämisessä Kouvolan hovioikeuden hallintokanslian työtehtäviin. Perehdyttämisoppaaseen on koottu hallintokanslian keskeisimmät työtehtävät ja ohjeet niiden suorittamiseen. Perehdyttäminen tarkoittaa kaikkia toimenpiteitä, joiden avulla uusi työntekijä sopeutuu uuteen työympäristöön ja työtehtäviin. Perehdyttämisen avulla uusi työntekijä saa kokonaiskuvan organisaatiosta ja omista työtehtävistään. Hyvin suoritettu perehdyttäminen helpottaa uuden työntekijän sopeutumista, tehostaa työtehtävien oppimista, vähentää virheiden mahdollisuutta ja luo positiivisen asenteen organisaatiota ja työtä kohtaan. Aineistoa opinnäytetyötä varten on kerätty kirjallisuudesta, lainsäädännöstä ja Internetistä. Havainnoimalla hallintokanslian työtehtäviä, haastattelemalla ja konsultoimalla hallintokanslian henkilökuntaa on saatu paljon aineistoa perehdyttämisoppaaseen. Opinnäytetyön avulla uusi työntekijä saa kuvan hovioikeuksien toiminnasta ja perehdyttämisestä. Uusi työntekijä saa kokonaiskuvan Kouvolan hovioikeuden organisaatiosta ja hallintokanslian keskeisistä työtehtävistä. Perehdyttämisopasta voidaan hyödyntää uuden henkilön perehdyttämisessä.This Bachelor’s Thesis originates from the working life and was commissioned by the Kouvola Court of Appeal. The purpose of this Thesis is to create a useful familiarisation guide for the administrative office’s staff duties. Familiarisation means all the operations that are done to help new employees adjusting to the organisation, new work community and new duties. Proper familiarisation facilitates adjusting to the work community and makes learning new duties easier. The new employee gets a positive image of the organisation and his or her professional skills improve faster. Material for this Thesis was obtained from literature, legislation and The Internet. Observations, interviews and consultations were also very important sources of information for the familiarisation guide. The result of this Thesis was a familiarisation guide for Kouvola Court of Appeal Administrative office’s staff duties. A new employee gets information about Courts of Appeal in general, familiarisation, the organisation of Kouvola Court of Appeal and the tasks at the administrative office. Kouvola Court of Appeal can use the familiarisation guide when they employ new personnel or take a on a trainee

    Kolme Kertaa Summertime : Gershwinin klassikkokappaleen modernin jazzkitaraversion tutkimisesta kohti omia improvisointi-ideoita

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    Taiteellisessa opinnäytetyössäni analysoin yhden omista esikuvistani, jazzkitaristi Jonathan Kreisbergin versioita George Gershwinin klassikkokappaleesta Summertime, joka kuului pääinstrumenttini sähkökitaran päättökonserttiohjelmistoon. Olen perehtynyt pitkällä ajanjaksolla hänen tyyliinsä ja työstänyt transkriptioita hänen soitostaan. Tutkimisen kohteena oli kappaleen teeman esityksen lisäksi kappaleen improvisoitu soolo, jossa tarkastelu keskittyi erityisesti Kreisbergin harmonian- ja rytminkäsittelyyn. Tämän ver- sion analysoinnin pohjalta olen rakentanut omia sooloideoita kyseiseen kappaleeseen. Summertime valikoitui käsittelyn alle sen legendaarisen maineen takia, jonka myötä oli hienoa nähdä, millaisia versioita siitä tehdään vielä nykypäivänäkin. Opinnäytetyö edustaa laadullista tutkimusotetta, jonka menetelmistä on hyödynnetty tutkivaa ja kokemuk- sellista oppimista. Keskeinen työkalu soolojen tutkimisessa on musiikkianalyysi. Taustatietoesittelyt on tehty Gershwinistä, Kreisbergistä ja myös omasta urastani opettajana sekä soittajana. Tutkimus tuo esiin myös omaa hiljaista tietoani kitaristina ja soolosoittajana. Transkription tekeminen oli melko aikaa vievää, mutta antoisaa. Koin hyvin mielenkiintoiseksi analysoida ja vertailla kappaleen perinteisempää esitystapaa Kreisbergin vastaavaan. Opinnäytettä voivat hyödyntää kaikki kitaristit ja muusikot, jotka haluavat kurkistuksen Jonathan Kreisbergin soittotyyliin, tai vaikkapa lisää improvisointi- tai sovitusideoita.This thesis consists of analyzing one of my biggest influences, Jonathan Kreisberg’s version of the classic George Gerhswin song Summertime, which was also included in my final degree concert. I have studied his style for a long time and made so me transcriptions of his performances. The analysis part is mostly about different harmonic and rhythmic concepts that Kreisberg uses. That also inspired me to represent my own soloing ideas and concepts. I chose to analyze Summertime because of its legendary reputation and it was fascinating to see what kind of versions are still being made of it. I will also tell a little bit about my background as a guitar player and teacher in this thesis. Also George Gershwin’s and Jonathan Kreisberg’s backgrounds are briefly explained. The thesis was made using qualitative research, with exploratory and experimental research methods. Transcribing was time consuming, but still fun and worth the time. It was fascinating to compare the more traditional style version of Summertime to Kreisberg’s version. This thesis could be useful to other guitarists or musicians in general who want to have a view on Jonathan Kreisberg’s jazz guitar style or just to get more ideas and concepts to their own improvisations

    Grain refinement of high alloy stainless steels in sand and directionally solidified castings

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    The goal of this research project is to develop an industrially viable melting process that will control the crystallization macrostructure of austenitic grades of cast steels. Titanium nitride (TiN) has proven to be an effective grain refiner of austenite. Theoretical simulation and experimental application has led to the development of a repeatable grain refining melt process for austenitic stainless steel alloys. Grain refinement of the as-cast structure of Cr-Ni stainless steel alloys solidified with primary FCC, BCC and dual FCC/BCC phases was studied experimentally. Refinement was achieved in both cast ferritic and austenitic grades. Dual solidification of FCC/BCC phases resulted in an unrefined macrostructure. It is proposed that solidification sequence can limit the grain refining capability of heterogeneous nuclei. Two inoculation-based melt practices were developed to study grain refinement in cast austenitic stainless steels. The first includes in-situ formation of TiN on to Mg-Al spinel oxides, and the second involves master alloy additions containing preformed TiN. The master alloy method extended the equiaxed zone and improved the distribution of TiN in the casting. The in-situ method showed more effective grain size refinement. The effect of the developed grain refining melt practice on the properties of cast superaustenitic stainless steel (similar to CK3MCuN) was examined. Heat treatment had no effect on the as-cast grain size. The grain refined alloy exhibited a reduction in segregation after heat treatment; an increase in ultimate tensile strength (+11%), yield strength (+13%), ductility (+8%), hardness (+2%), pitting corrosion; a decrease in impact strength and intergranular corrosion rate in comparison to the unmodified, base alloy --Abstract, page iv

    Atopic disease in relation to Staphylococcus aureus carriage and spa type distribution in a subarctic adult population

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    Atopic diseases are common, and the atopic epidemic has ravaged through the westernized countries and is heading for the developing countries too. Despite being a common disease, however, treatment and diagnostic options are still lacking. The immune system and development of atopic disease are interconnected with the environment through exposures or lack thereof. The microbiota of the mucosal membranes and skin throughout the body have been purposed serving a sentinel role in this interplay. In this study, we investigated if atopic disease is associated with Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization and carriage in adults. Furthermore, we wanted to test whether the distribution of S. aureus spa types differs in adults with atopic disease compared to adults without atopic disease in a general population of men and women

    Through space and time

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    Modern fishing vessels have a wide range of instruments and sensors on board that are used for active fishing operations, with sonar equipment and echo sounders being among the most common. Sonar allows horizontal observation of the water column, while echo sounders provide more precise underwater environment monitoring. These instruments are useful as they are used today but require a lot of user experience for effective use. Estimating biomass den- sity, fish size, and species is highly demanding, and the existing systems have significant uncertainties. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to hydroacoustic data analysis that capitalizes on catch reports as annotations for hydroacoustic transects. Com- bining catch messages with the positional attribute of echo data allows us to obtain annotated echo examples that describe the biota within a given loca- tion. The thesis leverages EchoBERT, a BERT-inspired model, as the underlying architecture. To assess the capabilities of the annotations, we evaluate the model using dif- ferent types of models. Both classification and regression tasks are employed, wherein the classification task aims to predict the presence of a species based on catch messages. In contrast, the regression tasks attempt to fit the model to the catch data and generate a distribution of the species. Furthermore, we assess the model considering timestamps. Since the catch messages may not necessarily correspond to the same date as the echo data, we incorporate weighted loss functions that account for the temporal proximity. This approach allows for a closer association during the training process, where the outcome is weighted more heavily for temporally closer labels. Our results provide insight into the characteristics of catch reports as anno- tations, shedding light on their usefulness and limitations. We also uncover potential bias present in the labelled data, where a seasonal fishing activity can be uncovered in the dataset. We also experiment and find the magnitude of difference in collation criterion when finding catch data based on the haversines formula

    Index selection in a self-adaptive data base management system

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    A database management capability for Ada

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    The data requirements of mission critical defense systems have been increasing dramatically. Command and control, intelligence, logistics, and even weapons systems are being required to integrate, process, and share ever increasing volumes of information. To meet this need, systems are now being specified that incorporate data base management subsystems for handling storage and retrieval of information. It is expected that a large number of the next generation of mission critical systems will contain embedded data base management systems. Since the use of Ada has been mandated for most of these systems, it is important to address the issues of providing data base management capabilities that can be closely coupled with Ada. A comprehensive distributed data base management project has been investigated. The key deliverables of this project are three closely related prototype systems implemented in Ada. These three systems are discussed


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    Background: There is an internal belief within Axis that despite their products’ relatively high initial price, the total cost of ownership (TCO) of an Axis camera solution is lower than that of other brands. However, there is no internal research or tools to verify if it is true. Without this, Axis is unable to communicate their belief in an educated and quantifiable way, which is desired in sales and marketing situations. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to create a TCO analysis framework for a network based video surveillance solution from a seller perspective. The framework is then to be applied on Axis’s solutions to identify and weigh the most important parameters that affect the TCO. Based on this, a TCO analysis model that can be used by Axis’s sales force is to be developed. Methodology: The overall methodology used in the project is action research in combination with descriptive, exploratory and problem-solving approaches depending on the specific research question. The theoretical methodologies have been integrated with a TCO development and implementation framework, which has formed the research process. Conclusions: Existing literature offers a range of TCO frameworks, but little research has been done regarding TCO from a seller perspective. A TCO analysis is very case specific, why generic models are not appropriate. A new framework for the development of a TCO sales tool is therefore proposed, which is adapted and provides detailed guidelines to the network camera surveillance industry. Using this framework, more than 50 cost factors that affect the TCO of a camera solution have been identified and categorised. These were then implemented into a sales tool that can be used to analyse and demonstrate costs and benefits. The significance of the cost factors affecting the TCO for a camera solution varies a lot. For sales and marketing purposes, the parameters that the company can influence and that differentiate a product from another should be emphasised. The benefits for companies to utilise TCO in sales and marketing are several, even though there are some distinct barriers to overcome. For Axis, the developed TCO sales tool can be a strategic resource to help convince its customers to shift their focus from a low-price mind-set to a pursuit of low-cost solutions

    SOM clustering of 21-year data of a small pristine boreal lake

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    In order to improve our understanding of the connections between the biological processes and abiotic factors, we clustered complex long-term ecological data with the self-organizing map (SOM) technique. The available 21-year long (1990–2010) data set from a small pristine humic lake, in southern Finland, consisted of 27 meteorological, physical, chemical, and biological variables. The SOM grouped the data into three categories of which the first one was the largest with 12 variables, including metabolic processes, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen and phosphorus, chlorophyll a, and taxonomical groups of plankton known to exist in spring. The second cluster comprised of water temperature and precipitation together with cyanobacteria, algae, rotifers, and crustacean zooplankton, an association emphasized with summer. The third cluster was consisted of six physical and chemical variables linked to autumn, and to the effects of inflow and/or water column mixing. SOM is a useful method for grouping the variables of such a large multi-dimensional data set, especially, when the purpose is to draw comprehensive conclusions rather than to search for associations across sporadic variables. Sampling should minimize the number of missing values. Even flexible statistical techniques, such as SOM, are vulnerable to biased results due to incomplete data.Peer reviewe