358 research outputs found

    Word-Formation Representation of Concept FRIENDSHIP in Modern Russian

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    The features of word-formation objectification of the concept FRIENDSHIP in the Russian linguistic picture of the world are considered. The research focuses on the structure and semantics of words that form a word-formation nest with apex “friend” in Russian. It was found that the word-formative nest with the top “friend” in Russian includes 53 words. The question is raised about the verification and clarification of the cognitive features of the “Friendship” concept identified at the previous stages of the analysis. It is shown that substantive derivatives embody in conceptual block I “friendship as a feeling and attitude” such new cognitive features as “uniting someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests; cooperationʼ and friendly, benevolent attitude towards someoneʼ, and in conceptual block II the subject of friendshipʼ — such new cognitive features as ʽthe subject of marital relations (only for females)ʼ, ʽthe object that is paired with another object, forming together whole. The analysis of verb derivatives revealed a new cognitive feature for conceptual block III “friendship as a process” is a cognitive feature “to render a friendly service, to serve”. The analysis of adjective and adverbi-al derivatives helped to substantiate the need to introduce into consideration a new conceptual block IV — “quality, property, feature, characteristic of attitude / feeling of friend-ship”, in which 9 new cognitive features were found

    A Case with Pancytopenia: The Role of Cytomorphology

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    A 63-year year old lady presented with prolonged fever, frequent abdominal pain and a history of melena. Physical findings revealed an anemic appearance and splenomegaly. She was treated by the gastroenterologist and subsequently referred to the hematologist as the peripheral blood count revealed pancytopenia with a hemoglobin level of 6.5 g/dl, WBC 4000/ uL and a platelet count of 50.000 /uL. No blast cells were found. Patient subsequently underwent a marrow aspiration. Cytomorphology assessment of the marrow specimen revealed the presence of abnormal megakaryocytes and leukocytes (see figures) which was in accordance with dyshematopeosis, and the diagnosis of MDS (myelodysplatic syndrome) was established. The patient was then started on thalidomide 100 mg daily. There was no significant complications nor side-effects and after almost 2 years her hemoglobin level is now normal (between 12 and 14 g/dl), a dramatic reversal of her condition

    Treatment Options of Lemmel\u27s Syndrome: a Case of Benign Obstructive Jaundice in the Elderly

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    Lemmel\u27s syndrome, also known as duodenal diverticulum obstructive jaundice, is a rare cause of benign obstructive jaundice that should be included in the differential diagnosis of biliary obstruction when PAD is present, in the absence of cholelithiasis or other detectable obstacle. Diagnosing Lemmel\u27s syndrome could be challenging, but being aware of this condition is important to avoid mismanagement and it begins with identification of PAD, while interpreting any bile duct imaging. It can be misinterpreted as periampullary tumors, biliary stones, or pancreatic pseudocyst. Symptomatic patients can be successfully managed endoscopically in many cases but surgical management would be necessary in selected cases.We present a patient with benign obstructive jaundice caused by Lemmel\u27s syndrome who was successfully treated with endoscopic sphicterectomy. A 67 years old female presented to the emergency department with chief complaint of jaundice. The patient was assesed to have obstructive jaundice cause by a duodenal mass, elevation of transaminase enzime supected caused by drug induced liver injury, hypertension (controlled), and anterior extensive coronary ischemia. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatografi (ERCP) showing mutiple giant diverticle in second part of duodenum, stenosis of the distal CBD with compression of diverticular extra luminal as a differential diagnosis. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was performed to exlude a periampullary tumor, resulting distal CBD stenosis due to compression of multiple periampullary diverticula (PAD). We performed an endoscopic sphinterectomy (EST) and the stent was removed. A further evaluation of the tuberculous lymphadenitis was planned as outpatient setting. One month follow-up, no recurence of jaundice was observed


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    Kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dan penggunaan lahan yang didominasi oleh permukiman, serta dilalui oleh alur-alur sungai, menjadikan kampung Juanda sebagai daerah permukiman kumuh dan berkualitas kurang baik. Permukiman dengan kualitas kurang baik perlu cepat ditanggulangi sehingga tidak menimbulkan masalah yang lebih serius lagi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ataupun menilai kualitas lingkungan permukiman terhadap program kampung warna-warni Jodipan yang dicanangkan. Aspek-aspek lingkungan tersebut meliputi kepadatan penduduk, ekonomi, kondisi sosial, kondisi fisik bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan persampahan, prasarana airlimbah, sanitasi, drainase, air bersih. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode regresi untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi fisik lingkungan sebelum dan sesudah adanya Program Kampung Warna Warni. Fisik lingkungan yang ada meliputi fisik bangunan dan prasarana lingkungan serta kondisi ekonomi. Dari hasil penelitian “Pengaruh Program Kampung Warna-Warni Terhadap Kualitas Lingkungan Masyarakat RW 02, Kelurahan Jodipan” ditemukan adanya perubahan yang signifikan pada kondisi fisik bangunan dan jaringan prasarana serta terhadap kualitas lingkungan sebesar 98,6% dan terhadap kondisi ekonomi sebesar 98,0%

    Local category-specific gamma band responses in the visual cortex do not reflect conscious perception

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    Which neural processes underlie our conscious experience? One theoretical view argues that the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) reside in local activity in sensory cortices. Accordingly, local category-specific gamma band responses in visual cortex correlate with conscious perception. However, as most studies manipulated conscious perception by altering the amount of sensory evidence, it is possible that they reflect prerequisites or consequences of consciousness rather than the actual NCC. Here we directly address this issue by developing a new experimental paradigm in which conscious perception is modulated either by sensory evidence or by previous exposure of the images while recording intracranial EEG from the higher-order visual cortex of human epilepsy patients. A clear prediction is that neural processes directly reflecting conscious perception should be present regardless of how it comes about. In contrast, we observed that although subjective reports were modulated both by sensory evidence and by previous exposure, gamma band responses solely reflected sensory evidence. This result contradicts the proposal that local gamma band responses in the higher-order visual cortex reflect conscious perception

    Dietary magnesium and copper affect survival time and neuroinflammation in chronic wasting disease

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    Chronic wasting disease (CWD), the only known wildlife prion disease, affects deer, elk and moose. The disease is an ongoing and expanding problem in both wild and captive North American cervid populations and is difficult to control in part due to the extreme environmental persistence of prions, which can transmit disease years after initial contamination. The role of exogenous factors in CWD transmission and progression is largely unexplored. In an effort to understand the influence of environmental and dietary constituents on CWD, we collected and analyzed water and soil samples from CWD-negative and positive captive cervid facilities, as well as from wild CWD-endozootic areas. Our analysis revealed that, when compared with CWD-positive sites, CWD-negative sites had a significantly higher concentration of magnesium, and a higher magnesium/copper (Mg/Cu) ratio in the water than that from CWD-positive sites. When cevidized transgenic mice were fed a custom diet devoid of Mg and Cu and drinking water with varied Mg/Cu ratios, we found that higher Mg/Cu ratio resulted in significantly longer survival times after intracerebral CWD inoculation. We also detected reduced levels of inflammatory cytokine gene expression in mice fed a modified diet with a higher Mg/Cu ratio compared to those on a standard rodent diet. These findings indicate a role for dietary Mg and Cu in CWD pathogenesis through modulating inflammation in the brain

    Geografie di oggi. Metodi e strategie tra ricerca e didattica

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    Questo volume è l’esito del confronto e delle riflessioni sviluppate durante il II Workshop “AIIG Giovani” organizzato a Roma nell’aprile del 2013. Nasce da un desiderio, quello di presentare l’importanza della combinazione tra metodi d’indagine tradizionali e nuovi per costruire sapere geografico, e da una passione, sostenuta dall’intreccio di relazioni umane che si evolvono nel tempo. Per chiarire quale possa essere il contributo della geografia alla comprensione del mondo contemporaneo, sempre più complesso, gli autori presentano le principali metodologie geografiche in quattro sezioni: “Territori della tecnologia”, “Identità, spazi, luoghi”, “Nodi della rete” e “Approcci sperimentali nella scuola che cambia”. Emerge dal lavoro un quadro multifocale che rispecchia la poliedricità e la trasversalità della geografia contemporanea, ancorato al comune bisogno di sviluppare strumenti interpretativi e d’azione. Ci si muove nell’ambito di una geografia critica e della complessità in grado di fornire ai cittadini globali differenti strumenti di interpretazione e comprensione del mondo, nuove metafore a partire dalle quali costruire e sperimentare forme alternative di cittadinanza consapevole ed attiva. Qui la geografia ritrova lo slancio di una disciplina fertile capace non solo di descrivere la Terra, ma anche di immaginare e creare nuovi mondi possibili. L’approdo naturale di questo percorso è la realtà scolastica dove è possibile sperimentare nuove forme di sapere e azione per rispondere alla sfida educativa contemporanea

    Esophageal Varices Bleeding in Portal Hypertension Due to Portal Vein and Splenic Vein Obstruction

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    Based on its relation to the liver sinusoid, increased pressure of portal vein can occur at three levels: presinusoid, sinusoid ,and postsinusoid. Obstruction of the presinusoid veins can be caused by extra- hepatic condition such as venous thrombosis. We reported a case of portal hypertension with esophageal varices bleeding was a result of obstruction due to thrombosis of the splenic vein and portal vein under hypercoagulant conditions due to thrombocytosis. The management of esophageal varices was sclerotherapy while for overcome the thrombosis the patient was given hydroxy urea
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