153 research outputs found

    O aprendizado do cheerleading por meio da prática

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação Física, 2019.O presente estudo teve por objetivo entender a prática do cheerleading, em um grupo de estudantes da Universidade de Brasília. Tal modalidade esportiva vem se desenvolvendo espontaneamente entre os universitários, sem oferta comercial ou incentivo de professores. Como base teórica, fez-se uso da teoria da prática, uma vez que as rotinas dos estudantes vêm sendo construídas mediante as demandas iniciais de um esporte ainda em fase de nascimento no Brasil e, por conseguinte, em Brasília.The present study aimed to understand the practice of cheerleading in a group of students from the University of Brasilia. Such sporting modality has been developing spontaneously among university students, without commercial offer or teacher incentive. As a theoretical base, the theory of practice was used, since student routines have been constructed through the initial demands of a sport still in the birth phase in Brazil and, therefore, in Brasilia

    Desempenho agronômico do sorgo sacarino em função do espaçamento entrelinhas e população de plantas

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    O sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) destaca-se como alternativa viável para a produção de etanol, sobretudo como complemento às usinas que utilizam da cana-de-açúcar como principal matéria prima para obtenção do combustível, especialmente por apresentar ciclo expressivamente mais curto e colheitas que tendem a ser realizadas na entressafra da cultura principal. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o desempenho agronômico do sorgo sacarino cultivado em diferentes espaçamentos e populações de plantas, em anos subsequentes, na região Oeste de Mato Grosso do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Unidade Universidade de Aquidauana, em delineamento experimental de blocos completos com tratamentos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4x4, cujos tratamentos compuseram-se da combinação entre quatro espaçamentos entrelinhas (0,40; 0,60; 0,80 e 1,00 m) e quatro populações de plantas (50; 100; 150 e 200 mil plantas ha-1), semeados nos anos agrícolas de 2012/2013 e 2013/2014. Foram avaliados diâmetro de colmos (DC, cm), altura de plantas (AP, m), massa (kg planta-1) e produtividade (Mg ha-1) de matéria verde e seca da parte aérea e oBrix (%). Maiores valores de DC, AP, massa verde e massa seca de plantas foram obtidos a partir de espaçamento entrelinhas de 0,4 a 0,6 m e populações de 50 a 100 mil plantas ha-1, entretanto, para a obtenção de melhor produtividade de matéria verde e seca (t ha-1), além de sólidos solúveis de boa qualidade, recomenda-se o uso de espaçamento de 0,6 m entrelinhas, com população de plantas entre 150.000 e 200.000 plantas ha-1

    Uso de metformina na redução da resistência à insulina e sintomas associados a síndrome do ovário policístico (SOP)

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    A Síndrome do Ovário Policístico (SOP) é uma afecção endócrina que assola a parcela feminina e causa diversos desequilíbrios metabólicos, como a resistência à insulina. A Metformina é muito utilizada em casos de hiperglicemia, podendo auxiliar em casos de resistência à insulina, como ocorre na SOP


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    Convencionalmente a semeadura da soja é realizada distribuindo as sementes de forma individualizada e equidistante ao longo do sulco de semeadura. uma possível alternativa é a dosagem e distribuição agrupada de sementes, apenas rearranjando-as. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características agronômicas da soja semeada com disco dosador de sementes convencional e agrupado sob diferentes velocidades operacionais. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, sendo dois arranjos de semeadura, agrupado e convencional, e três velocidades de semeadura 4,5; 5,2 e 6 km h-1, com quatro repetições cada. Os resultados evidenciam incremento produtivo entre 20,7% e 39,9% para o arranjo agrupado nas velocidades de 5,2 e 4,5 km h-1, respectivamente. A maior velocidade de semeadura limita o agrupamento de sementes para o arranjo agrupado. Conventionally, soybean sowing is carried out by distributing the seeds individually and equidistantly along the sowing furrow. An alternative is the grouped dosage and distribution of seeds, just rearranging them. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of soybean sown with a grouped and conventional seed metering disc in a pneumatic seeder at different operating speeds. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized (CRD) under a 2 x 3 factorial scheme, with two spatial sowing arrangements, grouped and conventional, and three sowing speeds, 4.5; 5.2 e 6 km h-1, resulting in six treatments with four repetitions each. The results show a productive increase between 20.7% and 39.9% for the grouped arrangement at speeds of 5.2 and 4.5 km h-1, respectively. The higher sowing speed, limits the grouping of seeds to the grouped arrangement


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    For the agricultural tractor's best performance, it must be correctly adapted to the job. Among other factors, the adequacy of tire inflation pressure is one of the most important and may influence the operation's efficiency and productivity. This study aimed to evaluate an agricultural tractor's operational performance with different tire inflation pressures in the subsoiling operation. The study was carried out in an experimental area of the Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization Laboratory of the experimental farm “Água Limpa,” belonging to the University of Brasília. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with the following values, 206.8 kPa (30 psi), 137.9 kPa (20 psi), and 68.9 kPa (10 psi), of inflation pressure for agricultural tractor tires. The mechanized set used was a tractor model TM7020 2WD MFWD pulling a subsoiler with five shanks, SPCR model, in a Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. The higher inflation pressure resulted in greater slippage, advance, hourly fuel consumption, and lower speed and operational field capacity

    Hypertrophic Phenotypic Cardiomyopathy in an Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype (HCM) is the most common cardiac disease in domestic cats but is rarely described in wild species. This phenotype is characterized by concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle and may be of familial inheritance or secondary to other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, systemic arterial hypertension, and hyperaldosteronism. HCM can cause diastolic and systolic dysfunction and may cause congestive heart failure in affected animals. The present work aims to describe the first report of cardiomyopathy of the hypertrophic phenotype in a specimen of Leopardus pardalis, kept under human care. Case: A 11-year-old female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care, during a preventive care visit, had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype detected by cardiological evaluation with echocardiogram and a murmur grade III/VI could be detected on cardiac auscultation. This preventive care occurred under chemical restraint with ketamine [6 mg/kg, i.m] associates with midazolam [0.5 mg/kg, i.m] and other evaluations have been done like complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, albumin:globulin ratio, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and globulin) and tyroid hormones [free tyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)].  Medical management based on clopidogrel, and atenolol was administered for 3 months until the patient showed manifestations of congestive heart failure (CHF) 80 days later the initial evaluation. In this moment the patient presented with dyspnea, so a cardiological and laboratory evaluation was requested. On pulmonary auscultation crackling was identified, suggesting pulmonary edema and, on echocardiographic examination, some parameters had worsened. The CBC and biochemistry were all within reference ranges. Then, the beta-blocker was discontinued and replaced by pimobendan combined with furosemide as treatment of CHF, and the condition stabilized. After one year, the patient was re-evaluated and showed a slight improvement in the condition but still remained stable. Also, feline proBNP levels was tested (SNAP Feline proBNP® IDEXX) in this moment and it was increased. Discussion: The findings on echocardiography associated with the subjective evaluation associated with progressive worsening and clinical manifestation of CHF, as well as the response to treatment, even though there are no reference values for the species, reinforce the diagnosis. There is no evidence to suggest diseases that may contribute to secondary left ventricular hypertrophy. It is believed that pimobendan plays a key role in maintaining hemodynamic balance, since this has already been observed in other mammalian species. The use of beta blockers is commonly employed in domestic cats with HCM, and they have been prescribed in an attempt to promote greater ventricular relaxation, decrease left ventricular outflow obstruction, thus improving ventricular filling for maintenance of cardiac output. In view of the atrial enlargement and possible risk of thrombus formation, clopidogrel was prescribed, extrapolating what is known from domestic cats. It is reasonable to conclude that in this case, the cardiomyopathy behaved similarly to what is observed in domestic cats, both in its clinical evolution and in the means of diagnosis, and in its response to the therapy instituted. Keywords: Felidae, feline, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, echocardiogram, echocardiography

    Antimicrobial potential of essential oils mouthrinses with and without alcohol : a randomized clinical trial

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    Aim: This study aimed to compare the microbiological potential and gustatory perception of essential oils (EO) mouthrinses containing and not containing alcohol. Methods:Twenty healthy adult volunteers rinsed with 10mL of the following test solutions: EO with alcohol, EO without alcohol, or a control solution (saline solution with mint essence). A washout period of at least seven days was adopted after a single-use protocol of the respective solution. All participants used all three tested substances. Antimicrobial potential was assessed by counting salivary total viable bacteria both before and after each rinse. Gustatory perception was evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Multiple comparisons were performed with the Wilcoxon test, using Bonferroni correction. Results: Both EO solutions presented a higher antimicrobial potential in comparison to the control solution (p<0.017). However, no significant difference in antimicrobial potential was observed between EO containing or not containing alcohol (p=0.218). VAS of EO with alcohol (median: 2.7) was similar to control solution (median: 1.6) (p=0.287). A better gustatory perception was observed of the EO without alcohol (median 7.6) when compared to the control solution (p<0.0001). When EO groups were compared, EO without alcohol also demonstrated a significantly better gustatory perception (p=0.001). Conclusion: Mouthrinse containing EO without alcohol presented a better taste perception when compared to the EO with alcohol, but no difference was observed in the antimicrobial potential of both EO solutions after a single rinse protocol


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    As regulagens da semeadora-adubadora são cruciais para a correta distribuição dos insumos, melhorando assim o desempenho operacional. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição longitudinal de sementes e o desempenho operacional de uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão em função de diferentes pressões de insuflagem dos pneumáticos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos três pressões de insuflagem dos pneus (138, 241 e 345 kPa), repetidos em seis blocos, totalizando 18 parcelas de 60 m de comprimento e 4,5 m de largura cada. Realizou-se avaliações de consumo de combustível horário (Chc), velocidade operacional (V), deslizamento dos pneus (DP), capacidade de campo operacional (Cco), distância entre sementes (DES), coeficiente de variação do espaçamento entre sementes (CVes) e índice de precisão da distribuição (IP). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P ≤ 0,05). Os resultados indicaram maior Chc e DP pela pressão 345 kPa. Menor falha, dupla, CVes, e maior IP, foram obtidos pela pressão 241 kPa. Cco não diferiu. Salienta-se que para cada tipo de máquina e condição de superfície do solo, seja necessário o refinamento da pressão dos pneus e regulagens da máquina. Palavras-chave: pressão; insuflagem; consumo de combustível; patinagem; plantabilidade.   Operational performance and longitudinal distribution of seeds by precision seeder submitted to different calibrations of the wheel   ABSTRACT: The settings of the seeder-fertilizer are crucial for the correct distribution of inputs, thus improving operational performance. The objective of the work was to evaluate the longitudinal distribution of seeds and the operational performance of a precision seed drill-fertilizer in function of different tire insufflation pressures. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, with three tire insufflation pressures from the seeder-fertilizer (138, 241 and 345 kPa), repeated in six blocks, totaling 18 plots of 60 m long and 4.5 m wide each. Hourly fuel consumption (Chc), operational speed (V), tire slip (DP), operational field capacity (Cco), distance between seeds (DES), variation coefficient of spacing between seeds were performed (CVes) and distribution accuracy index (IP). The data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means compared by the Tukey test (P ≤ 0.05). The results indicated higher Chc and DP by the 345 kPa pressure. Minor failure, double, CVes, and higher IP, were obtained by pressure 241 kPa. Cco did not differ. It should be noted that for each type of machine and soil surface condition, refinement of tire pressure and machine adjustments is necessary. Keywords: pressure; insufflation; fuel consumption; skating; plantability


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    The aim of this paper was quantify the effect of the herbicides clethodim and paraquat associated with different adjuvants class on phytotoxicity of Digitaria insularis at flowering stage. The herbicides were applied at 0, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of recommended label isolated or associated with the adjuvants: nonylphenoxy polyethoxy ethanol at 0.05%; silicone polyether copolymer at 0.1%; lecithin-based adjuvant and acid propionic at 0.5% &nbsp;and mineral oil at 0.5%. The experimental design were completely randomized with five replications in factorial scheme (herbicides rates x adjuvants). The phytotoxicity effect was visually assessed for paraquat at 12 days after treatment (DAT) and at 21 DAT for clethodim. The treatments applied clethodim with the adjuvants nonylphenoxy polyethoxy ethanol, lecithin-based adjuvant and acid propionic and mineral oil significantly increased the phytotoxicity of D. insularis plants. For the paraquat the increase phytotoxicity of D. insularis plants was provided by the treatment with the lecithin-based and acid propionic adjuvant.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar o efeito proporcionado pela interação entre os herbicidas clethodim e paraquat associados com diferentes classes de adjuvantes na fitotoxicidade de Digitaria insularis no estádio de florescimento. Os herbicidas foram aplicados nas doses de 0; 6,25; 12,5; 25; 50; 75 e 100% da recomendada pelo fabricante, de forma isolada e em mistura com os adjuvantes: nonil fenoxi poli (etilenoxi) etanol (0,05%); copolímero de poliéter e silicone (0,1%); lecitina e ácido propiônico (0,5%) e óleo mineral (0,5%) no delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições em esquema fatorial (doses dos herbicidas x adjuvantes). O efeito fitotóxico foi visualmente avaliado aos 12 dias após aplicação (DAA) para o herbicida paraquat e aos 21 DAA para o herbicida clethodim. Verificou-se em plantas de D. insularis fitotoxidade potencializada para o herbicida clethodim nos tratamentos com os adjuvantes nonil fenoxi poli (etilenoxi) etanol, lecitina e ácido propiônico e óleo mineral. Para o herbicida paraquat, a potencialização da fitotoxicidade nas plantas de D. insularis foi proporcionada somente pelo tratamento com o adjuvante lecitina e ácido propiônico