225 research outputs found

    Low-Temperature Rapid Synthesis and Superconductivity of Fe-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors

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    we were able to develop a novel method to synthesize Fe-based oxypnictide superconductors. By using LnAs and FeO as the starting materials and a ball-milling process prior to solid-state sintering, Tc as high as 50.7 K was obtained with the sample of Sm 0.85Nd0.15FeAsO0.85F0.15 prepared by sintering at temperatures as low as 1173 K for times as short as 20 min.Comment: 2 pages,2 figures, 1 tabl

    Monitoring of offshore geological carbon storage integrity: Implications of natural variability in the marine system and the assessment of anomaly detection criteria

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    The design of efficient monitoring programmes required for the assurance of offshore geological storage requires an understanding of the variability and heterogeneity of marine carbonate chemistry. In the absence of sufficient observational data and for extrapolation both spatially and seasonally, models have a significant role to play. In this study a previously evaluated hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model is used to characterise carbonate chemistry, in particular pH heterogeneity in the vicinity of the sea floor. Using three contrasting regions, the seasonal and short term variability are analysed and criteria that could be considered as indicators of anomalous carbonate chemistry identified. These criteria are then tested by imposing a number of randomised DIC perturbations on the model data, representing a comprehensive range of leakage scenarios. In conclusion optimal criteria and general rules for developing monitoring strategies are identified. Detection criteria will be site specific and vary seasonally and monitoring may be more efficient at periods of low dynamics. Analysis suggests that by using high frequency, sub-hourly monitoring anomalies as small as 0.01 of a pH unit or less may be successfully discriminated from natural variability – thereby allowing detection of small leaks or at distance from a leakage source. Conversely assurance of no leakage would be profound. Detection at deeper sites is likely to be more efficient than at shallow sites where the near bed system is closely coupled to surface processes. Although this study is based on North Sea target sites for geological storage, the model and the general conclusions are relevant to the majority of offshore storage sites lying on the continental shelf

    nctoolkit: A Python package for netCDF analysis and post-processing

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    nctoolkit is a Python package for the analysis and post-processing of netCDF files. It provides a simple, intuitive interface, and includes methods for common tasks such as subsetting, regridding, statistical analysis and plotting. The package is designed to be easy to use, and to require minimal code for performing common tasks. It is built on top of the Climate Data Operators (CDO) library (Schulzweida, 2022), which provides a powerful data model for working with multidimensional data. The core aim of the package is to provide over 80% of the typical data processing requirements for climate, marine and atmospheric scientists who work with netCDF data

    Controls on near-bed oxygen concentration on the Northwest European Continental Shelf under a potential future climate scenario

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    Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the ocean are declining on a global scale. However, the impact of climate change on oxygen in shelf seas is not well understood. We investigate potential future changes in oxygen on the northwest European continental shelf under a business as usual greenhouse gas emissions scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway RCP8.5). Regions of the European shelf are thermally stratified from spring to autumn, which can cause oxygen depletion in sub-pycnocline waters. A transient climate-forced model simulation is used to study how the temperature, salinity and concentration of near bed dissolved oxygen change over the 21st century. In warming and freshening water, the oxygen concentration declines in all shelf regions. The climate change signal emerges first in salinity, then in temperature and finally in near bed oxygen. Regions that currently experience oxygen depletion (the eastern North Sea, Celtic Sea and Armorican shelf) become larger in the future scenario and oxygen depletion lasts longer. Solubility changes, caused by changes in temperature and salinity, are the dominant cause of reducing near bed oxygen concentrations in many regions. Until about 2040 the impact of solubility dominates over the effects of the evolving ecosystem. However, in the eastern North Sea by 2100, the effect of ecosystem change is generally larger than that of solubility. In the Armorican Shelf and Celtic Sea the ecosystem changes partially mitigate the oxygen decline caused by solubility changes. Over the 21st century the mean near bed oxygen concentration on the European shelf is projected to decrease by 6.3%, of which 73% is due to solubility changes and the remainder to changes in the ecosystem. For monthly minimum oxygen the decline is 7.7% with the solubility component being 50% of the total

    Modeling the Seasonality and Controls of Nitrous Oxide Emissions on the Northwest European Continental Shelf

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    Estimates of oceanic emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) are surrounded by a considerable degree of uncertainty, particularly regarding the contribution of productive shelf regions, where assessments are based on limited observations. In this paper, we have applied a coupled hydrodynamic‐biogeochemical model resolving N2O dynamics to estimate N2O emissions within the northwest European continental shelf. Based on 10‐year average distributions (2006–2015), dominant seasonal patterns of N2O air‐sea exchange were identified. Within the southwest region of the shelf and deep parts of the North Sea, emissions are highest during winter. Peak emissions during late autumn are typical for the northwest part of the shelf and central North Sea, while in the western English Channel, Irish Sea and western North Sea peak outflux shifts toward early autumn. Within these regions, most N2O production occurs below the seasonal pycnocline, and duration and intensity of stratification defines the timing and rate of its subsequent release to the atmosphere. In contrast, within the southeast North Sea and most of the coastal areas, lack of stratification allows the excess N2O to outgas as soon as it is produced, driven by ammonium availability, resulting in peak emissions in summer. We estimate that N2O emissions from the northwest European shelf contribute 0.02224 Tg N to the atmosphere annually, that is, between 3.3–6.8% of total emissions from European shelves and estuaries

    Assimilation of ocean-colour plankton functional types to improve marine ecosystem simulations

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    We assimilated plankton functional types (PFTs) derived from ocean colour into a marine ecosystem model, to improve the simulation of biogeochemical indicators and emerging properties in a shelf sea. Error-characterized chlorophyll concentrations of four PFTs (diatoms, dinoflagellates, nanoplankton and picoplankton), as well as total chlorophyll for comparison, were assimilated into a physical-biogeochemical model of the North East Atlantic, applying a localized Ensemble Kalman filter. The reanalysis simulations spanned the years 1998 to 2003. The skill of the reference and reanalysis simulations in estimating ocean colour and in situ biogeochemical data were compared by using robust statistics. The reanalysis outperformed both the reference and the assimilation of total chlorophyll in estimating the ocean-colour PFTs (except nanoplankton), as well as the not-assimilated total chlorophyll, leading the model to simulate better the plankton community structure. Crucially, the reanalysis improved the estimates of not-assimilated in situ data of PFTs, as well as of phosphate and pCO2, impacting the simulation of the air-sea carbon flux. However, the reanalysis increased further the model overestimation of nitrate, in spite of increases in plankton nitrate uptake. The method proposed here is easily adaptable for use with other ecosystem models that simulate PFTs, for, e.g., reanalysis of carbon fluxes in the global ocean and for operational forecasts of biogeochemical indicators in shelf-sea ecosystems

    Local structural studies of Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 using atomic pair distribution function analysis

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    Systematic local structural studies of Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 system are undertaken at room temperature using atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. The local structure of the Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 is found to be well described by the long-range structure extracted from the diffraction experiments, but with anisotropic atomic vibrations of the constituent atoms (U11U_{11} = U22U33U_{22} \ne U_{33}). The crystal unit cell parameters, the FeAs4_4 tetrahedral angle and the pnictogen height above the Fe-plane are seen to show systematic evolution with K doping, underlining the importance of the structural changes, in addition to the charge doping, in determining the properties of Ba1x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2

    Improving pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) production in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Validation of the growth model “ShellSIM” on traditional and novel farming methods

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    Bivalve farming is a major European aquaculture activity, representing 48.5% of total biomass produced. Italy is one of the largest consumers of oysters but local production does not meet the market demand. Italy has approximately 384,000 ha of shallow lagoons in its coastal area, already devoted to extensive aquaculture activities, which could also represent potential locations for Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) farming. The aim of this study is to enhance Pacific oyster farming in shallow coastal lagoons by testing novel farming technologies and validating an existing bioenergetic growth model (ShellSIM). Commercial performance of Pacific oysters and associated environmental parameters were monitored in two Sardinian coastal lagoons (San Teodoro and Santa Gilla, Italy). Oyster growth and survival were compared during a production cycle for two rearing systems: traditional systems (floating bags or lanterns) and Ortac units. The latter has not been previously tested in coastal lagoons. Measured performances were compared with ShellSIM predictions to evaluate the model's ability to predict growth and the potential production in other coastal lagoons. Results showed that at the end of a six months cycle the oysters mean weight and Condition Index were significantly higher (p valu

    Heterogeneity of impacts of high CO2 on the North Western European Shelf

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    The increase in atmospheric CO2 is a dual threat to the marine environment: from one side it drives climate change, leading to modifications in water temperature, circulation patterns and stratification intensity; on the other side it causes a decrease in marine pH (ocean acidification, or OA) due to the increase in dissolved CO2. Assessing the combined impact of climate change and OA on marine ecosystems is a challenging task. The response of the ecosystem to a single driver can be highly variable and remains still uncertain; additionally the interaction between these can be either synergistic or antagonistic. In this work we use the coupled oceanographic–ecosystem model POLCOMS-ERSEM driven by climate forcing to study the interaction between climate change and OA. We focus in particular on carbonate chemistry, primary and secondary production. The model has been run in three different configurations in order to assess separately the impacts of climate change on net primary production and of OA on the carbonate chemistry, which have been strongly supported by scientific literature, from the impact of biological feedbacks of OA on the ecosystem, whose uncertainty still has to be well constrained. The global mean of the projected decrease of pH at the end of the century is about 0.27 pH units, but the model shows significant interaction among the drivers and high variability in the temporal and spatial response. As a result of this high variability, critical tipping point can be locally and/or temporally reached: e.g. undersaturation with respect to aragonite is projected to occur in the deeper part of the central North Sea during summer. Impacts of climate change and of OA on primary and secondary production may have similar magnitude, compensating in some area and exacerbating in others