21 research outputs found

    Health facility-based prevalence and potential risk factors of autism spectrum disorders in Mali

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    Background: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is 1-2% worldwide, 1 in 68 in the U.S, and unknown in Africa. ASD is under-diagnosed in Mali due to stigma and the lack of appropriate human resources and infrastructure.Objective: To determine the ASD frequency and potential risk factors in Mali.Methods: We identified all the health facilities and community-based organizations involved in the ASD diagnosis and management in Bamako. We established an ASD research and awareness platform in Mali, which encompasses community-based organizations and a multidisciplinary team including psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, geneticists, and public health and social science specialists. Through this platform, we performed a survey in health facilities and organizations where patients with ASD are likely to seek care in Bamako. We reviewed the psychiatric patient registry to obtain basic epidemiological profiles of children with ASD, epilepsy and other psychiatric disorders.Results: We found a health facility-based prevalence of ASD of 4.5% (105/2,343) in Bamako. The mean age at the first outpatient visit was 7.64 ± 3.85 years old. First degree consanguinity of 29.5% (31/105) was more frequent in parents of ASD children versus age and sex matched controls OR= 4.37 [1.96-9.76] p=0.0001.Conclusion: Our data suggest that ASD is more common than expected in Mali. The established ASD awareness and research platform may improve the diagnosis and management of ASD by raising ASD awareness, training of Malian clinicians and researchers in early ASD screening and diagnosis, and strengthening research capacity in genomics of ASD and other mental disorders.Keywords: ASD, prevalence, consanguinity, health facilit

    Agricultural intensification and policy interventions: Exploring plausible futures for smallholder farmers in Southern Mali

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    Assessing how livelihoods in rural sub-Saharan Africa might change given future trends in socio-economic and biophysical conditions helps to identify and direct effective efforts towards poverty reduction. Based on existing literature, hypothetical changes in farmer practices and policy interventions were described and used to build five contrasting scenarios towards the year 2027. A simulation framework was developed to assess food self-sufficiency and income per capita now and in the future for a representative village of 99 households in Southern Mali. In the current situation, 26% of the farms were food self-sufficient and above the 1.9 US$ day−1 poverty line. This percentage would fall to 13% in the “Business as usual” scenario. In the “Dairy development” scenario, with intensification of livestock production and support to the milk sector, 27% of farms would be food self-sufficient and non-poor. Additional policy interventions targeting family planning and job creation outside agriculture would be needed to improve both household food self-sufficiency and income per capita. In this optimistic scenario, 77% of the farms would be non-poor and food self-sufficient in 2027. Additional programs to promote Integrated Pest Management, small-scale mechanization and mineral fertilizer on traditional cereals could allow a drastic increase in productivity and would lift 94% of the farm population out of poverty. Considering the entire heterogeneous farm population was crucial to accurately assess pathways out of poverty. Our study stresses the need for a strategic and multi-sectoral combination of interventions to improve livelihoods

    Consommation d’alcool chez les travailleurs à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    Dans le monde du travail, l’alcoolisation de certains travailleurs est une prĂ©occupation aussi bien de l’employeur que des autres salariĂ©s. En effet, l’alcool est un facteur dĂ©multiplicateur du risque professionnel. Cependant trĂšs peu de donnĂ©es sont disponibles dans les pays de la sous-rĂ©gion. L’objectif Ă©tait d’étudier l’ampleur de la consommation d’alcool chez les travailleurs Ă  Ouagadougou. Nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  un Ă©chantillonnage stratifiĂ© simple. Le questionnaire AUDIT a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© aux travailleurs ayant donnĂ© leur consentement. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s sous formes univariĂ©es. L’échantillon Ă©tait constituĂ© de 350 travailleurs avec un taux de participation de 100 %. La prĂ©valence de la consommation d’alcool Ă©tait de 65,14 % avec une frĂ©quence de consommation infĂ©rieure ou Ă©gale Ă  4 fois par mois chez 50 % des travailleurs. La quantitĂ© d’alcool consommĂ©e un jour typique de consommation Ă©tait infĂ©rieure ou Ă©gale Ă  4 verres chez 57,02 %. Les travailleurs qui avaient une consommation Ă  faible risque Ă©taient les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s avec 39,43 %. Le sexe masculin, la confession religieuse non musulmane et le niveau d’instruction supĂ©rieur Ă©taient les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la consommation d’alcool chez les travailleurs. La consommation d’alcool chez les travailleurs dans la ville de Ouagadougou est importante. Cela interpelle les acteurs de la prĂ©vention quant Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’en tenir compte dans la politique santĂ© et sĂ©curitĂ© au travail en entreprise.Mots-clĂ©s: consommation d’alcool, travailleurs, OuagadougouEnglish Title: Alcohol consumption among workers in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)English AbstractIn the world of work, the alcoholism of certain workers is a concern for both the employer and other employees. Indeed, alcohol is a factor multiplying the occupational risk. However, very little data is available in the countries of the subregion. The objective was to study the extent of alcohol consumption among workers in Ouagadougou. We proceeded to a simple stratified sampling. The AUDIT questionnaire was administered to the workers who gave their consent. The results were presented in univariate. The sample consisted of 350 workers with a participation rate of 100%. The prevalence of alcohol consumption was 65.14% with a consumption frequency less than or equal to 4 times per month for 50% of workers. The amount of alcohol consumed on a typical day of consumption was less than or equal to 4 glasses in 57.02%. Workers with low risk consumption were the most represented at 39.43%. Male, non-Muslim, and higher education  were the factors associated with alcohol consumption among workers. Alcohol consumption among workers in the city of Ouagadougou is important and already requires the implementation of a policy to fight against the use of alcohol.Keywords: alcohol consumption, workers, Ouagadougo

    Prise en charge de la COVID-19 à domicile à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso au début de la pandémie (Résultats préliminaires)

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    Introduction : Face au nombre croissant de cas de refus d’hospitalisation d’une part et Ă  la faiblesse des capacitĂ©s d’hospitalisation d’autre part, le Burkina Faso a optĂ© pour un programme de suivi des patients Ă  domicile que nous Ă©tudions.MĂ©thodologie : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale descriptive du 16 avril au 20 mai 2020, Ă  Ouagadougou des patients COVID-19 confirmĂ©s par PCR et pris en charge Ă  domicile.RĂ©sultats : Au total 222 patients avec une COVID-19 ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s dont 30 patients (13,5%) pris en charge Ă  domicile. Le nombre moyen de suivi Ă©tait de 3,45 visites, l’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 36,1 ± 16,7 ans et les enfants ainsi que les sujets de plus de 60 ans reprĂ©sentaient chacun 10% des cas. Parmi les patients, 60% Ă©taient des cĂ©libataires et 22% avaient une comorbiditĂ© dont les plus frĂ©quentes Ă©taient le diabĂšte (13,2%) et l’hypertension artĂ©rielle (6,7%). Les principaux symptĂŽmes Ă©taient la toux (30,0%), l’asthĂ©nie physique (26,7%) et les cĂ©phalĂ©es (16,7%). Au cours du suivi, 33% des patients n’ont pas respectĂ© le confinement Ă  domicile : certains Ă©taient absents et d’autres Ă  leurs occupations sans port de masque ; Dans 10% des cas, les patients ont Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ©s et un dĂ©cĂšs a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©.Conclusion : Cette nouvelle pratique de prise en charge, si elle respecte certains critĂšres d’éligibilitĂ© permettra de dĂ©sengorger les structures sanitaires et offrirait plus de confort et de sĂ©rĂ©nitĂ© aux patients.   English title: Home Care of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso at the Start of the pandemic (Preliminary Results)Background : Faced with the growing number of cases of refusal of hospitalization on the one hand and the weakness of hospitalization capacity on the other hand, Burkina Faso has opted for a home patient monitoring program, which we study.Methodology : This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on COVID-19 patients confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and cared for at home from April 16 to May 20, 2020, in the city of Ouagadougou. Results : A total of 223 patients were identified in Ouagadougou, including 30 patients (13.5%) who were cared for at home. The mean number of follow-ups was 3.45 visits, average age was 36.1±16.7 years, children and people over 60 years in 10.0% of each. Of the patients, 60.0% were single and 22.0% had a comorbidity; the most common of which were diabetes (13.2%) and hypertension (6.7%). The main symptoms were cough (30.0%), physical asthenia (26.7%), and headache (16.7%). During follow-up, 33.0% did not adhere to containment at home: some of them were absents or doing theirs work without masque. Ten percent of patients takecare at home were hospitalized, and one death was recorded.Conclusion : If this new practice of home care meets certain eligibility criteria, it will relieve congestion at healthcare facilities and offer more comfort and serenity to patients