386 research outputs found

    New Elders, Old Divides: ICTs, Inequalities and Well-Being amongst Young Elderly Italians

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    Italia parece tener un retraso de unos diez años en comparación con otros países más digitalizados, tanto en el uso de las TIC por las personas mayores como en el estudio de la relación entre las TIC y los mayores de 65 años. Por ello, se hace urgente examinar los factores que influyen en la adopción de las tecnologías por los mayores y la capacidad real de estas para proporcionar recursos culturales e interactivos, útiles para mejorar el envejecimiento activo y mejorar su calidad de vida en salud y vida social. Este trabajo describe los principales resultados de un estudio que involucró a 900 italianos de 65 a 74 años, en el marco de un proyecto nacional de investigación sobre el envejecimiento activo. El estudio indaga en las características sociodemográficas de los mayores italianos usuarios de Internet y en los factores que influyen en el uso de las TIC. Los resultados evidencian que existe una fuerte brecha digital entre los mayores, influenciada por el contexto económico y cultural. En cuanto al envejecimiento activo, se demuestra que los mayores altamente digitales presentan una mejor vida saludable en su envejecimiento, sin poderse concluir que el uso de las TIC garantice la inclusión y participaciónWhen compared to more digitized western countries, Italy seems to have suffered a delay of ten years, in both the use of ICTs by the elderly and the study of the relation between elderly people, ICTs and ageing. Considering this time lapse, it is now urgent that we question the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs by the elderly and whether ICTs can provide cultural and relational resources that could improve the quality of life of elderly in terms of health and social life. This article describes the main findings of a survey carried out as part of a larger national research project focused on active ageing, which involved 900 Italian people aged between 65 and 74 years of age. The research investigates socio-demographic characteristics of young elderly Italian Internet users and factors related to their use of ICTs. Results have shown that there is a strong digital divide between young elderly Italians, which is primarly influenced –in terms of classical dynamics– by differences in economic, social and cultural capital. With regard to the theme of active ageing, if it is true that highly digitalized young elders are generally characterized by good health, at the present stage of this research it is not possible to indicate whether the adoption of ICTs guarantees social inclusion and participatio

    New Elders, Old Divides: ICTs, Inequalities and Well Being amongst Young Elderly Italians

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    When compared to more digitized western countries, Italy seems to have suffered a delay of ten years, in both the use of ICTs by the elderly and the study of the relation between elderly people, ICTs and ageing. Considering this time lapse, it is now urgent that we question the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs by the elderly and whether ICTs can provide cultural and relational resources that could improve the quality of life of elderly in terms of health and social life. This article describes the main findings of a survey carried out as part of a larger national research project focused on active ageing, which involved 900 Italian people aged between 65 and 74 years of age. The research investigate socio-demographic characteristics of young elderly Italian Internet users and factors related to their use of ICTs. Results have shown that there is a strong digital divide between young elderly Italians, which is primarly influenced –in terms of classical dynamics– by differences in economic, social and cultural capital. With regard to the theme of active ageing, if it is true that highly digitalized young elders are generally characterized by good health, at the present stage of this research it is not possible to indicate whether the adoption of ICTs guarantees social inclusion and participation

    Modelos narrativos y generaciones de espectadores televisivos en Italia

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    La hipótesis inicial de este artículo es que los hábitos de consumo de los medios experimentados en la juventud producen un efecto determinante en los futuros hábitos de consumo. A partir del análisis y del trabajo de campo sobre la historia de la televisión italiana y su audiencia, el artículo describe cuatro diferentes tipos de experiencias vitales, relacionadas todas ellas con determinados aspectos de la identidad generacional y con el fascinante cruce entre vida privada y pública, entre biografía individual y desarrollo del medio. Tras presentar un modelo teórico sobre las relaciones sociales, las situaciones históricas los marcos culturales que interactúan en la producción de formatos narrativos de cada generación de espectadores, el artículo intenta determinar el valor de las conexiones que se producen entre la identidad generacional de la audiencia y su actitud en relación a determinados modelos, narrativas y géneros.The essay moves from the hypothesis that media consumption habits experienced in the youth could produce an effect also on future consumption habits; on the basis of desk and field analysis on the italian Television history and its audience, the essay describes four different life experiences, all related to generational identity issues and to the fascinating crossover between private and public life, between individual biography and medium developement. After presenting a theoric model about social relations, storical situations and cultural frames interacting in the production of narrative formats of each audience's generation, the essay try to assess the value of connections between audience's generational identity and their attitude towards patterns, narratives and genres

    As mudanças institucionais na Era Vargas sob a perspectiva neoinstitucionalista

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    A análise neo-institucionalista proporciona um entendimento da evolução e da adequação institucional em um determinado recorte do tempo e do espaço. A Era Vargas foi um período com alterações institucionais de extrema importância para o processo de substituição de importações no Brasil. Aspectos do arranjo institucional formado na Era Vargas perduraram por décadas após o fim do Estado Novo. Este Trabalho analisa a evolução institucional da Era Vargas e busca elucidar a importância dessa evolução. Descreve a maneira pela qual essa evolução se da e seus impactos na alteração da visão habitual dos indivíduos através do ferramental de análise neo-institucionalista. Demonstra a gradualidade da evolução institucional, resultado da tendência inercial das instituições ao conservadorismo, e a inconformidade das instituições com as exigências do presente decorrente dessa gradualidade. Traça um paralelo entre conceitos veblenianos, como a Classe Ociosa, o consumo conspícuo e o ócio conspícuo, e a sociedade brasileira na Era Vargas.The neo-institutionalist analysis provides an understanding of institutional evolution and institutional adequacy in each time and space frame. The Vargas Era was a period with extremely important institutional changes for the import substitution process in Brazil. Aspects of the institutional arrangement formed in the Vargas Era lasted for decades after the end of the Estado Novo. This work analyzes the institutional evolution of the Vargas Era and seeks to elucidate the importance of this evolution. It describes the way in which this evolution takes place and its impacts on the alteration of the habitual view of individuals through the neoinstitutionalist analysis tool. It demonstrates the graduality of institutional evolution, a result of the inertial tendency of institutions towards conservatism, and the nonconformity of institutions with the demands of the present resulting from this graduality. It draws a parallel between Veblenian concepts, such as the Leisure Class, conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure, and Brazilian society in the Vargas Era

    Complicazioni Scheletriche Dopo Trapianto Renale

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    adolescents of the 1960s and 1970s an italian portuguese comparison between two generations of audiences

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    This article explores how far the media technologies, contents and habits experienced in the years of youth contribute to the shaping of collective identities, which are shared by all the members of a generation. On the basis of two sets of empirical research developed in Italy and Portugal according to a life-story approach, it compares the self accounts and media memories of two generations of audiences living their youth in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970s. The relevance of national and international media systems as a part of the "structure of opportunity" that contributes to the forming of generational identities was identified as framed by other structural constraints on political, socioeconomic, educational and cultural levels. In each country, attitudes toward technological innovation and media domestication lived in their years of youth also affected the first contact of people belonging to these generations with ICTs and new media in the 1980s and 1990s

    Televisione e Infanzia. Rapporto sull’offerta televisiva per bambini in Italia

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    Il presente report restituisce i risultati della prima annualità (2011-2012) della ricerca denominata “Televisione e Infanzia”, realizzata da OssCom – Centro di ricerca sui media e la comunicazione dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore per conto della Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà, nel quadro delle attività di Focus in Media, al fine di ricostruire e descrivere l’offerta televisiva specificamente rivolta al pubblico dei bambini e dei preadolescenti