476 research outputs found

    Urban and peri-urban agriculture in Campinas/SP : analysis of the community kitchen-gardens program as subsidy for public politics

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    Orientador: Nilson Antonio Modesto ArraesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaResumo: A Agricultura Urbana e Peri-urbana (AUP) contemporânea vêm ganhando destaque no cenário mundial e nacional e reafirmando-se como um fator permanente nos processos de desenvolvimento sustentável das pessoas e da sociedade.Em Campinas, a câmara e o executivo têm, através das legislações municipais e da regulamentação do Programa de Hortas Comunitárias de Campinas (PHC), sinalizada a intenção em trazer à agenda política do município o tema de agricultura urbana. Porém na atual administração, Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2008), o PHC ainda não tem destino claro. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o PHC, de forma a subsidiar uma nova formulação de políticas públicas de AUP no município. Seus objetivos específicos compreendem a análise da gestão do PHC, dos projetos de hortas no município e do perfil dos participantes, bem como tecer proposições a cerca da percepção dos entrevistados. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos a partir de visitas sistemáticas e entrevistas dirigidas ao longo do ano de 2005, realizadas junto a formuladores, gestores e beneficiários de hortas urbanas escolares, terapêuticas e comunitárias do município de Campinas, além da fonte documental. A análise da maneira como se deu a gestão do PHC evidenciou a, quase total, desvinculação entre o programa e as políticas setoriais de educação, saúde e ação social. A análise do gerenciamento dos projetos evidenciou a importância das ações individuais na implementação e sucesso das atividades, mesmo com recursos escassos. Por fim, na descrição da operacionalização, chama atenção à importância que os projetos ganham na vida dos beneficiários e a boa articulação dos coordenadores com outras instituições, tanto do setor privado (Petrobras), como do setor público (CEASA)Abstract: Contemporary Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) is gaining prominence in the worldwide and national scene as it reaffirms itself as a permanent factor in the processes of sustainable development of people and society. In Campinas, the Municipal Chamber and Executive have, through municipal legislation and the regulation of the Community Kitchen-gardens Program of Campinas (CKP), signaled the intention of bringing to the political agenda, the subject of urban agriculture. However, in the current administration, Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2008), the CKP still does not have a clear destination. In such a context, the objective of this work is to analyze the CKP, and to develop anew form of public politics of UPA in the city. Its specific objective is to understand and analyze the management of the CKP and kitchen-gardens projects in the city and the social economic profile of the participants. The data used had been gained from systematic visits and interviews during the whole of 2005 with the participation of the planners and policy makers, managers and institutional and communitarian urban beneficiaries of kitchen-gardens in the city of Campinas, beyond the documentary source. The analysis of the evidence gave the management of the CKP, an almost total picture, disconnected between the program and education, health and social action politics. The analysis of the projects managed here showed the importance of individual action in the implementation and success of the activities, particularly those with scarce resources. Finally, in describing the operation, it calls attention to the importance of projects that benefit the life of the beneficiaries and the joint efforts of the coordinators with other institutions the private (Petrobras) and the public sectors (CEASA)MestradoPlanejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural SustentávelMestre em Engenharia Agrícol


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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisARRUDA, Juliana. Previsão do Fluxo de Caixa Operacional Antes e Após a Adoção das Normas Internacionais no Brasil. 2018. 67 p. Monografia (Curso de Graduação em Ciências Contábeis) - Departamento de Ciências Contábeis. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis - SC. Com a convergência às IFRS no Brasil, espera-se uma melhora na qualidade da informação contábil. Como informação mais relevante da contabilidade tem-se sua capacidade em prever o fluxo de caixa futuro. Desta forma, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar o incremento na capacidade do fluxo de caixa operacional, accruals e lucros correntes em prever o fluxo de caixa operacional, após a adoção das normas internacionais de contabilidade, para então verificar se houve melhoria nessa previsão. Para alcançar este objetivo foram utilizados modelos de regressão para dados em painel baseados no estudo de Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001), para uma amostra de 50 empresas e dados de 2005 a 2016. Para identificar o incremento do período após a convergência às IFRS foram adicionadas variáveis interativas ao modelo. Como resultado observou-se que a convergência resultou em um incremento significativo e afetou negativamente na previsão do fluxo de caixa operacional a partir do próprio fluxo de caixa e do lucro líquido corrente. Os accruals não apresentaram resultado significativo após a convergência.ARRUDA, Juliana. Prediction of Operational Cash Flow Before and After Adoption of International Standards in Brazil. 2018. 67p. Course Completion Work (Monograph). Department of Accounting Science. Federal University of Santa Catarina. With convergence to IFRS in Brazil, an improvement in the quality of accounting information is expect. As accounting information more relevant has its ability to predict future cash flow. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify the increase in the capacity of the operational cash flow, accruals and current earnings to predict the operational cash flow, after adopting the international accounting standards, for then verify if there was an improvement in this forecast. In order to achieve this goal, regression models for panel data based on the study of Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001) were used for a sample of 50 companies and data from 2005 to 2016. To identify the increase in the period after convergence to IFRS, interactive variables were added to the model. As a result, it was observed that the convergence resulted in a significant increase and negatively affected the forecast of the operational cash flow from the cash flow itself and the current net income. Accruals did not present significant results after convergence

    Systemic creativity, sustainable development and business administration : understanding the bridge between Furtado and Csikszentmihalyi in the context of the Brasília National Park

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2019.This thesis explores the social aspect of creativity, a more modern approach, and how our society comes together to produce novelty through Csikszentmihalyi’s (1988) Systems Model of Creativity. To add an economic perspective to this socio-cultural background, brought by the model, Celso Furtado (1978) and his Development and Accumulation theory is introduced to the theoretical model of this thesis. This research builds a bridge between both authors to understand how Systemic Creativity functions, when we add sustainable development to the equation, considering a business administration perspective. To achieve this objective, a qualitative, exploratory field research, combining participant observation, documental research and semi-structured interviews as data collected methods, was made, using the Environmental Education Nucleus as a case study. The content analysis technique was used to process the data collected, and a mixed grid was made with seven initial categories (field, individual, domain, development, accumulation process, insufficiency of accumulation, building bridges between theories), and four others (multi-level perspective, characterization of the field, mapping out cultural references, institutional perspective) were added after the empirical discoveries. The results analyzed include a multi-level perspective regarding all of the categories, depending on the stakeholder considered, and an empirical validation of the theoretical model. A mapping of the field around the Nucleus was essential for building the analysis, that also included how business administration is favoured by the comprehension of the Systems Model, and how a sustainable point of view is a necessity for this profession


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    The emergence of decentralized programs of Food Security in Brazil reinforces the importance of analyzing processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation of results and impacts of these initiatives. The objective of the present study was to characterize the Food Security Program of Campinas City (São Paulo State), contributing to the discussion about the municipal administration in this field. The analytical reference concerns three main dimensions of municipal public policies: the institutional dimension – policy; the procedural dimension (search of objectives and decision process) – politics; and the material dimension (programs configuration, technical problems and material content of decisions) – policy. The procedural dimension characterization demonstrated the existence of a strong link between the food security municipal program and Fome Zero program, even before it became a federal program. The importance of the relation between the formulators and those who implement the policies became evident with the institutional dimension characterization. Finally, the description of the projects that compose the program itself reinforces the importance of the coordination function, concerned with the benefits of the whole set of distinct projects.food security, policy analysis, Campinas-SP, food supply.,

    Analysis Of Soccer Players' Positional Variability During The 2012 Uefa European Championship: A Case Study

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse players' positional variability during the 2012 UEFA European Championship by applying principal component analysis (PCA) to data gathered from heat maps posted on the UEFA website. We analysed the teams that reached the finals and semi-finals of the competition. The players' 2D coordinates from each match were obtained by applying an image-processing algorithm to the heat maps. With all the players' 2D coordinates for each match, we applied PCA to identify the directions of greatest variability. Then, two orthogonal segments were centred on each player's mean position for all matches. The segments' directions were driven by the eigenvectors of the PCA, and the length of each segment was defined as one standard deviation around the mean. Finally, an ellipse was circumscribed around both segments. To represent player variability, segment lengths and elliptical areas were analysed. The results demonstrate that Portugal exhibited the lowest variability, followed by Germany, Spain and Italy. Additionally, a graphical representation of every player's ellipse provided insight into the teams' organisational features throughout the competition. The presented study provides important information regarding soccer teams' tactical strategy in high-level championships that allows coaches to better control team organisation on the pitch.47122523

    Mineral bioavailability in vegetarian and omnivorous meals served in a university restaurant

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a biodisponibilidade de cálcio, ferro e zinco nas dietas vegetarianas e onívoras, servidas no Restaurante Universitário da Universidade de Brasília. Métodos: Foram coletadas três amostras de cada refeição, durante 5 dias, para determinação do conteúdo de fitato. O conteúdo em cálcio ferro e zinco foi estimado a partir de tabelas de composição de alimentos. A razão molar entre o ácido fítico e o mineral dietéticos foi utilizada como critério para avaliar a biodisponibilidade. Resultados: As concentrações médias de ácido fítico, cálcio e ferro foram significantemente maiores na dieta vegetariana (p=0,0002; p=0,0015 e p=0,0227, respectivamente), enquanto a concentração de Zinco foi maior na dieta onívora (p=0,0205). Ambas as dietas apresentaram razões molares ácido fítico: cálcio e ácido fítico: ferro inferiores aos valores críticos (1,56 e 14, respectivamente), sugerindo que o fitato não deve comprometer a biodisponibilidade do cálcio ou do ferro nessas refeições. A razão molar ácido fítico: zinco, na dieta vegetariana, foi de 9,3 e na onívora de 4,9, caracterizando-as como refeições de média e alta biodisponibilidade para o zinco, respectivamente. O feijão e a soja eram os componentes dietéticos mais ricos em fitato nas duas refeições. Conclusão: Devido aos teores de cálcio e ferro nas duas refeições, a presença de fitato não deve representar risco de deficiência desses minerais para indivíduos que se alimentam diariamente no Restaurante Universitário da Universidade de Brasília. Entretanto, devido ao baixo teor de zinco nas refeições, a presença do fitato pode representar um risco de deficiência desse mineral, principalmente, para homens vegetarianos.Objective: To assess the bioavailability of calcium, iron and zinc in vegetarian and omnivorous meals served in the university restaurant of the Universidade de Brasília. Methods: Three samples of each meal were collected during 5 days to determine the concentration of phytate. Calcium, iron and zinc contents were estimated by using food composition tables. The molar ratio between phytic acid and the dietary mineral was used as a criterion to evaluate mineral bioavailability. Results: The mean concentrations of phytate, calcium and iron were significantly higher in the vegetarian meal (p=0.0002; p=0.0015 e p=0.0227, respectively), while zinc concentration was higher in the omnivorous meal (p=0.0205). Both meals presented molar ratios of phytate to calcium and phytate to iron below the critical values (1.56 and 14, respectively) suggesting that phytate in these meals should not impair calcium and iron bioavailability. The molar ratio of phytic acid to zinc in the vegetarian meal was 9.4, while in the omnivorous meal it was 4.3, characterizing them as medium and high bioavailability meals for zinc, respectively. Beans and soy were the highest sources of phytate in both meals. Conclusion: Due to the calcium and iron contents in both meals served in the university restaurant of the Universidade de Brasília, phytate content should not induce calcium and iron deficiency in individuals that consume these meals daily. However, given the low zinc content in the meals, phytate content may represent a risk for the development of zinc deficiency, especially in vegetarian men

    The coordination in the interorganizational policy implementation : principles for an analytical referential

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    Orientador: Antonio Marcio BuainainTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Grande parte das políticas, explicita ou implicitamente, envolve a responsabilidade compartilhada entre diferentes organizações; sejam secretarias, esferas governamentais, ministérios ou organizações privadas. Isto faz de sua implementação um processo fragmentado e evidencia a necessidade de coordenação na prática cotidiana dos programas. A relevância da coordenação ganhou ainda mais destaque nas últimas três décadas, com as transformações ocorridas em grande parte do mundo acerca do papel do Estado enquanto gestor de políticas. O Estado deixou de ser o único ator envolvido na gestão das políticas e novos atores entraram em cena, resultando numa trama social muito mais densa, com heterogeneidade nas características e orientações das organizações representativas. No entanto, apesar de a literatura reconhecer o problema de coordenação, ainda não se consolidou uma teoria que consiga explicar e prescrever efetivamente a forma adequada para a coordenação dos programas. Neste sentido, o presente estudo busca aprofundar a compreensão da coordenação na implementação interorganizacional de políticas, evidenciando os elementos que a envolvem e buscando estruturá-los num quadro analítico geral. Os fundamentos teóricos que embasam o trabalho provêm das teorias institucionalista e das organizações, marcadas por reflexões neste campo. Dentro destes marcos teóricos, a trajetória apresentada se constrói através de um recorte que cresce em escala: parte do estudo do comportamento dos indivíduos, passa às interações sociais, analisa, num próximo nível, a organização e, por fim, dá enfoque à interação entre organizações e à dinâmica das redes interorganizacionais. À luz destas categorias, abordam-se questões referentes às organizações públicas e ao processo de implementação de políticas, que se desdobram na discussão da coordenação. Como fruto das discussões teóricas desenvolvidas, e da realização de um painel de especialistas, apresentam-se os elementos relevantes numa proposta de quadro analítico para a coordenação na implementação de políticasAbstract: A great part of the policies, explicitly or implicitly, involves responsibilities shared among different organizations; such as departments, governmental spheres, ministries or private organizations. This fact makes policy implementation a fragmented process and evidences the needs of coordination on the programs' daily practice. On the last three decades, the coordination's relevance has featured with the worldwide changes on the State role as a policy manager. The State quit being the sole actor on policy management and new actors came up to the scene, which resulted in a denser social plot, with heterogeneity on both the characteristics and orientations of the representative organizations. However, despite the acknowledgment of the coordination problem by the literature, there is no consolidated theory able to effectively explain and prescribe the proper manner to the programs' coordination yet. In this sense, the present thesis seeks to deepen the comprehension on coordination of interorganizational policy implementation, showing the constituting elements and endeavouring to structure a general analytical picture. The thesis' theoretical basis comes from the Institutional and Organization Theory, marked by reflections on this field. Inside these theoretical frameworks, the thesis trajectory in built on a growing scale framework: it departs from the study of the individual behavior, moves to the social interactions, analyses, in the next stage, the organization and, lastly, focus on the organizations interactions and the interorganizational network dynamics. In light of such categories, questions about public organizations and the policy implementation process are adressed, which unfolds on the discussion about coordination. As a result of both the theoretical discussion and the realization of a panel with experts, the main constituents of an analytical picture for coordination on policy implementation purpose are presentedDoutoradoDesenvolvimento Economico, Espaço e Meio AmbienteDoutor em Desenvolvimento Economic

    Psicopatologias infantis: patologias infantis decorrentes do sono

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as patologias infantis decorrentes do sono, desde o nascimento da criança. Muitas dessas patologias causam dificuldades de aprendizagem e irritabilidade na criança. Apresentam-se durante o artigo a definição de sono e os seus respectivos estágios, como: sono não paradoxal (sono NREM), o sono paradoxal (sono REM), além, dos distúrbios do sono mais comuns nas crianças, como as angústias noturnas e o terror noturno, os pesadelos, o sonho de angústia e a insônia. Tratar-se-á ainda do sonilóquio, patologia muito comum e frequente entre as crianças, identificada facilmente, que é a fala durante o sono. Com as patologias do sono é comum aparecer o automatismo motor, a ritmia de sono. Outra patologia comum entre as crianças é o sonambulismo e suas complicações. Apresentam-se, também, as dificuldades de adormecimento da criança, como a enurese noturna, a epilepsia noturna ou epilepsia morfeica. Finalizando as patologias da infância, pontuar-se-ão as patologias particulares, como a apneia durante o sono, e a hipersonia. Ao término deste trabalho ressalta-se que a criança que não dorme bem à noite pode apresentar vários sintomas durante o dia, por exemplo: sonolência excessiva; agitação psicomotora; dificuldade em manter a atenção e concentração; impulsividade; problemas de memória; agressividade com os pais e a família; comportamentos de oposição; alterações do humor; ansiedade e, principalmente, problemas na aprendizagem, etc. Palavras-chave: Atuação do Psicólogo. Intervenção psicológica. Psicopatologias infantis

    Use of the content analysis to help in the characterization of semiurban road passenger transport in Brazil: a systemic and interdisciplinary viewpoint

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    In Brazil, the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT in Portuguese) Resolution 16/02 defines semiurban road passenger transport as journeys with urban transport characteristics that are as long as 75km (or less) and that cross the State, Federal District or Territory border. Even though this type of service is regulated, Decree 2.521/98 does not present a specific approach for this service, which may jeopardize its regulatory policy and service planning. Besides, the lack of a specific approach allows for user expectations to remain unfulfilled. Thus, regarding land passenger transport, the main problem we spotted was the lack of knowledge on semiurban road passenger transport. To consider the perceptions of users, planners and operators involved in semiurban transport is essential to understand how it works and, subsequently, to characterize it. From this point of view, Content Analysis comes to light as a specific technique that aims to describe content objectively, systematically, qualitatively and quantitatively in order to build a System of Synthetic Categories for each actor in semiurban transport. This study aims to demonstrate how Content Analysis techniques can contribute to characterize semiurban road passenger transport from the system of categories of user perception in the Brazilian Federal District and surrounding areas.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Use of the content analysis to help in the characterization of semiurban road passenger transport in Brazil: a systemic and interdisciplinary viewpoint

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    In Brazil, the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT in Portuguese) Resolution 16/02 defines semiurban road passenger transport as journeys with urban transport characteristics that are as long as 75km (or less) and that cross the State, Federal District or Territory border. Even though this type of service is regulated, Decree 2.521/98 does not present a specific approach for this service, which may jeopardize its regulatory policy and service planning. Besides, the lack of a specific approach allows for user expectations to remain unfulfilled. Thus, regarding land passenger transport, the main problem we spotted was the lack of knowledge on semiurban road passenger transport. To consider the perceptions of users, planners and operators involved in semiurban transport is essential to understand how it works and, subsequently, to characterize it. From this point of view, Content Analysis comes to light as a specific technique that aims to describe content objectively, systematically, qualitatively and quantitatively in order to build a System of Synthetic Categories for each actor in semiurban transport. This study aims to demonstrate how Content Analysis techniques can contribute to characterize semiurban road passenger transport from the system of categories of user perception in the Brazilian Federal District and surrounding areas.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne