14 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Eksportir dan Importir dalam Transaksi Ekspor Impor Barang dengan Menggunakan L/C (Letter of Credit) Sebagai Alat Pembayaran

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    The purpose of conducting research is to Know how to deal with strategies what to do to prevent it from happening irregularities in L/C and how form of legal protection if it occurs breach between the parties using L/C which is by method normative legal research concluded:  The key to successful L/C handling is found in all parties involved, as it is prudence, thoroughness and discipline in handling every process that goes through. And to avoid it happening deviation in L/C, then it is necessary appropriate treatment strategy starting from before the opening of the L/C, request for opening L/C, after L/C opening, document handling, until with document delivery. Protection law is given to the parties to ensure security in transactions using L/C. If there are parties who feel aggrieved because the other party in agreement does not carry out its performance, then the aggrieved party will get legal protection according to regulation regarding good L/C in international law as well as national law. Protection is obtained from regulations that are generally regulates L/C namely Uniform Costums and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCP), Government Regulation No. 1 of 1982 concerning Export, Import and/or Implementation Foreign Exchange Flows, Bank Indonesia Regulations No. 5/11/PBI/2003 concerning Payment Import Transactions, and Government Regulation No. 29 of 2007 concerning Payment Methods and Delivery of Goods in Export Activities Import. The research results describe how the legal relationship between the customer and the issuing bank. L/C born from the L/C Issuance Application agreement. Agreement between customer and bank the publisher creates a legal relationship, namely the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the L/C issuance agreement. Therefore the parties must fulfill the rights and obligation to avoid disputes


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    Kelengkapan peralatan praktek di SMK Negeri 12 Bandung tidak seluruhnya memenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh kepala bengkel Pemesinan Pesawat Udara di SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. Tidak lengkapnya sarana praktik dan kelengkapan peralatan praktek membuat proses belajar mengajar jadi terganggu. Hal tersebut diketahui setelah dilakukan observasi kepada pihak sekolah berkaitan dengan kelengkapan peralatan praktek yang ada di SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan jumlah kelengkapan perlengkapan praktek di SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jumlah kelengkapan peralatan praktek sebagai berikut: (1) pada kelengkapan peralatan utama (primary tools) seluruhnya memenuhi standar. (2) pada kelengkapan peralatan pendukung (secondary tools) terdapat tiga aspek alat yang tidak memenuhi standar dari total empat belas aspek alat yang di amati. (3) pada kelengkapan kunci-kunci terdapat tiga aspek alat yang tidak memenuhi standar dari total tujuh aspek yang di amati. (4) pada kelengkapan alat ukur terdapat satu aspek yang tidak memenuhi standar dari total lima aspek yang di amati. Artinya, kondisi peralatan praktek pada mata pelajaran aircraft component turning di SMK Negeri 12 Bandung belum memenuhi standar. Kata Kunci: Kelengkapan, Peralatan, Praktek, The Completeness of practice tools at SMK Negeri 12 Bandung does not meet the standards set by the head of Aircraft Engineer workshop in SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. Incompleteness of practice and completeness of practice tools Making learning process impaired. It is known after the observation to the school regarding the completeness of practice tools at SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. This study aims to describe the number of completeness of practice tools at SMK Negeri 12 Bandung. The research method used is descriptive. Technique of collecting data by observation and documentation. The result of the research shows the number of completeness of the practice tools as follows: (1) on the completeness of the main tools (primary tools) entirely meet the standards. (2) on the completeness of secondary tools there are three aspects of the tool that do not meet the standards of a total of fourteen aspects of the observed tool. (3) on the completeness of the keys there are three aspects of the tool that do not meet the standards of the total seven aspects observed. (4) on the completeness of the measuring tools there is one aspect that does not meet the standards of the total five aspects observed. That is, the condition of completeness tools study of aircraft component turning lesson at Bandung 12th vocational high school has not met the standard. Keywords:Completeness, Tools, Practic


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    In general, coolant is a cooling medium used to cool workpieces and cutting tools during the machining process. In PT Komatsu Undercariage Indonesia, the LNC OKUMA 0002 chip crankcase contained a lot of stagnant coolants. The factor that causes the coolant to stagnate is that the growl is wasted through the chip conveyor and the coolant is carried along with the growl to the chip. Changing the coolant fluid needs to be done in a certain phase because the use of the coolant for too long causes sand to accumulate. Excessive sand can close the cooling duct system. The quality of the coolant can deteriorate due to heat and a dirty environment. In addition, corrosion on the radiator can also result in the deposition of dirt on the coolant. When this happens, the engine overheats easily and triggers a stall. The repairs that have been carried out are examining and repairing the components of the coolant system by adding a coolant channel and a pump that functions to suck the coolant so that the coolant returns to the LNC OKUMA 0002 engine


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    In general, coolant is a cooling medium used to cool workpieces and cutting tools during the machining process. In PT Komatsu Undercariage Indonesia, the LNC OKUMA 0002 chip crankcase contained a lot of stagnant coolants. The factor that causes the coolant to stagnate is that the growl is wasted through the chip conveyor and the coolant is carried along with the growl to the chip. Changing the coolant fluid needs to be done in a certain phase because the use of the coolant for too long causes sand to accumulate. Excessive sand can close the cooling duct system. The quality of the coolant can deteriorate due to heat and a dirty environment. In addition, corrosion on the radiator can also result in the deposition of dirt on the coolant. When this happens, the engine overheats easily and triggers a stall. The repairs that have been carried out are examining and repairing the components of the coolant system by adding a coolant channel and a pump that functions to suck the coolant so that the coolant returns to the LNC OKUMA 0002 engine


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    Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran serta program magang dalam kegiatan MBKM pada PT. TANTRAZ COMICS BALI. Salah satu program di PT. TANTRAZ COMICS BALI yang menarik minat penulis adalah motion comic, berupa Katur (Karya dan Tutur). Katur Nusantara menghadirkan dongeng tradisional dengan tampilan menarik melalui kemajuan dari teknologi. Dalam Katur Nusantara penulis dituntut menyajikan cerita baru yang belum pernah diunggah sebelumnya dengan keunikan ceritanya maka dipilihlah Legenda Paksi Ireng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini sebagian besar dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dan observasi. studi pustaka meliputi tentang pendalaman motion comic serta legenda Paksi Ireng. Sistem manajemen Perusahaan PT. Tantraz Comics Bali berkaitan dengan tiga poin penting yaitu: Kolaborasi dengan dunia usaha, Ide-ide kreatif yang menarik berdasarkan seni-budaya serta Konsep-konsep relatif dan pengembangan tanpa batas. Perancangan motion comic Legenda Paksi Ireng yang dapat menarik minat pembaca di lakukan dengan langkah-langkah penulisan ulang cerita, menambahkan animasi gerak serta latar musik menjadikan bentuk karya yang dikerjakan menjadi motion comic. Menurut data yang didapatkan perancangan motion comic terdiri dari studi cerita, studi karakter, storyline, storyboard, sketsa, digitalisasi, pewarnaan digital dan motioning. Kata kunci: MBKM Magang, Motion Comic, Katur Nusantara, Legenda Paksi Iren

    Neural network technique with deep structure for improving author homonym and synonym classification in digital libraries

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    Author name disambiguation (AND), also recognized as name-identification, has long been seen as a challenging issue in bibliographic data. In other words, the same author may appear under separate names, synonyms, or distinct authors may have similar to those referred to as homonyms. Some previous research has proposed AND problem. To the best of our knowledge, no study discussed specifically synonym and homonym, whereas such cases are the core in AND topic. This paper presents the classification of non-homonym-synonym, homonym-synonym, synonym, and homonym cases by using the DBLP computer science bibliography dataset. Based on the DBLP raw data, the classification process is proposed by using deep neural networks (DNNs). In the classification process, the DBLP raw data divided into five features, including name, author, title, venue, and year. Twelve scenarios are designed with a different structure to validate and select the best model of DNNs. Furthermore, this paper is also compared DNNs with other classifiers, such as support vector machine (SVM) and decision tree. The results show DNNs outperform SVM and decision tree methods in all performance metrics. The DNNs performances with three hidden layers as the best model, achieve accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and F1-score are 98.85%, 95.95%, 99.26%, 94.80%, and 95.36%, respectively. In the future, DNNs are more performing with the automated feature representation in AND processing

    Author identification in bibliographic data using deep neural networks

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    Author name disambiguation (AND) is a challenging task for scholars who mine bibliographic information for scientific knowledge. A constructive approach for resolving name ambiguity is to use computer algorithms to identify author names. Some algorithm-based disambiguation methods have been developed by computer and data scientists. Among them, supervised machine learning has been stated to produce decent to very accurate disambiguation results. This paper presents a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) as a feature reduction and deep neural networks (DNNs), as a supervised algorithm for classifying AND problems. The raw data is grouped into four classes, i.e., synonyms, homonyms, homonyms-synonyms, and non-homonyms-synonyms classification. We have taken into account several hyperparameters tuning, such as learning rate, batch size, number of the neuron and hidden units, and analyzed their impact on the accuracy of results. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous studies with such a scheme. The proposed DNNs are validated with other ML techniques such as Naïve Bayes, random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM) to produce a good classifier. By exploring the result in all data, our proposed DNNs classifier has an outperformed other ML technique, with accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, which is 99.98%, 97.98%, 97.86%, and 99.99%, respectively. In the future, this approach can be easily extended to any dataset and any bibliographic records provider


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    The sliding contact between two components is one of important phenomenon in engineering applications. Several existing models approach to sliding contact between two surfaces with a sliding model of hemisphere or ellipsoid body. The model presented in this work is done by a condition without and with friction which uses the elasticplastic material, then it is applied a vertical displacement loading. The sliding between ellipsoid is performed with different sliding directions and radius ratio variations that is in the direction Rx and Ry. This final project discuss about von Misses stress value calcutation when the sliding occurs without and with friction condition, comparing the reaction force at sliding with a vertical displacement loading. The result shows the comparison between von Misses stress value with friction is higher than frictionless condition. It can be seen from the result of the plot reaction force at the time of sliding, it can be concluded that reaction force will be higher with the addition of vertical displacement and radius variation that has influence towards von Misses stress value because of the larger area influence that is contacted each other between ellipsoid

    Analisis Faktor-Faktro Kredit Macet pada Koperasi Gunung Makmur

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    ABSTRAK   Setya, Bagus, Artha, Nendi. 2018. Analisis Faktor-Faktor Kredit Macet KSU Gunung Makmur, Tugas Akhir program Studi D-III Akuntansi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing  Sulastri,S.Pd.,M.SA.   Kata Kunci : Kredit Macet, KSU Gunung Makmur Kredit adalah sumber pendapatan terbesar koperasi dan merupakan kegiatan yang memiliki nilai asset terbesar dibandingkan dengan kegiatan operasional yang lain. sehingga pengawasan pada bidang perkreditan menjadi suatu hal yang sangat penting dan mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih. Kredit macet merupakan pengembalian kredit yang tidak lancar dan adanya kendala yang dihadapi oleh para anggota dalam membayar kewajiban mereka. Kredit macet yang dihadapi KSU Gunung Makmur dapat disebabkan oleh pihak debitur dan pihak koperasi. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh debitur dipengaruhi oleh usaha debitur sedangkan dari pihak koperasi memberikan bunga ke debitur terlalu tinggi dan memberikan waktu yang singkat hal ini dapat membebani debitur dan dapat menyebabkan macetnya kredit. Kesimpulan, kredit macet yang terjadi di KSU Gunung Makmur disebabkan oleh faktor pihak debitur dan pihak koperasi. Untuk menyelesaikan kredit macet koperasi secara rutin harus melakukan pengawasan dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan koperasi, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kelemahan yang ada di koperasi. Pihak koperasi harus melakukan interview dengan detail tujuan dari interview adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana calon penerima kredit menguasai kegiatan usahanya

    iPhone 6 Plus Teardown

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    Wanna see The Internal Organ of iPhone 6 Plus? Follow me.