9 research outputs found

    Plasmaleikkauksen koneparametrit

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    Opinnäytetyö selittää Messer Multitherm 4000 -hienosädeplasmaleikkurin koneparametrien säätämisen vaikutuksia polttoleikattaviin kappaleisiin. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa paremmin tuotantoa palvelevia polttoleikkeitä annettujen toleranssien sisällä. Näiden säätöjen ja koneparametrien ymmärtämisen on tarkoitus palvella tuotantoa mahdollisimman tehokkaasti ja laatutietoisesti. Tuotannossa olevat uudet teräsmateriaalit ja laitteiston vanhat leikkausparametrit olivat päivityksen tarpeessa. Opinnäytetyön toteutus suoritettiin työssä opitun, plasmaleikkauslaitteiston ohjekirjojen ja metallitekniikan kirjallisuuden avulla

    In situ analysis of liposome hard and soft protein corona structure and composition in a single label-free workflow

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    Methodological constraints have limited our ability to study protein corona formation, slowing nanomedicine development and their successful translation into the clinic. We determined hard and soft corona structural properties along with the corresponding proteomic compositions on liposomes in a label-free workflow: surface plasmon resonance and a custom biosensor for in situ structure determination on liposomes and corona separation, and proteomics using sensitive nanoliquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with open-source bioinformatics platforms. Undiluted human plasma under dynamic flow conditions was used for in vivo relevance. Proof-of-concept is presented with a regular liposome formulation and two light-triggered indocyanine green (ICG) liposome formulations in preclinical development. We observed formulation-dependent differences in corona structure (thickness, protein-to-lipid ratio, and surface mass density) and protein enrichment. Liposomal lipids induced the enrichment of stealth-mediating apolipoproteins in the hard coronas regardless of pegylation, and their preferential enrichment in the soft corona of the pegylated liposome formulation with ICG was observed. This suggests that the soft corona of loosely interacting proteins contributes to the stealth properties as a component of the biological identity modulated by nanomaterial surface properties. The workflow addresses significant methodological gaps in biocorona research by providing truly complementary hard and soft corona compositions with corresponding in situ structural parameters for the first time. It has been designed into a convenient and easily reproducible single-experiment format suited for preclinical development of lipid nanomedicines.Peer reviewe

    Low bandgap GaAsNBi solar cells

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    The development of low bandgap GaAsNBi solar cells grown using MBE is reported. The devices include a pin heterostructure with GaAsNBi as the i-layer. The substrate rotation is stopped during epitaxy of the GaAsNBi layer (stationary growth), resulting in a continuous variation in the source fluxes over the wafer, enabling the investigation of a wide range of growth conditions in a single growth run. In particular, we investigate the photovoltaic properties as a function of the As/Ga flux ratio around the critical stoichiometric value. For slightly below stoichiometric As/Ga, the lattice mismatch and bandgap energy are minimized to 8 × 10-4 and 0.86 eV, respectively, while the crystal quality remains good. Increasing As/Ga over the stoichiometric ratio leads to a rapid increase in the tensile mismatch and bandgap energy, likely due to reduction in Bi incorporation. Despite a slightly higher open-circuit voltage offset at high As/Ga, this also leads to an clear increase in the external quantum efficiency and short-circuit current, suggesting significant differences in the carrier collection efficiencies. The results demonstrate the importance of the As/Ga flux ratio in controlling the solar cell performance, and the viability of GaAsNBi as a candidate for a low bandgap subjunction in multijunction solar cells.Peer reviewe

    Työryhmän ehdotus uudeksi valtionhallinnon tehostetun viestinnän ohjeeksi : Viestintä normaalioloissa, häiriötilanteissa ja poikkeusoloissa

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    Valtioneuvoston kanslia asetti syyskuussa 2018 työryhmän, jonka tehtävänä oli selvittää, miltä osin nykyinen (2013) valtionhallinnon häiriötilanteiden ja poikkeusolojen viestintäohje edellyttää uudistamista ja laatia esitys päivitetyksi ohjeeksi. Työryhmän toimikaudeksi asetettiin 1.10.2018–13.9.2019. Työryhmän ehdotuksessa uudistetuksi ohjeeksi on huomioitu toimintaympäristön kehitys, kuten viestinnän toimintaympäristön voimakas muutos, strategisen viestinnän merkityksen lisääntyminen, viestintä- ja informaatioteknologioiden kehittyminen sekä median käyttötapojen muutos. Lisäksi ehdotuksessa tarkastellaan keinoja, joilla nopeisiin muutoksiin ja uudenlaisiin uhkiin voidaan varautua ja vastata. Ehdotuksen laadinnassa on kiinnitetty huomiota häiriötilanteista ja viranomaisten varautumistyöstä, kuten esimerkiksi vaalihäirintään varautumisesta, tehtyihin havaintoihin ja kokemuksiin. Ehdotuksen luvuissa 1–3 määritellään periaatteet ja toimintatavat valtionhallinnon viestinnälle normaaliolojen tehostettua viestintää vaativissa tilanteissa sekä viestinnälle häiriötilanteissa ja poikkeusoloissa. Luvuissa 4–5 annetaan käytännön ohjeita viestinnälliseen varautumiseen ja toimintaan tilanteiden aikana

    Temporal variations of atmospheric aerosol in four European urban areas

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    Item does not contain fulltextPURPOSE: The concentrations of PM(10) mass, PM(2.5) mass and particle number were continuously measured for 18 months in urban background locations across Europe to determine the spatial and temporal variability of particulate matter. METHODS: Daily PM(10) and PM(2.5) samples were continuously collected from October 2002 to April 2004 in background areas in Helsinki, Athens, Amsterdam and Birmingham. Particle mass was determined using analytical microbalances with precision of 1 mug. Pre- and post-reflectance measurements were taken using smoke-stain reflectometers. One-minute measurements of particle number were obtained using condensation particle counters. RESULTS: The 18-month mean PM(10) and PM(2.5) mass concentrations ranged from 15.4 mug/m(3) in Helsinki to 56.7 mug/m(3) in Athens and from 9.0 mug/m(3) in Helsinki to 25.0 mug/m(3) in Athens, respectively. Particle number concentrations ranged from 10,091 part/cm(3) in Helsinki to 24,180 part/cm(3) in Athens with highest levels being measured in winter. Fine particles accounted for more than 60% of PM(10) with the exception of Athens where PM(2.5) comprised 43% of PM(10). Higher PM mass and number concentrations were measured in winter as compared to summer in all urban areas at a significance level p < 0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Significant quantitative and qualitative differences for particle mass across the four urban areas in Europe were observed. These were due to strong local and regional characteristics of particulate pollution sources which contribute to the heterogeneity of health responses. In addition, these findings also bear on the ability of different countries to comply with existing directives and the effectiveness of mitigation policies.1 augustus 201