125 research outputs found

    Development trends of diversified agro-industrial enterprises in the context of international integration of economic relations

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    Globalization and growing competition have exacerbated the problems of analysis and diagnosing the level of economic development sustainability and the possibilities of economic entity market potential use at the global level. The development of a complete, reliable and up-to-date information base on the current financial, economic and technical level of an industrial enterprise development, its strategic development opportunities, making informed effective decisions on the directions of diversification or agro-industrial production restructuring is extremely important today from the standpoint of state policy development regarding the support for the key sectors of the Russian agro-industrial complex.In modern conditions, characterized by the intensification of economic relation integration in international markets

    Diabetes mellitus and long-time outcomes of autovenous femoro-popliteal bypass

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    BACKGROUND: the effect of diabetes mellitus on the long-term patency of autovenous femoro-popliteal bypass has not been definitively determined AIM: to determine the effect of diabetes mellitus on the long-term outcomes of autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass.MATERIALS AND METHODS: the results of treatment of 648 patients who underwent autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass were analyzed. The patients were divided into 2 clinical groups: the first group included 367 patients with diabetes mellitus, the second — 281 patients without the named disease. The groups did not differ significantly in the incidence of concomitant pathology.RESULTS: occlusion of the autovenous conduit within a 5-year period after surgical treatment was observed in 218 patients of the first group (59.4%) and 72 patients of the second group (25.6%) (p <0.01, χ2 = 39.05, RR = 1.78; CI = 1.53–2.12). The average service life of the autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass was 63.49 months in patients of the first group, and 107.46 months in the second. The decompensated course of diabetes mellitus was observed in 203 patients (55.2%). Among patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus, occlusion of the autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass was observed in 95 patients (46.8%), in 104 patients the autovenous conduit was passable (51.2%; p = 0.449, χ2 = 0.57). Decompensated course of diabetes mellitus may contribute to a decrease in the service life of autovenous femoro-popliteal bypass.CONCLUSION: the presence of diabetes mellitus, and especially its decompensated course, can negatively affect the patency of autovenous femoro-popliteal bypass in the long term

    Relationship of dyslipidemia and autovenous femoro-popliteal bypass outcome

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    The effect of blood lipid profile levels on the service life of autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass has not been fully studied. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of lipid metabolism disorders on the long-term results of autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass surgery. Material and methods. Results of treatment of 648 patients who underwent autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass grafting were analyzed. In accordance with the outcome of surgical treatment, the patients were divided into 2 clinical groups: the first group (290 patients) included patients who, according to the instrumental methods of research in the long-term period, had occlusion of the autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass, the second group (358 people) included patients whose autovenous conduit was passable. The average service life of the autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass in patients of the first group was 78 ± 18 months. Patients in the first and second groups aged 64.5 ± 7.9 and 64.9 ± 8.6 years, respectively, p = 0.58, males prevailed (n = 503, 77.62 %). Results. Analysis of lipidogram data showed higher content of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, triacylglycerol, atherogenic coefficient in patients of the first clinical group. Dyslipidemia was recorded in 256 (88.3 %) patients of the first group and 190 patients of the second group (53.1 %), p = 0.001. The patency time of the autovenous conduit in patients of the first group, who was diagnosed with dyslipidemia, was 68.15 months, without this complication – 105.84 months. Conclusions. Dyslipidemia and hyperlipidemia significantly reduce the lifespan of the autovenous femoral-popliteal bypass. The work has no fundin


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    The aim of the work. To study the venotropic and anticoagulant activity of the dry extract of Sakhalin willowshoots (DESWS). Materials and Methods. The anticoagulant activity was determined in an «in vitro» experiment by the Burker method. To further study the anticoagulant activity of DESWS, we proceeded to an «in vivo» experiment, where we used doses of 30 mg/kg, 60 mg/kg, and 90 mg/kg. For 4 days, once a day the animals were administered intragastrically with the studied DESWS in the form of an aqueous solution at the rate of 0.5 ml per 100 g of body weight. On the 4th day, blood was taken from the tail of the rats after the injection of the test samples in 60 min and the blood clotting time was determined. The next stage of our research was to study the effect of DESWS on the course of edema in venous stasis of the tail in rats. The object of the study was a dry extract of Sakhalin willow shoots, conventionally designated DESWS. Results and Discussion. DESWS was used in three test doses in the form of aqueous solutions. The study was carried out on white non-breeding rats weighing 200–250 g, 5 rats per group: group 1 – intact control, which was administered distilled water; group 2 – rats receiving the test extract at a dose of 20 mg/kg, group 3 – rats receiving DESWS at a dose of 30 mg/kg, group 4 – rats receiving DESWS at a dose of 40 mg/kg. According to the data obtained, DESWS at a dose of 20 mg/kg significantly increased the blood clotting time by 1.15 times compared to the control. The anticoagulant activity of DESWS at a dose of 30 mg/kg and 40 mg/kg was almost at the same level, as evidenced by a significant slowing of blood clotting time compared to the control by 1.47 and 1.5 times, respectively. The comparison drug Escuvit increased the blood clotting time by 1.26 times compared to the control. Conclusions. DESWS has shown anticoagulant activity in «in vitro» and «in vivo» studies. The conditionally therapeutic dose of DESWS-30 mg/kg was established in the study of anticoagulant activity in animals. In the model of venous stasis in rats, DESWS exhibits anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, and venotropic effects, which are not inferior in activity to the comparison drug Escuvit.Мета роботи. Вивчення венотропної та антикоагулянтної активності сухого екстракту пагонів верби сахалінської (СЕПВС). Матеріали і методи. Антикоагулянтну активність визначали в експерименті in vitro методом Бюркера. Для подальшого дослідження антикоагулянтної активності сухого екстракту пагонів верби сахалінської перейшли до експерименту in vivo, де застосовували дози: 30 мг/кг, 60 мг/кг і 90 мг/кг. Впродовж 4-х діб тваринам один раз на добу внутрішньошлунково вводили досліджуваний сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської  у вигляді водного розчину із розрахунку 0,5 мл на 100 г маси тіла. На 4-ту добу брали кров із хвоста щурів після введення досліджуваних зразків через 60 хв та визначали час зсідання крові. Наступним етапом наших досліджень було вивчення впливу сухого екстракту пагонів верби сахалінської  на перебіг набряку при венозному застої хвоста у щурів. Об’єктом дослідження був сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської, умовно позначений сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської. Результати й обговорення. Сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської  використовували у трьох досліджуваних дозах у вигляді водних розчинів. Дослідження здійснювали на білих нелійних щурах масою 200–250 г по 5 щурів у групі: 1-ша група – інтактний контроль, яким вводили дистильовану воду; 2-га група – щури, які отримували досліджуваний екстракт у дозі 20 мг/кг, 3-тя група – щури, які отримували сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської у дозі 30 мг/кг, 4-та група – щури, які отримували сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської  у дозі 40 мг/кг. За отриманими даними, сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської  у дозі 20 мг/кг вірогідно збільшував час згортання крові порівняно з контролем у 1,15 раза. Антикоагулянтна активність сухого екстракту пагонів верби сахалінської у дозі 30 мг/кг та 40 мг/кг була майже на одному рівні  та  вірогідно не відрізнялась  між собою у 1,47 та 1,5 раза відповідно. Препарат порівняння «Ескувіт» збільшував час згортання крові порівняно з контролем у 1,26 раз. Висновки. Сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської виявив антикоагулянтну активність у дослідах in vitro i in vivo. Встановлено умовно-терапевтичну дозу сухого екстракту пагонів верби сахалінської – 30 мг/кг у дослідженні антикоагуляційної активності у тварин. На моделі венозного застою у щурів сухий екстракт пагонів верби сахалінської  виявляє протинабрякову, протизапальну та венопротекторну дію, яка не поступається за активністю препарату порівняння «Ескувіт»

    Pseudo-Schwarzschild Spherical Accretion as a Classical Black Hole Analogue

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    We demonstrate that a spherical accretion onto astrophysical black holes, under the influence of Newtonian or various post-Newtonian pseudo-Schwarzschild gravitational potentials, may constitute a concrete example of classical analogue gravity naturally found in the Universe. We analytically calculate the corresponding analogue Hawking temperature as a function of the minimum number of physical parameters governing the accretion flow. We study both the polytropic and the isothermal accretion. We show that unlike in a general relativistic spherical accretion, analogue white hole solutions can never be obtained in such post-Newtonian systems. We also show that an isothermal spherical accretion is a remarkably simple example in which the only one information--the temperature of the fluid, is sufficient to completely describe an analogue gravity system. For both types of accretion, the analogue Hawking temperature may become higher than the usual Hawking temperature. However, the analogue Hawking temperature for accreting astrophysical black holes is considerably lower compared with the temperature of the accreting fluid.Comment: Final Version to appear in the journal General Relativity & Gravitation, Volume 27, Issue 11, 2005. 17 pages, Two colour and one black and white figures. Typos corrected. Recent reference on analogue effect in relativistic accretion disc adde

    Simulating Black Hole White Dwarf Encounters

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    The existence of supermassive black holes lurking in the centers of galaxies and of stellar binary systems containing a black hole with a few solar masses has been established beyond reasonable doubt. The idea that black holes of intermediate masses (1000\sim 1000 \msun) may exist in globular star clusters has gained credence over recent years but no conclusive evidence has been established yet. An attractive feature of this hypothesis is the potential to not only disrupt solar-type stars but also compact white dwarf stars. In close encounters the white dwarfs can be sufficiently compressed to thermonuclearly explode. The detection of an underluminous thermonuclear explosion accompanied by a soft, transient X-ray signal would be compelling evidence for the presence of intermediate mass black holes in stellar clusters. In this paper we focus on the numerical techniques used to simulate the entire disruption process from the initial parabolic orbit, over the nuclear energy release during tidal compression, the subsequent ejection of freshly synthesized material and the formation process of an accretion disk around the black hole.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Computer Physics Communications, accepted; movie can be found at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/srosswog/; reference correcte

    A Large-Scale COVID-19 Twitter Chatter Dataset for Open Scientific Research-An International Collaboration

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    Ajuts: This work was partially supported by the National Institute of Aging through Stanford University's Stanford Aging and Ethnogeriatrics Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center (SAGE) center (award 3P30AG059307-02S1). The work on the collection of Russian tweets was performed by Elena Tutubalina and supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant number 18-11-00284).As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread worldwide, an unprecedented amount of open data is being generated for medical, genetics, and epidemiological research. The unparalleled rate at which many research groups around the world are releasing data and publications on the ongoing pandemic is allowing other scientists to learn from local experiences and data generated on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is a need to integrate additional data sources that map and measure the role of social dynamics of such a unique worldwide event in biomedical, biological, and epidemiological analyses. For this purpose, we present a large-scale curated dataset of over 1.12 billion tweets, growing daily, related to COVID-19 chatter generated from 1 January 2020 to 27 June 2021 at the time of writing. This data source provides a freely available additional data source for researchers worldwide to conduct a wide and diverse number of research projects, such as epidemiological analyses, emotional and mental responses to social distancing measures, the identification of sources of misinformation, stratified measurement of sentiment towards the pandemic in near real time, among many others

    Pseudo-Newtonian Potential for Charged Particle in Kerr-Newman Geometry

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    We consider the equatorial circular motion of a test particle of specific charge q/m << 1 in the Kerr-Newman geometry of a rotating charged black hole. We find the particle's conserved energy and conserved projection of the angular momentum on the black hole's axis of rotation as corrections, in leading order of q/m, to the corresponding energy and angular momentum of a neutral particle. We determine the centripetal force acting on the test particle and, consequently, we find a classical pseudo-Newtonian potential with which one can mimic this general relativistic problem.Comment: 8 page

    The Nuclear Spin Nanomagnet

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    Linearly polarized light tuned slightly below the optical transition of the negatively charged exciton (trion) in a single quantum dot causes the spontaneous nuclear spin polarization (self-polarization) at a level close to 100%. The effective magnetic field of spin-polarized nuclei brings the optical transition energy into resonance with photon energy. The resonantly enhanced Overhauser effect sustains the stability of the nuclear self-polarization even in the absence of spin polarization of the quantum dot electron. As a result the optically selected single quantum dot represents a tiny magnet with the ferromagnetic ordering of nuclear spins - the nuclear spin nanomagnet.Comment: 19 pages, including 3 figures. Short version has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Accretion disks around Black Holes with Advection and Optical Depth Transition

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    We consider the effects of advection and radial gradients of pressure and radial drift velocity on the structure of accretion disks around black holes with proper description of optically thick/thin transitions. We concentrated our efforts on the models with large accretion rate. Contrary to disk models neglecting advection, we find that continuous solutions extending from the outer disk regions to the inner edge exist for all accretion rates we have considered. We show that the sonic point moves outward with increasing accretion rate, and that in the innermost disk region advection acts as a heating process that may even dominate over dissipative heating. Despite the importance of advection on it's structure, the disk remains geometrically thin. Global solutions of advective accretion disks, which describe continuously the transition between optically thick outer region and optically thin inner region are constructed and analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Proceedings of the Gamov Memorial International Conference, Odessa, Ukraine, August 8-14, 2004, Cambridge Scientific Publication