20 research outputs found

    An Efficient Implementation of Online Model Predictive Control With Field Weakening Operation in Surface Mounted PMSM

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    Model-predictive-controller (MPC), one of the optimal control policies, has gained more attention in servo drive and other industrial applications in recent years due to evident control performance benefits compared to more classical control methods. However, an MPC algorithm solves a constrained optimization problem at each step that brings a substantial computational burden over classical control policies. This study focuses on improving the computational efficiency of an online MPC algorithm and then demonstrates its practical feasibility on the field weakening operation in high-speed PMSM control applications where the sampling frequency is in the order of mu s. We implement the existing dual active set solver by replacing two standard methods in the matrix update step to reduce the overall computational cost of the algorithm. We also rearrange the linear approximation for the constraints on voltage and current by taking the tradeoff between accuracy and speed into account. We finally verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed structure via processor-in-the-loop simulations and physical platform experiments

    Foundations of Bilingual and Bicultural Education

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    This syllabus is for a course about Bilingual/Bicultural education, including history, goals, models, rationale, legal and legislative basis, linguistic principles, and language evaluation. Current issues and research findings in bilingual/bicultural education are also included

    Special Issue : Linguistic diversity, equity and pedagogical innovation in higher education

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    This monograph will report on the results of a series of case studies conducted across several campuses of the City University of New York within a university-sponsored project entitled Futures Initiative (FI). The FI project advocates for greater equity and innovation in higher education through several actions, including research and student and teacher development initiatives. In this monograph, the authors of the contributions came together in an interdisciplinary doctoral seminar on educational language policy, which was chosen to take on an active role in the FI project. The seminar was led by Dr. Ofelia García and Dr. Carmina Makar.Aquest volum presenta els resultats d'una sèrie d'estudis de cas realitzats en diversos campus de la Universitat de Nova York dins d'un projecte patrocinat per la universitat titulat Future Initiatives (FI). El projecte FI defensa una major equitat i la innovació en l'educació superior a través de diverses accions, incloent la investigació i altres iniciatives de desenvolupament posats en marxa pels estudiants i professors. Els autors d'aquest monogràfic van coincidir en un seminari d'estudis doctorals interdisciplinaris sobre la política lingüística educativa, que va ser l'eje principal del projecte FI. El seminari va ser dirigit per la Dra. Ofelia García i la Dra. Carmina Makar.Este volumen presenta los resultados de una serie de estudios de caso realizados en varios campus de la Universidad de Nueva York dentro de un proyecto patrocinado por la universidad titulado Future Initiatives (FI). FI defiende una mayor equidad y mayor innovación en la educación superior a través de diversas acciones, incluyendo la investigación y otras iniciativas de desarrollo puestos en marcha por los estudiantes y profesores. Los autores de este monográfico coincidieron en un seminario de estudios doctorales interdisciplinarios sobre la política lingüística educativa, que fue el eje principal del proyecto FI. El seminario fue dirigido por la Dra. Ofelia García y la Dra. Carmina Makar.Ce volume présente les résultats d'une série d'études de cas menées dans campus de l'Université de New York parrainé par l'université intitulé Initiatives futures (FI). L'IF du projet préconise une plus grande équité et de l'innovation dans l'enseignement supérieur à travers diverses activités, y compris la recherche et d'autres initiatives de développement mises en œuvre par les élèves et les enseignants. Les auteurs de cette monographie ont convenu d'un séminaire d'études doctorales interdisciplinaires sur la politique de l'enseignement des langues, qui était l'axe principal du projet FI. Le séminaire a été dirigé par Dra. Ofelia Garcia et Dra. Carmina Makar

    Gallbladder pseudolithiasis caused by ceftriaxone in young adult

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    Ceftriaxone is a commonly used antibiotic due to some of its advantages. Reversible gallbladder (GB) sludge or stone has been reported after ceftriaxone therapy. Most of these patients have no symptom, but the GB sludge or stone can sometimes cause cholecystitis. We experienced two patients who had newly developed GB stones after ceftriaxone therapy for diverticulitis and pneumonia, and this resolved spontaneously 1 month after discontinuation of the drug. Awareness of this complication could help to prevent unnecessary cholecystectomy

    Implementation of Lean Product Development

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    I dagens arbetsmarknad som blir allt mer global och digitaliserad med många olika forskningsområden som blommar och utvecklas snabbt i en accelererande fart, duger det inte bara att ha en affärsidé för att kunna lyckas på marknaden. För att lyckas på marknaden så krävs det även ramverk för hur man går från ”idén på ritbordet” till en färdig produkt eller tjänst så snabbt och effektivt som möjligt, samtidigt som kostnaderna hålls nere. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur tillverkningsföretag i Sverige arbetar med värdeskapande, hur kunskaps byggs och hur LPU implementeras. Detta görs genom en problematisering som vidare byggs på litteraturstudie av nuvarande forskningsläge samt en serie av semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet inom området och är aktiva på arbetsmarknaden. Slutsatsen är att LPU är ett begrepp omöjligt att definiera med precision, det är under konstant utveckling. Värdeskapande och lärande organisation är något som eftersträvas i LPU och på de flesta tillverkningsföretag i Sverige. Värdeskapandet börjar hos kunden och de företag som förstår kunden bäst har större möjligheter till att vara konkurenskraftiga på marknaden och att Chief Engineer har de yttersta ansvaret att säkerställa värdeskapande och att varje uppdrag bör anpassas efter sin verksamhet. Tillverkningsföretag i Sverige förstår vikten av att vara en lärande organisation och att arbeta långsiktigt med kunskapsutveckling. Den främsta metoden som används är Set Based Concurrent Engineering men där tillverkningsföretag brister i att bevara och hantera den kunskap som kommer genom att arbeta Set Based Concurrent Engineering. Vikten av att ha en gedigen helhetsyn på Lean och LPU och hur den ska anpassas efter sin verksamhet är det som är allra viktigast.In todays’s market that is becoming global, research areas are growing rapidly. However it is not enough just to have a solid business plan to be able to succeed in the market. To succeed in the market, it requires a framework for how to move from an idea on a drawing board to a finished product or service as quickly and efficiently as possible while keeping costs down. More precisely, this thesis is based on finding out how manufacturing companies in Swedish work to strengthen their value creation, how to build knowledge and how LPU is implemented. This is done by a problematization that is further built upon by a literature study of the current research situation as well as a series of semi-structured interviews with people who have experience in the field and are active on the labour market. The conclusion is that LPU is a concept impossible to define with precision, it is under constant development. Customer-Defined Value and Knowledge-Based Management is something that is aimed to reach at multiple manufacturing companies in Sweden. Value creation begins with the customer and the companies that understand the customer best have greater opportunities to be competitive in todays market. Chief Engineer has the ultimate responsibility to ensure value creation and that each assignment should be adapted to their business. Manufacturing companies in Sweden understand the importance of being a learning organization and working long-term with knowledge development. The main method used is Set Based Concurrent Engineering, but where manufacturing companies fail to preserve and manage the knowledge that comes through working Set Based Concurrent Engineering. The importance of having a solid holistic view of Lean and LPU and how it should be adapted to their business is what is most important

    Kurdish Language Class in New York : a Platform for Social, Political and (Inter)personal Engagement

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    Every country that encompasses Kurdistan faces extermination efforts, meaning that the Kurdish language has found refuge mainly in exile and has been associated increasingly with the Kurdish identity and with the political struggle of the Kurdish people. The present study looks at a very special case; a voluntarily-initiated Kurdish language class that takes place in the middle of Manhattan, New York, at a prestigious public university. We conducted interviews with 3 students and the teacher of the class to understand the dynamics within and beyond the Kurdish language class, the interplay of their political ideologies, as well as the intricate process of identity negotiation through language practices. Results indicate that through the language class, people are exercising the right to a language, the right to a culture and the right of a people. Participants are challenging and resisting established relations of power and transforming the educational space into a space of freedom.Zimanê Kurdî disa jî ji xwe re cîh û zimênanîn li xerîbiye dîtiye. Ev xebat li vir, li dozekî gelek taybetî dinihêre; dersên zimanê Kurdî ji aliyê dilxwesta de pêk tê li zaningehekî gelî yê bi nav û deng li navbera Manhattan, NY'ê. Me bi çar xwendekaran re û bi mamoste re hevpeyvîn çêkirin ji bo fêmkirina dînamîkên di nav û derve dersa zimanê Kurdi, hev têkilkirina îdeolojiya wan a polîtîk hem jî xebitinek tevlîhevî dewana nasnameyî bi reya pratîkên zimanî. Bi reya hin buna dersa ziman mirov pratîkê mafên zimanekî, mafên çandekî û mafên netewîkî pêk tînin. Beşdarvan sazbûna têkildarîyê hêz li hember hev dikin û li ber xwe didin û navbirî perwerdeyî bedilandin navbirî azadî.Tots els països que abasta el Kurdistan s'enfronta a intents d'extermini, el que significa que la llengua kurda ha trobat refugi principalment a l'exili i per tant es veu associada cada vegada més amb la identitat kurda i amb la lluita política del poble kurd. El present estudi se centra en un cas molt especial; una classe de llengua kurda sense ànims de lucre, situada al centre de Manhattan, Nova York, en una universitat pública de prestigi. S'ha dut a terme entrevistes amb tres estudiants i el professor de la classe per intentar comprendre la dinàmica dins i fora de la classe de llengua kurda, i entendre millor la interacció de les ideologies polítiques, així com l'intricat procés d'ajust de la identitat a través de les pràctiques lingüístiques. Els resultats indiquen que a través de la classe de llengua, la gent exerceix el dret a mantenir i utilitzar una llengua, el dret de mantenir i sentir part d'una cultura i el dret de ser un poble. Els participants qüestionen i resisteixen les relacions de poder establertes i transformen l'espai educatiu en un espai de llibertat.Todos los países que abarca el Kurdistán se enfrenta a intentos de exterminio, lo que significa que la lengua kurda ha encontrado refugio principalmente en el exilio y por lo tanto se ve asociada cada vez más con la identidad kurda y con la lucha política del pueblo kurdo. El presente estudio se centra en un caso muy especial; una clase de lengua kurda sin ánimos de lucro, ubicada en el centro de Manhattan, Nueva York, en una universidad pública de prestigio. Se ha llevado a cabo entrevistas con tres estudiantes y el profesor de la clase para intentar comprender la dinámica dentro y fuera de la clase de lengua kurda, y entender mejor la interacción de las ideologías políticas, así como el intrincado proceso de ajuste de la identidad a través de las prácticas lingüísticas. Los resultados indican que a través de la clase de lengua, la gente ejerce el derecho a mantener y utilizar una lengua, el derecho sentir parte de una cultura y el derecho de ser pueblo sin amenaza. Los participantes cuestionan y resisten las relaciones de poder establecidas y transforman el espacio educativo en un espacio de libertad.Chaque pays qui englobe Kurdistan fait face à des efforts d'extermination, ce qui signifie que la langue kurde a trouvé refuge principalement en exil et a été associée à de plus en plus avec l'identité kurde et la lutte politique du peuple kurde. La présente étude se penche sur un cas très particulier; une classe de langue kurde à but non lucratif, situé dans le centre de Manhattan, à New York, dans une université publique prestigieuse. Nous avons mené des entrevues avec 3 étudiants et l'enseignant de la classe à comprendre la dynamique à l'intérieur et au-delà de la classe de langue kurde, l'interaction de leurs idéologies politiques, ainsi que le processus complexe de négociation identitaire à travers des pratiques linguistiques. Les résultats indiquent que, grâce à la classe de langue, les gens exercent leur droit à une langue, le droit à une culture et le droit d'un peuple. Les participants remettent en question et résistent à des relations établies de pouvoir et de transformer l'espace éducatif dans un espace de liberté

    The Medium of Liberation: Kurdish Language and Education Activism in Turkey

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    This ethnographic study examines the Kurdish language and education activism, which I argue, is an anti-colonial movement generating decolonial forms of practices as responses. Prohibited to be spoken even in private spaces until 1991 in Turkey, the Kurdish language has been an intense object of struggle between the Turkish state and the Kurdish population. What historical, political, and sociocultural forces have contributed to colonial language governmentality in Turkey against the Kurdish language and its speakers? How do Kurdish activists challenge the linguistic hegemony in their semi-formal spaces and in what ways are their practices, discourses and policies decolonial? My study offers two major arguments as responses to these questions. First, I suggest a reconsideration of the linguistic condition in Turkey as being more than nationalist and one that is informed by the entangled ideologies and processes such as racism, and imperialism as well as by the legacy of colonial language ideologies and practices generated mainly by Euro-colonial powers. I trace the genealogy of colonial linguistics and its projection in nationalist language ideologies, practices, and policies to better understand colonial language relations in Turkey today and the ways that language can be turned into a strong tool of colonial domination. Secondly, I argue that the Kurdish language and education activism is an anti-colonial movement generating decolonial practices. I provide examples of decolonial practices in linguistic spaces that seek to transform not only the linguistic condition, but also sociopolitical condition of the Kurdish people. Located in the broader politics of colonial/nationalist language policies, practices and ideologies and language movements of linguistically minoritized populations to these politics, this dissertation extends beyond the Kurdish case and engages with the issues of minoritized language communities, decolonial language practices and pedagogies in a world characterized by increasingly homogenizing and totalizing national imaginations. I place special attention on the peace negotiations process which took place from 2009 to 2015 between the Turkish state and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) –– an armed insurgent group –– and aimed to end the three decade-long internal war. More specifically, I examine the ways in which the peace negotiation process served to maintain colonial language relations via new liberal multilingual and educational policies. The data for this research is gathered for a period of a total of 12 months in the cities of Istanbul and Diyarbakır, Turkey. It incorporates participant observation in several Kurdish language and education institutions, interviews with Kurdish language activists from various institutions, analysis of digital and print materials (textbooks, policy statements, conference notes, reports and booklets), a genealogical analysis of historical sources on the Turkish language reforms and the discourses of media outlets. I also engaged in informal conversations with the locals and activists, attended events such as Kurdish theatre and film festivals, language day celebration, language platform workshop and certificate ceremony among others

    Implementation of Lean Product Development

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    I dagens arbetsmarknad som blir allt mer global och digitaliserad med många olika forskningsområden som blommar och utvecklas snabbt i en accelererande fart, duger det inte bara att ha en affärsidé för att kunna lyckas på marknaden. För att lyckas på marknaden så krävs det även ramverk för hur man går från ”idén på ritbordet” till en färdig produkt eller tjänst så snabbt och effektivt som möjligt, samtidigt som kostnaderna hålls nere. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur tillverkningsföretag i Sverige arbetar med värdeskapande, hur kunskaps byggs och hur LPU implementeras. Detta görs genom en problematisering som vidare byggs på litteraturstudie av nuvarande forskningsläge samt en serie av semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet inom området och är aktiva på arbetsmarknaden. Slutsatsen är att LPU är ett begrepp omöjligt att definiera med precision, det är under konstant utveckling. Värdeskapande och lärande organisation är något som eftersträvas i LPU och på de flesta tillverkningsföretag i Sverige. Värdeskapandet börjar hos kunden och de företag som förstår kunden bäst har större möjligheter till att vara konkurenskraftiga på marknaden och att Chief Engineer har de yttersta ansvaret att säkerställa värdeskapande och att varje uppdrag bör anpassas efter sin verksamhet. Tillverkningsföretag i Sverige förstår vikten av att vara en lärande organisation och att arbeta långsiktigt med kunskapsutveckling. Den främsta metoden som används är Set Based Concurrent Engineering men där tillverkningsföretag brister i att bevara och hantera den kunskap som kommer genom att arbeta Set Based Concurrent Engineering. Vikten av att ha en gedigen helhetsyn på Lean och LPU och hur den ska anpassas efter sin verksamhet är det som är allra viktigast.In todays’s market that is becoming global, research areas are growing rapidly. However it is not enough just to have a solid business plan to be able to succeed in the market. To succeed in the market, it requires a framework for how to move from an idea on a drawing board to a finished product or service as quickly and efficiently as possible while keeping costs down. More precisely, this thesis is based on finding out how manufacturing companies in Swedish work to strengthen their value creation, how to build knowledge and how LPU is implemented. This is done by a problematization that is further built upon by a literature study of the current research situation as well as a series of semi-structured interviews with people who have experience in the field and are active on the labour market. The conclusion is that LPU is a concept impossible to define with precision, it is under constant development. Customer-Defined Value and Knowledge-Based Management is something that is aimed to reach at multiple manufacturing companies in Sweden. Value creation begins with the customer and the companies that understand the customer best have greater opportunities to be competitive in todays market. Chief Engineer has the ultimate responsibility to ensure value creation and that each assignment should be adapted to their business. Manufacturing companies in Sweden understand the importance of being a learning organization and working long-term with knowledge development. The main method used is Set Based Concurrent Engineering, but where manufacturing companies fail to preserve and manage the knowledge that comes through working Set Based Concurrent Engineering. The importance of having a solid holistic view of Lean and LPU and how it should be adapted to their business is what is most important

    Kurdish Language Class in New York: A Platform for Social, Political and (Inter)personal Engagement

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    Every country that encompasses Kurdistan faces extermination efforts, meaning that the Kurdish language has found refuge mainly in exile and has been associated increasingly with the Kurdish identity and with the political struggle of the Kurdish people. The present study looks at a very special case; a voluntarily-initiated Kurdish language class that takes place in the middle of Manhattan, New York, at a prestigious public university. We conducted interviews with 3 students and the teacher of the class to understand the dynamics within and beyond the Kurdish language class, the interplay of their political ideologies, as well as the intricate process of identity negotiation through language practices. Results indicate that through the language class, people are exercising the right to a language, the right to a culture and the right of a people. Participants are challenging and resisting established relations of power and transforming the educational space into a space of freedom