104 research outputs found

    ¿Quién se sitúa en la vanguardia de las tendencias del mercado? Desarrollo de una escala para identificar a los ‘‘lead users’’

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    Users are, by no means, an insignificant source of innovative and attractive products. 5% of our non-representative sample of consumers from Gipuzkoa innovates, which is quite similar to findings in other relevant studies on the subject. This would suggest that innovation management and policies that are exclusively manufacturer-oriented and fail to take the user into account will always be unsatisfactory and incomplete. However, it is equally true that not all consumers innovate. The challenge, therefore, is for companies who wish to develop co-creation strategies with consumers to be able to identify those consumers who do. To this end, the authors present a reliable and valid scale called "Consumers at the Cutting-Edge". We offer a 31-item scale divided in three dimensions ("User leadership", "Curiosity/creativity", and "Availability of time and skills for product development") designed specifically for the identification of lead users so that they can contribute to the innovation process.Los usuarios son, sin lugar a dudas, una fuente nada despreciable de productos innovadores y atractivos. El 5% de nuestra muestra no representativa de consumidores de Guipúzcoa innova, lo cual es bastante similar a los hallazgos de otros estudios relevantes sobre la cuestión. Esto podría sugerir que la gestión y las políticas de innovación exclusivamente orientadas al fabricante, y que no tengan en cuenta al usuario, serán siempre insatisfactorias e incompletas. Sin embargo, es igualmente cierto que no todos los consumidores innovan. Por tanto, la dificultad radica en las empresas que desean desarrollar estrategias de co-creación con los consumidores, para poder identificar a aquellos de entre ellos que sí innovan. A tal fin, los autores presentan una escala fiable y válida denominada ‘‘Los consumidores en la vanguardia’’. Ofrecemos una escala de 31 cuestiones dividida en tres dimensiones (‘‘liderazgo del usuario’’, ‘‘curiosidad/creatividad’’, y ‘‘disponibilidad de tiempo y técnicas para el desarrollo del producto’’) diseñada específicamente para identificar a los usuarios líderes que puedan contribuir al proceso de innovación

    Opinión de la población guipuzcoana sobre la figura de las mujeres políticas

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    En el presente artículo se expone y se analiza la opinión ciudadana en el territorio histórico de Guipúzcoa (País Vasco, España) sobre las mujeres políticas en relación con los hombres. A partir de la constatación de que los medios de comunicación ofrecen a menudo una imagen marcada por ciertos estereotipos sexistas en las campañas electorales, el artículo muestra los resultados de un cuestionario que incluye preguntas ligadas a la apariencia, al liderazgo y a la notoriedad de las mujeres políticas. Los resultados indican que todavía, y a pesar de diferentes esfuerzos, perduran los estereotipos en estas cuestiones. Se confirma la tendencia a incidir en aspectos ligados a la presencia física en mayor medida en las mujeres políticas que en los hombres políticos, así como la atribución de cualidades de liderazgo diferentes según el sexo del político o de la política. Además, las mujeres políticas no son la primera mención de las personas encuestadas. Su notoriedad espontánea y asistida es muy inferior a la notoriedad de los hombres políticos. Sin embargo, empieza a percibirse una tendencia hacia la igualdad en lo referente a la intención de voto, lo que abre una puerta a un esperable nuevo panorama más igualitario.En el present article s'exposa i s'analitza l'opinió ciutadana al territori històric de Guipúscoa (País Basc, Espanya) sobre les dones polítiques en relació amb els homes. A partir de la constatació que els mitjans de comunicació ofereixen sovint una imatge marcada per certs estereotips sexistes en les campanyes electorals, l'article mostra els resultats d'un qüestionari que inclou preguntes lligades a l'aparença, al lideratge i a la notorietat de les dones polítiques. Els resultats indiquen que encara, i malgrat diferents esforços, perduren els estereotips en aquestes qüestions. Es confirma la tendència a incidir en aspectes lligats a la presència física en major mesura en les dones polítiques que en els homes polítics, com també l'atribució de qualitats de lideratge diferents segons el sexe del polític o de la política. A més, les dones polítiques no són la primera menció de les persones enquestades. La seva notorietat espontània i assistida és molt inferior a la notorietat dels homes polítics. No obstant això, comença a percebre's una tendència cap a la igualtat pel que fa a la intenció de vot, la qual cosa obre una porta a un esperable nou panorama més igualitari.This article presents and analyses the opinion of the Gipuzkoan population (Basque Country, Spain) of women politicians in relation to men. Considering that the mass media often portrays an image of campaigning female candidates that is marked by certain sexist stereotypes, the article presents the results of a questionnaire that enquires about female politicians' appearance, leadership and reputation. The results show that, despite different efforts, certain stereotypes persist, thus confirming how aspects related to physical appearance have a greater impact on female politicians than men, as well as the attribution of different leadership qualities depending on their gender. In addition, women politicians are not in the 'top of mind' of the people surveyed, and their spontaneous and assisted notoriety is much lower than that of men. However, a tendency towards equality in relation to voting intentions is starting to emerge, suggesting that the door is opening to what will hopefully be a new and more egalitarian panorama

    Un estudio sobre hábitos de consumo de información en la era digital

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    La aparición de Internet y los dispositivos móviles han revolucionado la manera de consumir información y, en consecuencia, el modelo de negocio de los medios. Siendo difícil encontrar un modelo rentable para los medios, es innegable que lo más elemental es seguir respondiendo a la siguiente pregunta: ¿ha dejado de interesarle al ser humano lo que ocurre a su alrededor? O, ¿quizá lo que ha cambiado es el modo de consumir información y no tanto el grado de interés? En una encuesta administrada entre 1.500 individuos agrupados por generaciones (mileniales, generación X, baby-boomers y generación silenciosa), estos responden a esta cuestión rotundamente: la información interesa, sobre todo la información local y social, que debe caracterizarse por su veracidad, fiabilidad, objetividad, actualidad y rigurosidad, más que por su profundidad. Pero los ciudadanos se han vuelto consumidores voraces de información, quieren consumir rápido, usar y tirar, en cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar. El comportamiento compulsivo se ha adueñado del mercado de la información y lo ha hecho sin apenas diferencias entre generaciones. En definitiva, el estilo milenial, multipantalla y multidispositivo, breve y visual, sin barreras físicas ni temporales y sin compromisos que requieren lealtad determinará el modelo de negocio de los medios.The emergence of the Internet and mobile devices has revolutionized the way information is consumed and transformed the media business model as a result. As it is difficult to find a profitable model for the media, it is undeniable that what is really essential is to carry on trying to find an answer to the following question: Are human beings no longer interested in what is happening all around them? Or perhaps what has changed is the way that information is consumed and not so much the level of interest in it? A survey carried out among 1,500 individuals, grouped together by generations (millennials, generation X, baby-boomers and the silent generation), provides an emphatic response to this question: information does interest them, especially local and social information, and must be characterized by being truthful, reliable, objective, topical and rigorous, rather than deep. However, citizens have become avid consumers of information and want to consume it quickly in a disposable manner, anytime, anywhere. Compulsive behavior has taken over the market for information and has done so with hardly any inter-generational differences. In short, it is the millennial style, which is multi-screen and multi-device, brief and visual, without any barriers of time or space or loyalty commitments that will define the business model for the media.L'aparició d'Internet i els dispositius mòbils han revolucionat la manera de consumir informació i, en conseqüència, el model de negoci dels mitjans. Com que és difícil trobar un model rendible per als mitjans, és innegable que el més elemental és continuar responent a la pregunta següent: ha deixat d'interessar-li a l'ésser humà el que ocorre al seu voltant? O, potser el que ha canviat és la manera de consumir informació i no tant el grau d'interès? En una enquesta administrada entre 1.500 individus agrupats per generacions (mil·lennistes, generació X, baby-boomers i generació silenciosa), aquests responen a aquesta qüestió rotundament: la informació interessa, sobretot la informació local i social, que ha de caracteritzar-se per la veracitat, fiabilitat, objectivitat, actualitat i rigorositat, més que no pas per la profunditat. Però els ciutadans s'han convertit en consumidors voraços d'informació, volen consumir ràpidament, usar i llençar, en qualsevol moment, en qualsevol lloc. El comportament compulsiu s'ha apropiat del mercat de la informació i ho ha fet sense gairebé diferències entre generacions. En definitiva, l'estil mil·lennista, multipantalla i multidispositiu, breu i visual, sense barreres físiques ni temporals i sense compromisos que requereixen lleialtat determinarà el model de negoci dels mitjans

    Taller Integrado 2A (Proyectos III, Análisis Constructivo III, Composición I)

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    Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horasEl Taller Integrado de Arquitectura implica una metodología de trabajo concebida para integrar los contenidos de diferentes asignaturas en torno a trabajos prácticos comunes, que garantizan la optimización de los recursos docentes y la racionalización del trabajo de los alumnos. En el caso del Taller 2A, correspondiente al tercer cuatrimestre del Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura, las asignaturas integradas son Proyectos III, Análisis Constructivo III y Composición I. Sus contenidos se complementan para abordar las distintas fases de Análisis de antecedentes, Formulación y Desarrollo de una propuesta arquitectónica. El enunciado combina en un mismo proyecto el trabajo en grupo con el desarrollo individual

    A Preliminary Habitat Suitability Model for Devil Rays in the Western Indian Ocean

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    The European tropical tuna purse seine fishery incidentally captures three highly migratory and endangered species of devil rays, spinetail devil ray Mobula mobular, sicklefin devil ray M. tarapacana, and bentfin devil ray M. thurstoni in the Indian Ocean. Due to their global decreasing populations, understanding the factors of their spatial and temporal distributions and the associated environmental conditions are fundamental for their management and conservation. Yet, the spatial and temporal distribution of devil rays in the Indian Ocean is poorly understood. Here we developed a habitat suitability model for devil rays in the Western Indian Ocean depicting the seasonal and interannual changes in their spatial distributions and underlying environmental conditions. We used bycatch data collected between the period 2010-2020 by the EU tropical tuna purse seine observer programs to determine which environmental variables influence the occurrence of devil rays using generalized additive models. A separate modelling was done for the spinetail devil ray, and for the three species of devil rays combined, since many individuals are only recorded at the genus level. The environmental variables associated with the presence of devil rays were chlorophyll, sea surface height and sea surface temperature fronts. When modelling the habitat suitability for spinetail devil ray, the most influential environmental variables were net primary production of phytoplankton and sea surface temperature fronts. Both the interannual and seasonal variability in habitat suitability of devil rays were explained by these environmental variables. We also showed that devil rays are associated to permanent hotspots in the Mascarene Plateau and Central Indian Ridge, and to seasonal hotspots in the Western Arabian Sea and Equatorial regions where there is a high occurrence of devil rays during winter monsoon. We found that setting on large tuna schools decreases the chances of devil ray bycatch. Both models predicted a higher probability of incidental catch of devil rays in fishing sets on free swimming schools of tunas than in sets on fish aggregating devices. The identified hotspots and associated environmental characteristics provide information about the habitat use and ecology of the devil rays in the Western Indian Ocean. Furthermore, the habitat suitability models, and biological hotspots identified in this study could also to be used to inform the development of future spatial management measures, including time-area closures, to minimize the interaction of pelagic fisheries with these vulnerable species

    A preliminary habitat suitability model for oceanic whitetip shark in the western Indian Ocean

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    Understanding the temporal, spatial and environmental factors influencing species distributions is essential to minimize the interactions of vulnerable species with fisheries and can be used to identify areas of high bycatch rates and their environmental conditions. Classified as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) is the second main shark species incidentally caught by the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the western Indian Ocean. In this study, we used the European Union purse seine fishery observer data (2010-2020) and generalized additive models to develop a habitat suitability model for juvenile oceanic whitetip shark in the western Indian Ocean. Sea surface temperature was the main environmental driver suggesting a higher probability of occurrence of this shark with decreasing temperatures. The type of fishing operation also was an important predictor explaining its occurrence, suggesting a higher probability of incidentally catching this species when using fish aggregating devices as set type. Moreover, predictive maps of habitat suitability suggested the area offshore of Kenya and Somalia are an important hotspot with higher probabilities of incidentally catching this species during the summer monsoon (June to September) when upwelling takes place. The habitat suitability models developed here could be used to inform the design and testing of potential time-area closures in the Kenya-Somalia basin with the objective of minimizing the bycatch of this critically endangered species with the least possible impact on fishing operations and fishery yields of target tuna

    Weight-related quality of life in spanish obese subjects suitable for bariatric surgery is lower than in their North American counterparts: a case–control study

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    Multicenter study[Abstract] Background: Obesity impairs quality of life, but the perception of the impairment could be different from one country to another. The purpose was to compare weight-related quality of life (QOL) between cohorts from Spain and North America. Methods: A cross-sectional case-control study was performed between two populations. Four hundred Spanish and 400 North American obese subjects suitable for bariatric surgery closely matched for race, gender, age, and body mass index (BMI) were included. Two non-obese control groups matched for gender, age, and BMI from each population were also evaluated (n = 400 in each group). The participants completed the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) questionnaire, a measure of weight-related QOL. Results: Spanish morbidly obese patients showed poorer QOL than their North American counterparts in physical function, sexual life, work, and total score. By contrast, Spanish non-obese control subjects reported better QOL in all domains than their North American counterparts. Women, both in Spain and North America, reported reduced QOL compared to men on the domain of self-esteem. In addition, North American women reported reduced QOL on the sexual life domain compared to men. BMI correlated negatively with all domains of QOL except for self-esteem in both national groups. Conclusions: Spanish obese subjects suitable for bariatric surgery report poorer weight-related quality of life than their North American counterparts, and obese women, regardless of nationality, perceive a reduced quality of life compared to men

    Trisomy 8, A Cytogenetic Abnormality In Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Is Constitutional Or Not?

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    Isolated trisomy 8 is not considered presumptive evidence of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in cases without minimal morphological criteria. One reason given is that trisomy 8 (+8) can be found as a constitutional mosaicism (cT8M). We tried to clarify the incidence of cT8M in myeloid neoplasms, specifically in MDS, and the diagnostic value of isolated +8 in MDS. Twenty-two MDS and 10 other myeloid neoplasms carrying +8 were studied. Trisomy 8 was determined in peripheral blood by conventional cytogenetics (CC) and on granulocytes, CD3+ lymphocytes and oral mucosa cells by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In peripheral blood CC, +8 was seen in 4/32 patients. By FISH, only one patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia showed +8 in all cell samples and was interpreted as a cT8M. In our series +8 was acquired in all MDS. Probably, once discarded cT8M by FISH from CD3+ lymphocytes and non-hematological cells, +8 should be considered with enough evidence to MDS