943 research outputs found

    Rice (\u3ci\u3eOryza\u3c/i\u3e) hemoglobins [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Hemoglobins (Hbs) corresponding to non-symbiotic (nsHb) and truncated (tHb) Hbs have been identified in rice (Oryza). This review discusses the major findings from the current studies on rice Hbs. At the molecular level, a family of the nshb genes, consisting of hb1, hb2, hb3, hb4 and hb5, and a single copy of the thb gene exist in Oryza sativa var. indica and O. sativa var. japonica, Hb transcripts coexist in rice organs and Hb polypeptides exist in rice embryonic and vegetative organs and in the cytoplasm of differentiating cells. At the structural level, the crystal structure of rice Hb1 has been elucidated, and the structures of the other rice Hbs have been modeled. Kinetic analysis indicated that rice Hb1 and 2, and possibly rice Hb3 and 4, exhibit a very high affinity for O2, whereas rice Hb5 and tHb possibly exhibit a low to moderate affinity for O2. Based on the accumulated information on the properties of rice Hbs and data from the analysis of other plant and non-plant Hbs, it is likely that Hbs play a variety of roles in rice organs, including O2-transport, O2-sensing, NO-scavenging and redox-signaling. From an evolutionary perspective, an outline for the evolution of rice Hbs is available. Rice nshb and thb genes vertically evolved through different lineages, rice nsHbs evolved into clade I and clade II lineages and rice nshbs and thbs evolved under the effect of neutral selection. This review also reveals lacunae in our ability to completely understand rice Hbs. Primary lacunae are the absence of experimental information about the precise functions of rice Hbs, the properties of modeled rice Hbs and the cis-elements and trans-acting factors that regulate the expression of rice hb genes, and the partial understanding of the evolution of rice Hbs

    Preliminary estimates of tritium permeation and retention in the first wall of DEMO due to ion bombardment

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    Tritium self-sufficiency presents a critical engineering challenge for DEMO, requiring efficient breeding and extraction systems, as well as minimizing tritium losses to the surrounding systems, such as plasma-facing components, vacuum vessel, cooling system, etc. Structural and plasma-facing components will act as a tritium sink, as tritium will be accumulated in the bulk of these components due to energetic particle bombardment and may permeate out of the vacuum system. The design of the plasma-facing components will consequently directly influence the plant lifetime, operational safety and cost of any future power plant. Therefore, modeling of tritium retention and permeation in these components is required for the engineering designs of the tritium breeding and safety systems. In this work, the diffusion-transport code TESSIM-X is benchmarked against the well-established TMAP7 code and a comparison with a simplified DEMO-relevant test case is performed. The use of either code for modeling of DEMO conditions is discussed. Following this, TESSIM-X is used to provide a preliminary assessment of tritium permeation and retention in the DEMO first wall, based on the current WCLL (Water Cooled Lithium Lead) and HCPB (Helium Cooled Pebble Bed) breeding blanket designs

    Pilot Study of a Multi-pronged Intervention using Social Norms and Priming to Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and Retention in Care among Adults Living with HIV in Tanzania.

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    Interventions incorporating constructs from behavioral economics and psychology have the potential to enhance HIV 'treatment as prevention' (TasP) strategies. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated an intervention to improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence based on the concepts of social norms and priming. We used tools from marketing research and patient-centered design to develop a combination intervention that included visual feedback about clinic-level retention in care, a self-relevant prime, and useful take-home items with the priming image. The intervention was implemented at two HIV primary clinics in Shinyanga, Tanzania in 2-week intervals for six months. We conducted a quasi-experimental pilot study with a random sample of exposed and unexposed adult patients living with HIV infection (PLHIV) to compare retention and the proportion of patients with medication possession ratio (MPR) ≥95% after six months. Intervention acceptability was determined with a convenience sample of 405 PLHIV at baseline (n = 189) and endline (n = 216). Medical records were reviewed for 438 PLHIV (320 intervention, 118 standard of care). In adjusted analyses, PLHIV exposed to the intervention were significantly more likely to be in care after 6 months (87% vs. 79%, adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 1.73, 95% CI: 1.08, 2.78, p<0.05) and were more likely to achieve MPR≥95% (70% vs. 59%, OR = 1.51, 95% CI: 0.96, 2.37, p = 0.07). The intervention was associated with increases in staff support of treatment goals (100% vs. 95%, p = 0.01) and life goals (66% vs. 50%, p<0.01), the perceived likelihood of other patients' adherence (54% vs. 32%, p<0.01), support from other patients (71% vs. 60%, p = 0.03), and being very satisfied with care (53% vs. 35%, p<0.01). This novel intervention has the potential to improve the clinic experience, short-term retention in care, and ART adherence. Future studies are needed to expand the generalizability of the approach and evaluate effectiveness on clinical outcomes

    Element-Specific Depth Profile of Magnetism and Stoichiometry at the La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/BiFeO3 Interface

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    Depth-sensitive magnetic, structural and chemical characterization is important in the understanding and optimization of novel physical phenomena emerging at interfaces of transition metal oxide heterostructures. In a simultaneous approach we have used polarized neutron and resonant X-ray reflectometry to determine the magnetic profile across atomically sharp interfaces of ferromagnetic La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 / multiferroic BiFeO3 bi-layers with sub-nanometer resolution. In particular, the X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity measurements at the Fe and Mn resonance edges allowed us to determine the element specific depth profile of the ferromagnetic moments in both the La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 and BiFeO3 layers. Our measurements indicate a magnetically diluted interface layer within the La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 layer, in contrast to previous observations on inversely deposited layers. Additional resonant X-ray reflection measurements indicate a region of an altered Mn- and O-content at the interface, with a thickness matching that of the magnetic diluted layer, as origin of the reduction of the magnetic moment.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material include

    Un modelo de virtudes relacionales y principios guía para una comunidad-empresa basada en el diálogo

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    El presente artículo busca argumentar cómo las virtudes relacionales favorecen el diálogo en una organización. El concepto de virtud se analiza a partir de su perspectiva aristotélica, profundizando en la vertiente personal y relacional de las virtudes. Se entiende que la virtud se encuentra estrechamente vinculada a la idea de comunidad en la vida empresarial y el diálogo es el espacio en donde convergen las virtudes relacionales con los principios empresariales. A partir de las anteriores afirmaciones se plantean estas preguntas de investigación: ¿cuáles son las virtudes que deben dar forma al ethos de la empresa bajo las cuáles encuentra sustento el diálogo? ¿Qué virtudes pueden ser catalizadoras de los principios guía de una ética empresarial sustentada en el diálogo? Se propone un modelo que intenta articular principios guía y virtudes relacionales para favorecer la ética del diálogo en las empresas

    The Presence of Precursors of Benign Pre-B Lymphoblasts (Hematogones) in the Bone Marrow of a Paediatric Patient with Cytomegalovirus Infection

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    Hematogones are normal B-lymphoid precursors that multiply in the bone marrow of small children and of adults with ferropenic anaemia, neuroblastoma or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. They are not normally found in peripheral blood, and the immunophenotype is virtually indistinguishable from that of B lymphoblasts. We discuss the case of a 3-month infant with an active cytomegalovirus infection, with hepatitis and pancytopenia associated with 13% hematogones in the bone marrow

    What can we learn from COVID-19?: examining the resilience of primary care teams

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to place an unprecedented strain on the US healthcare system, and primary care is no exception. Primary care services have shifted toward a team-based approach for delivering care in the last decade. COVID-19 placed extraordinary stress on primary care teams at the forefront of the pandemic response efforts. The current work applies the science of effective teams to examine the impact of COVID-19—a crisis or adverse event—on primary care team resilience.MethodsLittle empirical research has been done testing the theory of team resilience during an extremely adverse crisis event in an applied team setting. Therefore, we conducted an archival study by using large-scale national data from the Veterans Health Administration to understand the characteristics and performance of 7,023 Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACTs) during COVID-19.ResultsOur study found that primary care teams maintained performance in the presence of adversity, indicating possible team resilience. Further, team coordination positively predicted team performance (B = 0.53) regardless of the level of adversity a team was experiencing.DiscussionThese findings in turn attest to the need to preserve team coordination in the presence of adversity. Results carry implications for creating opportunities for teams to learn and adjust to an adverse event to maintain performance and optimize team-member well-being. Teamwork can act as a protective factor against high levels of workload, burnout, and turnover, and should be studied further for its role in promoting team resilience

    Observational Study of the Multistructured Planetary Nebula NGC 7354

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    We present an observational study of the planetary nebula (PN) NGC 7354 consisting of narrowband Halpha and [NII]6584 imaging as well as low- and high-dispersion long-slit spectroscopy and VLA-D radio continuum. According to our imaging and spectroscopic data, NGC 7354 has four main structures: a quite round outer shell and an elliptical inner shell, a collection of low-excitation bright knots roughly concentrated on the equatorial region of the nebula, and two symmetrical jet-like features, not aligned either with the shells' axes, or with each other. We have obtained physical parameters like electron temperature and electron density as well as ionic and elemental abundances for these different structures. Electron temperature and electron density slightly vary throughout the nebula. The local extinction coefficient c_Hbeta shows an increasing gradient from south to north and a decreasing gradient from east to west consistent with the number of equatorial bright knots present in each direction. Abundance values show slight internal variations but most of them are within the estimated uncertainties. In general, abundance values are in good agreement with the ones expected for PNe. Radio continuum data are consistent with optically thin thermal emission. We have used the interactive three-dimensional modeling tool SHAPE to reproduce the observed morphokinematic structures in NGC 7354 with different geometrical components. Our SHAPE model is in very good agreement with our imaging and spectroscopic observations. Finally, after modeling NGC 7354 with SHAPE, we suggest a possible scenario for the formation of the nebula.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 12 pages, 8 figure
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