102 research outputs found
Biomimetic flow fields for proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A review of design trends
Bipolar Plate design is one of the most active research fields in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) development. Bipolar Plates are key components for ensuring an appropriate water management within the cell, preventing flooding and enhancing the cell operation at high current densities. This work presents a literature review covering bipolar plate designs based on nature or biological structures such as fractals, leaves or lungs. Biological inspiration comes from the fact that fluid distribution systems found in plants and animals such as leaves, blood vessels, or lungs perform their functions (mostly the same functions that are required for bipolar plates) with a remarkable efficiency, after millions of years of natural evolution. Such biomimetic designs have been explored to date with success, but it is generally acknowledged that biomimetic designs have not yet achieved their full potential. Many biomimetic designs have been derived using computer simulation tools, in particular Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) so that the use of CFD is included in the review. A detailed review including performance benchmarking, time line evolution, challenges and proposals, as well as manufacturing issues is discussed.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades ENE2017-91159-EXPMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad UNSE15-CE296
Cogeneración de energía electrica por planta ORC
Estudiando las plantas ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle), se pretende estudiar la viabilidad de un sistema de estos en la salida de la chimenea de la caldera EPCB de la empresa TINTURAS Y TELAS S.A, estos gases pueden ser aprovechados, reduciendo su temperatura antes de ser expulsados a la atmósfera. Este estudio de viabilidad se realiza en esta caldera ya que es la de más flujo en la empresa y esto con lleva a que la temperatura sea mayor en este punto, la cual puede ser aprovechada de la mejor manera para la instalación de la planta ORC, este gas con una temperatura calentara la tubería con refrigerante la cual llega a un tornillo haciéndolo rotar para generar energía. La ORC no influye en lo absoluto en la contaminación ya que lo único que se utiliza es la temperatura para la función del equipo.
La caldera cuenta con un ciclón para la precipitación de las partículas generadas, tomando en cuenta el beneficio que trae desde la parte ambiental al disminuir la temperatura de los gases y su nivel de elementos contaminantes, se pretende tratar también con un filtro de aire llamado (Venturi) para eliminar más gases y partículas que de otra forma serían emitidas al ambiente, el cual se instalaría al final de la planta ORC.Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad
El cine como una herramienta mediadora para fomentar la participación en la asignatura de ética y valores del Colegio Instituto Técnico Superior
Este proyecto pedagógico mediatizado, se llevó a cabo en el marco del programa de la Licenciatura de Comunicación e Informática Educativas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, ubicada en Risaralda - Colombia. Se desarrolla este proyecto pedagógico mediatizado basado en la población del grado quinto del Instituto Técnico Superior en la asignatura de ética y valores, en la que se realizó un diagnóstico con el fin de identificar algunas necesidades en las que pudiésemos aportar positivamente desde nuestro campo de estudio. Éste grupo manifestó una necesidad de aumentar la participación durante el desarrollo de la asignatura ya mencionada. Es por ello que se diseña una secuencia didáctica para incrementar la participación, mediada por herramientas educomunicativas. Esta problemática se abordó desde una propuesta metodológica compuesta por varios autores, entre ellos; María Carmen Pereira, Jakeline Duarte, la metodología DENI, entre otros. Quienes con sus diferentes teorías aportaron para la construcción de una solución pertinente para esta población
Narrativas locales: hacia la construcción del concepto de violencia en el municipio de Quinchía (Risaralda) entre los años 2000 y 2006
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo el análisis y la construcción de artefactos creativos tales como crónicas a partir de las narrativas locales alrededor del concepto de violencia en el municipio de Quinchía (Risaralda) durante los años 2000 y 2006.
Por tanto, se realizó un segmento investigativo que contribuye a reconocer cómo se ha desarrollado cada uno de los procesos que ha sufrido la ciudadanía en el marco del conflicto nacional. A partir de este análisis surgen narrativas que relatan los hechos y cómo estás narrativas se les atribuyen variantes para estructurar el relato y poder ser comunicadas.The objective of this project is the analysis and construction of creative artifacts such as chronicles based on local narratives around the concept of violence in the municipality of Quinchía (Risaralda) during the years 2000 and 2006.
Therefore, a research segment was carried out that contributes to recognize how each of the processes suffered by citizens in the framework of the national conflict has developed. From this analysis, narratives emerge that relate the facts and how these narratives are attributed variants to structure the story and be able to be communicated.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Literatura y Lengua CastellanaTabla de contenido
Introducción 9
Justificación 13
La construcción de la violencia en Colombia 17
Un acercamiento a la violencia en Quinchía (Risaralda) 36
La crónica como elemento vinculante para narrar la violencia 50
Urbanidad y ruralidad para la construcción de narrativas locales 56
Crónicas 59
La noche interminable 59
Días de zozobra 63
Las listas negras 63
La leyenda 65
Uno puede perdonar pero nunca olvidar 67
UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA: Narrar la memoria 69
Conclusiones 82
Psychological Emotion-Based Interventions for the Treatment Of Eating Behaviors in Obesity: State of the Art and Future Directions/Intervenciones psicológicas basadas en la emoción para el tratamiento de las conductas alimentarias en la obesidad: estado del arte y direcciones futuras
The link between obesity and the emotional factor has been widely studied, however, obesity treatment, including psychological, keep focusing on weight loss when it should be focusing on psychological factors like emotional regulation. Literature regarding psychological emotion-based interventions for obesity keeps growing exponentially and getting difficult to handle so it's convenient for students, professionals, and researchers in the field to have the relevant literature summarized. For that reason, this literature review compiles the main emotion-based interventions in obesity over the last 10 years. The information from 21 articles is synthetically presented, analyzed, and discussed on the basis of 3 topics: 1) Intervention approaches, 2) Outcome variables and 3) Future lines of research. Seven main intervention approaches were identified. Regarding the outcome variables, it is shown that changes occur mainly in eating behaviors and not in weight loss. For future lines of research, the authors suggested implementing experimental designs, as well as improving the clarity of the construct, measurements, and follow-up mechanisms
Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Philodryadini Cope, 1886 (Dipsadidae: Xenodontinae): Rediscovering the diversity of the South American Racers
South American racers of the tribe Philodryadini are a widespread and diverse group of Neotropical snakes with a complex taxonomic and systematic history. Recent studies failed to present a robust phylogenetic hypothesis for the tribe, mainly due to incomplete taxon sampling. Here we provide the most extensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of Philodryadini available so far, including 20 species (83% of the known diversity) from which six were not sampled previously. Our results reveal that Philodryadini is not monophyletic, but instead includes a central Andean clade formed by Philodryas simonsii, P. tachymenoides, and P. amaru, and a southern and cis-Andean clade including all remaining philodryadines. This discovery requires resurrection of two genera as well as erection of a new tribe of Xenodontinae for the central Andean clade. Within the southern and cis-Andean radiation, our analyses resolve a basal dichotomy separating two main lineages: Clade A, containing the Common Green Racers P. laticeps and P. viridissima and the South American Vine snakes P. georgeboulengeri and P. argentea; and Clade B, including the remaining species of Philodryas sensu stricto. We resurrect the genera Chlorosoma and Xenoxybelis to better represent the monophyly of lineages within the southern and cis-Andean cladeFil: Arredondo, Juan Camilo. Universidad Ces. Facultad de Ciencias y Biotecnologia.; ColombiaFil: Grazziotin, Felipe G.. Instituto Butantan; BrasilFil: Scrocchi Manfrini, Gustavo Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Trefaaut Rodriguez, Miguel. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Bonatto, Sandro Luis. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Zaher, Husam. Museu de Zoologia - Usp; Brasi
Effect of Oxytocin, Cloprostenol or Buserelin in Semen Doses on Sow Fertility
[EN] During the periods January to April, May to August, and September to December in two consecutive years, sows were assigned at breeding to receive semen doses supplemented with 87 µg cloprostenol (PG; n = 158), 5 IU oxytocin (OT; n = 154), 2 µg buserelin (GN; n = 93), or served as non-supplemented controls (CON; n = 605). Sows were inseminated at the detection of estrus, and again 24 h later, but only the first inseminations were supplemented. Compared to CON, only buserelin increased pregnancy and farrowing rates (p ≤ 0.05); there was no effect of a period or a treatment × period interaction. Litter size was larger (p ≤ 0.001) for all seminal additive groups during the first two periods and tended to increase in GN compared to CON (p ≤ 0.1) during the third period, resulting in a tendency (p < 0.1) for a period × treatment interaction. The addition of cloprostenol, oxytocin or buserelin to semen doses at first insemination increases litter size in multiparous sows.SIThis research received no external fundin
The Suinfort® Semen Supplement Counters Seasonal Infertility in Iberian Sows
[EN] Suinfort®, a commercial semen supplement demonstrated to increase fertility and litter size in commercial sows, was tested to improve reproductive performance in Iberian sows. A total of 1430 Iberian sows were artificially inseminated (AI) with semen from Duroc boars and assigned by parity to receive the seminal additive Suinfort® containing 2 IU oxytocin, 5 µg lecirelin, and 2 mM caffeine (SF; n = 1713 AI), or to serve as non-supplemented controls (CON; n = 2625 AI). CON showed a lower fertility comparing to winter for spring (p = 0.001) and summer (p 0.05). Fertility was significantly higher for SF sows during summer (p = 0.025) and autumn (p = 0.004). Total born, live-born, stillborn, and mummified piglets did not differ between CON and SF but were impacted by the season, with total and live-born decreasing in summer compared with autumn (p < 0.001) and winter (p = 0.005). In conclusion, seminal supplementation with Suinfort® improved the fertility of Iberian sows during periods of seasonal infertilitySIThis research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector
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