1,686 research outputs found

    Asymmetrical structure of ionization and kinematics in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5033

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    We present integral field spectroscopy of NGC 5033, a low luminosity Seyfert galaxy. The observations were made with INTEGRAL, a fiber based system operating at the WHT. The intensity map of the Hβ\beta emission line represents a spiral or ring-like pattern of HII regions. On the contrary, the [OIII] intensity map morphology is markedly anisotropic. The strong morphological differences imply that the [OIII] emitters represent highly ionized gas illuminated by the central source. The [OIII] map morphology is compatible with a biconical structure of ionization induced by strong extinction in the galaxy disc that also obscures half of the spheroidal stellar bulge. We identify the spectrum corresponding to the Seyfert 1 nucleus from the presence of Hβ\beta broad emission lines. This spectrum is located in a region where strong extinction is expected but exhibits the bluest spectral energy distribution. The Seyfert 1 nucleus seems to be offcenter with respect to the stellar rotation center. This result has been also found in other Seyfert galaxies and interpreted in terms of a past merger. The offcentering could indicate the presence of nonsymmetric departures in the gravitational potential which could be fueling the active nucleus. The kinematics of the [OIII] emitters show important deviations at a kpc scale with respect to the stellar velocity field and show features related to the asymmetrical morphology of the high ionization region.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Figures 1 and 7 are attached as .gif file

    Spatially resolved kinematics, galactic wind, and quenching of star formation in the luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F11506-3851

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    We present a multi-wavelength integral field spectroscopic study of the low-z LIRG IRAS F11506-3851, on the basis of VIMOS and SINFONI (ESO-VLT) observations. The morphology and the 2D kinematics of the gaseous (neutral and ionized) and stellar components have been mapped using the NaD doublet, the Hα\alpha line, and the near-IR CO(2-0) and CO(3-1) bands. The kinematics of the ionized gas and the stars are dominated by rotation, with large observed velocity amplitudes and centrally peaked velocity dispersion maps. The stars lag behind the warm gas and represent a dynamically hotter system, as indicated by the observed dynamical ratios. Thanks to these IFS data we have disentangled the contribution of the stars and the ISM to the NaD feature, finding that it is dominated by the absorption of neutral gas clouds in the ISM. The neutral gas 2D kinematics shows a complex structure dominated by two components. On the one hand, the thick slowly rotating disk lags significantly compared to the ionized gas and the stars, with an irregular and off-center velocity dispersion map. On the other hand, a kpc-scale neutral gas outflow is observed along the semi-minor axis of the galaxy, as revealed by large blueshifted velocities (30-154 km/s). We derive an outflowing mass rate in neutral gas of about 48 Mw˙\dot{M_{\rm w}}/yr. Although this implies a global mass loading factor of 1.4, the 2D distribution of the ongoing SF suggests a much larger value of mass loading factor associated with the inner regions (R<<200 pc), where the current SF represents only 3 percent of the total. All together these results strongly suggest that we are witnessing (nuclear) quenching due to SF feedback in IRAS F11506-3851. However, the relatively large mass of molecular gas detected in the nuclear region via the H2 1-0 S(1) line suggests that further episodes of SF may take place again

    A Bayesian framework for verification and recalibration of ensemble forecasts: How uncertain is NAO predictability?

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    Predictability estimates of ensemble prediction systems are uncertain due to limited numbers of past forecasts and observations. To account for such uncertainty, this paper proposes a Bayesian inferential framework that provides a simple 6-parameter representation of ensemble forecasting systems and the corresponding observations. The framework is probabilistic, and thus allows for quantifying uncertainty in predictability measures such as correlation skill and signal-to-noise ratios. It also provides a natural way to produce recalibrated probabilistic predictions from uncalibrated ensembles forecasts. The framework is used to address important questions concerning the skill of winter hindcasts of the North Atlantic Oscillation for 1992-2011 issued by the Met Office GloSea5 climate prediction system. Although there is much uncertainty in the correlation between ensemble mean and observations, there is strong evidence of skill: the 95% credible interval of the correlation coefficient of [0.19,0.68] does not overlap zero. There is also strong evidence that the forecasts are not exchangeable with the observations: With over 99% certainty, the signal-to-noise ratio of the forecasts is smaller than the signal-to-noise ratio of the observations, which suggests that raw forecasts should not be taken as representative scenarios of the observations. Forecast recalibration is thus required, which can be coherently addressed within the proposed framework.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    Outflows of hot molecular gas in ultra-luminous infra-red galaxies mapped with VLT-SINFONI

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    We present the detection and morphological characterization of hot molecular gas outflows in nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, using the near-IR integral-field spectrograph SINFONI on the VLT. We detect outflows observed in the 2.12 micron H2_{2} 1-0 S(1) line for three out of four ULIRGs analyzed; IRAS 12112+0305, 14348-1447, and 22491-1808. The outflows are mapped on scales of 0.7-1.6 kpc, show typical outflow velocities of 300-500 km/s, and appear to originate from the nuclear region. The outflows comprise hot molecular gas masses of ~6-8x103^3 M(sun). Assuming a hot-to-cold molecular gas mass ratio of 6x105^{-5}, as found in nearby luminous IR galaxies, the total (hot+cold) molecular gas mass in these outflows is expected to be ~1x108^{8} M(sun). This translates into molecular mass outflow rates of ~30-85 M(sun)/yr, which is a factor of a few lower than the star formation rate in these ULIRGs. In addition, most of the outflowing molecular gas does not reach the escape velocity of these merger systems, which implies that the bulk of the outflowing molecular gas is re-distributed within the system and thus remains available for future star formation. The fastest H2_{2} outflow is seen in the Compton-thick AGN of IRAS 14348-1447, reaching a maximum outflow velocity of ~900 km/s. Another ULIRG, IRAS 17208-0014, shows asymmetric H2_{2} line profiles different from the outflows seen in the other three ULIRGs. We discuss several alternative explanations for its line asymmetries, including a very gentle galactic wind, internal gas dynamics, low-velocity gas outside the disk, or two superposed gas disks. We do not detect the hot molecular counterpart to the outflow previously detected in CO(2-1) in IRAS 17208-0014, but we note that our SINFONI data are not sensitive enough to detect this outflow if it has a small hot-to-cold molecular gas mass ratio of < 9x106^{-6}.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (11 pages, 10 figures

    Therapeutic applications of probiotics

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    En los últimos años han comenzado a desarrollarse nuevos conceptos en nutrición como fruto de la preocupación por una elevada calidad de vida de la sociedad desarrollada. Esto ha promovido la aparición del término “alimento funcional”, que se puede defi nir como aquel producto, alimento modifi cado o ingrediente alimentario, que puede proveer benefi cios a la salud superiores a los ofrecidos por los alimentos tradicionales. Las bacterias probióticas quedan incluidas dentro del campo de los alimentos funcionales, existiendo evidencias de su efi cacia en ciertas patologías, y sufi cientes estudios experimentales en otras para justifi car posibles mecanismos de acción que faciliten el desarrollo de microorganismos más efectivos, así como para defi nir los límites de su efectividad.Over recent years new concepts in nutrition have been arising in consequence of some of the negative aspects of modern lifestyles in today’s highly developed societies. This has brought about the appearance of the term “functional foods”, which can be defi ned as a modifi ed foodstuff or ingredient that can promote better health benefi ts than those offered by traditional foods. Probiotic bacteria have been included within the concept of functional foods, given that there is suffi cient evidence to suggest their effectiveness in combating certain pathologies. Furthermore, numerous experimental studies have identifi ed the action mechanisms that facilitate the development of the most effective microorganisms, while at the same time establishing the limits of their effectiveness

    Molecular basis of the dominant negative effect of a glycine transporter 2 mutation associated with hyperekplexia

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    "This research was originally published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. Esther Arribas-González, Jaime de Juan-Sanz, Carmen Aragón, and Beatriz López-Corcuera. Molecular Basis of the Dominant Negative Effect of a Glycine Transporter 2 Mutation Associated with Hyperekplexia. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015; 290:2150-2165. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology."Hyperekplexia or startle disease is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by an exaggerated startle in response to trivial tactile or acoustic stimuli. This neurological disorder can have serious consequences in neonates, provoking brain damage and/or sudden death due to apnea episodes and cardiorespiratory failure. Hyperekplexia is caused by defective inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission. Mutations in the human SLC6A5 gene encoding the neuronal GlyT2 glycine transporter are responsible for the presynaptic form of the disease. GlyT2 mediates synaptic glycine recycling, which constitutes the main source of releasable transmitter at glycinergic synapses. Although the majority of GlyT2 mutations detected so far are recessive, a dominant negative mutant that affects GlyT2 trafficking does exist. In this study, we explore the properties and structural alterations of the S512R mutation in GlyT2. We analyze its dominant negative effect that retains wild-type GlyT2 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), preventing surface expression. Weshow that the presence of an arginine rather than serine 512 provoked transporter misfolding, enhanced association to the ER-chaperone calnexin, altered association with the coat-protein complex II component Sec24D, and thereby impeded ER exit. The S512R mutant formed oligomers with wild-type GlyT2 causing its retention in the ER. Overexpression of calnexin rescued wild-type GlyT2 from the dominant negative effect of the mutant, increasing the amount of transporter that reached the plasma membrane and dampening the interaction between the wild-type and mutant GlyT2. The ability of chemical chaperones to overcome the dominant negative effect of the disease mutation on the wild-type transporter was demonstrated in heterologous cells and primary neuronsThis work was supported by Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” Grant SAF2011-28674, by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), and by an institutional grant from the “Fundación Ramón Areces.

    Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging of the IRAS 1-Jy Sample of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: II. The Analysis

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    The present paper discusses the results from an analysis of the images presented in Paper I (astro-ph/0207373) supplemented with new spectroscopic data obtained at Keck. All but one object in the 1-Jy sample show signs of a strong tidal interaction/merger. Multiple mergers involving more than two galaxies are seen in no more than 5 of the 118 (< 5%) systems. None of the 1-Jy sources is in the first-approach stage of the interaction, and most (56%) of them harbor a single disturbed nucleus and are therefore in the later stages of a merger. Seyfert galaxies (especially those of type 1), warm ULIGs (f_{25}/f_{60} > 0.2) and the more luminous systems (> 10^{12.5} L_sun) all show a strong tendency to be advanced mergers with a single nucleus. An analysis of the surface brightness profiles of the host galaxies in single-nucleus sources reveals that about 73% of the R and K' surface brightness profiles are fit adequately by an elliptical-like R^{1/4}-law. These elliptical-like 1-Jy systems have luminosities, half-light radii, and R-band axial ratio distribution that are similar to those of normal (inactive) intermediate-luminosity ellipticals and follow with some scatter the same mu_e - r_e relation. These elliptical-like hosts are most common among merger remnants with Seyfert 1 nuclei (83%), Seyfert 2 optical characteristics (69%) or mid-infrared (ISO) AGN signatures (80%). In general, the results from the present study are consistent with the merger-driven evolutionary sequence ``cool ULIGs --> warm ULIGs --> quasars,'' although there are many exceptions. (abridged)Comment: Correction to D.-C. Kim's affiliations. 42 pages + 3 tables + 3 multi-page jpeg figures; see http://www.astro.umd.edu/~veilleux/pubs/paper2.tar.gz for original figure

    STIS ultraviolet/optical spectroscopy of `warm' ultraluminous infrared galaxies

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    (Abridged) We present high spatial resolution ultraviolet and optical spectroscopy, obtained using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope, of nuclear structures within four `warm' Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs). We find an AGN in at least three, and probably all four of our sample, hosted in a compact, optically luminous `knot'. In three cases these knots were previously identified as a putative AGN nucleus from multiband optical imaging. Three of the sample also harbor a starburst in one or more knots, suggesting that the optically luminous knots seen in local ULIRGs are the most likely sites of the dust-shrouded starburst and AGN activity that power the infrared emission. The four AGN have a diverse range of properties; two are classical narrow line AGN, one shows both broad and narrow lines and evidence for lines of sight from the narrow through to the broad line regions, and one is plausibly a FeLoBAL AGN. The probable presence in one object of an FeLoBAL AGN, which are extremely rare in the QSO population, supports the idea that LoBAL AGN may be youthful systems shrouded in gas and dust rather than AGN viewed along a certain line of sight. The three starbursts for which detailed constraints are possible show a smaller range in properties; all three bursts are young with two having ages of ~4Myr and the third having an age of 20Myr, suggesting that ULIRGs undergo several bursts of star formation during their lifetimes. None of the starbursts show evidence for Initial Mass Function slopes steeper than about 3.3. The metallicities of the knots for which metallicities can be derived are all at least 1.5 times the Solar value. The properties of one further starburst knot are consistent with it being the forming core of an elliptical galaxy.Comment: ApJ, accepte